ENTRY 32922 20241006 32143292200000001 SUBENT 32922001 20241006 32143292200100001 BIB 12 46 3292200100002 TITLE Experimental measurement of 91Zr(n,g)92Zr at the 3292200100003 CSNS Back-n facility from 0.82 keV to 229 keV 3292200100004 AUTHOR (L.Gan,H.B.Sun,W.Jiang,Z.H.Li,J.Zhong,A.Rohilla, 3292200100005 Z.Y.Huang,X.Y.Li,W.Nan,W.K.Nan,S.P.Hu,E.T.Li) 3292200100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRSZN,3CPRIHP,3CPRAEP,1USAUNB,3CPRFUD) 3292200100007 (3CPRCPR) Shenzhen Institute of Information 3292200100008 Technology, Shenzhen 3292200100009 (3CPRCPR) Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 3292200100010 (3CPRCPR) Origin Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) 3292200100011 Co., Ltd., Hefei 3292200100012 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,110,025802,2024) 3292200100013 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.110.025802 3292200100014 FACILITY (SYNCH,3CPRIHP) The Back-n white neutron source at 3292200100015 China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) 3292200100016 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) The neutrons are generated through the 3292200100017 bombardment of a spallation target by a proton beam 3292200100018 with an energy of 1.6 GeV and a frequency of 25 Hz. 3292200100019 SAMPLE A natural Zr target with an abundance of 91Zr at 3292200100020 11.23%, has a diameter of 30 mm and a thickness of 3292200100021 7.8 mm. 3292200100022 DETECTOR (HPGE) An HPGe detector was positioned 202 mm behind 3292200100023 and to the left of the experimental target, forming a 3292200100024 125-degree angle with the beam direction, to detect 3292200100025 the gamma rays emitted during the reaction. As the 3292200100026 detection efficiency of the detector at 934.3 keV is 3292200100027 approximately 0.0048%. The energy and efficiency 3292200100028 calibration of the detector were performed using the 3292200100029 standard radioactive sources, specifically 60Co and 3292200100030 152Eu. 3292200100031 METHOD (TOF) A flight path about 76 m. 3292200100032 CORRECTION Not corrected for direct capture contribution, which 3292200100033 is estimated to be less than 0.6% according to RADCAP 3292200100034 code 3292200100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,5.0) The statistical error of the 3292200100036 characteristic gamma rays predominantly ranges 3292200100037 between 5% and 10%, with some errors exceeding 20%. 3292200100038 (ERR-1,,1.) The error in neutron intensity is based 3292200100039 on data provided by CSNS. Its relative error 3292200100040 decreases gradually with increasing neutron incident 3292200100041 energy, with a maximum value of approximately 1%. 3292200100042 (ERR-2) The error introduced by the detector energy 3292200100043 efficiency curve is approximately 2.5%. 3292200100044 (ERR-3) Since the gamma characteristic peaks of other 3292200100045 de-excitation paths were not identified in this 3292200100046 experiment, their error contribution is taken as 3.3%. 3292200100047 HISTORY (20241006C) Compiled by Liu Yangyang (CNDC) 3292200100048 ENDBIB 46 0 3292200100049 COMMON 2 3 3292200100050 ERR-2 ERR-3 3292200100051 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3292200100052 2.5 3.3 3292200100053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3292200100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 3292200199999 SUBENT 32922002 20241006 32143292200200001 BIB 4 5 3292200200002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,SIG) 3292200200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall uncertainty 3292200200004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Gan+,J,PR/C,110,025802,2024) 3292200200005 Data presented by author 3292200200006 HISTORY (20240923R) The data received from Z.H.Li 3292200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 3292200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3292200200009 DATA 4 44 3292200200010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 3292200200011 KEV KEV MB MB 3292200200012 0.82 0.86 1009.4 82. 3292200200013 0.86 0.89 1166.8 91. 3292200200014 0.89 0.94 118.1 23. 3292200200015 0.94 0.98 136.1 21. 3292200200016 0.98 1.03 96.3 20. 3292200200017 1.03 1.08 197.8 28. 3292200200018 1.08 1.13 272.8 32. 3292200200019 1.13 1.19 157.7 26. 3292200200020 1.19 1.26 171.6 25. 3292200200021 1.26 1.33 18. 6.9 3292200200022 1.33 1.4 177.8 23. 3292200200023 1.4 1.48 743.3 58. 3292200200024 1.48 1.57 314.6 32. 3292200200025 1.57 1.67 72.6 15. 3292200200026 1.67 1.78 60.1 12. 3292200200027 1.78 1.89 924.8 66. 3292200200028 1.89 2.02 611.8 47. 3292200200029 2.02 2.17 29. 8.7 3292200200030 2.17 2.32 325.4 32. 3292200200031 2.32 2.5 371.6 33. 3292200200032 2.5 2.7 735.7 50. 3292200200033 2.7 2.92 146.2 18. 3292200200034 2.92 3.17 357.7 32. 3292200200035 3.17 3.45 69.2 12. 3292200200036 3.45 3.78 528.7 42. 3292200200037 3.78 4.15 334.5 33. 3292200200038 4.15 4.58 381.7 34. 3292200200039 4.58 5.08 110.6 16. 3292200200040 5.08 5.67 247. 20. 3292200200041 5.67 6.36 97.7 11. 3292200200042 6.36 7.19 294.5 22. 3292200200043 7.19 8.2 271.2 22. 3292200200044 8.2 9.43 115.6 10. 3292200200045 9.43 10.96 106.7 11. 3292200200046 10.96 12.9 75.5 7.9 3292200200047 12.9 15.4 63.1 7.1 3292200200048 15.4 18.7 48. 5.3 3292200200049 18.7 23.19 77.4 7.3 3292200200050 23.19 29.52 100.7 8.2 3292200200051 29.52 38.84 62.9 5.3 3292200200052 38.84 53.39 27.1 2.8 3292200200053 53.39 77.95 37.2 2.7 3292200200054 77.95 124.37 19. 1.8 3292200200055 124.37 229.07 20.1 1.6 3292200200056 ENDDATA 46 0 3292200200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 3292200299999 SUBENT 32922003 20241006 32143292200300001 BIB 3 3 3292200300002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,SIG,,MXW) 3292200300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3292200300004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Gan+,J,PR/C,110,025802,2024) Table II 3292200300005 ENDBIB 3 0 3292200300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 3292200300007 DATA 3 1 3292200300008 KT DATA DATA-ERR 3292200300009 KEV MB MB 3292200300010 30. 56.4 5.0 3292200300011 ENDDATA 3 0 3292200300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 3292200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3292299999999