ENTRY 32894 20241008 32143289400000001 SUBENT 32894001 20241008 32143289400100001 BIB 14 61 3289400100002 TITLE Measurement of the 239Pu(n,f) cross section from 4 3289400100003 keV to 100 MeV using the white neutron source at the 3289400100004 CSNS Back-n facility 3289400100005 AUTHOR (Yijia Qiu, Changlin Lan, Yonghao Chen, Liyang Jiang, 3289400100006 Jie Bao, Yiwei Yang, Zhongwei Wen, Rong Liu, 3289400100007 Xichao Ruan, Jingyu Tang, Jie Ren, Hantao Jing, 3289400100008 Guangyuan Luan, Ruirui Fan, Yangbo Nie, Xianlin Yang, 3289400100009 Xiaojun Li, Han Yi, Wei Jiang, Tao Ye, Yi Yang, 3289400100010 Shilong Liu, Jincheng Wang) 3289400100011 INSTITUTE (3CPRLNZ,3CPRIHP,3CPRAEP,3CPRNPC,3CPRIPM) 3289400100012 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,107,024606,2023) 3289400100013 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.107.024606 3289400100014 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) The back-streaming white neutron 3289400100015 beamline (Back-n) at the China Spallation Neutron 3289400100016 Source (CSNS) 3289400100017 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons are produced via 1.6 GeV proton- 3289400100018 induced spallation reactions on a Tungsten target. 3289400100019 The incident proton pulse was in double-bunch mode, 3289400100020 about 60 ns (FWHM) wide and 410 ns apart. 3289400100021 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9671) Two uranium and two plutonium 3289400100022 samples were used in this measurement. The plutonium 3289400100023 samples were electroplated on platinum backings. The 3289400100024 uranium samples were electroplated on the stainless 3289400100025 steel and aluminium backing. The mass of the two 3289400100026 plutonium samples were 373 and 401 ug. The diameter 3289400100027 of the two plutonium samples were 25.4 mm. 3289400100028 DETECTOR (FISCH) A fast fission ionization chamber for the 3289400100029 fission cross section measurement was mounted at the 3289400100030 endstation 1 of Back-n. The chamber is a cylinder 3289400100031 made of 5 mm-thick aluminium alloy with length of 300 3289400100032 mm and diameter of 300 mm. The neutron window with 3289400100033 diameter of 80 mm was sealed with 100 um Kapton film 3289400100034 at the center of chamber caps. The chamber was filled 3289400100035 with a mixture gas of 90% Ar and 10% CF4 at a 3289400100036 pressure of 800 mbar. A stack of fission cells was 3289400100037 mounted inside the chamber along the neutron beam 3289400100038 direction. 3289400100039 METHOD (TOF) A flight path about 57 m. 3289400100040 MONITOR 2(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) IAEA standards 3289400100041 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainty including unfolding 3289400100042 error (2.6% to 15%). It is reduced to 1.7% to 5.8% 3289400100043 if the unfolding error is excluded. 3289400100044 (ERR-1) Detection efficiency and sample mass. 3289400100045 2(MONIT-ERR,0.6,3.6) The uncertainties of the 3289400100046 235U(n,f) cross sections are provided by IAEA 3289400100047 standards which vary from about 0.6% to about 3.6% in 3289400100048 the range from 4 keV to 100 MeV. 3289400100049 CORRECTION The correction due to isotopic composition and 3289400100050 neutron flux attenuation. The correction factor for 3289400100051 isotopic composition substantially keeps as 1 when 3289400100052 the neutron energy is less than 400 keV, apart from 3289400100053 some resonance dips. When the energy is above 400 keV, 3289400100054 the correction factor decreases with the increasing 3289400100055 of neutron energy and then becomes steady around 3289400100056 1MeV. The flux attenuation tends to be more severe, 3289400100057 especially in the low-energy region with the increase 3289400100058 of the material amount. 3289400100059 STATUS (TABLE,,Yijia Qiu+,J,PR/C,107,024606,2023) 3289400100060 Data presented by author 3289400100061 HISTORY (20240925R) The data received from Changlin Lan 3289400100062 (20241008C) Jimin Wang (CNDC) 3289400100063 ENDBIB 61 0 3289400100064 COMMON 1 3 3289400100065 ERR-1 3289400100066 PER-CENT 3289400100067 0.9 3289400100068 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3289400100069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 3289400199999 SUBENT 32894002 20241008 32143289400200001 BIB 1 2 3289400200002 REACTION 1((94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 3289400200003 2(94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG) 3289400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3289400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3289400200006 DATA 5 180 3289400200007 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 3289400200008 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM B B 3289400200009 4.36979E+03 0.55024 0.02245 2.52432 0.10408 3289400200010 4.79138E+03 0.52878 0.02180 2.09979 0.08748 3289400200011 5.25364E+03 0.52568 0.02179 2.01985 0.08464 3289400200012 5.76050E+03 0.54665 0.02259 2.09068 0.08736 3289400200013 6.31627E+03 0.56657 0.02399 1.89779 0.08127 3289400200014 6.92565E+03 0.50704 0.02203 1.72598 0.07576 3289400200015 7.59382E+03 0.79821 0.02980 2.53681 0.09591 3289400200016 8.32646E+03 0.77334 0.02996 2.34467 0.09196 3289400200017 9.12978E+03 0.64577 0.02476 2.09992 0.08154 3289400200018 1.00106E+04 0.65173 0.02552 1.96845 0.07803 3289400200019 1.09764E+04 0.66229 0.04141 1.99184 0.17445 3289400200020 1.20354E+04 0.65999 0.04186 1.76135 0.15671 3289400200021 1.31965E+04 0.67210 0.04115 1.86847 0.15987 3289400200022 1.44697E+04 0.63793 0.03923 1.71739 0.14732 3289400200023 1.58657E+04 0.74996 0.04612 1.83154 0.15749 3289400200024 1.73964E+04 0.74343 0.04437 1.75525 0.14706 3289400200025 1.90748E+04 0.68965 0.04332 1.68303 0.14927 3289400200026 2.09151E+04 0.73813 0.04088 1.65521 0.12871 3289400200027 2.29330E+04 0.69613 0.03886 1.56604 0.12254 3289400200028 2.51455E+04 0.72603 0.03563 1.55680 0.10642 3289400200029 2.75715E+04 0.72506 0.04291 1.56553 0.12917 3289400200030 3.02315E+04 0.77068 0.04336 1.68644 0.13294 3289400200031 3.31482E+04 0.80466 0.04379 1.62122 0.12285 3289400200032 3.63463E+04 0.79789 0.04867 1.46104 0.12452 3289400200033 3.98529E+04 0.78231 0.04138 1.50973 0.11136 3289400200034 4.36979E+04 0.80603 0.03872 1.50475 0.10061 3289400200035 4.79138E+04 0.81614 0.03732 1.52515 0.09739 3289400200036 5.25364E+04 0.79645 0.03698 1.46014 0.09471 3289400200037 5.76050E+04 0.87466 0.03665 1.56694 0.09163 3289400200038 6.31627E+04 0.86051 0.03468 1.52974 0.08573 3289400200039 6.92565E+04 0.88682 0.03350 1.48676 0.07792 3289400200040 7.59382E+04 0.88850 0.03535 1.48140 0.08186 3289400200041 8.32646E+04 0.93826 0.03801 1.51532 0.08566 3289400200042 9.12978E+04 0.99206 0.03810 1.57260 0.08367 3289400200043 1.00106E+05 0.99655 0.03614 1.57487 0.07900 3289400200044 1.09764E+05 1.01249 0.03264 1.56472 0.06943 3289400200045 1.20354E+05 0.94807 0.03184 1.42487 0.06598 3289400200046 1.31965E+05 1.02686 0.03081 1.51547 0.06243 3289400200047 1.44697E+05 1.06331 0.03515 1.54085 0.07040 3289400200048 1.58657E+05 1.06494 0.03236 1.51485 0.06341 3289400200049 1.69869E+05 1.06133 0.04044 1.49083 0.05721 3289400200050 1.77875E+05 1.08350 0.04007 1.51436 0.05912 3289400200051 1.86258E+05 1.04335 0.03785 1.44022 0.05473 3289400200052 1.95036E+05 1.04139 0.04072 1.41443 0.05719 3289400200053 2.04228E+05 1.11916 0.04088 1.50871 0.05732 3289400200054 2.13853E+05 1.19276 0.04292 1.59796 0.05936 3289400200055 2.23931E+05 1.16066 0.04152 1.52568 0.05634 3289400200056 2.34485E+05 1.15581 0.03789 1.50294 0.05131 3289400200057 2.45536E+05 1.22774 0.04061 1.58399 0.05451 3289400200058 2.57108E+05 1.16324 0.03817 1.47764 0.04978 3289400200059 2.69225E+05 1.20271 0.03767 1.50446 0.04966 3289400200060 2.81913E+05 1.28460 0.04155 1.58644 0.05287 3289400200061 2.95199E+05 1.25421 0.03996 1.54469 0.05057 3289400200062 3.09111E+05 1.19865 0.03724 1.47745 0.04733 3289400200063 3.23679E+05 1.29867 0.03884 1.60303 0.04989 3289400200064 3.38934E+05 1.32428 0.03776 1.62206 0.04802 3289400200065 3.54907E+05 1.24683 0.03515 1.51724 0.04425 3289400200066 3.71634E+05 1.30027 0.03758 1.58261 0.04749 3289400200067 3.89148E+05 1.28395 0.03784 1.54064 0.04706 3289400200068 4.07488E+05 1.31269 0.03752 1.56318 0.04656 3289400200069 4.26693E+05 1.28325 0.03813 1.53508 0.04778 3289400200070 4.46802E+05 1.38553 0.03934 1.62184 0.04789 3289400200071 4.67859E+05 1.41816 0.03927 1.62758 0.04701 3289400200072 4.89909E+05 1.40849 0.03777 1.60746 0.04469 3289400200073 5.12997E+05 1.44664 0.03855 1.64982 0.04568 3289400200074 5.37174E+05 1.46785 0.03783 1.65578 0.04439 3289400200075 5.62490E+05 1.42895 0.03735 1.62113 0.04420 3289400200076 5.89000E+05 1.42885 0.03667 1.60169 0.04271 3289400200077 6.16758E+05 1.46196 0.03721 1.62773 0.04289 3289400200078 6.45825E+05 1.47229 0.03821 1.64711 0.04409 3289400200079 6.76262E+05 1.51615 0.03830 1.69561 0.04427 3289400200080 7.08133E+05 1.49411 0.03799 1.67291 0.04400 3289400200081 7.41507E+05 1.50054 0.03854 1.69367 0.04481 3289400200082 7.76453E+05 1.51960 0.03913 1.70306 0.04523 3289400200083 8.13046E+05 1.58175 0.04116 1.76082 0.04723 3289400200084 8.51364E+05 1.57649 0.04027 1.76809 0.04666 3289400200085 8.91487E+05 1.54038 0.03953 1.75609 0.04651 3289400200086 9.33502E+05 1.46027 0.03740 1.70769 0.04521 3289400200087 9.77496E+05 1.47191 0.03800 1.77004 0.04770 3289400200088 1.02356E+06 1.48978 0.03942 1.78959 0.04859 3289400200089 1.07180E+06 1.57313 0.04174 1.88227 0.05111 3289400200090 1.12232E+06 1.53080 0.04104 1.83181 0.05021 3289400200091 1.17521E+06 1.50451 0.04118 1.80962 0.05067 3289400200092 1.23059E+06 1.61772 0.04297 1.95627 0.05321 3289400200093 1.28859E+06 1.61772 0.04392 1.96724 0.05470 3289400200094 1.34932E+06 1.57405 0.04298 1.92532 0.05385 3289400200095 1.41291E+06 1.63877 0.04424 2.01668 0.05576 3289400200096 1.47950E+06 1.69955 0.04627 2.10490 0.05864 3289400200097 1.54923E+06 1.61749 0.04556 2.01733 0.05796 3289400200098 1.62224E+06 1.63284 0.04612 2.05110 0.05914 3289400200099 1.69869E+06 1.72812 0.04984 2.18301 0.06419 3289400200100 1.77875E+06 1.64653 0.04854 2.09101 0.06283 3289400200101 1.86258E+06 1.60978 0.04813 2.05565 0.06260 3289400200102 1.95036E+06 1.60151 0.04913 2.05688 0.06438 3289400200103 2.04228E+06 1.62243 0.05011 2.08706 0.06563 3289400200104 2.13853E+06 1.59636 0.04927 2.04592 0.06440 3289400200105 2.23931E+06 1.58994 0.04863 2.02966 0.06330 3289400200106 2.34485E+06 1.56537 0.04914 1.98887 0.06349 3289400200107 2.45536E+06 1.55747 0.04907 1.96860 0.06319 3289400200108 2.57108E+06 1.63552 0.05136 2.05661 0.06580 3289400200109 2.69225E+06 1.58438 0.05140 1.97867 0.06541 3289400200110 2.81913E+06 1.66437 0.05543 2.05930 0.07004 3289400200111 2.95199E+06 1.67023 0.05701 2.04281 0.07082 3289400200112 3.09111E+06 1.61806 0.05696 1.95617 0.06979 3289400200113 3.23679E+06 1.63161 0.05854 1.95260 0.07108 3289400200114 3.38934E+06 1.67218 0.06038 1.97983 0.07256 3289400200115 3.54907E+06 1.74215 0.06310 2.03940 0.07475 3289400200116 3.71634E+06 1.69897 0.06229 1.96628 0.07305 3289400200117 3.89148E+06 1.69113 0.06330 1.93678 0.07342 3289400200118 4.07488E+06 1.66346 0.06248 1.88679 0.07174 3289400200119 4.26693E+06 1.67817 0.06299 1.89061 0.07186 3289400200120 4.46802E+06 1.65521 0.06250 1.85080 0.07078 3289400200121 4.67859E+06 1.61260 0.06237 1.77720 0.06959 3289400200122 4.89909E+06 1.67116 0.06644 1.80908 0.07245 3289400200123 5.12997E+06 1.67942 0.06899 1.79069 0.07436 3289400200124 5.37174E+06 1.63465 0.06944 1.71654 0.07393 3289400200125 5.62490E+06 1.68526 0.07266 1.74977 0.07639 3289400200126 5.89000E+06 1.66244 0.07219 1.76869 0.07784 3289400200127 6.16758E+06 1.71632 0.07515 2.00279 0.08915 3289400200128 6.45825E+06 1.62464 0.07020 2.12897 0.09344 3289400200129 6.76262E+06 1.54403 0.06726 2.22934 0.09842 3289400200130 7.08133E+06 1.49131 0.06478 2.33847 0.10298 3289400200131 7.41507E+06 1.41826 0.06033 2.37251 0.10249 3289400200132 7.76453E+06 1.36175 0.05872 2.37295 0.10496 3289400200133 8.13046E+06 1.35915 0.05915 2.42810 0.10755 3289400200134 8.51364E+06 1.38706 0.06038 2.48389 0.10981 3289400200135 8.91487E+06 1.38116 0.06122 2.46264 0.11070 3289400200136 9.33502E+06 1.38504 0.06288 2.45598 0.11300 3289400200137 9.77496E+06 1.37446 0.06634 2.42313 0.11871 3289400200138 1.02356E+07 1.37332 0.06833 2.40674 0.12120 3289400200139 1.07180E+07 1.35685 0.07017 2.36367 0.12348 3289400200140 1.12232E+07 1.36965 0.07307 2.35783 0.12747 3289400200141 1.17521E+07 1.36449 0.07367 2.33644 0.12806 3289400200142 1.23059E+07 1.34529 0.07482 2.38295 0.13413 3289400200143 1.28859E+07 1.37839 0.07737 2.57516 0.14591 3289400200144 1.34932E+07 1.31800 0.07566 2.61147 0.15053 3289400200145 1.41291E+07 1.27810 0.07357 2.65430 0.15346 3289400200146 1.47950E+07 1.25305 0.07518 2.64512 0.15772 3289400200147 1.54923E+07 1.19911 0.07340 2.56608 0.15607 3289400200148 1.62224E+07 1.18277 0.07683 2.53144 0.16572 3289400200149 1.69869E+07 1.23016 0.08170 2.58397 0.17239 3289400200150 1.77875E+07 1.17169 0.08519 2.42265 0.17733 3289400200151 1.86258E+07 1.19422 0.08954 2.43913 0.18334 3289400200152 1.95036E+07 1.22159 0.08707 2.47618 0.17753 3289400200153 2.04228E+07 1.26025 0.08840 2.58326 0.18331 3289400200154 2.13853E+07 1.25331 0.08892 2.63038 0.18932 3289400200155 2.23931E+07 1.16903 0.08904 2.48697 0.19269 3289400200156 2.34485E+07 1.19976 0.09298 2.54268 0.20044 3289400200157 2.45536E+07 1.19310 0.09327 2.51715 0.19995 3289400200158 2.57108E+07 1.20863 0.09794 2.57073 0.21158 3289400200159 2.69225E+07 1.12403 0.09285 2.37783 0.19877 3289400200160 2.81913E+07 1.15154 0.09152 2.44647 0.19852 3289400200161 2.95199E+07 1.14093 0.09260 2.43119 0.20029 3289400200162 3.09111E+07 1.10895 0.09158 2.37553 0.19980 3289400200163 3.23679E+07 1.16492 0.09121 2.47653 0.19898 3289400200164 3.38934E+07 1.14976 0.09192 2.42024 0.19876 3289400200165 3.54907E+07 1.11321 0.09043 2.28187 0.19082 3289400200166 3.71634E+07 1.08837 0.08283 2.17441 0.17703 3289400200167 3.89148E+07 1.04575 0.08090 2.07450 0.17315 3289400200168 4.07488E+07 1.13825 0.09022 2.26024 0.19296 3289400200169 4.26693E+07 1.06270 0.08575 2.09351 0.17761 3289400200170 4.46802E+07 1.12014 0.09264 2.19511 0.18689 3289400200171 4.67859E+07 1.17660 0.09930 2.27957 0.19756 3289400200172 4.89909E+07 1.15178 0.09918 2.19737 0.19573 3289400200173 5.12997E+07 1.16715 0.10055 2.21624 0.19901 3289400200174 5.37174E+07 1.22305 0.10526 2.29249 0.20619 3289400200175 5.62490E+07 1.20486 0.10612 2.26302 0.20827 3289400200176 5.89000E+07 1.17247 0.10557 2.16997 0.20296 3289400200177 6.16758E+07 1.11275 0.10463 2.03781 0.19675 3289400200178 6.45825E+07 1.08446 0.11871 1.97244 0.21961 3289400200179 6.76262E+07 1.12610 0.12610 1.99693 0.22808 3289400200180 7.08133E+07 0.96476 0.11089 1.67809 0.19653 3289400200181 7.41507E+07 1.02659 0.12003 1.78066 0.21348 3289400200182 7.76453E+07 1.05026 0.12997 1.81345 0.22810 3289400200183 8.13046E+07 1.18298 0.14965 2.01798 0.26247 3289400200184 8.51364E+07 1.10836 0.14401 1.86448 0.25040 3289400200185 8.91487E+07 1.15871 0.15529 1.88390 0.25978 3289400200186 9.33502E+07 1.13929 0.15674 1.81419 0.25916 3289400200187 9.77496E+07 1.15666 0.16827 1.81954 0.27171 3289400200188 1.02356E+08 1.21809 0.19733 1.89232 0.31263 3289400200189 ENDDATA 182 0 3289400200190 ENDSUBENT 189 0 3289400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3289499999999