ENTRY            32595   20240216                             32113259500000001 
SUBENT        32595001   20240216                             32113259500100001 
BIB                 14         26                                 3259500100002 
TITLE      Measurement of activation cross section for            3259500100003 
            179Hf(n,2n)178m2Hf reaction                           3259500100004 
AUTHOR     (Yu Weixiang, Lu Hanlin, Zhao Wenrong)                 3259500100005 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3259500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,CNP,14,326,1992)                                    3259500100007 
           (R,INDC(NDS)-286,57,1993)                              3259500100008 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CPRAEP)                                          3259500100009 
           (NGEN,3CPRLNZ)                                         3259500100010 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  3259500100011 
SAMPLE     Natual hafnium oxide hafnium powder pressed in to disc 3259500100012 
            20 mm in diameter, 2 mm in thickness                  3259500100013 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                3259500100014 
DETECTOR   (GELI) 136 cm3 GeLi detector for gamma-ray detection   3259500100015 
MONITOR    (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        3259500100016 
            Nb foils with 20 mm in diameter and 0.05 mm in        3259500100017 
            thickness                                             3259500100018 
MONIT-REF  (,Zhao Wenrong,R,INDC(CPR)-16,1989)                    3259500100019 
DECAY-MON  (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.,0.99)                       3259500100020 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu Weixiang+,J,CNP,14,326,1992) Table 5        3259500100021 
           (APRVD) proof copy approved by author and authors      3259500100022 
            corrections have been entered                         3259500100023 
HISTORY    (19930505C) Compiled by Liang Qichang (CNDC)           3259500100024 
           (19970424U) HW.- PART-DET deleted in subents 002,003.- 3259500100025 
           (19980716U) HW.- Reference added.                      3259500100026 
           (20100329U) SD: Updated to new date formats, lower case3259500100027 
           (20240216U) On. REFERENCE(CNP): Issue number deleted.  3259500100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 3259500100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3259500100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 3259500199999 
SUBENT        32595002   20100329                             31473259500200001 
BIB                  5         17                                 3259500200002 
REACTION   (72-HF-179(N,2N)72-HF-178-M2,,SIG)                     3259500200003 
DECAY-DATA (72-HF-178-M2,31.1YR,DG,574.,0.838,DG,495.,0.6892)     3259500200004 
CORRECTION Corrections were made for                              3259500200005 
             * gamma-ray self-absorption  5.0-8.0%,               3259500200006 
             * sum peak effect 47.0 and 48.0%,                    3259500200007 
             * fluctuation of neutron fluence  0.4-1.3%           3259500200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The errors consist of the following            3259500200009 
                    uncertainties:                                3259500200010 
           (MONIT-ERR) standard cross section 0.9-1.1%            3259500200011 
           (ERR-1) gamma-ray self-absorption 0.5%                 3259500200012 
           (ERR-2) weight and purity of sample 0.5%               3259500200013 
           (ERR-3) efficiency of gamma-ray full energy peak 1.5%  3259500200014 
           (ERR-S) statistics and area of gamma-ray               3259500200015 
                                 full energy peak           3.0%  3259500200016 
           (ERR-4) correction of sum peak                   6.9%  3259500200017 
           total                                7.7-7.8%          3259500200018 
HISTORY    (19970424U) HW.- Keyword PART-DET deleted.-            3259500200019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 3259500200020 
COMMON               5          3                                 3259500200021 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-S      ERR-4                 3259500200022 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3259500200023 
  0.5         0.5        1.5         3.0        6.9               3259500200024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3259500200025 
DATA                 6          2                                 3259500200026 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      MONIT      MONIT-ERR  3259500200027 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         3259500200028 
      14.19       0.23        6.6        0.6      457.6        4.53259500200029 
      14.77       0.48        7.0        0.6      458.9        5.63259500200030 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 3259500200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 3259500299999 
SUBENT        32595003   20100329                             31473259500300001 
BIB                  5         15                                 3259500300002 
REACTION   (72-HF-180(N,2N)72-HF-179-M2,,SIG)                     3259500300003 
DECAY-DATA (72-HF-179-M2,25.1D,DG,454.,0.66)                      3259500300004 
CORRECTION Corrections were made for                              3259500300005 
           gamma-ray self-absorption: 5.0-8.0 percent,            3259500300006 
           fluctuation of neutron fluence: 0.4-1.3 percent.       3259500300007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The errors consist of the following            3259500300008 
                    uncertainties:                                3259500300009 
           (MONIT-ERR) standard cross section 1.1%                3259500300010 
           (ERR-1) gamma-ray self-absorption 0.5%                 3259500300011 
           (ERR-2) weight and purity of sample 0.5%               3259500300012 
           (ERR-3) efficiency of gamma-ray full energy peak 1.5%  3259500300013 
           (ERR-S) statistics and area of gamma-ray               3259500300014 
                                 full energy peak           1.0%  3259500300015 
           total                                2.2%              3259500300016 
HISTORY    (19970424U) HW.- Keyword PART-DET deleted.-            3259500300017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 3259500300018 
COMMON               4          3                                 3259500300019 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-S                            3259500300020 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         3259500300021 
  0.5         0.5        1.5         1.0                          3259500300022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3259500300023 
DATA                 6          1                                 3259500300024 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      MONIT      MONIT-ERR  3259500300025 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         3259500300026 
      14.77       0.48       25.1        0.5      458.9        5.63259500300027 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3259500300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 3259500399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3259599999999