ENTRY 32541 20240216 32113254100000001 SUBENT 32541001 20240216 32113254100100001 BIB 13 29 3254100100002 TITLE Measurement of neutron capture cross section 3254100100003 for natural hafnium 3254100100004 AUTHOR (Wang Chunhao, Xia Yijun, Yang Jingfu, Yang Zhihua, 3254100100005 Wang Shiming) 3254100100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRSIU) 3254100100007 REFERENCE (J,CNP,12,89,1990) 3254100100008 FACILITY (VDG,3CPRSIU) Pulsed 2.5 MeV Van de Graaff 3254100100009 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Ep=1.901 MeV, 2.5-3.0 uA on Li (1 mg/cm2) 3254100100010 SAMPLE HfO2, 40 mm diameter and 20 mm thickness 3254100100011 METHOD (TOF) Flight path 7 cm, resolution 22 ns/m 3254100100012 DETECTOR (MOXR) Two Moxon-Rae detectors for gamma detection 3254100100013 (GLASD) Li-6 glass scintillation detector to measure 3254100100014 transmitted neutron spectrum 3254100100015 (LONGC) for neutron fluence monitoring and 3254100100016 normalization 3254100100017 CORRECTION Corrected for 3254100100018 . gamma self-absorption 3254100100019 . neutron multiscattering and self-shielding 3254100100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error including errors due to 3254100100021 . flight path, 3254100100022 . background subtraction, 3254100100023 . Au standard cross section, 3254100100024 . detector efficiency. 3254100100025 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author 3254100100026 (APRVD) Proof-copy approved by authors 3254100100027 HISTORY (19910612C) Compiled by authors, corrected and checked 3254100100028 by Liang Qichang and Yu Hongwei 3254100100029 (20100328U) SD: AUTHOR: Yang Jinfu -> Yang Jingfu 3254100100030 (20240216A) On. Major revision in 002. 3254100100031 ENDBIB 29 0 3254100100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 3254100100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3254100199999 SUBENT 32541002 20240216 32113254100200001 BIB 4 5 3254100200002 REACTION 1((72-HF-0(N,G),,SIG)/(79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG)) 3254100200003 2(72-HF-0(N,G),,SIG) 3254100200004 MONITOR 2(79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 3254100200005 MONIT-REF 2(,Jiang Songsheng+,R,HSJ-77141,197805) 3254100200006 HISTORY (20240216A) On. MONIT -> DATA 3254100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 3254100200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3254100200009 DATA 5 20 3254100200010 EN EN-RSL DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 3254100200011 KEV KEV NO-DIM MB PER-CENT 3254100200012 11.40 0.33 1.328 1550. 10.0 3254100200013 13.00 0.42 1.310 1320. 9.1 3254100200014 14.50 0.49 1.429 1340. 9.0 3254100200015 15.60 0.54 1.320 1184. 8.6 3254100200016 16.90 0.61 1.448 1231. 8.3 3254100200017 18.30 0.69 1.310 1045. 7.9 3254100200018 19.90 0.78 1.285 974. 7.1 3254100200019 21.70 0.89 1.260 927. 7.1 3254100200020 23.70 1.0 1.210 847. 6.4 3254100200021 26.10 1.2 1.226 809. 7.8 3254100200022 28.90 1.4 1.290 791. 5.8 3254100200023 32.10 1.6 1.239 710. 5.9 3254100200024 35.90 1.9 1.249 677. 5.8 3254100200025 40.40 2.3 1.127 569. 5.7 3254100200026 45.80 2.8 1.208 580. 5.6 3254100200027 52.00 3.3 1.200 539. 5.5 3254100200028 60.50 4.2 1.230 503. 5.5 3254100200029 70.60 5.2 1.327 503. 5.4 3254100200030 83.50 6.8 1.243 440. 5.4 3254100200031 100.0 8.98 1.495 480. 6.6 3254100200032 ENDDATA 22 0 3254100200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3254100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3254199999999