ENTRY 32918 20241008 32143291800000001 SUBENT 32918001 20241008 32143291800100001 BIB 14 60 3291800100002 TITLE Determination of the 232Th(n,gamma) cross section 3291800100003 from 10 to 200 keV at the Back-n facility at CSNS 3291800100004 AUTHOR (Jincheng Wang,Jie Ren,Wei Jiang,Xichao Ruan,Qi Sun, 3291800100005 Jifeng Hu,Bing Jiang,Jie Bao,Qiwei Zhang, 3291800100006 Guangyuan Luan,Hanxiong Huang,Yangbo Nie,Zhigang Ge, 3291800100007 Qi An,Haofan Bai,Jiangbo Bai,Ping Cao,Qiping Chen, 3291800100008 Yonghao Chen,Zhen Chen,Zengqi Cui,Anchuan Fan, 3291800100009 Ruirui Fan,Changqing Feng,Fanzhen Feng,Keqing Gao, 3291800100010 Minhao Gu,Changcai Han,Zijie Han,Guozhu He, 3291800100011 Yongcheng He,Yang Hong,Yiwei Hu,Weihua Jia, 3291800100012 Haoyu Jiang,Zhijie Jiang,Zhengyao Jin,Ling Kang, 3291800100013 Bo Li,Chao Li,Gong Li,Jiawen Li,Qiang Li,Yang Li, 3291800100014 Jie Liu,Rong Liu,Shubin Liu,Changjun Ning,Binbin Qi, 3291800100015 Zhizhou Ren,Zhaohui Song,Kang Sun,Zhixin Tan, 3291800100016 Jingyu Tang,Shengda Tang,Lijiao Wang,Pengcheng Wang, 3291800100017 Zhaohui Wang,Zhongwei Wen,Xiaoguang Wu,Xuan Wu, 3291800100018 Likun Xie,Yiwei Yang,Han Yi,Yongji Yu,Guohui Zhang, 3291800100019 Linhao Zhang,Mohan Zhang,Xianpeng Zhang,Yuliang Zhang, 3291800100020 Yue Zhang,Zhiyong Zhang,Maoyuan Zhao,Luping Zhou, 3291800100021 Kejun Zhu,Jie Zhang) 3291800100022 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP,3CPRIHP,3CPRNRS,3CPRHST,3CPRBJG,3CPRNPC, 3291800100023 3CPRNIX,3CPRUCA) 3291800100024 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,59,224,2023) 3291800100025 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-023-01126-0 3291800100026 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) Back-n of the CSNS 3291800100027 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) neutrons are produced by spallation reactions 3291800100028 induced by double bunches per pulsed, 41 ns wide 3291800100029 (FWHM) and the interval between the two bunches is 3291800100030 410 ns, 1.6 GeV/c proton beam with a typical 3291800100031 repetition rate of 25 Hz, impinging on a 3291800100032 tantalum-cladded and water-cooled sliced tungsten 3291800100033 target. 3291800100034 SAMPLE Natural thorium sample with a diameter of 50.0 mm and 3291800100035 a thickness of 0.5 mm, corresponding to 1.518E-3 3291800100036 atoms/b. The chemical purity of the 232Th sample is 3291800100037 99.5%. 3291800100038 METHOD (TOF,PHWT) At the sample position located at a flight 3291800100039 length of about 76 m. 3291800100040 DETECTOR (SCIN) Four C6D6 detectors (EJ315). The distance 3291800100041 between the center of the front face of these C6D6 3291800100042 detectors and the sample center was about 15.0 cm. 3291800100043 The volume of the detector is 5.0 * 3.0 inches. The 3291800100044 array was placed upstream of the sample at an angle 3291800100045 of 125 degrees. 3291800100046 (SILI) The neutron flux during the measurement was 3291800100047 monitored by the proton beam intensity and a 3291800100048 6LiF-silicon detector. 3291800100049 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 3291800100050 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VIII.0,7925,2018) 3291800100051 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainty, 4.5-4.8% 3291800100052 (ERR-S,,1.0) Counting statistics 3291800100053 (ERR-1) The pulse height weighting technique 3291800100054 (ERR-2) Normalization of 232Th 3291800100055 (ERR-3) Normalization of 197Au 3291800100056 (ERR-4) Background subtraction of 232Th 3291800100057 (ERR-5) Background subtraction of 197Au 3291800100058 (ERR-6) Yield correction 3291800100059 (MONIT-ERR,3.1,3.6) Relative measurement 3291800100060 STATUS (TABLE,,Jincheng Wang+,J,EPJ/A,59,224,2023) Table.3 3291800100061 HISTORY (20241008C) Compiled by Xi Tao (CNDC) 3291800100062 ENDBIB 60 0 3291800100063 COMMON 6 3 3291800100064 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 3291800100065 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3291800100066 1.2 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.33291800100067 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3291800100068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 3291800199999 SUBENT 32918002 20241008 32143291800200001 BIB 1 1 3291800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG) 3291800200003 ENDBIB 1 0 3291800200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 3291800200005 DATA 4 29 3291800200006 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 3291800200007 KEV KEV B PER-CENT 3291800200008 9.66 10.72 0.89 4.49 3291800200009 10.72 11.89 0.74 4.51 3291800200010 11.89 13.18 0.82 4.47 3291800200011 13.18 14.62 0.82 4.49 3291800200012 14.62 16.22 0.73 4.47 3291800200013 16.22 17.99 0.65 4.47 3291800200014 17.99 19.95 0.66 4.48 3291800200015 19.95 22.13 0.66 4.47 3291800200016 22.13 24.55 0.56 4.50 3291800200017 24.55 27.23 0.54 4.49 3291800200018 27.23 30.20 0.53 4.48 3291800200019 30.20 33.50 0.56 4.48 3291800200020 33.50 37.15 0.52 4.49 3291800200021 37.15 41.21 0.47 4.50 3291800200022 41.21 45.71 0.46 4.49 3291800200023 45.71 50.70 0.42 4.49 3291800200024 50.70 56.23 0.38 4.48 3291800200025 56.23 62.37 0.35 4.49 3291800200026 62.37 69.18 0.30 4.49 3291800200027 69.18 76.74 0.28 4.49 3291800200028 76.74 85.11 0.26 4.50 3291800200029 85.11 94.41 0.24 4.50 3291800200030 94.41 104.71 0.21 4.56 3291800200031 104.71 116.14 0.21 4.54 3291800200032 116.14 128.82 0.19 4.55 3291800200033 128.82 142.89 0.19 4.54 3291800200034 142.89 158.49 0.18 4.55 3291800200035 158.49 175.79 0.17 4.78 3291800200036 175.79 194.98 0.16 4.81 3291800200037 ENDDATA 31 0 3291800200038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 3291800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3291899999999