ENTRY 33070 20141005 31673307000000001 SUBENT 33070001 20141005 31673307000100001 BIB 11 24 3307000100002 TITLE Study of isomeric states of 71-Lu-178 from the 3307000100003 181Ta(n,a)178Lu-m,178Lu reactions at thermal energy 3307000100004 AUTHOR (J.Alam, M.L.Sehgal) 3307000100005 INSTITUTE (3INDMUA) 3307000100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,235,307,1974) 3307000100007 FACILITY (REAC,3INDTRM) 3307000100008 SAMPLE Spectrographically pure tantalum metallic sheet of 3307000100009 thickness 0.5 mm 3307000100010 METHOD (ACTIV) The sample was irradiated in the thermal 3307000100011 column for 50 min 3307000100012 (GSPEC) 3307000100013 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) 3307000100014 ANALYSIS (DECAY) 3307000100015 CRITIQUE The authors extracted 5 min and 25 min states of 3307000100016 178Lu from (n,a) as well as 115 days state of 182Ta 3307000100017 from decay curve analysis and derive the following 3307000100018 ratios: 181Ta(n,a)178Lu(5 min)/181Ta(n,g)182 Ta(115 3307000100019 d)=(194+/-17)E-08 and 181Ta(n,a)178Lu(25 3307000100020 min)/181Ta(n,g)182Ta(115 d)=(528+/-39)E-08. Because 3307000100021 the 5 min state is not known now, the compiler assumes 3307000100022 that the observed 25 min state of 178Lu is 3307000100023 corresponding to both ~28 min and ~23 min states of 3307000100024 178Lu. 3307000100025 HISTORY (20141005C) Compiled by Sachin Chachra BARC Mumbai 3307000100026 ENDBIB 24 0 3307000100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 3307000100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 3307000199999 SUBENT 33070002 20141005 31673307000200001 BIB 4 10 3307000200002 REACTION ((73-TA-181(N,A)71-LU-178,,SIG,,SPA)/ 3307000200003 (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIG,,SPA)) 3307000200004 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-178,25.MIN,DG) The compiler assumes that the 25 3307000200005 min state is corresponding to the sum of currently 3307000200006 known 23 min and 28 min states. 3307000200007 (73-TA-182-G,115.D,DG) 3307000200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No detail information on sources of 3307000200009 uncertainties 3307000200010 STATUS (TABLE) Numerical value is taken from table 1 of 3307000200011 Nuclear Physics A235(1974)307 3307000200012 ENDBIB 10 0 3307000200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 3307000200014 DATA 3 1 3307000200015 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 3307000200016 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 3307000200017 0.0253 5.28E-06 3.90E-07 3307000200018 ENDDATA 3 0 3307000200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3307000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3307099999999