ENTRY            33081   20150312                             31703308100000001 
SUBENT        33081001   20150312                             31703308100100001 
BIB                 13         41                                 3308100100002 
TITLE      Kinetic energy distribution in the thermal neutron     3308100100003 
           fission of 233U and 239Pu                              3308100100004 
AUTHOR     (Satya Prakash, S.B.Manohar, S.P.Dange, A.Ramaswami,   3308100100005 
           M.V.Ramaniah)                                          3308100100006 
INSTITUTE  (3INDTRM)                                              3308100100007 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,34,2685,1972)                                   3308100100008 
REL-REF    (R,,V.F.Apalin+,J,NP,55,249,1964) Adopted nu-values    3308100100009 
           given                                                  3308100100010 
          1(M,,Satya Prakash,T,PRAKASH,1971)                      3308100100011 
           Range-kinetic energy relations given                   3308100100012 
           Prakash,Ph.D Thesis, University of Bombay, India.      3308100100013 
          2(M,,J.M.Alexander+,J,PR,129,2659,1963)                 3308100100014 
           Range-kinetic energy relations given                   3308100100015 
          3(M,,S.Mukherjee+,J,CJC,43,232,1965)                    3308100100016 
           Range-kinetic energy relations given                   3308100100017 
          4(M,,J.Lindhard+,J,KDV,33,14,1965)                      3308100100018 
           Range-kinetic energy relations given                   3308100100019 
FACILITY   (REAC,3INDTRM) Cirus reactor                           3308100100020 
SAMPLE     Targets of 233U and 239Pu were prepared on 10 mil      3308100100021 
           superpure aluminium foils (precoated with gold layer   3308100100022 
           of ~50 mu-g/cm2) by electrodeposition from isopropyl   3308100100023 
           alcohol. They were deposited as a circle of 1 cm       3308100100024 
           diameter and then covered with a stack of 0.3 mil      3308100100025 
           superpure aluminium foils of 1.5 cm diameter. The      3308100100026 
           assembly was wrapped in 1 mil superpure aluminium      3308100100027 
           foil and sealed with polyethylene.                     3308100100028 
DETECTOR   (GELI) A 2 cc active volume detector coupled with a    3308100100029 
           400 channel pulse height analyser for gamma counting.  3308100100030 
           (PROPC) Sugarman type end-window gas flow              3308100100031 
           proportional counter for beta counting.                3308100100032 
METHOD     (CHSEP)                                                3308100100033 
ADD-RES    (RANGE) Recoil ranges of fission products from         3308100100034 
           thermal neutron fission of 233U and 239Pu are given    3308100100035 
           in tables 1 and 2 of J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 34(1972)   3308100100036 
           2685.                                                  3308100100037 
ANALYSIS   Recoil ranges of secondary fragments are converted     3308100100038 
           into kinetic energies for corresponding primary        3308100100039 
           fragments by using four different range-energy         3308100100040 
           equations.                                             3308100100041 
ERR-ANALYS No uncertainty given.                                  3308100100042 
HISTORY    (20150312C) Compiled by H.Lalremruata+BL               3308100100043 
ENDBIB              41          0                                 3308100100044 
COMMON               1          3                                 3308100100045 
EN-DUMMY                                                          3308100100046 
EV                                                                3308100100047 
     0.0253                                                       3308100100048 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3308100100049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 3308100199999 
SUBENT        33081002   20150312                             31703308100200001 
BIB                  2          6                                 3308100200002 
REACTION  1(92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                  3308100200003 
          2(92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                  3308100200004 
          3(92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                  3308100200005 
          4(92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                  3308100200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 34(1972)     3308100200007 
           2685.                                                  3308100200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 3308100200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3308100200010 
DATA                 6         18                                 3308100200011 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA      1DATA      2DATA      3DATA      43308100200012 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        3308100200013 
        38.        89.      148.7      153.5      147.7      187.53308100200014 
        38.        91.      171.2      174.8      174.9      227.03308100200015 
        40.        95.      177.0      179.8      167.0      223.03308100200016 
        40.        97.      184.9      186.6      179.3      234.23308100200017 
        41.        95.      174.6      177.8      164.9      221.83308100200018 
        41.        97.      178.7      181.9      168.1      227.23308100200019 
        42.        99.      185.9      186.2      171.8      227.33308100200020 
        47.       111.      171.6      178.2      156.9      192.03308100200021 
        48.       115.      168.6      171.9      152.1      180.83308100200022 
        50.       121.      167.6      170.7      149.6      172.03308100200023 
        51.       127.      192.3      184.3      162.6      185.23308100200024 
        52.       132.      192.9      188.4      166.9      186.23308100200025 
        53.       132.      189.4      186.7      165.3      177.33308100200026 
        54.       135.      201.1      183.4      169.0      185.03308100200027 
        56.       140.      185.8      171.9      160.1      166.43308100200028 
        57.       140.      184.8      171.0      159.3      165.13308100200029 
        58.       143.      180.1      162.9      156.0      155.33308100200030 
        60.       147.      170.5      151.8      150.2      144.13308100200031 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 3308100200032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 3308100299999 
SUBENT        33081003   20150312                             31703308100300001 
BIB                  2          6                                 3308100300002 
REACTION  1(94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                 3308100300003 
          2(94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                 3308100300004 
          3(94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                 3308100300005 
          4(94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,PRE,KE,LF+HF)                 3308100300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 4 of J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 34(1972)     3308100300007 
           2685.                                                  3308100300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 3308100300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3308100300010 
DATA                 6         12                                 3308100300011 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA      1DATA      2DATA      3DATA      43308100300012 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        3308100300013 
        38.        89.      162.3      168.5      156.0      213.93308100300014 
        38.        91.      170.2      171.7      160.2      217.23308100300015 
        40.        97.      180.2      179.6      166.7      220.73308100300016 
        42.        99.      184.0      181.9      165.5      221.13308100300017 
        45.       105.      184.9      179.1      159.8      204.83308100300018 
        47.       111.      188.6      186.8      167.2      206.83308100300019 
        48.       115.      174.9      172.8      151.2      175.83308100300020 
        50.       121.      166.2      166.4      146.5      167.43308100300021 
        50.       125.      178.4      173.7      153.8      172.63308100300022 
        51.       127.      184.8      178.6      157.3      176.83308100300023 
        52.       132.      189.0      178.7      158.9      174.83308100300024 
        56.       140.      169.9      174.4      164.0      169.93308100300025 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 3308100300026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 3308100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3308199999999