ENTRY 33083 20150507 31723308300000001 SUBENT 33083001 20150507 31723308300100001 BIB 10 36 3308300100002 TITLE Prompt gamma-ray emission in the spontaneous ternary 3308300100003 fission of 252Cf 3308300100004 AUTHOR (N.N.Ajitanand) 3308300100005 INSTITUTE (3INDTRM) 3308300100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,133,625,1969) 3308300100007 SAMPLE The source of 252Cf deposited over an area of 0.2 cm 3308300100008 diameter on a 61.4 mg/cm2 thick platinum backing. The 3308300100009 source foil was mounted between two steel rings. The 3308300100010 source side was covered by a thin 20 mu-g/cm2 thick 3308300100011 VYNS plastic film to prevent escape of californium 3308300100012 atoms from the platinum foil. The distance between 3308300100013 the source and the surface of the solid-state 3308300100014 detector was l.1 cm. The distance from source to NaI 3308300100015 crystal face was 6.5 cm. 3308300100016 DETECTOR (NAICR) A 5 cm x 5 cm NaI(Tl) crystal was used to 3308300100017 detect the gamma rays. 3308300100018 (SIBAR) A silicon surface-barrier semiconductor 3308300100019 detector was reverse-biased to a voltage of 90 V to 3308300100020 give a depletion depth of about 310 mu-m for 3308300100021 detection of the fission fragments in the binary 3308300100022 experiment, while in the separate ternary experiment, 3308300100023 it was covered with a 10 mg/cm2 thick aluminium foil 3308300100024 so that only those long-range alpha particles which 3308300100025 had an energy greater than 6.8 MeV could be detected. 3308300100026 METHOD (COINC) Measured prompt gammas and fission fragments 3308300100027 in coincidence 3308300100028 CORRECTION Subtraction of chance coincidences as well as 3308300100029 correction for contributions from fission neutrons 3308300100030 were done. These were calculated to be 8% for the 3308300100031 binary case and 4% for the ternary case. 3308300100032 COMMENT Digitization is done on Fig.2 in which the X-axis is 3308300100033 given in channel number. Authors also provided the 3308300100034 corresponding gamma energies for each tick. However, 3308300100035 the plot of channel number versus gamma energy is not 3308300100036 linear which may introduce some error. 3308300100037 HISTORY (20150507C) Compiled by H. Lalremruata+BL 3308300100038 ENDBIB 36 0 3308300100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 3308300100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 3308300199999 SUBENT 33083002 20150507 31723308300200001 BIB 3 6 3308300200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE,,REL) 3308300200003 STATUS (CURVE) Data for binary fission obtained from fig.2 3308300200004 of Nucl. Phys. A, 133(1969)625 3308300200005 COMMENT Due to poor quality of the figure, the digitized 3308300200006 value of six data points above gamma energy of 3308300200007 1463.56 keV may not be good. 3308300200008 ENDBIB 6 0 3308300200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 3308300200010 DATA 2 27 3308300200011 E DATA 3308300200012 KEV ARB-UNITS 3308300200013 102.99 1.010 3308300200014 159.87 1.050 3308300200015 208.58 1.220 3308300200016 265.46 1.310 3308300200017 330.11 1.150 3308300200018 389.12 0.976 3308300200019 441.87 0.755 3308300200020 495.47 0.607 3308300200021 557.78 0.493 3308300200022 620.34 0.405 3308300200023 675.71 0.359 3308300200024 731.95 0.328 3308300200025 901.33 0.205 3308300200026 951.38 0.167 3308300200027 1059.70 0.180 3308300200028 1124.57 0.223 3308300200029 1175.17 0.211 3308300200030 1286.37 0.184 3308300200031 1345.61 0.154 3308300200032 1399.03 0.140 3308300200033 1463.56 0.101 3308300200034 1512.00 0.076 3308300200035 1573.86 0.064 3308300200036 1628.02 0.057 3308300200037 1687.32 0.047 3308300200038 1740.35 0.037 3308300200039 1793.94 0.027 3308300200040 ENDDATA 29 0 3308300200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 3308300299999 SUBENT 33083003 20150507 31723308300300001 BIB 3 5 3308300300002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE,,MSC) Energy spectrum 3308300300003 of prompt gamma-ray in ternary fission 3308300300004 STATUS (CURVE) Data for ternary fission obtained from fig.2 3308300300005 of Nucl. Phys. A, 133(1969)625 3308300300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty 3308300300007 ENDBIB 5 0 3308300300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3308300300009 DATA 3 31 3308300300010 E DATA DATA-ERR 3308300300011 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 3308300300012 103.99 0.764 0.022 3308300300013 159.04 0.817 0.024 3308300300014 216.09 0.932 0.026 3308300300015 272.90 0.972 0.027 3308300300016 329.76 0.883 0.025 3308300300017 386.76 0.773 0.026 3308300300018 446.24 0.571 0.028 3308300300019 502.12 0.524 0.024 3308300300020 560.47 0.383 0.025 3308300300021 616.32 0.330 0.024 3308300300022 668.96 0.265 0.025 3308300300023 728.22 0.252 0.019 3308300300024 787.18 0.198 0.019 3308300300025 840.32 0.203 0.019 3308300300026 896.35 0.175 0.019 3308300300027 949.15 0.133 0.022 3308300300028 1005.33 0.126 0.017 3308300300029 1063.28 0.147 0.017 3308300300030 1114.72 0.133 0.019 3308300300031 1174.19 0.150 0.019 3308300300032 1229.02 0.173 0.014 3308300300033 1288.24 0.155 0.019 3308300300034 1344.24 0.122 0.015 3308300300035 1400.26 0.093 0.018 3308300300036 1454.77 0.072 0.017 3308300300037 1512.51 0.064 0.017 3308300300038 1571.78 0.053 0.013 3308300300039 1627.95 0.044 0.017 3308300300040 1685.68 0.036 0.015 3308300300041 1738.75 0.031 0.017 3308300300042 1793.35 0.023 0.014 3308300300043 ENDDATA 33 0 3308300300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 3308300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3308399999999