ENTRY 32844 20230907 32103284400000001 SUBENT 32844001 20230907 32103284400100001 BIB 13 50 3284400100002 TITLE The measurements of the ratio of average cross 3284400100003 section for 180Hf(capture) to 235U(fission) 3284400100004 AUTHOR (Huang Ruiliang,Hao Fanhua,Li Zhengtong,Xiong Zonghua) 3284400100005 INSTITUTE (3CPRNPC) 3284400100006 REFERENCE (J,CST,31,54,1997) 3284400100007 FACILITY (REAC,3CPRNPC) K(L)Pu pulse reactor was a 3 layers of 3284400100008 plutonium and uranium mixed sphere, and the average 3284400100009 neutron energy was 1.59 MeV. CFBR was a multi shell 3284400100010 enriched uranium quasi spherical structure with a 3284400100011 reflective layer, and the average neutron energy was 3284400100012 1.22 MeV. 3284400100013 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Central fast neutron fluence rate of K(L)Pu 3284400100014 was 4.99E8 /cm2/s/W. The diameter of the central 3284400100015 cavity was 40 mm. 3284400100016 INC-SPECT Neutron spectrum of K(L)Pu pulse reactor centre cavity:3284400100017 Eg(MeV) neutron flux(%) 3284400100018 >3 16.08 3284400100019 ~1.4 26.78 3284400100020 ~0.9 15.04 3284400100021 ~0.4 22.37 3284400100022 ~0.1 16.72 3284400100023 ~0.017 2.99 3284400100024 ~0.003 0.0287 3284400100025 ~0 0005 0.000177 3284400100026 SAMPLE 235U electroplated sheet with stainless steel backing 3284400100027 METHOD (ACTIV) The ratio of 197Au(n,f) and 235(n,f) was 3284400100028 measured on K(L)Pu and CFBR. The samples of Au and 3284400100029 235U in diameter of 6 mm were placed in the upper and 3284400100030 lower ionization chambers of a small "back to back" 3284400100031 double ionization chamber with Ar gas and 300 V 3284400100032 voltage. The samples were irradiated for 2 hours, and 3284400100033 the K(L)Pu reactor power was 10 W. 235U fission count 3284400100034 was recorded online. The activity of 198Au was 3284400100035 measured offline with HPGe detector. On CFBR, the 3284400100036 ionization chamber was wrapped with Cd, and the 3284400100037 reactor power was 50 W. The ratio of 180Hf(n,g) and 3284400100038 197(n,g). Hf foil in diameter of 18 mm was wrapped 3284400100039 between Au foils, and placed in a approximately 40 mm 3284400100040 square grid made of copper wire. The samples were 3284400100041 irradiated on K(L)Pu for 4 hours, and power was 25 3284400100042 W.The samples were irradiated on CFBR for 4 hours, 3284400100043 and power was 200 W. The activity of 198Au and 181Hf 3284400100044 was measured offline with HPGe detector. 3284400100045 DETECTOR (HPGE,FISCH) 3284400100046 FLAG (1.) Measured on K(L)Pu 3284400100047 (2.) Measured on CFBR, ionization chamber was wrapped 3284400100048 with Cd 3284400100049 STATUS (TABLE) Data were obtained from TABLE 1 in 3284400100050 At.En.Sci.Technol.,31,54,1997 3284400100051 HISTORY (20230907C) Compiled by Xi Tao (CNDC) 3284400100052 ENDBIB 50 0 3284400100053 NOCOMMON 0 0 3284400100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 3284400199999 SUBENT 32844002 20230907 32103284400200001 BIB 1 2 3284400200002 REACTION ((79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,FST)/ 3284400200003 (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,FST)) 3284400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3284400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3284400200006 DATA 3 2 3284400200007 EN-MEAN DATA FLAG 3284400200008 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 3284400200009 1.24 0.1251 2. 3284400200010 1.59 0.0912 1. 3284400200011 ENDDATA 4 0 3284400200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 3284400299999 SUBENT 32844003 20230908 32103284400300001 BIB 2 3 3284400300002 REACTION ((72-HF-180(N,G)72-HF-181,,SIG,,FST)/ 3284400300003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,FST)) 3284400300004 FLAG (3.) Measured on CFBR without Cd 3284400300005 ENDBIB 3 0 3284400300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3284400300007 DATA 3 3 3284400300008 EN-MEAN DATA FLAG 3284400300009 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 3284400300010 1.22 0.3027 3. 3284400300011 1.24 0.3060 2. 3284400300012 1.59 0.3628 1. 3284400300013 ENDDATA 5 0 3284400300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 3284400399999 SUBENT 32844004 20230908 32103284400400001 BIB 3 10 3284400400002 REACTION ((72-HF-180(N,G)72-HF-181,,SIG,,FST)/ 3284400400003 (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,FST)) 3284400400004 FLAG (3.) Measured on CFBR without Cd 3284400400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total Uncertainty 3284400400006 (ERR-1,0.,1.85) 235U fission counting 3284400400007 (ERR-2,0.,1.9) Measurement of 198Au, including 3284400400008 detection efficiency, gamma emissivity, 3284400400009 self-absorption, number of target nuclei, decay 3284400400010 correction 3284400400011 (ERR-3,0.,1.93) Measurement of 181Hf 3284400400012 ENDBIB 10 0 3284400400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 3284400400014 DATA 4 2 3284400400015 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T FLAG 3284400400016 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 3284400400017 1.24 0.03828 3.3 3. 3284400400018 1.59 0.03309 3.3 1. 3284400400019 ENDDATA 4 0 3284400400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 3284400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 3284499999999