ENTRY 32921 20241010 32143292100000001 SUBENT 32921001 20241010 32143292100100001 BIB 13 46 3292100100002 TITLE Measurement of Differential Cross Sections of 3292100100003 Neutron-induced d 3292100100004 AUTHOR (Liu Longxiang,Sun Kang,Yi Han,Lu Fei,Wang Hongwei, 3292100100005 Fan Gongtao,Cao Xiguang,Zhang Yue,Zhang Suyalatu, 3292100100006 Wang Dexin,Li Xinxiang,Yang Yuxuan,Kuang Pan, 3292100100007 Hu Xinrong,Hao Zirui,Jin Sheng,Chen Kaijie,Jiang Wei, 3292100100008 Fan Ruirui,Li Qiang,Chen Yonghao,Tan Zhixin,Li Yang) 3292100100009 INSTITUTE (3CPRIHP,3CPRUCA,3CPRNRS,3CPRZHN,3CPRSST) 3292100100010 (3CPRCPR) Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, 3292100100011 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 3292100100012 (3CPRCPR) Institute of Nuclear Physics, Inner 3292100100013 Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao 3292100100014 REFERENCE (J,CNPR,41,371,2024) 3292100100015 #doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.41.2023CNPC31 3292100100016 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) Back-n white neutron source of China 3292100100017 Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) 3292100100018 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons are produced via 1.6 GeV proton- 3292100100019 induced spallation reactions on a Tungsten target. 3292100100020 The incident proton pulse was in two bunches, about 3292100100021 43 ns (FWHM) wide and 410 ns apart. 3292100100022 SAMPLE Natural graphite foil with thickness of 2.219 mg/cm2 3292100100023 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,CSICR) Sixteen sets of the Light-charged 3292100100024 Particle Detector Array (LPDA) telescope systems were 3292100100025 placed in the vacuum target chamber. Each set 3292100100026 includes a low-pressure multi wire proportional 3292100100027 chamber (LPMWPC) as the Delta-E detector, a 300 um 3292100100028 thick silicon detector (Si-PIN) as the E or Delta-E 3292100100029 detector, and a 30 mm thick CsI scintillator as the E 3292100100030 detector. 3292100100031 (FISCH) The fission ionization chamber detector based 3292100100032 on 238U(n,f) reaction was used for neutron flux 3292100100033 measurement. 3292100100034 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 3292100100035 METHOD (TOF) Flight distance of 57.99 m. The cumulative 3292100100036 irradiation time for the sample was 191.9 h and 10.4 h 3292100100037 for the measurement without the sample. 3292100100038 ERR-ANALYS Total uncertainty, 7.8-17.4%. 3292100100039 (ERR-S) The statistics of pure d events 3292100100040 (ERR-1) Solid angle of detector 3292100100041 (ERR-2) Detector efficiency 3292100100042 (ERR-3) The number of 12C nuclei 3292100100043 (ERR-4,3.0,8.1) Double-bunch unfolding 3292100100044 STATUS (TABLE,,Liu Longxiang+,J,CNPR,41,371,2024) 3292100100045 Data presented by author 3292100100046 HISTORY (20240924R) The data received from Liu Longxiang 3292100100047 (20241010C) Jimin Wang (CNDC) 3292100100048 ENDBIB 46 0 3292100100049 COMMON 3 3 3292100100050 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3292100100051 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3292100100052 1.9 3.0 1.1 3292100100053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3292100100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 3292100199999 SUBENT 32921002 20241010 32143292100200001 BIB 1 1 3292100200002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,X)1-H-2,,DA) 3292100200003 ENDBIB 1 0 3292100200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 3292100200005 DATA 5 180 3292100200006 EN EN-ERR ANG DATA ERR-S 3292100200007 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 3292100200008 21.4 1.2 24.5 4.96 1.17 3292100200009 21.4 1.2 34.0 3.53 0.78 3292100200010 21.4 1.2 43.5 1.30 0.67 3292100200011 21.4 1.2 53.0 1.21 0.55 3292100200012 21.4 1.2 62.5 0.66 0.76 3292100200013 21.4 1.2 72.0 0.27 0.45 3292100200014 21.4 1.2 81.5 0.18 0.27 3292100200015 21.4 1.2 91.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200016 21.4 1.2 98.5 0.08 0.19 3292100200017 21.4 1.2 108.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200018 21.4 1.2 117.5 0.07 0.24 3292100200019 21.4 1.2 127.0 0.09 0.03 3292100200020 21.4 1.2 136.5 0.00 0.00 3292100200021 21.4 1.2 146.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200022 21.4 1.2 155.5 0.08 0.22 3292100200023 24.0 1.4 24.5 7.80 1.27 3292100200024 24.0 1.4 34.0 3.36 0.98 3292100200025 24.0 1.4 43.5 3.70 0.76 3292100200026 24.0 1.4 53.0 2.53 0.55 3292100200027 24.0 1.4 62.5 2.03 0.52 3292100200028 24.0 1.4 72.0 0.49 0.57 3292100200029 24.0 1.4 81.5 0.30 0.59 3292100200030 24.0 1.4 91.0 0.33 0.62 3292100200031 24.0 1.4 98.5 0.18 0.24 3292100200032 24.0 1.4 108.0 0.18 0.30 3292100200033 24.0 1.4 117.5 0.08 0.17 3292100200034 24.0 1.4 127.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200035 24.0 1.4 136.5 0.19 0.16 3292100200036 24.0 1.4 146.0 0.27 0.02 3292100200037 24.0 1.4 155.5 0.17 0.16 3292100200038 27.0 1.6 24.5 7.00 1.59 3292100200039 27.0 1.6 34.0 4.74 1.08 3292100200040 27.0 1.6 43.5 2.21 0.96 3292100200041 27.0 1.6 53.0 1.83 0.85 3292100200042 27.0 1.6 62.5 1.55 0.61 3292100200043 27.0 1.6 72.0 2.13 0.78 3292100200044 27.0 1.6 81.5 1.71 0.60 3292100200045 27.0 1.6 91.0 0.84 0.60 3292100200046 27.0 1.6 98.5 0.20 0.34 3292100200047 27.0 1.6 108.0 0.49 0.26 3292100200048 27.0 1.6 117.5 0.17 0.18 3292100200049 27.0 1.6 127.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200050 27.0 1.6 136.5 0.00 0.00 3292100200051 27.0 1.6 146.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200052 27.0 1.6 155.5 0.19 0.30 3292100200053 30.3 1.8 24.5 14.35 1.36 3292100200054 30.3 1.8 34.0 6.37 1.06 3292100200055 30.3 1.8 43.5 5.98 0.94 3292100200056 30.3 1.8 53.0 3.77 0.77 3292100200057 30.3 1.8 62.5 2.46 0.69 3292100200058 30.3 1.8 72.0 2.02 0.72 3292100200059 30.3 1.8 81.5 1.13 0.64 3292100200060 30.3 1.8 91.0 1.15 0.46 3292100200061 30.3 1.8 98.5 0.31 0.39 3292100200062 30.3 1.8 108.0 0.52 0.29 3292100200063 30.3 1.8 117.5 0.55 0.15 3292100200064 30.3 1.8 127.0 0.32 0.25 3292100200065 30.3 1.8 136.5 0.22 0.00 3292100200066 30.3 1.8 146.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200067 30.3 1.8 155.5 0.30 0.24 3292100200068 33.9 1.9 24.5 11.21 1.47 3292100200069 33.9 1.9 34.0 9.03 1.05 3292100200070 33.9 1.9 43.5 6.58 0.89 3292100200071 33.9 1.9 53.0 4.44 0.77 3292100200072 33.9 1.9 62.5 2.77 0.77 3292100200073 33.9 1.9 72.0 2.66 0.60 3292100200074 33.9 1.9 81.5 1.63 0.53 3292100200075 33.9 1.9 91.0 0.53 0.51 3292100200076 33.9 1.9 98.5 0.53 0.48 3292100200077 33.9 1.9 108.0 1.07 0.29 3292100200078 33.9 1.9 117.5 0.29 0.28 3292100200079 33.9 1.9 127.0 0.44 0.24 3292100200080 33.9 1.9 136.5 0.00 0.00 3292100200081 33.9 1.9 146.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200082 33.9 1.9 155.5 0.10 0.02 3292100200083 38.1 2.2 24.5 14.93 1.37 3292100200084 38.1 2.2 34.0 10.53 1.25 3292100200085 38.1 2.2 43.5 6.64 0.97 3292100200086 38.1 2.2 53.0 5.38 0.82 3292100200087 38.1 2.2 62.5 4.02 0.78 3292100200088 38.1 2.2 72.0 4.74 0.67 3292100200089 38.1 2.2 81.5 3.64 0.55 3292100200090 38.1 2.2 91.0 1.98 0.52 3292100200091 38.1 2.2 98.5 1.15 0.35 3292100200092 38.1 2.2 108.0 0.92 0.22 3292100200093 38.1 2.2 117.5 0.82 0.21 3292100200094 38.1 2.2 127.0 0.47 0.28 3292100200095 38.1 2.2 136.5 0.00 0.00 3292100200096 38.1 2.2 146.0 0.00 0.00 3292100200097 38.1 2.2 155.5 0.00 0.00 3292100200098 42.7 2.5 24.5 16.61 1.56 3292100200099 42.7 2.5 34.0 16.32 1.25 3292100200100 42.7 2.5 43.5 11.92 1.07 3292100200101 42.7 2.5 53.0 5.19 1.02 3292100200102 42.7 2.5 62.5 6.33 0.85 3292100200103 42.7 2.5 72.0 4.36 0.72 3292100200104 42.7 2.5 81.5 3.59 0.59 3292100200105 42.7 2.5 91.0 3.00 0.47 3292100200106 42.7 2.5 98.5 1.46 0.42 3292100200107 42.7 2.5 108.0 0.37 0.33 3292100200108 42.7 2.5 117.5 0.22 0.24 3292100200109 42.7 2.5 127.0 0.75 0.25 3292100200110 42.7 2.5 136.5 0.79 0.18 3292100200111 42.7 2.5 146.0 0.72 0.20 3292100200112 42.7 2.5 155.5 0.35 0.32 3292100200113 47.9 2.8 24.5 20.79 1.55 3292100200114 47.9 2.8 34.0 13.37 1.25 3292100200115 47.9 2.8 43.5 9.08 1.06 3292100200116 47.9 2.8 53.0 7.24 1.02 3292100200117 47.9 2.8 62.5 5.97 0.85 3292100200118 47.9 2.8 72.0 4.05 0.71 3292100200119 47.9 2.8 81.5 2.54 0.58 3292100200120 47.9 2.8 91.0 2.06 0.46 3292100200121 47.9 2.8 98.5 2.06 0.42 3292100200122 47.9 2.8 108.0 0.90 0.32 3292100200123 47.9 2.8 117.5 0.34 0.23 3292100200124 47.9 2.8 127.0 0.26 0.25 3292100200125 47.9 2.8 136.5 0.42 0.18 3292100200126 47.9 2.8 146.0 0.51 0.20 3292100200127 47.9 2.8 155.5 0.24 0.32 3292100200128 53.8 3.1 24.5 23.34 1.67 3292100200129 53.8 3.1 34.0 15.53 1.15 3292100200130 53.8 3.1 43.5 10.62 0.95 3292100200131 53.8 3.1 53.0 9.21 0.91 3292100200132 53.8 3.1 62.5 4.68 0.80 3292100200133 53.8 3.1 72.0 5.26 0.67 3292100200134 53.8 3.1 81.5 3.59 0.66 3292100200135 53.8 3.1 91.0 2.46 0.61 3292100200136 53.8 3.1 98.5 0.43 0.29 3292100200137 53.8 3.1 108.0 1.71 0.38 3292100200138 53.8 3.1 117.5 1.02 0.21 3292100200139 53.8 3.1 127.0 0.59 0.28 3292100200140 53.8 3.1 136.5 0.61 0.30 3292100200141 53.8 3.1 146.0 0.14 0.18 3292100200142 53.8 3.1 155.5 1.49 0.39 3292100200143 60.4 3.5 24.5 25.30 1.80 3292100200144 60.4 3.5 34.0 11.85 1.26 3292100200145 60.4 3.5 43.5 9.98 1.08 3292100200146 60.4 3.5 53.0 7.67 0.91 3292100200147 60.4 3.5 62.5 6.56 0.86 3292100200148 60.4 3.5 72.0 4.42 0.59 3292100200149 60.4 3.5 81.5 4.29 0.61 3292100200150 60.4 3.5 91.0 3.67 0.45 3292100200151 60.4 3.5 98.5 0.94 0.45 3292100200152 60.4 3.5 108.0 1.41 0.32 3292100200153 60.4 3.5 117.5 0.56 0.26 3292100200154 60.4 3.5 127.0 1.13 0.32 3292100200155 60.4 3.5 136.5 0.51 0.33 3292100200156 60.4 3.5 146.0 0.31 0.19 3292100200157 60.4 3.5 155.5 1.79 0.29 3292100200158 67.7 3.9 24.5 28.14 2.04 3292100200159 67.7 3.9 34.0 14.12 1.33 3292100200160 67.7 3.9 43.5 9.87 0.95 3292100200161 67.7 3.9 53.0 7.83 0.97 3292100200162 67.7 3.9 62.5 6.95 0.99 3292100200163 67.7 3.9 72.0 2.60 0.70 3292100200164 67.7 3.9 81.5 2.80 0.58 3292100200165 67.7 3.9 91.0 1.26 0.53 3292100200166 67.7 3.9 98.5 2.22 0.52 3292100200167 67.7 3.9 108.0 1.03 0.33 3292100200168 67.7 3.9 117.5 0.61 0.30 3292100200169 67.7 3.9 127.0 0.70 0.29 3292100200170 67.7 3.9 136.5 1.47 0.39 3292100200171 67.7 3.9 146.0 0.50 0.24 3292100200172 67.7 3.9 155.5 0.97 0.32 3292100200173 76.0 4.4 24.5 35.09 2.31 3292100200174 76.0 4.4 34.0 14.97 1.50 3292100200175 76.0 4.4 43.5 8.28 1.07 3292100200176 76.0 4.4 53.0 8.38 1.10 3292100200177 76.0 4.4 62.5 8.16 1.13 3292100200178 76.0 4.4 72.0 4.03 0.79 3292100200179 76.0 4.4 81.5 3.84 0.66 3292100200180 76.0 4.4 91.0 2.29 0.59 3292100200181 76.0 4.4 98.5 3.10 0.58 3292100200182 76.0 4.4 108.0 0.83 0.38 3292100200183 76.0 4.4 117.5 1.29 0.34 3292100200184 76.0 4.4 127.0 0.85 0.33 3292100200185 76.0 4.4 136.5 1.11 0.44 3292100200186 76.0 4.4 146.0 0.81 0.28 3292100200187 76.0 4.4 155.5 0.59 0.36 3292100200188 ENDDATA 182 0 3292100200189 ENDSUBENT 188 0 3292100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3292199999999