ENTRY            32732   20210105                             32003273200000001 
SUBENT        32732001   20210105                             32003273200100001 
BIB                 15         44                                 3273200100002 
TITLE      Examination of the surrogate ratio method for the      3273200100003 
           determination of the 93Zr(n,g)94Zr cross section with  3273200100004 
           90,92Zr(18O,16O)92,94Zr reactions                      3273200100005 
AUTHOR     (S.Q.Yan,Z.H.Li,Y.B.Wang,K.Nishio,H.Makii,J.Su,Y.J.Li, 3273200100006 
           I.Nishinaka,K.Hirose,Y.L.Han,R.Orlandi,Y.P.Shen,       3273200100007 
           B.Guo,S.Zeng,G.Lian,Y.S.Chen,X.X.Bai,L.H.Qiao,W.P.Liu) 3273200100008 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP,2JPNJAE)                                      3273200100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,94,015804,2016)                                3273200100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.94.015804                        3273200100011 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2JPNJAE)                                         3273200100012 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.994) The thickness of target is        3273200100013 
           300 ug/cm2.                                            3273200100014 
           (40-ZR-92,ENR=0.946) The thickness of target is        3273200100015 
           315 ug/cm2.                                            3273200100016 
INC-SOURCE An 8-O-18 beam with energy of 117 MeV was used. The    3273200100017 
           8-O-18 beam was kept to about 5 enA, which is          3273200100018 
           measured by a Faraday cup.                             3273200100019 
DETECTOR   (SI) A silicon dE/E telescope was used to identify     3273200100020 
           the light ejectile particles.                          3273200100021 
           (SCIN) Two LaBr3(Ce)detectors with a size of 4 inch    3273200100022 
           in diameter x 5 inch in length were used for           3273200100023 
           gamma-ray detection.                                   3273200100024 
PART-DET   (8-O-16,G)                                             3273200100025 
METHOD     (EDE) (1) The dE detectors with trapezoidal shape are  3273200100026 
           arranged to form a ring shape around the beam axis in  3273200100027 
           an angular range of 22-39 degree relative to the beam  3273200100028 
           direction. The thickness is 75 um. (2) The E detector  3273200100029 
           is an annular-type detector and has 16 ring-shaped     3273200100030 
           strips. The resolution of the scattering angle of the  3273200100031 
           ejectile is around 1.2 degree. The thickness is 300 um.3273200100032 
CORRECTION The correction of the integrated 8-O-18 beam current,  3273200100033 
           the target thickness, the absolute detection           3273200100034 
           efficiency of the LaBr3 detectors, and the absolute    3273200100035 
           branching ratio of gamma lines were done.              3273200100036 
ANALYSIS   (SURGT) Surrogate technique: The 92Zr(18O,16O)94Zr     3273200100037 
           and 90Zr(18O,16O)92Zr reactions represent              3273200100038 
           93Zr(n,g)94Zr and 91Zr(n,g)92Zr, respectively. The     3273200100039 
           gamma intensities 94.9% (919 keV) and 97.2% (934 keV)  3273200100040 
           were adopted for identification of 94Zr and 92Zr,      3273200100041 
           respectively.                                          3273200100042 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on uncertainties             3273200100043 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were provided by author.                  3273200100044 
HISTORY    (20161015C) Compiled by X4 group (CNDC).               3273200100045 
           (20210105U) METHOD were updated. TABLE moved from 002. 3273200100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 3273200100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3273200100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 3273200199999 
SUBENT        32732002   20210105                             32003273200200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 3273200200002 
REACTION  1((40-ZR-93(N,G)40-ZR-94,,SIG,,,DERIV)/                 3273200200003 
           (40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,SIG,,,DERIV))                  3273200200004 
          2(40-ZR-93(N,G)40-ZR-94,,SIG,,,DERIV)                   3273200200005 
MONITOR   2(40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,SIG)                           3273200200006 
MONIT-REF 2(,,3,ENDF/B-VII.1,,2011)                               3273200200007 
HISTORY    (20210105U) STATUS moved to 001.                       3273200200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 3273200200009 
COMMON               1          3                                 3273200200010 
EN-ERR                                                            3273200200011 
MEV                                                               3273200200012 
        0.5                                                       3273200200013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3273200200014 
DATA                 5          8                                 3273200200015 
EN         DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2           3273200200016 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    3273200200017 
        0.5       1.43       0.15      27.04       2.98           3273200200018 
        1.5       1.03       0.13      14.73       2.68           3273200200019 
        2.5       0.80       0.16       5.85       1.99           3273200200020 
        3.5       1.76       0.31       5.83       1.34           3273200200021 
        4.5       1.38       0.25       2.68       0.67           3273200200022 
        5.5       1.99       0.42       2.32       0.64           3273200200023 
        6.5       1.69       0.33       1.35       0.36           3273200200024 
        7.5       1.47       0.35       0.86       0.28           3273200200025 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 3273200200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 3273200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3273299999999