ENTRY 32887 20230401 32103288700000001 SUBENT 32887001 20230401 32103288700100001 BIB 13 56 3288700100002 TITLE Measurement of neutron-induced fission cross sections 3288700100003 of 232Th from 1 to 300 MeV at CSNS Back-n 3288700100004 AUTHOR (Yonghao Chen, Yiwei Yang, Zhizhou Ren, Wei Jiang, 3288700100005 Ruirui Fan, Han Yi, Rong Liu, Jingyu Tang, Hantao Jing,3288700100006 Yang Li, Qiang Li, Zhixin Tan, Qi An, Jiangbo Bai, 3288700100007 Jie Bao, Yu Bao, Ping Cao, Haolei Chen, Qiping Chen, 3288700100008 Zhen Chen, Zengqi Cui, Changqing Feng, Keqing Gao, 3288700100009 Xiaolong Gao, Minhao Gu, Changcai Han, Zijie Han, 3288700100010 Guozhu He, Yongcheng He, Yang Hong, Yiwei Hu, 3288700100011 Hanxiong Huang, Xiru Huang, Haoyu Jiang, Zhijie Jiang, 3288700100012 Ling Kang, Bo Li, Chao Li, Jiawen Li, Xiao Li, Jie Liu,3288700100013 Shubin Liu, Xingyan Liu, Ze Long, Guangyuan Luan, 3288700100014 Changjun Ning, Mengchen Niu, Binbin Qi, Jie Ren, 3288700100015 Xichao Ruan, Zhaohui Song, Kang Sun, Zhijia Sun, 3288700100016 Xinyi Tang, Binbin Tian, Lijiao Wang, Pengcheng Wang, 3288700100017 Zhaohui Wang, Zhongwei Wen, Xiaoguang Wu, Xuan Wu, 3288700100018 Likun Xie, Xiaoyun Yang, Li Yu, Tao Yu, Yongji Yu, 3288700100019 Guohui Zhang, Linhao Zhang, Qiwei Zhang, 3288700100020 Xianpeng Zhang, Yuliang Zhang, Zhiyong Zhang, 3288700100021 Luping Zhou, Zhihao Zhou, Kejun Zhu) 3288700100022 INSTITUTE (3CPRIHP,3CPRNPC,3CPRHST,3CPRUCA,3CPRAEP,3CPRBJG, 3288700100023 3CPRNIX) 3288700100024 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,839,137832,2023) 3288700100025 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137832 3288700100026 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) The Back-n white neutron source at 3288700100027 China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) 3288700100028 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Bombarding 1.6 GeV protons to a tungsten 3288700100029 target with a 25 Hz repetition frequency. 3288700100030 SAMPLE 235U, 232Th and a low density polythene (LDPE) 3288700100031 DETECTOR (IOCH) A fast ionization chamber (FIXM) was used for 3288700100032 measuring the fission events. 3288700100033 (TELES) The proton recoil telescopes (PRTs) were used 3288700100034 for n-p scattering measurement. 3288700100035 METHOD (TOF) 3288700100036 INC-SPECT (EN-RSL-HW) Half width of the energy bin centred at 3288700100037 the incident energy coded under EN 3288700100038 COMMENT By Yonghao Chen (2023-04-03): 3288700100039 232Th/235U and 232Th/1H ratios are from same 3288700100040 measurement. But the statistics are not exactly same 3288700100041 since the n-p scattering measurement was followed by 3288700100042 additional runs on carbon sample for background 3288700100043 characterization while the 232Th/235U was still 3288700100044 ongoing during commissioning of the carbon sample. 3288700100045 (i.e., 232Th/235U statistics is generally larger 3288700100046 than the 232Th/1H statistics) 3288700100047 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 3288700100048 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty mostly from 3288700100049 double-bunch unfolding 3288700100050 (ERR-1,3.0,24.9) Double-bunch unfold., 232Th(3.0-24.9%)3288700100051 (ERR-3,0.06,0.11) Anisotropy correc.,232Th (0.06-0.11%)3288700100052 (ERR-5) Threshold cut,232Th (1.1%)3288700100053 HISTORY (20230328R) Absolute cross sections received from 3288700100054 Yonghao Chen 3288700100055 (20230401R) Cross sections and partial uncertainties 3288700100056 received from Yonghao Chen 3288700100057 (20230329C) Jimin Wang (CNDC) 3288700100058 ENDBIB 56 0 3288700100059 COMMON 1 3 3288700100060 ERR-5 3288700100061 PER-CENT 3288700100062 1.1 3288700100063 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3288700100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 3288700199999 SUBENT 32887002 20230401 32103288700200001 BIB 5 27 3288700200002 REACTION 1((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 3288700200003 2(90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG) 3288700200004 MONITOR 1((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 3288700200005 Ratio normalized at 14.13 MeV to 0.175, which is from 3288700200006 235U(n,f)=2.082 b and 232Th(n,f)=0.364(7) b 3288700200007 2(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 3288700200008 MONIT-REF (,A.D.Carlson+,J,NDS,148,143,2018) 3288700200009 below 200 MeV 3288700200010 (,B.Marcinkevicius+,R,INDC(NDS)-0681,2015) 3288700200011 above 200 MeV 3288700200012 2(,,3,ENDF/B-VIII.0,9040,2018) 3288700200013 232Th(n,f)=0.362 b at 14.13 MeV 3288700200014 (,,3,JEFF-3.3,9040,2017) 3288700200015 232Th(n,f)=0.362 b at 14.13 MeV 3288700200016 (,,3,JENDL-5,9040,2021) 3288700200017 232Th(n,f)=0.369 b at 14.13 MeV 3288700200018 (,,3,CENDL-3.2,9040,2020) 3288700200019 232Th(n,f)=0.355 b at 14.13 MeV 3288700200020 (,,3,BROND-3.1,9040,2016) 3288700200021 232Th(n,f)=0.374 b at 14.13 MeV 3288700200022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.1,6.9) Double-bunch unfold., 235U (1.1-6.9%)3288700200023 (ERR-4,0.12,0.14) Anisotropy correc.,235U (0.12-0.14%)3288700200024 (ERR-6) Threshold cut,235U (1.3%)3288700200025 STATUS (TABLE) Figs.2,5 and 6 of Phys.Lett.B,839(2023)137832, 3288700200026 the data were presented by author 3288700200027 (COREL,32887003) Data measured relative to n-p 3288700200028 scattering 3288700200029 ENDBIB 27 0 3288700200030 COMMON 3 3 3288700200031 EN-NRM 1MONIT 1ERR-6 3288700200032 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 3288700200033 14.13 0.175 1.3 3288700200034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3288700200035 DATA 6 110 3288700200036 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA 1DATA 2ERR-S ERR-SYS 3288700200037 MEV MEV NO-DIM B PER-CENT PER-CENT 3288700200038 1.0236 0.0236 0.001375 0.001652 13.109071 19.719345 3288700200039 1.0718 0.0247 0.002103 0.002517 10.726166 19.760734 3288700200040 1.1223 0.0258 0.001863 0.002229 11.332842 24.917123 3288700200041 1.1752 0.0271 0.002045 0.002459 10.997195 24.895345 3288700200042 1.2306 0.0283 0.004995 0.006037 7.054889 13.195757 3288700200043 1.2886 0.0297 0.014041 0.017065 4.235240 7.380104 3288700200044 1.3493 0.0311 0.033476 0.040916 2.781647 4.641326 3288700200045 1.4129 0.0325 0.048390 0.059508 2.364069 3.949960 3288700200046 1.4795 0.0341 0.058337 0.072263 2.178192 3.778465 3288700200047 1.5492 0.0357 0.078626 0.098137 1.910032 3.447639 3288700200048 1.6222 0.0373 0.094054 0.118226 1.803848 3.470536 3288700200049 1.6987 0.0391 0.070524 0.089135 2.070656 4.925662 3288700200050 1.7788 0.0410 0.065553 0.083323 2.149067 5.608669 3288700200051 1.8626 0.0429 0.076211 0.097398 2.033990 5.368646 3288700200052 1.9504 0.0449 0.091995 0.118216 1.888905 4.992266 3288700200053 2.0423 0.0470 0.096647 0.124394 1.860363 5.437530 3288700200054 2.1385 0.0492 0.102149 0.131033 1.796366 5.103666 3288700200055 2.2393 0.0516 0.104549 0.133535 1.803897 5.187368 3288700200056 2.3449 0.0540 0.097872 0.124284 1.885706 5.764248 3288700200057 2.4554 0.0565 0.098271 0.124166 1.888594 5.999612 3288700200058 2.5711 0.0592 0.092190 0.116003 1.969702 6.654910 3288700200059 2.6922 0.0620 0.098901 0.123543 1.922931 6.720581 3288700200060 2.8191 0.0649 0.106865 0.132277 1.889773 6.734725 3288700200061 2.9520 0.0680 0.112807 0.137908 1.882765 6.715623 3288700200062 3.0911 0.0712 0.115821 0.140040 1.864029 6.587036 3288700200063 3.2368 0.0745 0.113637 0.135965 1.896086 6.778038 3288700200064 3.3893 0.0780 0.109165 0.129170 1.960404 7.387731 3288700200065 3.5491 0.0817 0.128622 0.150412 1.861454 6.700569 3288700200066 3.7163 0.0856 0.123611 0.143000 1.905498 7.207025 3288700200067 3.8915 0.0896 0.128149 0.146679 1.895678 7.317119 3288700200068 4.0749 0.0938 0.127886 0.145042 1.898361 7.432727 3288700200069 4.2669 0.0982 0.128963 0.145322 1.887504 7.346939 3288700200070 4.4680 0.1029 0.124849 0.139733 1.945110 7.795541 3288700200071 4.6786 0.1077 0.135697 0.149649 1.898483 7.379844 3288700200072 4.8991 0.1128 0.143576 0.155409 1.892320 7.394169 3288700200073 5.1300 0.1181 0.137124 0.146184 1.958159 7.938501 3288700200074 5.3717 0.1237 0.121878 0.127994 2.093006 9.147262 3288700200075 5.6249 0.1295 0.138617 0.143942 2.022288 8.452755 3288700200076 5.8900 0.1356 0.137722 0.146378 2.037646 8.740556 3288700200077 6.1676 0.1420 0.163804 0.190952 1.840421 7.126913 3288700200078 6.4583 0.1487 0.201234 0.264134 1.621700 5.591699 3288700200079 6.7626 0.1557 0.238813 0.344792 1.457293 4.596445 3288700200080 7.0813 0.1630 0.246646 0.386914 1.394579 4.235267 3288700200081 7.4151 0.1707 0.235678 0.394563 1.397979 4.268962 3288700200082 7.7645 0.1788 0.221876 0.386226 1.434701 4.482554 3288700200083 8.1305 0.1872 0.195870 0.350036 1.515771 4.941453 3288700200084 8.5136 0.1960 0.192221 0.344579 1.568298 5.245382 3288700200085 8.9149 0.2052 0.192568 0.343038 1.609514 5.510245 3288700200086 9.3350 0.2149 0.189983 0.336707 1.664814 5.859044 3288700200087 9.7750 0.2250 0.181441 0.319972 1.747566 6.419966 3288700200088 10.2356 0.2356 0.190618 0.334264 1.772832 6.624948 3288700200089 10.7180 0.2467 0.183440 0.319641 1.843916 7.104127 3288700200090 11.2232 0.2584 0.176424 0.303753 1.920307 7.596733 3288700200091 11.7521 0.2706 0.171471 0.293656 2.009910 8.232306 3288700200092 12.3059 0.2833 0.162940 0.288645 2.064192 8.544905 3288700200093 12.8859 0.2967 0.156432 0.292085 2.115854 8.859642 3288700200094 13.4932 0.3106 0.170624 0.338039 2.040584 8.193261 3288700200095 14.1291 0.3253 0.175000 0.364322 2.020156 8.057159 3288700200096 14.7950 0.3406 0.182992 0.386339 1.978487 7.758033 3288700200097 15.4923 0.3567 0.204899 0.438439 1.920558 7.258515 3288700200098 16.2224 0.3735 0.214518 0.459401 1.909837 7.190823 3288700200099 16.9869 0.3911 0.231495 0.485846 1.913072 7.152395 3288700200100 17.7875 0.4095 0.232969 0.481615 1.935512 7.262622 3288700200101 18.6258 0.4288 0.236133 0.482209 1.968038 7.478125 3288700200102 19.5036 0.4490 0.246764 0.500181 1.957198 7.265438 3288700200103 20.4228 0.4702 0.289285 0.593006 1.864315 6.583945 3288700200104 21.3853 0.4923 0.293386 0.615642 1.870804 6.554469 3288700200105 22.3931 0.5155 0.311449 0.662389 1.837167 6.270046 3288700200106 23.4485 0.5398 0.314428 0.666551 1.853848 6.149326 3288700200107 24.5536 0.5653 0.326976 0.689932 1.853184 6.000959 3288700200108 25.7108 0.5919 0.326948 0.695650 1.875926 6.123604 3288700200109 26.9225 0.6198 0.341297 0.719984 1.873897 5.570049 3288700200110 28.1913 0.6490 0.341085 0.726259 1.897436 5.640864 3288700200111 29.5199 0.6796 0.359023 0.765076 1.889519 5.067363 3288700200112 30.9111 0.7116 0.371249 0.797336 1.893709 5.019056 3288700200113 32.3679 0.7452 0.374560 0.799737 1.911132 4.826205 3288700200114 33.8934 0.7803 0.401320 0.850446 1.891784 4.632854 3288700200115 35.4907 0.8171 0.400904 0.824312 1.913517 4.726593 3288700200116 37.1634 0.8556 0.424876 0.850783 1.909478 4.665587 3288700200117 38.9148 0.8959 0.446416 0.887132 1.908502 4.640948 3288700200118 40.7488 0.9381 0.447533 0.890037 1.931841 4.751292 3288700200119 42.6693 0.9823 0.460443 0.907834 1.949938 4.830448 3288700200120 44.6802 1.0286 0.470450 0.922194 1.965061 4.930576 3288700200121 46.7859 1.0771 0.466653 0.904938 1.996042 5.027663 3288700200122 48.9909 1.1279 0.480504 0.918048 2.013115 5.131756 3288700200123 51.2997 1.1810 0.486489 0.926226 2.037262 5.252085 3288700200124 53.7174 1.2367 0.485795 0.910490 2.064676 5.370099 3288700200125 56.2490 1.2950 0.503450 0.950895 2.096415 5.492287 3288700200126 58.9000 1.3560 0.522248 0.972765 2.129289 5.652879 3288700200127 61.6758 1.4199 0.522314 0.962999 2.157392 5.796004 3288700200128 64.5825 1.4868 0.520769 0.950681 2.186542 5.915975 3288700200129 67.6262 1.5569 0.535979 0.951938 2.311503 6.328602 3288700200130 70.8133 1.6302 0.533098 0.928585 2.349973 6.523143 3288700200131 74.1507 1.7071 0.536309 0.930986 2.375410 6.714952 3288700200132 77.6453 1.7875 0.538888 0.930668 2.411170 6.703682 3288700200133 81.3046 1.8718 0.562801 0.959416 2.580577 7.469531 3288700200134 85.1364 1.9600 0.560585 0.942483 2.621994 7.649372 3288700200135 89.1487 2.0524 0.565139 0.917108 2.648720 7.855418 3288700200136 93.3502 2.1491 0.563313 0.895252 2.679895 8.050838 3288700200137 97.7496 2.2504 0.572081 0.898489 3.002428 8.747122 3288700200138 104.8239 4.8239 0.566254 0.873497 2.198656 3.881489 3288700200139 114.9371 5.2893 0.565579 0.860954 2.450479 4.155656 3288700200140 126.0261 5.7996 0.558238 0.828390 2.892691 5.550372 3288700200141 138.1848 6.3592 0.561457 0.820233 3.273725 6.170658 3288700200142 151.5166 6.9727 0.563188 0.825347 3.703705 6.632572 3288700200143 166.1347 7.6454 0.562461 0.810431 4.633663 9.498244 3288700200144 182.1631 8.3830 0.567410 0.825843 5.431957 10.640009 3288700200145 199.7378 9.1918 0.554636 0.803559 6.733657 14.221863 3288700200146 235.9782 27.0486 0.591034 0.880650 6.083890 7.764695 3288700200147 297.0790 34.0522 0.592555 0.924191 10.989590 11.839674 3288700200148 ENDDATA 112 0 3288700200149 ENDSUBENT 148 0 3288700299999 SUBENT 32887003 20230401 32103288700300001 BIB 5 26 3288700300002 REACTION 1((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)) 3288700300003 2(90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG) 3288700300004 MONITOR 1((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)) 3288700300005 Ratio normalized at 14.5 MeV to 0.577, which is from 3288700300006 H(n,el)=0.665 b and 232Th(n,f)=0.384(7) b 3288700300007 2(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 3288700300008 MONIT-REF (,A.D.Carlson+,J,NDS,148,143,2018) below 20 MeV 3288700300009 (,,3,JEFF-3.1.2,125,2012) above 20 MeV 3288700300010 2(,,3,ENDF/B-VIII.0,9040,2018) 3288700300011 232Th(n,f)=0.381 b at 14.5 MeV 3288700300012 (,,3,JEFF-3.3,9040,2017) 3288700300013 232Th(n,f)=0.381 b at 14.5 MeV 3288700300014 (,,3,JENDL-5,9040,2021) 3288700300015 232Th(n,f)=0.39 b at 14.5 MeV 3288700300016 (,,3,CENDL-3.2,9040,2020) 3288700300017 232Th(n,f)=0.373 b at 14.5 MeV 3288700300018 (,,3,BROND-3.1,9040,2016) 3288700300019 232Th(n,f)=0.394 b at 14.5 MeV 3288700300020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,0.6,11.0) Double-bunch unfold., 1H (0.6-11.0%)3288700300021 (ERR-6,1.0,2.8) Effective efficiency,1H (1.0-2.8%)3288700300022 (ERR-7) Delta E-E cut,1H (0.4%)3288700300023 (ERR-8) Telescope angle,1H (0.3%)3288700300024 (ERR-9) Telescope position,1H (0.2%)3288700300025 STATUS (TABLE) Figs.4 to 6 of Phys.Lett.B,839(2023)137832, 3288700300026 the data were presented by author 3288700300027 (COREL,32887002) Data measured relative to 235U(n,f) 3288700300028 ENDBIB 26 0 3288700300029 COMMON 5 3 3288700300030 EN-NRM 1MONIT 1ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 3288700300031 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3288700300032 14.5 0.577 0.4 0.3 0.2 3288700300033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3288700300034 DATA 6 23 3288700300035 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA 1DATA 2ERR-S ERR-SYS 3288700300036 MEV MEV NO-DIM B PER-CENT PER-CENT 3288700300037 10.5000 0.5000 0.373031 0.334609 1.310001 3.975023 3288700300038 11.5000 0.5000 0.366528 0.303119 1.492829 4.877361 3288700300039 12.5000 0.5000 0.385521 0.294924 1.665166 5.657240 3288700300040 13.5000 0.5000 0.471410 0.335644 1.739828 5.825353 3288700300041 14.5000 0.5000 0.577000 0.383705 1.778977 5.908409 3288700300042 15.5000 0.5000 0.682108 0.424953 1.805750 5.940942 3288700300043 16.5000 0.5000 0.837637 0.490856 1.908508 6.279578 3288700300044 17.5000 0.5000 0.929548 0.513110 2.012196 6.767822 3288700300045 18.5000 0.5000 0.980629 0.511888 2.138584 7.373067 3288700300046 19.5000 0.5000 1.118257 0.553537 2.238535 7.807716 3288700300047 21.9008 1.0079 1.455911 0.638148 1.667170 4.652875 3288700300048 24.0138 1.1051 1.702029 0.675085 1.771572 4.628070 3288700300049 26.3306 1.2117 2.025515 0.726039 1.970664 4.892949 3288700300050 28.8709 1.3286 2.422437 0.778183 2.081706 4.712779 3288700300051 31.6563 1.4568 2.910965 0.837263 2.305427 4.724288 3288700300052 34.7105 1.5973 3.150007 0.810683 2.445161 4.711948 3288700300053 38.0593 1.7515 3.717447 0.857348 2.722666 5.065604 3288700300054 41.7312 1.9204 4.506731 0.931916 3.171980 5.868385 3288700300055 45.7573 2.1057 5.060829 0.937253 3.672422 6.867649 3288700300056 50.1719 2.3089 5.646602 0.935955 4.095101 7.778894 3288700300057 55.0124 2.5316 6.357051 0.943915 4.836386 9.243825 3288700300058 60.3199 2.7759 7.452419 0.990295 5.616344 10.586622 3288700300059 66.1394 3.0437 8.259624 0.983617 6.025274 11.710522 3288700300060 ENDDATA 25 0 3288700300061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 3288700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3288799999999