ENTRY 32853 20240925 32143285300000001 SUBENT 32853001 20240925 32143285300100001 BIB 12 100 3285300100002 TITLE Measurement of differential cross sections of 3285300100003 neutron-induced deuteron production reactions on 3285300100004 carbon from 25 to 52 MeV 3285300100005 AUTHOR (Zengqi Cui,Haoyu Jiang,Kang Sun,Guohui Zhang, 3285300100006 Ruirui Fan,Wei Jiang,Huaiyong Bai,Yiwei Hu,Jie Liu, 3285300100007 Han Yi,Changjun Ning,Zhijia Sun,Jingyu Tang,Qi An, 3285300100008 Jie Bao,Yu Bao,Ping Cao,Haolei Chen,Qiping Chen, 3285300100009 Yonghao Chen,Yukai Chen,Zhen Chen,Changqing Feng, 3285300100010 Keqing Gao,Minhao Gu,Changcai Han,Zijie Han, 3285300100011 Guozhu He,Yongcheng He,Yang Hong,Hanxiong Huang, 3285300100012 Weiling Huang,Xiru Huang,Xiaolu Ji,Xuyang Ji, 3285300100013 Zhijie Jiang,Hantao Jing,Ling Kang,Mingtao Kang, 3285300100014 Bo Li,Chao Li,Jiawen Li,Lun Li,Qiang Li,Xiao Li, 3285300100015 Yang Li,Rong Liu,Shubin Liu,Xingyan Liu, 3285300100016 Guangyuan Luan,Qili Mu,Binbin Qi,Jie Ren,Zhizhou Ren, 3285300100017 Xichao Ruan,Zhaohui Song,Yingpeng Song,Hong Sun, 3285300100018 Xiaoyang Sun,Zhixin Tan,Hongqing Tang,Xinyi Tang, 3285300100019 Binbin Tian,Lijiao Wang,Pengcheng Wang,Qi Wang, 3285300100020 Taofeng Wang,Zhaohui Wang,Jie Wen,Zhongwei Wen, 3285300100021 Qingbiao Wu,Xiaoguang Wu,Xuan Wu,Likun Xie, 3285300100022 Yiwei Yang,Li Yu,Tao Yu,Yongji Yu,Linhao Zhang, 3285300100023 Qiwei Zhang,Xianpeng Zhang,Yuliang Zhang, 3285300100024 Zhiyong Zhang,Yubin Zhao,Luping Zhou,Zuying Zhou, 3285300100025 Danyang Zhu,Kejun Zhu,Peng Zhu) 3285300100026 INSTITUTE (3CPRBJG,3CPRIHP,3CPRUCA,3CPRHST,3CPRAEP,3CPRNPC, 3285300100027 3CPRNIX,3CPRBHN) 3285300100028 (3CPRCPR) State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection 3285300100029 and Electronics 3285300100030 REFERENCE (J,CPH/C,45,064001,2021) 3285300100031 #doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abf136 3285300100032 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) Endstation #1 (ES#1) of the CSNS Back- 3285300100033 n white neutron source 3285300100034 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Protons accelerated up to 1.6 GeV in the 3285300100035 Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) impinged on a 3285300100036 tungsten target with a repetition rate of 25 Hz and 3285300100037 thus produce spallation neutrons. The Back-n beamline 3285300100038 provided neutrons of a wide energy spectrum (from 3285300100039 about eV to higher than 100 MeV) while the 3285300100040 interference of the charged particles emitted from 3285300100041 the tungsten target was eliminated by the bending 3285300100042 magnet. The neutron source operated in double-bunch 3285300100043 mode, with the time width of each proton bunch about 3285300100044 43 ns, and the separation duration between the two 3285300100045 proton bunches was 410 ns. The beam power during the 3285300100046 present experiment was 50 kW. The neutron flight path 3285300100047 was 57.99 m from the source to the sample. The 3285300100048 diameter of the neutron beam spot was approximately 3285300100049 15 mm, and the neutron flux was about 9.35E5 n/cm2/s. 3285300100050 SAMPLE Four samples were used for the measurement, a 3285300100051 high-purity graphite foil (carbon sample) of about 3285300100052 8.82 ug/cm2 thickness for the foreground measurement 3285300100053 of the 12C(n,xd) reactions, a low-density polyethylene 3285300100054 (CH2) sample of about 9.48 u/cm2 thickness for the 3285300100055 n-p scattering measurement, an empty target for 3285300100056 instrumental and neutron beam background measurement, 3285300100057 and alpha sources for signal tests for the detectors, 3285300100058 their electronics, and the data acquisition 3285300100059 (DAQ) system. The alpha sources were back-to-back 3285300100060 241Am sources, each with about 33 kBq activity. All 3285300100061 the samples were mounted onto a customized aluminum 3285300100062 holder, which has four sample positions. Three of 3285300100063 them are rounded squares of 76.8 mm in side length 3285300100064 for the graphite foil, empty target, and CH2 sample, 3285300100065 and one is a rectangle for the alpha sources. 3285300100066 Therefore, the incident neutron beam spot was well 3285300100067 covered by the sample (15 mm vs 76.8 mm). 3285300100068 METHOD (EDE) The measurement of the charged particles 3285300100069 was achieved using the LPDA detector system. Ten sets 3285300100070 of dE-E telescopes of the LPDA system were used in 3285300100071 the vacuum chamber. The telescopes were placed in the 3285300100072 forward direction from 10.1 to 55.0 deg with respect 3285300100073 to the incident neutron beamline. The telescopes at 3285300100074 the angles ang L = 10.1, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0 deg 3285300100075 were placed on the left side of the neutron beamline 3285300100076 while the other five sets of telescopes at ang L = 3285300100077 15.1, 25.1, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0 deg were placed on the 3285300100078 right. The total beam duration for the measurement 3285300100079 was approximately 210 h, split into seven rounds each 3285300100080 consisting of about 18 h of CH2 measurement, about 6 3285300100081 h of graphite measurement, and about 0.5 h of empty 3285300100082 target measurement. 3285300100083 (TOF) Neuron flight path (57.99 m) 3285300100084 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,CSICR) Each telescope is composed of a 300 3285300100085 um thick Si-PIN detector (dE unit) and a 30 mm thick 3285300100086 CsI scintillator (E unit). The signals from each Si- 3285300100087 PIN detector were amplified and preprocessed by a 3285300100088 Mesytec MSI-8 amplifier, while the signals from each 3285300100089 CsI detector were multiplied by a silicon 3285300100090 photomultiplier and then processed by a main amplifier.3285300100091 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall uncertainty, 10.3-66.8% 3285300100092 (ERR-S,8.3,25.0) Statistical error of deuteron counts 3285300100093 (ERR-1,1.1,39.7) dE-E identification of deuterons 3285300100094 (ERR-2,1.4,53.4) Deuteron event selection in the 2-D 3285300100095 spectra of the CsI vs En plots 3285300100096 (ERR-3,2.7,5.3) Uncertainty from the measurement of 3285300100097 proton counts from the CH2 sample 3285300100098 (ERR-4) Uncertainty from numbers of hydrogen atoms 3285300100099 (ERR-5) Uncertainty from numbers of carbon atoms 3285300100100 STATUS (TABLE,,Zengqi Cui+,J,CPH/C,45,064001,2021) Table.2 3285300100101 HISTORY (20240925C) Compiled by Xi Tao (CNDC) 3285300100102 ENDBIB 100 0 3285300100103 COMMON 2 3 3285300100104 ERR-4 ERR-5 3285300100105 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3285300100106 2.0 2.0 3285300100107 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3285300100108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 3285300199999 SUBENT 32853002 20240925 32143285300200001 BIB 3 4 3285300200002 REACTION 1((6-C-12(N,X)1-H-2,,DA)/(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)) 3285300200003 2(6-C-12(N,X)1-H-2,,DA) 3285300200004 MONITOR 2(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) 3285300200005 MONIT-REF 2(,,3,JENDL-4.0/HE,125,2015) 3285300200006 ENDBIB 4 0 3285300200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 3285300200008 DATA 7 53 3285300200009 EN EN-ERR ANG DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 23285300200010 ERR-T 2 3285300200011 MEV MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM MB/SR 3285300200012 MB/SR 3285300200013 25.2 1.5 15.1 0.122 0.015 15.63285300200014 1.8 3285300200015 25.2 1.5 20.0 0.092 0.015 11.13285300200016 1.7 3285300200017 25.2 1.5 25.1 0.052 0.008 5.943285300200018 0.89 3285300200019 25.2 1.5 30.0 0.061 0.009 6.453285300200020 0.98 3285300200021 25.2 1.5 35.0 0.041 0.008 3.993285300200022 0.79 3285300200023 25.2 1.5 40.0 0.024 0.006 2.183285300200024 0.55 3285300200025 25.2 1.5 45.0 0.057 0.012 4.623285300200026 0.97 3285300200027 25.2 1.5 50.0 0.059 0.010 4.333285300200028 0.77 3285300200029 25.2 1.5 55.0 0.047 0.010 3.143285300200030 0.67 3285300200031 28.6 1.9 15.1 0.168 0.019 18.83285300200032 2.1 3285300200033 28.6 1.9 20.0 0.129 0.019 13.63285300200034 2.0 3285300200035 28.6 1.9 25.1 0.104 0.016 10.23285300200036 1.5 3285300200037 28.6 1.9 30.0 0.073 0.011 6.73285300200038 1.0 3285300200039 28.6 1.9 35.0 0.072 0.013 6.13285300200040 1.1 3285300200041 28.6 1.9 40.0 0.053 0.010 4.123285300200042 0.76 3285300200043 28.6 1.9 45.0 0.065 0.012 4.543285300200044 0.82 3285300200045 28.6 1.9 50.0 0.066 0.014 4.183285300200046 0.88 3285300200047 28.6 1.9 55.0 0.077 0.014 4.433285300200048 0.83 3285300200049 32.7 2.3 15.1 0.228 0.024 22.13285300200050 2.4 3285300200051 32.7 2.3 20.0 0.186 0.032 16.83285300200052 2.9 3285300200053 32.7 2.3 25.1 0.133 0.035 11.23285300200054 3.0 3285300200055 32.7 2.3 30.0 0.110 0.045 8.53285300200056 3.5 3285300200057 32.7 2.3 35.0 0.092 0.019 6.63285300200058 1.3 3285300200059 32.7 2.3 40.0 0.089 0.014 5.723285300200060 0.93 3285300200061 32.7 2.3 45.0 0.091 0.015 5.353285300200062 0.88 3285300200063 32.7 2.3 50.0 0.115 0.051 6.13285300200064 2.7 3285300200065 32.7 2.3 55.0 0.095 0.018 4.633285300200066 0.88 3285300200067 37.8 2.8 15.1 0.339 0.060 27.93285300200068 4.9 3285300200069 37.8 2.8 20.0 0.228 0.055 17.53285300200070 4.2 3285300200071 37.8 2.8 25.1 0.146 0.043 10.33285300200072 3.0 3285300200073 37.8 2.8 30.0 0.149 0.066 9.63285300200074 4.3 3285300200075 37.8 2.8 35.0 0.150 0.028 8.83285300200076 1.6 3285300200077 37.8 2.8 40.0 0.141 0.033 7.43285300200078 1.8 3285300200079 37.8 2.8 45.0 0.179 0.033 8.53285300200080 1.5 3285300200081 37.8 2.8 50.0 0.110 0.041 4.83285300200082 1.8 3285300200083 37.8 2.8 55.0 0.090 0.051 3.73285300200084 2.1 3285300200085 44.2 3.6 15.1 0.390 0.099 26.83285300200086 6.8 3285300200087 44.2 3.6 20.0 0.356 0.093 22.53285300200088 5.9 3285300200089 44.2 3.6 25.1 0.190 0.061 11.03285300200090 3.5 3285300200091 44.2 3.6 30.0 0.213 0.092 11.23285300200092 4.8 3285300200093 44.2 3.6 35.0 0.195 0.067 9.23285300200094 3.2 3285300200095 44.2 3.6 40.0 0.159 0.044 6.73285300200096 1.8 3285300200097 44.2 3.6 45.0 0.158 0.073 5.93285300200098 2.7 3285300200099 44.2 3.6 50.0 0.136 0.051 4.73285300200100 1.8 3285300200101 44.2 3.6 55.0 0.170 0.065 5.53285300200102 2.1 3285300200103 52.5 4.7 15.1 0.43 0.11 24.83285300200104 6.5 3285300200105 52.5 4.7 25.1 0.30 0.15 14.13285300200106 7.4 3285300200107 52.5 4.7 30.0 0.28 0.13 12.03285300200108 5.6 3285300200109 52.5 4.7 35.0 0.268 0.075 10.03285300200110 2.8 3285300200111 52.5 4.7 40.0 0.27 0.14 8.73285300200112 4.5 3285300200113 52.5 4.7 45.0 0.23 0.15 6.73285300200114 4.5 3285300200115 52.5 4.7 50.0 0.18 0.11 4.93285300200116 2.8 3285300200117 52.5 4.7 55.0 0.19 0.11 5.03285300200118 2.7 3285300200119 ENDDATA 110 0 3285300200120 ENDSUBENT 119 0 3285300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3285399999999