ENTRY            33033   20120120                             31583303300000001 
SUBENT        33033001   20120120                             31583303300100001 
BIB                 14        232                                 3303300100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the neutron capture cross-section of    3303300100003 
            232-Th using the neutron activation technique         3303300100004 
AUTHOR     (H.Naik, P.M.Prajapati, S.V.Surayanarayana,            3303300100005 
            K.C.Jagadeesan, S.V.Thakare, D.Raj, V.K.Mulik,        3303300100006 
            B.S.Sivashankar, B.K.Nayak, S.C.Sharma, S.Mukherjee,  3303300100007 
            Sarbjit Singh, A.Goswami, S.Ganesan, V.K.Manchanda)   3303300100008 
INSTITUTE  (3INDTRM,3INDBDA,3INDPOO)                              3303300100009 
           (3INDIND) Manipal University, Manipal                  3303300100010 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/A,47,51,2011)                                   3303300100011 
FACILITY   (VDG,3INDTRM) BARC-TIFR pelletron facility at TIFR     3303300100012 
SAMPLE     The samples used for irradiation were natural 232-Th   3303300100013 
            metal foil and natural In metal foil, which were      3303300100014 
            wrapped separately with 0.025 mm thick aluminum foil  3303300100015 
            to prevent contamination from one to the other.       3303300100016 
           The size of 232-Th metal foil was 1.0 cm**2 with       3303300100017 
            thickness of 29.3 mg/cm**2, whereas indium metal foil 3303300100018 
            is also of same size with thickness of 2.6 mg/cm**2.  3303300100019 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) The gamma-rays of fission/reaction products     3303300100020 
            from the irradiated Th and In samples were counted    3303300100021 
            in an energy and efficiency calibrated 80 c.c.        3303300100022 
           HPGe detector coupled to a PC-based 4K channel analyzer3303300100023 
METHOD     (ACTIV,GSPEC) The 232Th(n,g) reaction cross-section    3303300100024 
            at average neutron energy of 3.7 MeV and 9.85 MeV has 3303300100025 
            been determined for the first time using activation   3303300100026 
            and off-line gamma-ray spectrometric technique.       3303300100027 
           The observed photo-peak activity (Aobs) of gamma-lines 3303300100028 
            was obtained using PHAST peak fitting programme.      3303300100029 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) The neutron beam was obtained from the         3303300100030 
            7-Li(p,n) reaction by using the proton beam main      3303300100031 
            line at 6 m above the analyzing magnet of the         3303300100032 
            Pelletron facility to utilize the maximum proton      3303300100033 
            current from the accelerator.                         3303300100034 
INC-SPECT  7Li(p,n) at Ep = 5.6 MeV calculated using the results  3303300100035 
            of Meadows and Smith (Fig.5)                          3303300100036 
           --------------------------                             3303300100037 
           En         Neutron Flux                                3303300100038 
           MEV        mb/Sr-MeV                                   3303300100039 
           --------------------------                             3303300100040 
           0.1        7.79E-04                                    3303300100041 
           0.2        0.0014                                      3303300100042 
           0.3        0.00189                                     3303300100043 
           0.4        0.00225                                     3303300100044 
           0.5        0.0025                                      3303300100045 
           0.6        0.00267                                     3303300100046 
           0.7        0.00275                                     3303300100047 
           0.8        0.00276                                     3303300100048 
           0.9        0.00272                                     3303300100049 
           1          0.00263                                     3303300100050 
           1.1        0.0025                                      3303300100051 
           1.2        0.00235                                     3303300100052 
           1.3        0.00217                                     3303300100053 
           1.4        0.00198                                     3303300100054 
           1.5        0.00178                                     3303300100055 
           1.6        0.00157                                     3303300100056 
           1.7        0.00136                                     3303300100057 
           1.8        0.00114                                     3303300100058 
           1.9        9.38E-04                                    3303300100059 
           2          7.38E-04                                    3303300100060 
           2.1        5.46E-04                                    3303300100061 
           2.2        3.63E-04                                    3303300100062 
           2.3        1.90E-04                                    3303300100063 
           2.4        2.04E-10                                    3303300100064 
           2.5        8.07E-09                                    3303300100065 
           2.6        2.14E-07                                    3303300100066 
           2.7        3.82E-06                                    3303300100067 
           2.8        4.56E-05                                    3303300100068 
           2.9        3.65E-04                                    3303300100069 
           3          0.00196                                     3303300100070 
           3.1        0.00705                                     3303300100071 
           3.2        0.01701                                     3303300100072 
           3.3        0.02777                                     3303300100073 
           3.4        0.0323                                      3303300100074 
           3.5        0.03531                                     3303300100075 
           3.6        0.05984                                     3303300100076 
           3.7        0.12234                                     3303300100077 
           3.8        0.19292                                     3303300100078 
           3.9        0.20829                                     3303300100079 
           4          0.15118                                     3303300100080 
           4.1        0.07358                                     3303300100081 
           4.2        0.02401                                     3303300100082 
           4.3        0.00525                                     3303300100083 
           4.4        7.70E-04                                    3303300100084 
           4.5        7.57E-05                                    3303300100085 
           4.6        4.98E-06                                    3303300100086 
           4.7        2.20E-07                                    3303300100087 
           4.8        6.51E-09                                    3303300100088 
           4.9        1.29E-10                                    3303300100089 
           5          1.72E-12                                    3303300100090 
           5.1        1.53E-14                                    3303300100091 
           5.2        9.16E-17                                    3303300100092 
           5.3        3.67E-19                                    3303300100093 
           5.4        9.85E-22                                    3303300100094 
           5.5        1.77E-24                                    3303300100095 
           5.6        2.14E-27                                    3303300100096 
           --------------------------                             3303300100097 
            7Li(p,n) at Ep = 12 MeV calculated using the results  3303300100098 
            of Ep=10 MeV by Poppe (Fig.6)                         3303300100099 
           --------------------------                             3303300100100 
           En         Neutron Flux                                3303300100101 
           MeV        mb/Sr-MeV                                   3303300100102 
           --------------------------                             3303300100103 
           5.228      4.41928                                     3303300100104 
           5.278      5.04291                                     3303300100105 
           5.328      6.01152                                     3303300100106 
           5.378      7.55317                                     3303300100107 
           5.428      9.6155                                      3303300100108 
           5.478      11.48641                                    3303300100109 
           5.528      12.35986                                    3303300100110 
           5.578      11.64606                                    3303300100111 
           5.628      9.29659                                     3303300100112 
           5.678      5.64977                                     3303300100113 
           5.728      2.69334                                     3303300100114 
           5.778      1.59589                                     3303300100115 
           5.828      1.61459                                     3303300100116 
           5.878      1.86877                                     3303300100117 
           5.928      1.64885                                     3303300100118 
           5.978      1.21338                                     3303300100119 
           6.028      1.02771                                     3303300100120 
           6.078      1.01758                                     3303300100121 
           6.128      0.98905                                     3303300100122 
           6.178      0.90555                                     3303300100123 
           6.228      0.81651                                     3303300100124 
           6.278      0.76498                                     3303300100125 
           6.328      0.74102                                     3303300100126 
           6.378      0.71093                                     3303300100127 
           6.428      0.66059                                     3303300100128 
           6.478      0.62557                                     3303300100129 
           6.528      0.62654                                     3303300100130 
           6.578      0.62931                                     3303300100131 
           6.628      0.59609                                     3303300100132 
           6.678      0.53383                                     3303300100133 
           6.728      0.47473                                     3303300100134 
           6.778      0.44115                                     3303300100135 
           6.828      0.42253                                     3303300100136 
           6.878      0.40167                                     3303300100137 
           6.928      0.37026                                     3303300100138 
           6.978      0.34264                                     3303300100139 
           7.028      0.32534                                     3303300100140 
           7.078      0.31659                                     3303300100141 
           7.128      0.31049                                     3303300100142 
           7.178      0.29162                                     3303300100143 
           7.228      0.2498                                      3303300100144 
           7.278      0.21012                                     3303300100145 
           7.328      0.20051                                     3303300100146 
           7.378      0.20467                                     3303300100147 
           7.428      0.19287                                     3303300100148 
           7.478      0.15854                                     3303300100149 
           7.528      0.12748                                     3303300100150 
           7.578      0.12762                                     3303300100151 
           7.628      0.15781                                     3303300100152 
           7.678      0.16381                                     3303300100153 
           7.728      0.13334                                     3303300100154 
           7.778      0.09563                                     3303300100155 
           7.828      0.06795                                     3303300100156 
           7.878      0.04929                                     3303300100157 
           7.928      0.03749                                     3303300100158 
           7.978      0.03106                                     3303300100159 
           8.028      0.02881                                     3303300100160 
           8.078      0.02955                                     3303300100161 
           8.128      0.0322                                      3303300100162 
           8.178      0.03599                                     3303300100163 
           8.228      0.04029                                     3303300100164 
           8.278      0.0443                                      3303300100165 
           8.328      0.04673                                     3303300100166 
           8.378      0.04623                                     3303300100167 
           8.428      0.04142                                     3303300100168 
           8.478      0.03094                                     3303300100169 
           8.528      0.01527                                     3303300100170 
           8.578      0.01137                                     3303300100171 
           8.628      0.0303                                      3303300100172 
           8.678      0.05288                                     3303300100173 
           8.778      0.05851                                     3303300100174 
           8.828      0.04877                                     3303300100175 
           8.878      0.03774                                     3303300100176 
           8.928      0.02765                                     3303300100177 
           8.978      0.01968                                     3303300100178 
           9.028      0.01494                                     3303300100179 
           9.078      0.01457                                     3303300100180 
           9.128      0.0197                                      3303300100181 
           9.178      0.03147                                     3303300100182 
           9.228      0.05186                                     3303300100183 
           9.278      0.08576                                     3303300100184 
           9.328      0.12897                                     3303300100185 
           9.378      0.15814                                     3303300100186 
           9.428      0.14774                                     3303300100187 
           9.478      0.13522                                     3303300100188 
           9.528      0.45942                                     3303300100189 
           9.578      1.48469                                     3303300100190 
           9.628      2.91008                                     3303300100191 
           9.678      4.57921                                     3303300100192 
           9.728      6.12017                                     3303300100193 
           9.778      6.45023                                     3303300100194 
           9.828      5.31394                                     3303300100195 
           9.878      3.47149                                     3303300100196 
           9.928      2.39912                                     3303300100197 
           9.978      2.85879                                     3303300100198 
           10.028     2.529                                       3303300100199 
           10.078     5.1848                                      3303300100200 
           10.128     12.08801                                    3303300100201 
           10.178     13.36977                                    3303300100202 
           10.228     11.93188                                    3303300100203 
           10.278     9.48661                                     3303300100204 
           10.328     6.7653                                      3303300100205 
           10.378     4.03077                                     3303300100206 
           10.428     1.17284                                     3303300100207 
           10.478     0.06397                                     3303300100208 
           10.528     -0.03379                                    3303300100209 
           10.578     0.05033                                     3303300100210 
           10.628     0.02146                                     3303300100211 
REL-REF    (R,,J.Blachot,J,NDS,104,967,2005) 115mIn decay data    3303300100212 
           (R,,B.Singh+,J,NDS,105,109,2005) 231Th decay data      3303300100213 
           (R,,J.W.Meadows+,R,ANL-7983,1972)                      3303300100214 
            For calc. of 7Li(p,n) neutron spectrum at Ep=5.6 MeV  3303300100215 
           (R,,C.H.Poppe+,J,PR/C,14,438,1976)                     3303300100216 
            For calc. of 7Li(p,n) neutron spectrum at Ep=12 MeV   3303300100217 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainties associated to the measured   3303300100218 
            cross-sections come from the combination of two       3303300100219 
            experimental data sets.                               3303300100220 
           This overall uncertainty is the quadratic sum of both  3303300100221 
            statistical uncertainty and systematic uncertainties  3303300100222 
            in:                                                   3303300100223 
           (ERR-1) Neutron flux estimation (~4%)                  3303300100224 
           (ERR-2) Irradiation time (~2%)                         3303300100225 
           (ERR-3) Detection efficiency calibration (~3%)         3303300100226 
           (ERR-4) Half-life of the fission products and          3303300100227 
                   the gamma-ray abundances (~2%).                3303300100228 
           (ERR-SYS) The total systematic error (~6%)             3303300100229 
STATUS     (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr. H. Naik                  3303300100230 
HISTORY    (20110505C) Compiled by Mr.Paresh Prajapati and        3303300100231 
            Dr.S.Mukherjee, The M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara3303300100232 
           (20110609A) On. Finalized.                             3303300100233 
           (20120120A) NDS(VZ): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS                3303300100234 
ENDBIB             232          0                                 3303300100235 
COMMON               5          3                                 3303300100236 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-SYS               3303300100237 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3303300100238 
 4.         2.         3.         2.         6.                   3303300100239 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3303300100240 
ENDSUBENT          239          0                                 3303300199999 
SUBENT        33033002   20120120                             31583303300200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 3303300200002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG,,SPA)                    3303300200003 
DECAY-DATA (91-PA-233,26.975D,DG,311.9,0.384)                     3303300200004 
REL-REF    (R,,E.Browne,J,NDS,93,763,2001) 233Th,233Pa decay data 3303300200005 
           (R,,B.Browne+,B,BROWNE,,1986) 233Th,233Pa decay data   3303300200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text (p5) of Eur.Phys.J.A47(2011)51.           3303300200007 
            (Values were truncated by author.)                    3303300200008 
HISTORY    (20120120A) NDS(VZ): REL-REF: ND/B->NDS                3303300200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 3303300200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3303300200011 
DATA                 4          2                                 3303300200012 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            3303300200013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3303300200014 
 3.7        0.3        16.18      0.87                            3303300200015 
 9.85       0.38        2.18      0.12                            3303300200016 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 3303300200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 3303300299999 
SUBENT        33033003   20110609                             31513303300300001 
BIB                  3         24                                 3303300300002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG)                         3303300300003 
CORRECTION The contribution to the neutron flux from the tail     3303300300004 
            region is 4% and 49% at the proton energy of 5.6 MeV  3303300300005 
            and 12.0 MeV, respectively.                           3303300300006 
           In view of this, the contribution from the tail region 3303300300007 
            to the 232-Th(n,g) reaction has been estimated using  3303300300008 
            the ENDF/B-VII, JENDL-4.0 and JEFF-3.1 by folding the 3303300300009 
            cross-sections with neutron flux distributions coded  3303300300010 
            under INC-SPECT.                                      3303300300011 
           The contributions 232-Th(n,g) to the reaction from the 3303300300012 
            above evaluation at Ep = 5.6 MeV are 5.34, 5.57 and   3303300300013 
            5.03 mb from ENDF/B-VII, JENDL-4.0 and JEFF-3.1       3303300300014 
            respectively.                                         3303300300015 
           Similarly at Ep = 12 MeV, 232-Th(n,g) the reaction     3303300300016 
            cross-sections from the above evaluation are 0.798    3303300300017 
            and 0.876mb from ENDF/B-VII and JENDL-4.0.            3303300300018 
           The actual value of the 232-Th(n, g) reaction cross-   3303300300019 
            section due to the neutrons from the main peak of the 3303300300020 
            n0 and n1 groups of the neutron spectrum is obtained  3303300300021 
            after subtracting the average cross-section due to    3303300300022 
            neutrons from the tail region from the before-        3303300300023 
            mentioned experimental data.                          3303300300024 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of Eur.Phys.J.A47(2011)51              3303300300025 
           (DEP,33033002) Spectrum averaged cross-section         3303300300026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3303300300027 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3303300300028 
DATA                 4          2                                 3303300300029 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            3303300300030 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3303300300031 
 3.7        0.3        10.9       0.9                             3303300300032 
 9.85       0.38        1.35      0.12                            3303300300033 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 3303300300034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 3303300399999 
SUBENT        33033004   20110609                             31513303300400001 
BIB                  3          3                                 3303300400002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(N,2N)90-TH-231,,SIG)                        3303300400003 
DECAY-DATA (90-TH-231,25.52HR,DG,84.2,0.066)                      3303300400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of Eur.Phys.J.A47(2011)51              3303300400005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 3303300400006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3303300400007 
DATA                 4          1                                 3303300400008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            3303300400009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3303300400010 
 9.85       0.38       1722.      76.                             3303300400011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3303300400012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 3303300499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 3303399999999