ENTRY            32620   20011126                             00003262000000001 
SUBENT        32620001   20011126                             00003262000100001 
BIB                 14         45                                 3262000100002 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRHST)                                              3262000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,117,67,199405) all results, data tables         3262000100004 
           (J,CNP,16,(2),120,199405) same results as NSE 117,but  3262000100005 
           figures only;angle integrated cross section identical. 3262000100006 
AUTHOR     (Bangjiao Ye,Yangmei Fan,Zhangmin Wang,Rongdian Han,   3262000100007 
            Zhenxi Xiao)                                          3262000100008 
TITLE      The Nb-93(n,xp)reaction at En=14.6 MeV                 3262000100009 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CPRHST) 150 kV Cockcroft-Walton accelerator      3262000100010 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  3262000100011 
SAMPLE     Metallic niobium sample,thickness=0.8 mm,              3262000100012 
           purity=99.99 per-cent.                                 3262000100013 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  3262000100014 
DETECTOR   (TELES,PROPC,CSICR)                                    3262000100015 
           The multi-telescope system consists of two-layer       3262000100016 
           ring-shaped energy loss (delta E) detectors and a      3262000100017 
           central CsI(Tl) energy detector.                       3262000100018 
           the outer detector (delta E1) consists of 32           3262000100019 
           separate proportional counters used to obtain the      3262000100020 
           energy signals of charged particles. the inner         3262000100021 
           detector (delta E2) consists of 16 separate            3262000100022 
           proportional counters, and its signals serve as one of 3262000100023 
           the triple-coincidence signals.                        3262000100024 
              A 25 mm diam.* 1mm thickness CsI(Tl) crystal serves 3262000100025 
           as the central energy detector.                        3262000100026 
              A mixture of 95 per-cent argon and 5 per-cent co2   3262000100027 
           gas was used in this system. The system operates at a  3262000100028 
           low gas pressure (100 mbar) and in the gas flow mode.  3262000100029 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    3262000100030 
MONITOR    Absolute measurement.                                  3262000100031 
ERR-ANALYS   The statistical error and all identified systematic  3262000100032 
           errors are combined to obtain the total error.         3262000100033 
             The total systematic error is 5.4 per-cent, it       3262000100034 
           includes:                                              3262000100035 
           3.3 per-cent for neutron flux                          3262000100036 
           1.0 per-cent for target thickness                      3262000100037 
           3.0 per-cent for solid angle of the central detector   3262000100038 
           2.0 per-cent for de/dx value                           3262000100039 
           2.0 per-cent for data reduction procedure              3262000100040 
             The statistical error is calculated according to     3262000100041 
           the counts in individual energy bins.                  3262000100042 
STATUS     Data taken from table 1 and 2 of Nuclear Science and   3262000100043 
           Engineering,117,67(1994).                              3262000100044 
HISTORY    (19941220C) Compiled by Liang Qichang (CNDC)           3262000100045 
           (20010906U) ML added: reference Chinese J.Nucl.Phys.,  3262000100046 
            some free text, lab for facility.                     3262000100047 
ENDBIB              45          0                                 3262000100048 
COMMON               1          3                                 3262000100049 
EN                                                                3262000100050 
MEV                                                               3262000100051 
14.6                                                              3262000100052 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3262000100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 3262000199999 
SUBENT        32620002   19950627                             00003262000200001 
BIB                  3          7                                 3262000200002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(N,X)1-H-1,,DE)                               3262000200003 
EN-SEC     (E,P)                                                  3262000200004 
STATUS     The double-differential proton emission spectra were   3262000200005 
           measured for reaction angles from 33 to 159 deg, and   3262000200006 
           proton energy from 4 to 14 MeV. From them the          3262000200007 
           angle-integrated proton emission cross section, i.e.   3262000200008 
           the energy spectra were obtained.                      3262000200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 3262000200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3262000200011 
DATA                 4         10                                 3262000200012 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA       DATA-ERR                         3262000200013 
MEV        MEV        MB/MEV     MB/MEV                           3262000200014 
4.         5.         2.49       1.45                             3262000200015 
5.         6.         5.82       1.43                             3262000200016 
6.         7.         8.00       0.83                             3262000200017 
7.         8.         8.49       1.01                             3262000200018 
8.         9.         6.68       1.01                             3262000200019 
9.         10.        6.42       0.62                             3262000200020 
10.        11.        4.14       0.79                             3262000200021 
11.        12.        3.12       0.77                             3262000200022 
12.        13.        2.12       0.55                             3262000200023 
13.        14.        0.41       0.51                             3262000200024 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 3262000200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 3262000299999 
SUBENT        32620003   19950627                             00003262000300001 
BIB                  2          5                                 3262000300002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG)                              3262000300003 
STATUS     (DEP,32620002)                                         3262000300004 
           From the double-differential proton emission spectra   3262000300005 
           the total proton emission cross section for proton     3262000300006 
           energy of 4 to 14 MeV was obtained.                    3262000300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 3262000300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3262000300009 
DATA                 2          1                                 3262000300010 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               3262000300011 
MB         MB                                                     3262000300012 
47.7       3.0                                                    3262000300013 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3262000300014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 3262000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3262099999999