ENTRY 32879 20241203 32153287900000001 SUBENT 32879001 20241203 32153287900100001 BIB 12 33 3287900100002 TITLE Measurement of post-neutron mass distribution in 3287900100003 thermal-neutron-induced fission of 239Pu 3287900100004 AUTHOR (Liu Chao,Liu Shilong,Yang Yi,Zhao Kunling, 3287900100005 Chen Yongjing,Su Yang,Zhang Kai,Feng Jing) 3287900100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP) 3287900100007 (3CPRCPR) Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 3287900100008 REFERENCE (J,CST,56,798,2022) 3287900100009 #doi:10.7538/yzk.2022.youxian.0054 3287900100010 FACILITY (REAC,3CPRAEP) In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator (IHNI-1) 3287900100011 INC-SPECT Thermal power of the reactor is 30 kW. The thermal 3287900100012 neutron flux density is 1.92E+9 n/cm2/s at the exit, 3287900100013 the diameter of the exit is 12 cm. 3287900100014 DETECTOR (MCPLT) Two timing detectors based on microchannel 3287900100015 plate were designed for determining the 3287900100016 time-of-flight of fission fragments. The time 3287900100017 resolution was determined with two MCP timing 3287900100018 detectors to be 157ps (FWHM) for 241Am radiation 3287900100019 source, implying that the intrinsic time resolution 3287900100020 is about 110ps (FWHM) for a single timing detector. 3287900100021 (IOCH) The axial grid ionization chamber was used for 3287900100022 determining the kinetic energy of fission fragments. 3287900100023 The intrinsic energy resolution of it was measured to 3287900100024 be about 0.5% for 80 MeV 63Cu particles. 3287900100025 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9) PuO2 foil with 3 cm in diameter 3287900100026 and 350 ug/cm2 in thickness. The mass abundance of 3287900100027 239Pu is about 90%. 3287900100028 METHOD E-v method 3287900100029 (TOF) The flight path length is 100.45 cm. 3287900100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 3287900100031 STATUS (TABLE,,Liu Chao+,J,CST,56,798,2022) 3287900100032 Data of Fig.7 were obtained from author 3287900100033 HISTORY (20241203R) Data received from Liu Chao 3287900100034 (20241203C) Yang Su and Jimin Wang 3287900100035 ENDBIB 33 0 3287900100036 COMMON 1 3 3287900100037 EN 3287900100038 EV 3287900100039 2.53E-02 3287900100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3287900100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 3287900199999 SUBENT 32879002 20241203 32153287900200001 BIB 1 1 3287900200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,SEC,FY,,MXW) 3287900200003 ENDBIB 1 0 3287900200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 3287900200005 DATA 3 106 3287900200006 MASS DATA ERR-S 3287900200007 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 3287900200008 66. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200009 67. 0.002540 0.002410 3287900200010 68. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200011 69. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200012 70. 0.004826 0.003322 3287900200013 71. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200014 72. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200015 73. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200016 74. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200017 75. 0.013970 0.005651 3287900200018 76. 0.002540 0.002410 3287900200019 77. 0.016256 0.006096 3287900200020 78. 0.020828 0.006900 3287900200021 79. 0.034544 0.008886 3287900200022 80. 0.050546 0.010749 3287900200023 81. 0.068835 0.012544 3287900200024 82. 0.153417 0.018727 3287900200025 83. 0.217426 0.022294 3287900200026 84. 0.286006 0.025570 3287900200027 85. 0.462030 0.032499 3287900200028 86. 0.578617 0.036369 3287900200029 87. 0.784359 0.042345 3287900200030 88. 1.154694 0.051378 3287900200031 89. 1.490738 0.058377 3287900200032 90. 1.845071 0.064945 3287900200033 91. 2.297703 0.072475 3287900200034 92. 2.866922 0.080956 3287900200035 93. 3.564158 0.090265 3287900200036 94. 4.307114 0.099228 3287900200037 95. 4.487709 0.101287 3287900200038 96. 5.189517 0.108919 3287900200039 97. 5.580427 0.112947 3287900200040 98. 6.334813 0.120339 3287900200041 99. 6.659428 0.123384 3287900200042 100. 6.883458 0.125442 3287900200043 101. 7.306371 0.129238 3287900200044 102. 7.073197 0.127159 3287900200045 103. 6.945180 0.126003 3287900200046 104. 6.037630 0.117483 3287900200047 105. 5.020352 0.107129 3287900200048 106. 4.051080 0.096233 3287900200049 107. 2.638320 0.077661 3287900200050 108. 1.760489 0.063439 3287900200051 109. 1.086113 0.049828 3287900200052 110. 0.619765 0.037640 3287900200053 111. 0.384305 0.029640 3287900200054 112. 0.221998 0.022528 3287900200055 113. 0.105411 0.015523 3287900200056 114. 0.075693 0.013154 3287900200057 115. 0.050546 0.010749 3287900200058 116. 0.057404 0.011455 3287900200059 117. 0.032258 0.008587 3287900200060 118. 0.043688 0.009994 3287900200061 119. 0.050546 0.010749 3287900200062 120. 0.048260 0.010504 3287900200063 121. 0.061976 0.011903 3287900200064 122. 0.075693 0.013154 3287900200065 123. 0.137415 0.017724 3287900200066 124. 0.173991 0.019944 3287900200067 125. 0.224284 0.022643 3287900200068 126. 0.384305 0.029640 3287900200069 127. 0.706634 0.040192 3287900200070 128. 1.124975 0.050712 3287900200071 129. 1.872504 0.065426 3287900200072 130. 2.654322 0.077896 3287900200073 131. 3.589304 0.090583 3287900200074 132. 5.166657 0.108679 3287900200075 133. 6.161075 0.118677 3287900200076 134. 7.082341 0.127241 3287900200077 135. 7.082341 0.127241 3287900200078 136. 6.924606 0.125816 3287900200079 137. 6.961182 0.126148 3287900200080 138. 6.462830 0.121549 3287900200081 139. 5.918757 0.116320 3287900200082 140. 5.516418 0.112297 3287900200083 141. 5.178087 0.108799 3287900200084 142. 4.823754 0.105010 3287900200085 143. 4.373409 0.099988 3287900200086 144. 3.833908 0.093618 3287900200087 145. 3.159532 0.084987 3287900200088 146. 2.572025 0.076679 3287900200089 147. 2.126252 0.069718 3287900200090 148. 1.760489 0.063439 3287900200091 149. 1.314715 0.054822 3287900200092 150. 1.044965 0.048875 3287900200093 151. 0.731780 0.040901 3287900200094 152. 0.562615 0.035863 3287900200095 153. 0.450600 0.032095 3287900200096 154. 0.288292 0.025672 3287900200097 155. 0.210568 0.021940 3287900200098 156. 0.139701 0.017871 3287900200099 157. 0.071121 0.012751 3287900200100 158. 0.066549 0.012334 3287900200101 159. 0.041402 0.009729 3287900200102 160. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200103 161. 0.000254 0.000762 3287900200104 162. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200105 163. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200106 164. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200107 165. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200108 166. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200109 167. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200110 168. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200111 169. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200112 170. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200113 171. 0.000000 0.000000 3287900200114 ENDDATA 108 0 3287900200115 ENDSUBENT 114 0 3287900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3287999999999