ENTRY 32696 20221002 32093269600000001 SUBENT 32696001 20221002 32093269600100001 BIB 16 56 3269600100002 TITLE Measurements of (n,2n) reaction cross sections 3269600100003 at 14 MeV for several nuclei 3269600100004 AUTHOR (Chuanxin Zhu, Yuan Chen, Yunfeng Mou, Pu Zheng, 3269600100005 Tie He, Xinhua Wang, Li An, Haiping Guo) 3269600100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRNPC) 3269600100007 REFERENCE (J,NSE,169,188,2011) 3269600100008 FACILITY (CCW,3CPRNPC) 3269600100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) The incident d+ beam energy and intensity were 3269600100010 250 keV and aprx 0.5 mA, respectively; neutron 3269600100011 yield was about 5.e+10 to 8.e+10 neutrons/sec. 3269600100012 Samples were fixed using adhesive tape to the locations3269600100013 at angles 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 deg with respect3269600100014 to the d+ beam direction and TiT target center so that3269600100015 simultaneous irradiations could be fulfilled in the 3269600100016 range of 13.4 to 14.8 MeV, and the distance from the 3269600100017 titanium-tritide target to the sample was 20 cm. 3269600100018 SAMPLE The aluminium purity was 99.999%. 3269600100019 The RbCl sample, diameter 2.0 cm and thickness 1 mm, 3269600100020 was made by pressing RbCl powder with a purity of 3269600100021 99.95%. 3269600100022 The cerium sample was machined to a diameter of 2.0 cm 3269600100023 and thickness of 2 mm because of its friability. 3269600100024 Other samples had diameters of 2.0 to 2.4 cm, 3269600100025 thickness of 0.2 to 0.5 mm, with purity of 99.99%. 3269600100026 Details given in Table I in J.NSE,169,(2),191,2011. 3269600100027 METHOD (ACTIV,ASSOP) The irradiation time was from 10 to 30 h,3269600100028 depending on the half-life of the products. 3269600100029 DETECTOR (HPGE) The HPGe detectors were calibrated with a set 3269600100030 of standard gamma-ray sources including 152Eu, 226Ra, 3269600100031 133Ba and 60Co. 3269600100032 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 3269600100033 MONIT-REF (,H.Vonach,R,INDC(SEC)-0101,75,1992) 3269600100034 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.997HR,DG,1368.538,1.0) 3269600100035 CORRECTION The corrections were made for 3269600100036 - self absorption in sample; 3269600100037 - the growth of the ground state level from the 3269600100038 isomeric level for 197Au,175Lu,185Re(n,2n) cross 3269600100039 sections; 3269600100040 - detector efficiency. 3269600100041 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error estimated: 3269600100042 - Constant 4% was assumed. 3269600100043 - Gamma ray counting statistics 3269600100044 (ERR-1) Detector efficiency (2.0%) 3269600100045 (ERR-2) Neutrons scattering correction (1.0%) 3269600100046 (ERR-3) Gamma-ray emission probability (2.0%) 3269600100047 (ERR-4) Detector efficiency correction (1.5%) 3269600100048 (ERR-5) alpha-particle counting statistics (1.0%) 3269600100049 (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of the standard reaction cross 3269600100050 section. Taking into account the uncertainty in the 3269600100051 incident neutron energy. Constant 1% is assumed in 3269600100052 the propagation to the total uncertainty. 3269600100053 STATUS (TABLE) Table V of Nucl.Sci.Eng.169(2011)188 3269600100054 HISTORY (20120221C) Compiled by ZHUANG Youxiang(CNDC); 3269600100055 (20130429U) On. Formal correction only 3269600100056 (20180523A) On. ERR-ANALYSIS corrected. 3269600100057 (20221002A) On. Major revision in 008. 3269600100058 ENDBIB 56 0 3269600100059 COMMON 5 3 3269600100060 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 3269600100061 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3269600100062 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 3269600100063 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3269600100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 3269600199999 SUBENT 32696002 20120229 31563269600200001 BIB 3 3 3269600200002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,2N)37-RB-84,,SIG) 3269600200003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84,33.1D,DG,881.61,0.689) 3269600200004 SAMPLE (37-RB-85,NAT=0.7217) 3269600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 3269600200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600200007 DATA 5 6 3269600200008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600200009 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600200010 13.40 841. 34. 125.67 0.78 3269600200011 13.70 939. 38. 124.45 0.60 3269600200012 14.10 993. 40. 121.57 0.57 3269600200013 14.45 1047. 42. 116.76 0.33 3269600200014 14.65 1086. 43. 114.11 0.55 3269600200015 14.80 1092. 44. 111.90 0.44 3269600200016 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3269600299999 SUBENT 32696003 20120229 31563269600300001 BIB 3 3 3269600300002 REACTION (37-RB-87(N,2N)37-RB-86,,SIG) 3269600300003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86,18.642D,DG,1077.00,0.0864) 3269600300004 SAMPLE (37-RB-87,NAT=0.2783) 3269600300005 ENDBIB 3 0 3269600300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600300007 DATA 5 6 3269600300008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600300009 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600300010 13.40 1131. 45. 125.67 0.78 3269600300011 13.70 1169. 47. 124.45 0.60 3269600300012 14.10 1206. 48. 121.57 0.57 3269600300013 14.45 1248. 50. 116.76 0.33 3269600300014 14.65 1218. 49. 114.11 0.55 3269600300015 14.80 1343. 54. 111.90 0.44 3269600300016 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3269600399999 SUBENT 32696004 20120229 31563269600400001 BIB 2 2 3269600400002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG) 3269600400003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.626D,DG,898.04,0.0937) 3269600400004 ENDBIB 2 0 3269600400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600400006 DATA 5 6 3269600400007 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600400008 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600400009 13.40 629. 25. 125.67 0.78 3269600400010 13.70 762. 30. 124.45 0.60 3269600400011 14.10 863. 35. 121.57 0.57 3269600400012 14.45 935. 37. 116.76 0.33 3269600400013 14.65 959. 38. 114.11 0.55 3269600400014 14.80 983. 39. 111.90 0.44 3269600400015 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3269600499999 SUBENT 32696005 20120229 31563269600500001 BIB 3 3 3269600500002 REACTION (58-CE-140(N,2N)58-CE-139,,SIG) 3269600500003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-139,137.64D,DG,165.85,0.80) 3269600500004 SAMPLE (58-CE-140,NAT=0.8848) 3269600500005 ENDBIB 3 0 3269600500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600500007 DATA 5 6 3269600500008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600500009 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600500010 13.40 1635. 65. 125.67 0.78 3269600500011 13.70 1703. 68. 124.45 0.60 3269600500012 14.10 1725. 69. 121.57 0.57 3269600500013 14.45 1766. 71. 116.76 0.33 3269600500014 14.65 1797. 72. 114.11 0.55 3269600500015 14.80 1821. 73. 111.90 0.44 3269600500016 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3269600599999 SUBENT 32696006 20120229 31563269600600001 BIB 3 3 3269600600002 REACTION (58-CE-142(N,2N)58-CE-141,,SIG) 3269600600003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-141,32.508D,DG,145.44,0.483) 3269600600004 SAMPLE (58-CE-142,NAT=0.1107) 3269600600005 ENDBIB 3 0 3269600600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600600007 DATA 5 6 3269600600008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600600009 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600600010 13.40 1887. 75. 125.67 0.78 3269600600011 13.70 1900. 76. 124.45 0.60 3269600600012 14.10 1913. 77. 121.57 0.57 3269600600013 14.45 1895. 76. 116.76 0.33 3269600600014 14.65 1882. 75. 114.11 0.55 3269600600015 14.80 1869. 75. 111.90 0.44 3269600600016 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3269600699999 SUBENT 32696007 20120229 31563269600700001 BIB 2 2 3269600700002 REACTION (69-TM-169(N,2N)69-TM-168,,SIG) 3269600700003 DECAY-DATA (69-TM-168,93.1D,DG,198.25,0.538) 3269600700004 ENDBIB 2 0 3269600700005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600700006 DATA 5 6 3269600700007 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600700008 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600700009 13.40 1923. 77. 125.67 0.78 3269600700010 13.70 1958. 78. 124.45 0.60 3269600700011 14.10 1972. 79. 121.57 0.57 3269600700012 14.45 1985. 79. 116.76 0.33 3269600700013 14.65 1999. 80. 114.11 0.55 3269600700014 14.80 1981. 79. 111.90 0.44 3269600700015 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3269600799999 SUBENT 32696008 20221002 32093269600800001 BIB 4 7 3269600800002 REACTION 1(71-LU-175(N,2N)71-LU-174-G,,SIG) 3269600800003 2(71-LU-175(N,2N)71-LU-174-M,,SIG) 3269600800004 3(71-LU-175(N,2N)71-LU-174,,SIG) 3269600800005 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-174-G,3.31YR,DG,1241.85,0.0514) 3269600800006 (71-LU-174-M,142.D,DG,992.08,0.00546) 3269600800007 SAMPLE (71-LU-175,NAT=0.9741) 3269600800008 HISTORY (20221002A) On. pt.3. 1909 mb -> 1999 mb at 14.65 MeV. 3269600800009 ENDBIB 7 0 3269600800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600800011 DATA 9 6 3269600800012 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 33269600800013 ERR-T 3MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600800014 MEV MB MB MB MB MB 3269600800015 MB MB MB 3269600800016 13.40 1430. 57. 565. 23. 1995. 3269600800017 80. 125.67 0.78 3269600800018 13.70 1433. 57. 555. 22. 1987. 3269600800019 79. 124.45 0.60 3269600800020 14.10 1480. 59. 559. 22. 2039. 3269600800021 82. 121.57 0.57 3269600800022 14.45 1466. 59. 555. 22. 2021. 3269600800023 81. 116.76 0.33 3269600800024 14.65 1462. 58. 537. 21. 1999. 3269600800025 80. 114.11 0.55 3269600800026 14.80 1417. 57. 543. 22. 1960. 3269600800027 78. 111.90 0.44 3269600800028 ENDDATA 16 0 3269600800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3269600899999 SUBENT 32696009 20130429 31593269600900001 BIB 4 4 3269600900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,2N)73-TA-180-G,,SIG) 3269600900003 SAMPLE (73-TA-181,NAT=0.99988) 3269600900004 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-180-G,8.154HR,DG,93.40,0.0451) 3269600900005 HISTORY (20130429A) On. REACTION(SF4): 73-TA-180-M->73-TA-180-G3269600900006 ENDBIB 4 0 3269600900007 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269600900008 DATA 5 6 3269600900009 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269600900010 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269600900011 13.40 1367. 55. 125.67 0.78 3269600900012 13.70 1339. 54. 124.45 0.60 3269600900013 14.10 1328. 53. 121.57 0.57 3269600900014 14.45 1349. 54. 116.76 0.33 3269600900015 14.65 1298. 52. 114.11 0.55 3269600900016 14.8 1254. 50. 111.90 0.44 3269600900017 ENDDATA 8 0 3269600900018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 3269600999999 SUBENT 32696010 20120229 31563269601000001 BIB 3 6 3269601000002 REACTION 1(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-G,,SIG) 3269601000003 2(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-M,,SIG) 3269601000004 3(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184,,SIG) 3269601000005 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184-G,38.0D,DG,792.07,0.377) 3269601000006 (75-RE-184-M,169.0D,DG,920.93,0.082) 3269601000007 SAMPLE (75-RE-185,NAT=0.3707) 3269601000008 ENDBIB 6 0 3269601000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269601000010 DATA 9 6 3269601000011 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 33269601000012 ERR-T 3MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269601000013 MEV MB MB MB MB MB 3269601000014 MB MB MB 3269601000015 13.40 1850. 74. 403. 16. 2253. 3269601000016 90. 125.67 0.78 3269601000017 13.70 1844. 74. 400. 16. 2244. 3269601000018 90. 124.45 0.60 3269601000019 14.10 1838. 74. 395. 16. 2233. 3269601000020 86. 121.57 0.57 3269601000021 14.45 1832. 73. 389. 16. 2221. 3269601000022 89. 116.76 0.33 3269601000023 14.65 1778. 71. 392. 16. 2170. 3269601000024 87. 114.11 0.55 3269601000025 14.80 1776. 71. 399. 16. 2174. 3269601000026 87. 111.90 0.44 3269601000027 ENDDATA 16 0 3269601000028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 3269601099999 SUBENT 32696011 20120229 31563269601100001 BIB 2 5 3269601100002 REACTION 1(79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196-G+M1,,SIG) 3269601100003 2(79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196-M2,,SIG) 3269601100004 3(79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG) 3269601100005 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.167D,DG,355.73,0.87) 3269601100006 (79-AU-196-M2,9.6HR,DG,188.27,0.300) 3269601100007 ENDBIB 5 0 3269601100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269601100009 DATA 9 6 3269601100010 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 33269601100011 ERR-T 3MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269601100012 MEV MB MB MB MB MB 3269601100013 MB MB MB 3269601100014 13.40 2085. 83. 150. 6. 2235. 3269601100015 89. 125.67 0.78 3269601100016 13.70 1971. 79. 158. 6. 2129. 3269601100017 85. 124.45 0.60 3269601100018 14.10 2033. 81. 178. 7. 2211. 3269601100019 88. 121.57 0.57 3269601100020 14.45 1968. 79. 185. 7. 2153. 3269601100021 86. 116.76 0.33 3269601100022 14.65 1914. 77. 191. 8. 2105. 3269601100023 84. 114.11 0.55 3269601100024 14.80 1973. 79. 185. 7. 2158. 3269601100025 86. 111.90 0.44 3269601100026 ENDDATA 16 0 3269601100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 3269601199999 SUBENT 32696012 20120229 31563269601200001 BIB 3 3 3269601200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) 3269601200003 DECAY-DATA (92-U-237,6.75D,DG,208.00,0.212) 3269601200004 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.9996) 3269601200005 ENDBIB 3 0 3269601200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3269601200007 DATA 5 6 3269601200008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3269601200009 MEV MB MB MB MB 3269601200010 13.40 1069. 43. 125.67 0.78 3269601200011 13.70 1006. 40. 124.45 0.60 3269601200012 14.10 858. 34. 121.57 0.57 3269601200013 14.45 708. 28. 116.76 0.33 3269601200014 14.65 627. 25. 114.11 0.55 3269601200015 14.80 615. 25. 111.90 0.44 3269601200016 ENDDATA 8 0 3269601200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3269601299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 3269699999999