ENTRY 32901 20241210 32153290100000001 SUBENT 32901001 20241210 32153290100100001 BIB 12 39 3290100100002 TITLE 12C(n,n+3a) and 12C(n,a0)9Be cross sections in the 3290100100003 MeV neutron energy region 3290100100004 AUTHOR (Jie Liu,Zengqi Cui,Yiwei Hu,Haofan Bai,Zhenpeng Chen, 3290100100005 Cong Xia,Tieshuan Fan,Jinxiang Chen,Guohui Zhang, 3290100100006 Xichao Ruan,Hanxiong Huang,Jie Ren,Hongtao Chen) 3290100100007 INSTITUTE (3CPRBJG,3CPRTSI,3CPRAEP) 3290100100008 (3CPRCPR) China Institute of Nuclear Industry Strategy 3290100100009 (CINIS), Beijing 3290100100010 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,842,137985,2023) 3290100100011 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137985 3290100100012 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRAEP) HI-13 tandem accelerator 3290100100013 (En = 9.50, 10.00, 10.50 and 11.50 MeV) 3290100100014 (CCW,3CPRAEP) Cockcroft Walton generator 3290100100015 (En = 14.27 and 14.67 MeV) 3290100100016 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Based on the HI-13 tandem accelerator. 3290100100017 A deuterium gas target to produce neutrons, a grid 3290100100018 ionization chamber (GIC) with a 238U3O8 sample 3290100100019 (99.999%) to measure the neutron fluences, the 3290100100020 diamond detector as an active target and the particle 3290100100021 detector, and a EJ-309 liquid scintillator to measure 3290100100022 the neutron energy spectra. The deuteron beam current 3290100100023 was about 1.5 uA and the total beam duration was 3290100100024 about 8 h. 3290100100025 (D-T) Based on the Cockcroft-Walton generator. 3290100100026 A T-Ti solid target to produce neutrons, a Au-Si 3290100100027 surface barrier de tector for associated alpha 3290100100028 particle detection and the diamond detector as an 3290100100029 active target and the charged particle detector. 3290100100030 The deuteron beam current was about 200 uA and 3290100100031 the total beam duration was about 6 h. 3290100100032 DETECTOR A single crystal chemical vapor deposited (sCVD) 3290100100033 diamond detector as both the particle detector and 3290100100034 the target, with an area of 4.0 X 4.0 mm2 and a 3290100100035 thickness of 500 um. 3290100100036 METHOD Active target method 3290100100037 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 3290100100038 MONIT-REF (,A.Carlson+,J,NDS,148,143,2018) 3290100100039 STATUS (TABLE,,Jie Liu+,J,PL/B,842,137985,2023) Table 1 3290100100040 HISTORY (20241210C) Jimin Wang 3290100100041 ENDBIB 39 0 3290100100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 3290100100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3290100199999 SUBENT 32901002 20241210 32153290100200001 BIB 3 19 3290100200002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,A)4-BE-9,PAR,SIG) HI-13 tandem accelerator 3290100200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties 3290100200004 (ERR-1,3.7,6.6) The counts of the (n,a0) events 3290100200005 (ERR-2,5.4,14.1) The counts of the (n,n+3a) events 3290100200006 (ERR-3) The number of the 12C nucleus 3290100200007 (ERR-4,0.41,0.58) The count of the fission events 3290100200008 (ERR-5) The number of the 238U nucleus 3290100200009 (ERR-6,0.9,1.3) The detection efficiency of the 3290100200010 fission events 3290100200011 (ERR-7,1.5,2.8) The proportion of the fission events 3290100200012 induced by the main-energy neutrons to those induced 3290100200013 by all the neutrons 3290100200014 (ERR-8,1.5,3.0) The ratio of the neutron fluence at 3290100200015 the diamond detector position over that at the 3290100200016 238U3O8 sample position 3290100200017 (MONIT-ERR) The standard cross section of the 3290100200018 238U(n,f) reaction 3290100200019 STATUS (COREL,32901004) Data measured with Cockcroft Walton 3290100200020 generator 3290100200021 ENDBIB 19 0 3290100200022 COMMON 4 3 3290100200023 E-LVL ERR-3 ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 3290100200024 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3290100200025 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 3290100200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3290100200027 DATA 4 4 3290100200028 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 3290100200029 MEV MEV MB MB 3290100200030 9.50 0.11 242.4 12.9 3290100200031 10.00 0.09 165.3 9.4 3290100200032 10.50 0.10 114.7 8.3 3290100200033 11.50 0.08 69.8 5.2 3290100200034 ENDDATA 6 0 3290100200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 3290100299999 SUBENT 32901003 20241210 32153290100300001 BIB 3 19 3290100300002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG) HI-13 tandem accelerator 3290100300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties 3290100300004 (ERR-1,3.7,6.6) The counts of the (n,a0) events 3290100300005 (ERR-2,5.4,14.1) The counts of the (n,n+3a) events 3290100300006 (ERR-3) The number of the 12C nucleus 3290100300007 (ERR-4,0.41,0.58) The count of the fission events 3290100300008 (ERR-5) The number of the 238U nucleus 3290100300009 (ERR-6,0.9,1.3) The detection efficiency of the 3290100300010 fission events 3290100300011 (ERR-7,1.5,2.8) The proportion of the fission events 3290100300012 induced by the main-energy neutrons to those induced 3290100300013 by all the neutrons 3290100300014 (ERR-8,1.5,3.0) The ratio of the neutron fluence at 3290100300015 the diamond detector position over that at the 3290100300016 238U3O8 sample position 3290100300017 (MONIT-ERR) The standard cross section of the 3290100300018 238U(n,f) reaction 3290100300019 STATUS (COREL,32901005) Data measured with Cockcroft Walton 3290100300020 generator 3290100300021 ENDBIB 19 0 3290100300022 COMMON 3 3 3290100300023 ERR-3 ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 3290100300024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3290100300025 1.0 1.0 1.5 3290100300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3290100300027 DATA 4 2 3290100300028 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 3290100300029 MEV MEV MB MB 3290100300030 10.50 0.10 67.7 9.8 3290100300031 11.50 0.08 166.1 10.9 3290100300032 ENDDATA 4 0 3290100300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3290100399999 SUBENT 32901004 20241210 32153290100400001 BIB 3 20 3290100400002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,A)4-BE-9,PAR,SIG) Cockcroft Walton generator 3290100400003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties 3290100400004 (ERR-1,2.9,4.4) The counts of the (n,a0) events 3290100400005 (ERR-2,8.2,8.3) The counts of the (n,n+3a) events 3290100400006 (ERR-3) The number of the 12C nucleus 3290100400007 (ERR-4,0.9,1.3) The count of the associated alpha 3290100400008 particles measured by the Au-Si surface barrier 3290100400009 detector 3290100400010 (ERR-5) The solid angle subtended by the Au-Si 3290100400011 surface barrier detector with respect to the T-Ti 3290100400012 target 3290100400013 (ERR-6,0.14,0.20) A correction factor to eliminate 3290100400014 the difference of the angular differential cross 3290100400015 sections of the 3H(d,n)4He neutrons at the Au-Si 3290100400016 surface barrier detector position and those at the 3290100400017 diamond detector position 3290100400018 (ERR-7,0.5,1.1) The distance from the T-Ti target to 3290100400019 the diamond detector 3290100400020 STATUS (COREL,32901002) Data measured with HI-13 tandem 3290100400021 accelerator 3290100400022 ENDBIB 20 0 3290100400023 COMMON 3 3 3290100400024 E-LVL ERR-3 ERR-5 3290100400025 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT 3290100400026 0.0 1.0 5.0 3290100400027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3290100400028 DATA 4 2 3290100400029 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 3290100400030 MEV MEV MB MB 3290100400031 14.27 0.07 75.6 5.3 3290100400032 14.67 0.17 77.1 4.6 3290100400033 ENDDATA 4 0 3290100400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 3290100499999 SUBENT 32901005 20241210 32153290100500001 BIB 3 20 3290100500002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG) Cockcroft Walton generator 3290100500003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties 3290100500004 (ERR-1,2.9,4.4) The counts of the (n,a0) events 3290100500005 (ERR-2,8.2,8.3) The counts of the (n,n+3a) events 3290100500006 (ERR-3) The number of the 12C nucleus 3290100500007 (ERR-4,0.9,1.3) The count of the associated alpha 3290100500008 particles measured by the Au-Si surface barrier 3290100500009 detector 3290100500010 (ERR-5) The solid angle subtended by the Au-Si 3290100500011 surface barrier detector with respect to the T-Ti 3290100500012 target 3290100500013 (ERR-6,0.14,0.20) A correction factor to eliminate 3290100500014 the difference of the angular differential cross 3290100500015 sections of the 3H(d,n)4He neutrons at the Au-Si 3290100500016 surface barrier detector position and those at the 3290100500017 diamond detector position 3290100500018 (ERR-7,0.5,1.1) The distance from the T-Ti target to 3290100500019 the diamond detector 3290100500020 STATUS (COREL,32901003) Data measured with HI-13 tandem 3290100500021 accelerator 3290100500022 ENDBIB 20 0 3290100500023 COMMON 2 3 3290100500024 ERR-3 ERR-5 3290100500025 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3290100500026 1.0 5.0 3290100500027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3290100500028 DATA 4 2 3290100500029 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 3290100500030 MEV MEV MB MB 3290100500031 14.27 0.07 204.9 20.3 3290100500032 14.67 0.17 226.1 22.2 3290100500033 ENDDATA 4 0 3290100500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 3290100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 3290199999999