ENTRY            32616   20220826                             32083261600000001 
SUBENT        32616001   20220826                             32083261600100001 
BIB                 11         43                                 3261600100002 
TITLE      Measurement of double differential cross sections of   3261600100003 
           secondary neutrons in the incident energy range        3261600100004 
           9-13 MeV                                               3261600100005 
AUTHOR     (Tang Hongqing, Qi Bujia, Zhou Zuying, Sa Jun,         3261600100006 
           Ke Zunjian, Sui Qingchang, Xia Haihong, Shen Guanren)  3261600100007 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3261600100008 
REFERENCE  (C,91BEIJIN,,32,1991) Graphs only                      3261600100009 
           (C,94GATLIN,2,901,1994) graphs only                    3261600100010 
           (J,CNP,14,147,1992) error information and table        3261600100011 
           (C,91JUELIC,,436,1991) DDX at 45 and 120 deg in figs.  3261600100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3CPRAEP) HI-13 tandem Van de Graaff              3261600100013 
INC-SOURCE (D-D) 7 MeV pulsed deuteron beam impinges on a         3261600100014 
           deuterium gas target                                   3261600100015 
SAMPLE     Hollow cylinder of depleted uranium metal or bismuth   3261600100016 
           with an outside diameter of 3 cm, inside diameter of   3261600100017 
           1 cm and height of 3 cm.                               3261600100018 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detector is a liquid scintillator   3261600100019 
           with diameter of 10.4 cm and thickness of 5 cm.        3261600100020 
METHOD      -An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro-     3261600100021 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261600100022 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261600100023 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261600100024 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261600100025 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261600100026 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261600100027 
           - Measurement with a normal TOF spectrometer.          3261600100028 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data was provided by authors through private   3261600100029 
           communication                                          3261600100030 
HISTORY    (19931105C) Compiled by Liang Qichang at CNDC          3261600100031 
           (19940615A) HW.-Reference replaced in subent 001, pre- 3261600100032 
           vious reference moved to subents 002-006. new subent   3261600100033 
           012 added. METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR and COMMENT     3261600100034 
           moved to subents 002-011.-                             3261600100035 
           (19960219U) HW.- Reference added.                      3261600100036 
           (19970424A) Hw.- Outgoing particle sequence corrected  3261600100037 
           in subent 012.-                                        3261600100038 
           (20100219A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3261600100039 
            Author's name corrected (Xiu Haiheng => Xiu Haihong); 3261600100040 
             one added (Shen Guanren); Title corrected            3261600100041 
           (20220826A) VT. AUTHOR: Ke Zunjuan->Ke Zunjian,        3261600100042 
           Xiu Haihong->Xia Haihong and                           3261600100043 
           REFERENCE:(C,91JUELIC,,436,1991) and METHOD added and  3261600100044 
           revision in 002-006, 012                               3261600100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 3261600100046 
COMMON               1          3                                 3261600100047 
EN                                                                3261600100048 
MEV                                                               3261600100049 
9.6                                                               3261600100050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 3261600199999 
SUBENT        32616002   20220826                             32083261600200001 
BIB                  6         20                                 3261600200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                           3261600200003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600200004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600200005 
           meter.                                                 3261600200006 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600200007 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600200008 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2) Overall uncertainties     5.4-11.2%   3261600200009 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600200010 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600200011 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600200012 
             and neutron fluence attenuation             2%       3261600200013 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600200014 
             scattering of carbon                          2%     3261600200015 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600200016 
             of elastic scattering of carbon                3%    3261600200017 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600200018 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600200019 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600200020 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600200021 
           (20220826U) VT. REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted  3261600200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261600200023 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600200024 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600200025 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600200026 
45.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600200028 
DATA                 3         21                                 3261600200029 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600200030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600200031 
       1.85      209.1        5.6                                 3261600200032 
       2.25      107.4        4.1                                 3261600200033 
       2.65    70.2000        4.1                                 3261600200034 
       3.05    59.3000        4.3                                 3261600200035 
       3.45    45.2000        4.9                                 3261600200036 
       3.85    33.4000        2.9                                 3261600200037 
       4.25    34.8000        3.0                                 3261600200038 
       4.65    28.6000        3.1                                 3261600200039 
       5.05    26.6000        3.4                                 3261600200040 
       5.45    18.3000        4.2                                 3261600200041 
       5.85    15.4000        4.5                                 3261600200042 
       6.25    10.3000        5.3                                 3261600200043 
       6.65    13.3000        5.2                                 3261600200044 
       7.05    11.3000        5.4                                 3261600200045 
       7.45    13.4000        5.2                                 3261600200046 
       7.85     9.5000        5.4                                 3261600200047 
       8.25     5.9000        7.7                                 3261600200048 
       8.65    11.0000        6.0                                 3261600200049 
       9.05    24.9000        3.6                                 3261600200050 
       9.45      385.2        1.0                                 3261600200051 
       9.85    55.9000        2.5                                 3261600200052 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 3261600200053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 3261600299999 
SUBENT        32616003   20220826                             32083261600300001 
BIB                  6         20                                 3261600300002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                           3261600300003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600300004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600300005 
           meter.                                                 3261600300006 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600300007 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600300008 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2) Overall uncertainties     5.4-11.2%   3261600300009 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600300010 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600300011 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600300012 
             and neutron fluence attenuation             2%       3261600300013 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600300014 
             scattering of carbon                          2%     3261600300015 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600300016 
             of elastic scattering of carbon                3%    3261600300017 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600300018 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600300019 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600300020 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600300021 
           (20220826U) VT. REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted  3261600300022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261600300023 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600300024 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600300025 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600300026 
70.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600300027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600300028 
DATA                 3         22                                 3261600300029 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600300030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600300031 
      1.850      198.2      3.400                                 3261600300032 
      2.250      101.7      2.400                                 3261600300033 
      2.650    77.8000      2.300                                 3261600300034 
      3.050    54.9000      2.500                                 3261600300035 
      3.450    49.4000      2.700                                 3261600300036 
      3.850    35.3000      2.300                                 3261600300037 
      4.250    31.1000      2.600                                 3261600300038 
      4.650    23.7000      2.800                                 3261600300039 
      5.050    17.5000      3.300                                 3261600300040 
      5.450    15.7000      3.500                                 3261600300041 
      5.850    12.4000      4.200                                 3261600300042 
      6.250    10.8000      4.200                                 3261600300043 
      6.650     7.4000      5.600                                 3261600300044 
      7.050     9.2000      5.000                                 3261600300045 
      7.450     8.3000      4.800                                 3261600300046 
      7.850     7.4000      5.000                                 3261600300047 
      8.250     7.4000      5.600                                 3261600300048 
      8.650    10.8000      4.700                                 3261600300049 
      9.050    27.2000      2.900                                 3261600300050 
      9.450      187.6      1.100                                 3261600300051 
      9.850    40.2000      2.500                                 3261600300052 
      10.25     0.4000       24.0                                 3261600300053 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 3261600300054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 3261600399999 
SUBENT        32616004   20220826                             32083261600400001 
BIB                  6         20                                 3261600400002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                           3261600400003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600400004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600400005 
           meter.                                                 3261600400006 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600400007 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600400008 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2) Overall uncertainties     5.4-11.2%   3261600400009 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600400010 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600400011 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600400012 
             and neutron fluence attenuation             2%       3261600400013 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600400014 
             scattering of carbon                          2%     3261600400015 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600400016 
             of elastic scattering of carbon                3%    3261600400017 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600400018 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600400019 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600400020 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600400021 
           (20220826U) VT. REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted  3261600400022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261600400023 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600400024 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600400025 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600400026 
90.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600400027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600400028 
DATA                 3         22                                 3261600400029 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600400030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600400031 
      1.850      144.7      7.300                                 3261600400032 
      2.250    90.1000      4.700                                 3261600400033 
      2.650    65.7000      4.500                                 3261600400034 
      3.050    50.5000      4.700                                 3261600400035 
      3.450    42.9000      5.300                                 3261600400036 
      3.850    29.2000      2.500                                 3261600400037 
      4.250    30.4000      2.700                                 3261600400038 
      4.650    20.7000      3.100                                 3261600400039 
      5.050    18.0000      3.300                                 3261600400040 
      5.450    15.6000      3.600                                 3261600400041 
      5.850    11.0000      4.100                                 3261600400042 
      6.250     7.6000      5.000                                 3261600400043 
      6.650     6.9000      5.800                                 3261600400044 
      7.050     6.9000      5.700                                 3261600400045 
      7.450     6.9000      5.300                                 3261600400046 
      7.850     5.5000      6.300                                 3261600400047 
      8.250     6.1000      6.400                                 3261600400048 
      8.650     5.6000      6.500                                 3261600400049 
      9.050     9.5000      4.700                                 3261600400050 
      9.450    55.0000      2.000                                 3261600400051 
      9.850     8.7000      5.100                                 3261600400052 
      10.25     1.1000       27.0                                 3261600400053 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 3261600400054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 3261600499999 
SUBENT        32616005   20220826                             32083261600500001 
BIB                  6         20                                 3261600500002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                           3261600500003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600500004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600500005 
           meter.                                                 3261600500006 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600500007 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600500008 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2) Overall uncertainties     5.4-11.2%   3261600500009 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600500010 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600500011 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600500012 
             and neutron fluence attenuation             2%       3261600500013 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600500014 
             scattering of carbon                          2%     3261600500015 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600500016 
             of elastic scattering of carbon                3%    3261600500017 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600500018 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600500019 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600500020 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600500021 
           (20220826U) VT. REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted  3261600500022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261600500023 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600500024 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600500025 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600500026 
110.           3.         2.         3.         2.                3261600500027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600500028 
DATA                 3         21                                 3261600500029 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600500030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600500031 
       1.85   174.9           3.1                                 3261600500032 
       2.25    79.0000        2.3                                 3261600500033 
       2.65    57.7000        2.9                                 3261600500034 
       3.05    43.2000        2.5                                 3261600500035 
       3.45    36.2000        2.8                                 3261600500036 
       3.85    26.2000        2.3                                 3261600500037 
       4.25    26.5000        2.7                                 3261600500038 
       4.65    18.0000        3.0                                 3261600500039 
       5.05    15.5000        3.4                                 3261600500040 
       5.45    10.6000        4.0                                 3261600500041 
       5.85     8.3000        4.3                                 3261600500042 
       6.25     8.3000        4.8                                 3261600500043 
       6.65     7.6000        5.1                                 3261600500044 
       7.05     6.4000        5.5                                 3261600500045 
       7.45     4.6000        6.1                                 3261600500046 
       7.85     4.2000        7.0                                 3261600500047 
       8.25     5.7000        6.3                                 3261600500048 
       8.65     3.7000        7.7                                 3261600500049 
       9.05    10.2000        4.4                                 3261600500050 
       9.45    49.5000        2.0                                 3261600500051 
       9.85     6.2000        5.8                                 3261600500052 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 3261600500053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 3261600599999 
SUBENT        32616006   20220826                             32083261600600001 
BIB                  6         20                                 3261600600002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                           3261600600003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600600004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600600005 
           meter.                                                 3261600600006 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600600007 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600600008 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2) Overall uncertainties     5.4-11.2%   3261600600009 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600600010 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600600011 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600600012 
             and neutron fluence attenuation             2%       3261600600013 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600600014 
             scattering of carbon                          2%     3261600600015 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600600016 
             of elastic scattering of carbon                3%    3261600600017 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600600018 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600600019 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600600020 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600600021 
           (20220826U) VT. REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted  3261600600022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261600600023 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600600024 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600600025 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600600026 
120.           3.         2.         3.         2.                3261600600027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600600028 
DATA                 3         22                                 3261600600029 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600600030 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600600031 
      1.850      255.1      4.500                                 3261600600032 
      2.250      103.3      3.700                                 3261600600033 
      2.650    77.5000      3.700                                 3261600600034 
      3.050    51.7000      4.200                                 3261600600035 
      3.450    43.7000      4.600                                 3261600600036 
      3.850    32.8000      2.800                                 3261600600037 
      4.250    42.9000      2.700                                 3261600600038 
      4.650    29.6000      3.300                                 3261600600039 
      5.050    23.6000      3.500                                 3261600600040 
      5.450    15.8000      4.200                                 3261600600041 
      5.850    15.9000      4.200                                 3261600600042 
      6.250    19.3000      4.100                                 3261600600043 
      6.650     7.6000      6.100                                 3261600600044 
      7.050     8.1000      6.100                                 3261600600045 
      7.450     5.3000      7.200                                 3261600600046 
      7.850     8.1000      6.500                                 3261600600047 
      8.250     7.4000      7.000                                 3261600600048 
      8.650     2.0000       12.9                                 3261600600049 
      9.050     7.7000      6.500                                 3261600600050 
      9.450    29.8000      3.200                                 3261600600051 
      9.850     2.0000       12.3                                 3261600600052 
      10.25     0.4000       25.0                                 3261600600053 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 3261600600054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 3261600699999 
SUBENT        32616007   20100219                             31473261600700001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3261600700002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                          3261600700003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600700004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600700005 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261600700006 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261600700007 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261600700008 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261600700009 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261600700010 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261600700011 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600700012 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600700013 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600700014 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600700015 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600700016 
             and neutron fluence attenuation        2%            3261600700017 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600700018 
             scattering of carbon                   2%            3261600700019 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600700020 
             of elastic scattering of carbon        3%            3261600700021 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2)  total            5.4-11.2%           3261600700022 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600700023 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600700024 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600700025 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600700026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3261600700027 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600700028 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600700029 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600700030 
45.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600700031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600700032 
DATA                 3         21                                 3261600700033 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600700034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600700035 
       1.85   134.8         5.600                                 3261600700036 
       2.25    71.1000      4.100                                 3261600700037 
       2.65    44.6000      4.200                                 3261600700038 
       3.05    38.0000      4.600                                 3261600700039 
       3.45    26.8000      5.400                                 3261600700040 
       3.85    22.0000      2.700                                 3261600700041 
       4.25    20.9000      2.800                                 3261600700042 
       4.65    26.6000      2.500                                 3261600700043 
       5.05    18.4000      3.000                                 3261600700044 
       5.45    18.7000      2.900                                 3261600700045 
       5.85     7.4000      3.900                                 3261600700046 
       6.25     2.8000      7.100                                 3261600700047 
       6.65     4.2000      4.900                                 3261600700048 
       7.05    15.4000      3.200                                 3261600700049 
       7.45     0.2000     38.0                                   3261600700050 
       7.85     2.5000      9.000                                 3261600700051 
       8.25     0.9000     12.7                                   3261600700052 
       8.65     4.9000      6.600                                 3261600700053 
       9.05    30.3000      2.400                                 3261600700054 
       9.45   467.6         0.700                                 3261600700055 
       9.85    68.9000      1.800                                 3261600700056 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 3261600700057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 3261600799999 
SUBENT        32616008   20100219                             31473261600800001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3261600800002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                          3261600800003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600800004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600800005 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261600800006 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261600800007 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261600800008 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261600800009 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261600800010 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261600800011 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600800012 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600800013 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600800014 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600800015 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600800016 
             and neutron fluence attenuation        2%            3261600800017 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600800018 
             scattering of carbon                   2%            3261600800019 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600800020 
             of elastic scattering of carbon        3%            3261600800021 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2)  total            5.4-11.2%           3261600800022 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600800023 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600800024 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600800025 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600800026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3261600800027 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600800028 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600800029 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600800030 
70.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600800031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600800032 
DATA                 3         22                                 3261600800033 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600800034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600800035 
      1.850   179.0         4.600                                 3261600800036 
      2.250    82.0000      3.700                                 3261600800037 
      2.650    48.1000      3.900                                 3261600800038 
      3.050    37.8000      4.400                                 3261600800039 
      3.450    31.0000      3.800                                 3261600800040 
      3.850    15.1000      3.900                                 3261600800041 
      4.250    10.6000      4.100                                 3261600800042 
      4.650     6.3000      5.300                                 3261600800043 
      5.050     7.5000      5.200                                 3261600800044 
      5.450     9.9000      4.600                                 3261600800045 
      5.850     3.8000      8.300                                 3261600800046 
      6.250     3.6000      8.000                                 3261600800047 
      6.650     3.0000      6.400                                 3261600800048 
      7.050     4.7000      5.400                                 3261600800049 
      7.450     1.7000     13.2                                   3261600800050 
      7.850     1.8000     12.6                                   3261600800051 
      8.250     0.1000     83.0                                   3261600800052 
      8.650     3.6000      9.200                                 3261600800053 
      9.050    13.0000      4.700                                 3261600800054 
      9.450   152.0         1.400                                 3261600800055 
      9.850    41.4000      2.700                                 3261600800056 
     10.25      0.6000     23.0                                   3261600800057 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 3261600800058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 3261600899999 
SUBENT        32616009   20100219                             31473261600900001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3261600900002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                          3261600900003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261600900004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261600900005 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261600900006 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261600900007 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261600900008 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261600900009 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261600900010 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261600900011 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261600900012 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261600900013 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261600900014 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261600900015 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261600900016 
             and neutron fluence attenuation        2%            3261600900017 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261600900018 
             scattering of carbon                   2%            3261600900019 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261600900020 
             of elastic scattering of carbon        3%            3261600900021 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2)  total            5.4-11.2%           3261600900022 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261600900023 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261600900024 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261600900025 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261600900026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3261600900027 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261600900028 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261600900029 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261600900030 
90.           3.         2.         3.         2.                 3261600900031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261600900032 
DATA                 3         22                                 3261600900033 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261600900034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261600900035 
      1.850   115.9         6.500                                 3261600900036 
      2.250    59.6000      4.900                                 3261600900037 
      2.650    38.8000      4.900                                 3261600900038 
      3.050    37.9000      4.800                                 3261600900039 
      3.450    17.6000      6.800                                 3261600900040 
      3.850    16.7000      2.800                                 3261600900041 
      4.250    15.8000      3.000                                 3261600900042 
      4.650    12.0000      3.400                                 3261600900043 
      5.050     4.1000      5.900                                 3261600900044 
      5.450     7.3000      4.100                                 3261600900045 
      5.850     4.5000      5.900                                 3261600900046 
      6.250     5.5000      4.800                                 3261600900047 
      6.650     3.6000      4.100                                 3261600900048 
      7.050     6.6000      3.400                                 3261600900049 
      7.450     0.1000     84.0                                   3261600900050 
      7.850     3.7000      6.900                                 3261600900051 
      8.250     2.1000      9.200                                 3261600900052 
      8.650     1.0000     12.2                                   3261600900053 
      9.050    22.7000      2.900                                 3261600900054 
      9.450    80.4000      1.500                                 3261600900055 
      9.850    17.9000      3.200                                 3261600900056 
     10.25      0.5000     18.0                                   3261600900057 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 3261600900058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 3261600999999 
SUBENT        32616010   20100219                             31473261601000001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3261601000002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                          3261601000003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261601000004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261601000005 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261601000006 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261601000007 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261601000008 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261601000009 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261601000010 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261601000011 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261601000012 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261601000013 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261601000014 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261601000015 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261601000016 
             and neutron fluence attenuation        2%            3261601000017 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261601000018 
             scattering of carbon                   2%            3261601000019 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261601000020 
             of elastic scattering of carbon        3%            3261601000021 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2)  total            5.4-11.2%           3261601000022 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261601000023 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261601000024 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261601000025 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261601000026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3261601000027 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261601000028 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261601000029 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261601000030 
110.           3.         2.         3.         2.                3261601000031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261601000032 
DATA                 3         21                                 3261601000033 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261601000034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261601000035 
       1.85   154.4        4.8000                                 3261601000036 
       2.25    42.2000     4.6000                                 3261601000037 
       2.65    33.7000     4.3000                                 3261601000038 
       3.05    23.7000     5.3000                                 3261601000039 
       3.45    20.1000     5.6000                                 3261601000040 
       3.85    14.5000     2.7000                                 3261601000041 
       4.25    11.3000     3.1000                                 3261601000042 
       4.65     9.2000     3.4000                                 3261601000043 
       5.05     8.3000     3.7000                                 3261601000044 
       5.45     5.0000     4.6000                                 3261601000045 
       5.85     3.0000     6.1000                                 3261601000046 
       6.25     2.3000     6.8000                                 3261601000047 
       6.65     1.2000     6.2000                                 3261601000048 
       7.05     2.7000     5.1000                                 3261601000049 
       7.45     1.5000     9.3000                                 3261601000050 
       7.85     0.9000    11.9000                                 3261601000051 
       8.25     0.1000   100.0                                    3261601000052 
       8.65     0.4000    21.0000                                 3261601000053 
       9.05     8.5000     4.2000                                 3261601000054 
       9.45    35.7000     2.0000                                 3261601000055 
       9.85     1.7000     9.3000                                 3261601000056 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 3261601000057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 3261601099999 
SUBENT        32616011   20100219                             31473261601100001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3261601100002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                          3261601100003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261601100004 
METHOD     (TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261601100005 
           meter is introduced in which the distance between      3261601100006 
           neutron source and sample is 220 cm, and distance      3261601100007 
           between sample and neutron detector is 70 cm. With     3261601100008 
           this spectrometer the two groups of neutrons induced   3261601100009 
           by monoenergetic and break-up neutrons from the d+d    3261601100010 
           reaction are well separated in the tof spectrum.       3261601100011 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties estimated for double differential cross  3261601100012 
           section measurement of secondary neutrons              3261601100013 
           (ERR-S) counting statistics                   2-10%    3261601100014 
           (ERR-1) neutron detector efficiency            3%      3261601100015 
           (ERR-2) Monte-Carlo correction for multi-scattering    3261601100016 
             and neutron fluence attenuation        2%            3261601100017 
           (DATA-ERR) counting statistics for elastic             3261601100018 
             scattering of carbon                   2%            3261601100019 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty of differential cross section      3261601100020 
             of elastic scattering of carbon        3%            3261601100021 
           (ERR-T,5.4,11.2)  total            5.4-11.2%           3261601100022 
COMMENT    Double differential cross section for secondary        3261601100023 
           neutrons including the elastic scattering neutrons.    3261601100024 
HISTORY    (19940615U) HW.- Reference, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, MONITOR3261601100025 
           and COMMENT added in BIB-section.-                     3261601100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3261601100027 
COMMON               5          3                                 3261601100028 
ANG        ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      DATA-ERR              3261601100029 
ADEG       PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3261601100030 
120.           3.         2.         3.         2.                3261601100031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3261601100032 
DATA                 3         21                                 3261601100033 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       3261601100034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  PER-CENT                                    3261601100035 
       1.85   210.3        4.0000                                 3261601100036 
       2.25    63.3000     3.8000                                 3261601100037 
       2.65    32.4000     4.4000                                 3261601100038 
       3.05    21.9000     5.1000                                 3261601100039 
       3.45    17.3000     5.8000                                 3261601100040 
       3.85    12.2000     3.0000                                 3261601100041 
       4.25     9.4000     3.3000                                 3261601100042 
       4.65     6.0000     4.3000                                 3261601100043 
       5.05     4.1000     4.9000                                 3261601100044 
       5.45     5.8000     4.3000                                 3261601100045 
       5.85     3.1000     6.4000                                 3261601100046 
       6.25     0.9000    10.6000                                 3261601100047 
       6.65     1.2000     5.9000                                 3261601100048 
       7.05     1.0000     4.8000                                 3261601100049 
       7.45     2.5000     7.7000                                 3261601100050 
       7.85     0.5000    14.1000                                 3261601100051 
       8.25     0.1000   100.0                                    3261601100052 
       8.65     0.7000    15.0000                                 3261601100053 
       9.05     6.3000     4.9000                                 3261601100054 
       9.45    40.4000     1.9000                                 3261601100055 
       9.85     2.7000     7.5000                                 3261601100056 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 3261601100057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 3261601199999 
SUBENT        32616012   20220826                             32083261601200001 
BIB                  7         20                                 3261601200002 
REACTION  1(92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,DA)                        3261601200003 
          2(92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,DA)                        3261601200004 
CRITIQUE  1Comment by S.Simakov: possible inclusion of inelastic  3261601200005 
           scattering below Ex ~> 0.74 MeV.                       3261601200006 
          2Comment by S.Simakov: possible inclusion of inelastic  3261601200007 
           scattering below Ex ~> 0.23 MeV.                       3261601200008 
REL-REF    (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022)               3261601200009 
METHOD    1(TOF) An abnormal fast neutron time-of-flight spectro- 3261601200010 
           meter.                                                 3261601200011 
          2(TOF) Measurement with a normal TOF spectrometer.      3261601200012 
MONITOR   1(6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               3261601200013 
          2(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) Polyethylene is used as the     3261601200014 
           reference sample.                                      3261601200015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J,CNP,14,147,1992                   3261601200016 
HISTORY    (19940615A) HW.- New subent added.-                    3261601200017 
           (19970424A) HW.- Outgoing particle sequence corrected  3261601200018 
           under MONITOR (2).-                                    3261601200019 
           (20220826A) VT. REACTION1,2:SF5->EXL, CRITIQUE, REL-REF3261601200020 
           added. MONITOR2: SF3:N->EL and                         3261601200021 
           REFERENCE: J,CNP,14,147,1992  deleted                  3261601200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3261601200023 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3261601200024 
DATA                 3          3                                 3261601200025 
ANG        DATA      1DATA      2                                 3261601200026 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       3261601200027 
45.        209.6      204.8                                       3261601200028 
90.        29.8       29.4                                        3261601200029 
120.       19.5       20.4                                        3261601200030 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 3261601200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 3261601299999 
ENDENTRY            12          0                                 3261699999999