ENTRY 32892 20241208 32153289200000001 SUBENT 32892001 20241208 32153289200100001 BIB 14 34 3289200100002 TITLE High-precision cross sections measurement of (n,2n) 3289200100003 reactions on 124Xe and 78Kr isotopes in the 14 MeV 3289200100004 region 3289200100005 AUTHOR (Jun Zeng,Chuanxin Zhu,Youjin Gong,Li Jiang, 3289200100006 Changfan Zhang,Jianguo Qin,Xiaofeng Guo,Pu Zheng, 3289200100007 Songsong Tang,Qingpei Xiang,Fanhua Hao,Xinxin Lu, 3289200100008 Yongchun Xiang,Tonghua Zhu) 3289200100009 INSTITUTE (3CPRNPC) 3289200100010 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,1030,122569,2023) 3289200100011 #doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2022.122569 3289200100012 FACILITY (NGEN,3CPRNPC) The PD-300 neutron generator 3289200100013 SAMPLE High-purity (99.9%) 124Xe and 78Kr gas. The effective 3289200100014 volume were designed to be about 18 mm in diameter 3289200100015 and 10 mm in height. The containers are made of 3289200100016 organic glass with an end face thickness of 1 mm. 3289200100017 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Monoenergetic neutrons are produced with 3289200100018 charged deuteron beam energy of 220 keV and current 3289200100019 of 200 uA. The neutron yield was about 2E10 - 3E10 n/s.3289200100020 DETECTOR (SIBAR) The accompanying alpha-particles was recorded 3289200100021 moment to moment by an Au-Si surface barrier detector 3289200100022 at 178 degree with distance of 637 mm, for monitoring 3289200100023 the variation of neutron flux. 3289200100024 (HPGE) A planar High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector 3289200100025 with a relative efficiency of 40%, and a coaxial HPGe 3289200100026 detector with a relative efficiency of 60%. The 3289200100027 detectors were calibrated using a series of standard 3289200100028 surface sources of 133Ba, 152Eu, 60Co, 137Cs and 3289200100029 166mHo with 18 mm in diameter. 3289200100030 METHOD (ACTIV) 3289200100031 MONITOR (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) 3289200100032 MONIT-REF (,S.A.Badikov+,P,ASTM-STP-1228,1994) 3289200100033 DECAY-MON (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.44,0.9907) 3289200100034 STATUS (TABLE,,Jun Zeng+,J,NP/A,1030,122569,2023) Table 2 3289200100035 HISTORY (20241208C) Jimin Wang (CNDC) 3289200100036 ENDBIB 34 0 3289200100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 3289200100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 3289200199999 SUBENT 32892002 20241208 32153289200200001 BIB 3 9 3289200200002 REACTION (54-XE-124(N,2N)54-XE-123,,SIG) 3289200200003 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-123,2.040HR,DG,148.9,0.489) 3289200200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3289200200005 (ERR-S,0.4,0.8) Counting statistics 3289200200006 (ERR-1) Target nuclides quantification 3289200200007 (ERR-2) Gamma-ray intensity 3289200200008 (ERR-3) Detector efficiency ratio 3289200200009 (ERR-4,0.1,0.2) Half-life 3289200200010 (ERR-5,,1.) Neutron flux fluctuation 3289200200011 ENDBIB 9 0 3289200200012 COMMON 3 3 3289200200013 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3289200200014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3289200200015 1.5 1.2 1.5 3289200200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3289200200017 DATA 6 7 3289200200018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3289200200019 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3289200200020 13.4 0.3 995.4 33.3 449.8 10.23289200200021 13.5 0.2 1026.7 34.0 452.5 6.13289200200022 13.7 0.2 1069.6 31.9 455.8 4.23289200200023 14.1 0.1 1152.9 33.9 459.5 3.23289200200024 14.5 0.2 1218.7 36.3 460.1 3.43289200200025 14.8 0.4 1252.1 38.4 458.7 4.93289200200026 14.9 0.4 1270.0 39.8 457.8 6.03289200200027 ENDDATA 9 0 3289200200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 3289200299999 SUBENT 32892003 20241208 32153289200300001 BIB 3 9 3289200300002 REACTION (36-KR-78(N,2N)36-KR-77,,SIG) 3289200300003 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,71.25MIN,DG,129.64,0.810) 3289200300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3289200300005 (ERR-S,0.5,0.8) Counting statistics 3289200300006 (ERR-1) Target nuclides quantification 3289200300007 (ERR-2) Gamma-ray intensity 3289200300008 (ERR-3) Detector efficiency ratio 3289200300009 (ERR-4,0.1,0.6) Half-life 3289200300010 (ERR-5,,1.) Neutron flux fluctuation 3289200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 3289200300012 COMMON 3 3 3289200300013 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3289200300014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3289200300015 1.5 2.5 1.5 3289200300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3289200300017 DATA 6 7 3289200300018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3289200300019 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3289200300020 13.4 0.3 90.3 4.3 449.8 10.23289200300021 13.5 0.2 110.4 4.3 452.5 6.13289200300022 13.7 0.2 145.2 5.4 455.8 4.23289200300023 14.1 0.1 204.0 7.5 459.5 3.23289200300024 14.5 0.2 257.3 9.7 460.1 3.43289200300025 14.8 0.4 290.3 11.1 458.7 4.93289200300026 14.9 0.4 310.6 11.8 457.8 6.03289200300027 ENDDATA 9 0 3289200300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 3289200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3289299999999