ENTRY 32810 20230302 32103281000000001 SUBENT 32810001 20230302 32103281000100001 BIB 13 49 3281000100002 TITLE Experimental determination of the neutron resonance 3281000100003 peak of 162Er at 67.8 eV 3281000100004 AUTHOR (X.X.Li,L.X.Liu,W.Jiang,J.Ren,H.W.Wang,G.T.Fan, 3281000100005 D.X.Wang,S.Y.Zhang,G.L.Yang,X.K.Li,Z.D.An,J.J.He, 3281000100006 W.Luo,X.G.Cao,L.L.Song,Y.Zhang,X.R.Hu,Z.R.Hao, 3281000100007 P.Kuang,B.Jiang,X.H.Wang,J.F.Hu,Y.D.Liu,C.W.Ma, 3281000100008 Y.T.Wang,J.Su,L.Y.Zhang,Y.X.Yang,S.Feng,W.B.Liu, 3281000100009 W.Q.Su,S.Jin,K.J.Chen) 3281000100010 INSTITUTE (3CPRNRS,3CPRIHP,3CPRAEP,3CPRUCA,3CPRSZH,3CPRBNU) 3281000100011 (3CPRCPR) Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, 3281000100012 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 3281000100013 (3CPRCPR) University of South China, Hengyang 3281000100014 (3CPRCPR) Inner Mongolia University For The 3281000100015 Nationalities, Tongliao 3281000100016 (3CPRCPR) Beijing Radiation Center, Beijing 3281000100017 (3CPRCPR) Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 3281000100018 (3CPRCPR) Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 3281000100019 (3CPRCPR) ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai 3281000100020 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,106,065804,2022) 3281000100021 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.106.065804 3281000100022 REL-REF (N,32861001,X.X.Li+,J,PR/C,104,054302,2021) Capture 3281000100023 yield and resonance parameters of other Er isotopes. 3281000100024 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) The Back-n white neutron source at 3281000100025 China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) 3281000100026 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) The neutron flux can reach up to 1E7 n/cm2/s 3281000100027 at the experimental station. 3281000100028 DETECTOR (SCIN) A detection system consisting of four C6D6 3281000100029 scintillation detectors, approximately 76 m away from 3281000100030 the spallation target and the four C6D6 detectors (EJ- 3281000100031 315) were closely arranged using an aluminum holder. 3281000100032 The C6D6 liquid scintillator was 127 mm in diameter 3281000100033 and 76.2 mm in length, the scintillator was contained 3281000100034 in a 1.5 mm thick aluminum capsule and coupled with a 3281000100035 photomultiplier tube (ETEL 9390 KEB PMT). 3281000100036 SAMPLE The natural erbium sample with a diameter of 3281000100037 50.000+-0.001 mm, a thickness of 1.000+-0.001 mm, a 3281000100038 weight of 4.565+-0.001 g. 3281000100039 The isotope abundance of the target with 3281000100040 162Er(0.139%), 164Er(1.606%), 3281000100041 166Er(33.503%), 167Er(22.869%), 3281000100042 168Er(26.940%), 170Er(14.943%). 3281000100043 METHOD (TOF) The length of neutron flight path is 3281000100044 approximately 76 m. 3281000100045 (PHWT) Weighting function calculated by Geant4. 3281000100046 CORRECTION The multi-elastic scattering of neutrons in the thick 3281000100047 sample and the in-beam gamma-ray background. 3281000100048 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 3281000100049 HISTORY (20230301R) The data received from X.X.Li 3281000100050 (20230302C) Jimin Wang (CNDC) 3281000100051 ENDBIB 49 0 3281000100052 NOCOMMON 0 0 3281000100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 3281000199999 SUBENT 32810002 20230302 32103281000200001 BIB 1 3 3281000200002 REACTION 1(68-ER-162(N,0),,EN) 3281000200003 2(68-ER-162(N,EL),,WID,,RM) 3281000200004 3(68-ER-162(N,G),,WID,,RM) 3281000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 3281000200006 COMMON 3 3 3281000200007 MOMENTUM L SPIN J STAT-W G 3281000200008 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3281000200009 0.00 0.50 1.00 3281000200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3281000200011 DATA 5 9 3281000200012 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 3281000200013 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 3281000200014 5.46 0.43 0.04 88.74 9.03 3281000200015 7.68 1.17 0.10 93.25 9.52 3281000200016 14.50 1.49 0.15 113.41 11.08 3281000200017 20.34 8.18 0.87 100.55 10.05 3281000200018 34.65 4.72 0.49 108.27 10.57 3281000200019 43.34 2.16 0.23 99.93 10.03 3281000200020 45.89 18.92 1.35 115.23 13.33 3281000200021 56.75 32.05 1.48 102.48 10.90 3281000200022 67.61 2.81 0.25 101.23 10.09 3281000200023 ENDDATA 11 0 3281000200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 3281000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3281099999999