ENTRY 32896 20241205 32153289600000001 SUBENT 32896001 20241205 32153289600100001 BIB 16 75 3289600100002 TITLE Cross-sections of the 238U(n,gamma)239U reaction in 3289600100003 the 3.0-7.0 MeV energy region measured by relative 3289600100004 activation method 3289600100005 AUTHOR (Chun Wen,Zheng Han,Xiao-Bing Luo) 3289600100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRSIU) 3289600100007 REFERENCE (J,CPH/C,47,024002,2023) 3289600100008 #doi:10.1088/1674-1137/ac9e9b 3289600100009 FACILITY (VDG,3CPRSIU) 3 MV tandem accelerator 3289600100010 INC-SOURCE (D-D) The D beam energies of this experiment were 1.5 3289600100011 MeV and 3 MeV, and the beam intensities were 13 uA 3289600100012 and 22 uA. The mass thickness of the D-Ti target was 3289600100013 2.01 mg/cm2, and the D to Ti atomic adsorption ratio 3289600100014 was 1.77. 3289600100015 SAMPLE U3O8 black powder with a purity of more than 99.9% 3289600100016 was kept in an oven (temperature 60 degree) for 12 h 3289600100017 to remove moisture. It was removed and then pressed 3289600100018 into three disk-shaped samples with a diameter of 20 3289600100019 mm. The mass thicknesses of the samples were 0.9724 3289600100020 g/cm2, 0.9742 g/cm2, and 0.9855 g/cm2. The U3O8 3289600100021 samples were sandwiched between two Au flakes and 3289600100022 covered with a 0.3 mm thick Cd case outside. Au 3289600100023 flakes with the same diameter as the samples and a 3289600100024 thickness of approximately 0.1 mm were availed to 3289600100025 identify the flux of the neutrons at the sample using 3289600100026 the 197Au(n,gamma)198Au reaction. 3289600100027 METHOD (ACTIV) The samples were irradiated for 12 h. The 3289600100028 sample (0.9724 g/cm2) was irradiated with a D-beam 3289600100029 energy of 3 MeV at an angle of 0 deg and a distance 3289600100030 of 3.063 cm from the D-Ti target. The samples (0.9742 3289600100031 g/cm2 and 0.9855 g/cm2) were irradiated with a D-beam 3289600100032 1.5 MeV at an angle of 0 deg and a distance of 4.814 3289600100033 cm and at an angle of 60 deg and a distance of 4.497 3289600100034 cm from the D-Ti target, and aligned with the center 3289600100035 of the D-Ti target. The cooling time were 2.7-43 h 3289600100036 for Au flakes and 3.5-48 h for U3O8 samples. The 3289600100037 measuring time was 14.5 h. 3289600100038 DETECTOR (BF3) The BF3 neutron counter meter was positioned 3289600100039 parallel to the D-beam stream at 388 cm from the 3289600100040 target head to supervise the stability of the neutron 3289600100041 fluence throughout the hall in real time during the 3289600100042 experiment. 3289600100043 (HPGE) The characteristic gamma-rays produced were 3289600100044 measured with a single-ended coaxial low-background 3289600100045 GEM30P4-76 HPGe detector with an energy resolution of 3289600100046 850 eV FWHM at 122 keV and 1.85 keV FWHM at 1.33 MeV 3289600100047 as well as a 30% relative efficiency. Calibration of 3289600100048 the detector efficiency used the standard source 3289600100049 calibrating method, using the 152Eu and 137Cs 3289600100050 standard sources with known activities to obtain the 3289600100051 source peak detection efficiency. 3289600100052 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG) 3289600100053 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VIII.0,,2018) 3289600100054 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.69D,DG,411.8,0.9562) 3289600100055 CORRECTION F =(Ff*FG*Fs*Fa*Fg)U/(Ff*FG *Fs*Fa*Fg)Au, 3289600100056 Ff neutron fluence fluctuation effect, 3289600100057 FG gamma-ray self-absorption effect, 3289600100058 Fs low-energy scattered neutrons, 3289600100059 Fa neutron self-shielding effect, 3289600100060 Fg counting geometric correction factor. 3289600100061 En/MeV,FGU/FGAu,FsU/FsAu,FaU/FaAu,FfU/FfAu,FgU/FgAu,F 3289600100062 6.117+-0.119 1.2181 1.0535 0.9351 0.9657 0.9892 1.1463 3289600100063 4.626+-0.086 1.2184 0.9867 0.9628 1.0245 0.9814 1.1638 3289600100064 3.622+-0.348 1.2170 0.8879 1.0205 1.0245 0.9833 1.1109 3289600100065 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The overall uncertainties 3289600100066 (ERR-1) Calibration errors of the detector 3289600100067 (ERR-2) Errors in the intensities of the gamma-ray 3289600100068 (ERR-3) The statistical errors of the full-energy 3289600100069 peak net counts A(Au) of the characteristic gamma-rays3289600100070 (ERR-4) The statistical errors of the full-energy 3289600100071 peak net counts A(U) of the characteristic gamma-rays 3289600100072 (ERR-5) Errors in the radionuclide half-lives of U 3289600100073 (ERR-6) Errors in the radionuclide half-lives of Au 3289600100074 (MONIT-ERR) The standard cross-section 3289600100075 STATUS (TABLE,,Chun Wen+,J,CPH/C,47,024002,2023) Table 3 and 43289600100076 HISTORY (20241205C) Xi Tao and Jimin Wang 3289600100077 ENDBIB 75 0 3289600100078 COMMON 4 3 3289600100079 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-5 ERR-6 3289600100080 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3289600100081 0.612 0.551 0.004 0.007 3289600100082 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3289600100083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 3289600199999 SUBENT 32896002 20241205 32153289600200001 BIB 3 3 3289600200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG) 3289600200003 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-239,2.36D,DG,277.6,0.1451) 3289600200004 RAD-DET (93-NP-239,DG) 3289600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 3289600200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3289600200007 DATA 7 3 3289600200008 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T ERR-3 ERR-4 3289600200009 MONIT-ERR 3289600200010 MEV MEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 3289600200011 PER-CENT 3289600200012 6.117 0.119 1.051 0.078 1.950 0.8353289600200013 7.094 3289600200014 4.626 0.086 4.437 0.214 0.912 1.3923289600200015 4.450 3289600200016 3.622 0.348 11.960 0.416 1.456 1.7903289600200017 2.469 3289600200018 ENDDATA 10 0 3289600200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3289600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3289699999999