ENTRY 33065 20140621 31653306500000001 SUBENT 33065001 20140621 31653306500100001 BIB 10 11 3306500100002 TITLE Alpha particles from the interaction of 14 MeV 3306500100003 neutrons with calcium 3306500100004 AUTHOR (O.N.Koul) 3306500100005 INSTITUTE (3INDIND) Government Engineering College, Jabalpur 3306500100006 REFERENCE (J,NP,55,127,1964) 3306500100007 REL-REF (I,,O.N.Koul,J,NP,29,522,1962) 3306500100008 FACILITY (CCW,3INDSAH) 3306500100009 SAMPLE Calcium acetate 3306500100010 DETECTOR (PLATE) Ilford C2 nuclear emulsions 3306500100011 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainty 3306500100012 HISTORY (20140621C) BL 3306500100013 ENDBIB 11 0 3306500100014 COMMON 1 3 3306500100015 EN 3306500100016 MEV 3306500100017 14. 3306500100018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3306500100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3306500199999 SUBENT 33065002 20140621 31653306500200001 BIB 3 5 3306500200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(N,A)18-AR-37,,DA) 3306500200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of J, Nuclear Physics,55(1964)127 3306500200004 COMMENT The last bin in the histogram plot of the Fig.3 3306500200005 corresponding to 180 to 200 degree is excluded as it 3306500200006 does not seem to have any physical meaning. 3306500200007 ENDBIB 5 0 3306500200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3306500200009 DATA 3 9 3306500200010 ANG-CM-MIN ANG-CM-MAX DATA-CM 3306500200011 ADEG ADEG MB/SR 3306500200012 0. 20. 28.99 3306500200013 20. 40. 24.97 3306500200014 40. 60. 17.38 3306500200015 60. 80. 9.96 3306500200016 80. 100. 8.72 3306500200017 100. 120. 7.49 3306500200018 120. 140. 9.94 3306500200019 140. 160. 12.37 3306500200020 160. 180. 27.53 3306500200021 ENDDATA 11 0 3306500200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 3306500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3306599999999