ENTRY            32712   20140523                             31643271200000001 
SUBENT        32712001   20140523                             31643271200100001 
BIB                 15         50                                 3271200100002 
TITLE      Cross-sections of Sc-45(n,2n)Sc-44m,g reaction from    3271200100003 
           the reaction threshold to 20 MeV                       3271200100004 
AUTHOR     (J.Luo,R.Liu,L.Jiang,Z.Liu,G.Sun,S.Ge)                 3271200100005 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRHXU,3CPRBJG,3CPRNPC)                              3271200100006 
REFERENCE  (J,RCA,101,607,2013)                                   3271200100007 
           #doi:10.1524/ract.2013.2065                            3271200100008 
FACILITY   (NGEN,3CPRNPC) Pd-300 neutron generator                3271200100009 
SAMPLE     About 7 gram of high purity Sc2O3 powder(natural       3271200100010 
           isotopic composition) was pressed at 10 ton/cm2, and   3271200100011 
           a pellet, 0.4 cm thick and 2.0 cm in diameter was      3271200100012 
           obtained. Monitor foils (Nb, 99.99% pure, 0.5 mm       3271200100013 
           thick) of the same diameter as the pellets were then   3271200100014 
           attached in front and at the back of each sample.      3271200100015 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) The crystal geometry is 70.1 x 72.3 mm in       3271200100016 
           diameter and length. The relative efficiency is about  3271200100017 
           68%, and energy resolution is 1.69 keV at 1332 keV     3271200100018 
           gamma ray from Co-60. The efficiency of the detector   3271200100019 
           was pre-calibrated using various standard gamma        3271200100020 
           sources, which were Mn-54, Co-57, Co-60, Cd-109,       3271200100021 
           Ba-133, Cs-137, Eu-152, Am-241 and Ra-226.             3271200100022 
           (FISCH) The neutron flux was monitored by a uranium    3271200100023 
           fission chamber.                                       3271200100024 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiation of the samples was lasted about 2  3271200100025 
           hours with a yield around 3E10 to 4E10 n/s. The groups 3271200100026 
           of samples were placed at 0deg., 90deg. or 135deg.     3271200100027 
           angles relative to the beam direction and centered     3271200100028 
           about the T-Ti target at distances of around 5 cm.     3271200100029 
MONITOR    (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        3271200100030 
MONIT-REF  (,M.Wagner+,B,PH-DAT,13-5,1990)                        3271200100031 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) An effective deuteron beam energy of 125 keV     3271200100032 
           and beam current of 200 uA were used to produce        3271200100033 
           neutrons. The tritium-titanium (T-Ti) target used in   3271200100034 
           the generator was 2.38 mg/cm2 thick.                   3271200100035 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty of cross section             3271200100036 
           (ERR-S,0.1,1.0) Counting statistics (0.1-1.0%)         3271200100037 
           (ERR-1,2.,3.) Detector efficiency (2-3%)               3271200100038 
           (ERR-2) Weight of samples (0.1%)                       3271200100039 
           (ERR-3) Self-absorption of gamma-ray (0.5%)            3271200100040 
           (ERR-4,0.,5.) The coincidence sum effect of cascade    3271200100041 
           gamma-rays (0-5%)                                      3271200100042 
           (ERR-5,0.1,1.) The uncertainties of irradiation,       3271200100043 
           cooling and measuring times (0.1-1.%)                  3271200100044 
           (MONIT-ERR) Standard cross sections (1.5%)             3271200100045 
CORRECTION Measurements were corrected for gamma-ray attenuations 3271200100046 
           and fluctuation of neutron flux.                       3271200100047 
STATUS     (TABLE) All measured reactions cross sections are      3271200100048 
           taken from Table 2 at page 609 in J,RCA,101,607,2013,  3271200100049 
           and the isomeric cross section ratios are taken from   3271200100050 
           subsection 4.4 at page 610 in J,RCA,101,607,2013.      3271200100051 
HISTORY    (20140523C) Compiled by CHEN Guochang (CNDC)           3271200100052 
ENDBIB              50          0                                 3271200100053 
COMMON               3          3                                 3271200100054 
ERR-2      ERR-3      MONIT-ERR                                   3271200100055 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    3271200100056 
        0.1        0.5        1.5                                 3271200100057 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3271200100058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 3271200199999 
SUBENT        32712002   20140523                             31643271200200001 
BIB                  2          6                                 3271200200002 
REACTION  1(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-M,,SIG)                        3271200200003 
          2(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-G,,SIG)                        3271200200004 
          3(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44,,SIG)                          3271200200005 
          4(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-M/G,,SIG/RAT)                  3271200200006 
DECAY-DATA1(21-SC-44-M,58.6HR,DG,271.13,0.867)                    3271200200007 
          2(21-SC-44-G,3.927HR,DG,1157.03,0.999)                  3271200200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 3271200200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3271200200010 
DATA                10          3                                 3271200200011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     23271200200012 
DATA      3ERR-T     3DATA      4ERR-T     4                      3271200200013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         3271200200014 
MB         MB         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           3271200200015 
       13.5        0.2        76.         5.        98.        10.3271200200016 
       174.        15.       0.78       0.09                      3271200200017 
       14.1        0.2       108.         7.       145.        13.3271200200018 
       253.        20.       0.74       0.08                      3271200200019 
       14.8        0.2       134.         8.       186.        16.3271200200020 
       320.        24.       0.72       0.08                      3271200200021 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 3271200200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 3271200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3271299999999