ENTRY            33165   20221007                             32093316500000001 
SUBENT        33165001   20221007                             32093316500100001 
BIB                 11         22                                 3316500100002 
TITLE      Measurement of high-energy gamma-rays in spontaneous   3316500100003 
           fission of 152Cf                                       3316500100004 
AUTHOR     (R.P.Vind, D.C.Biswas, N.Kumar, Y.K.Gupta, R.Grover,   3316500100005 
           S.Dubey, R.V.Jangale, A.L.Inkar, D.R.Chakrabarty)      3316500100006 
INSTITUTE  (3INDTRM,3INDIID)                                      3316500100007 
REFERENCE  (C,2016KOLKAT,,314,2016)                               3316500100008 
SAMPLE     252Cf of 5 micro-Curie.                                3316500100009 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Fission fragments were detected using multi-    3316500100010 
           wire proportional counter of dimension 17.5 x 7.0 cm,  3316500100011 
           mounted inside a scattering chamber at a distance 18 cm3316500100012 
           from the source.                                       3316500100013 
           (BGO) For gamma rays detection, 7.6 cm long with a     3316500100014 
           hexagonal cross section of inner circular diameter of  3316500100015 
           5 cm, mounted at a distance of 1.0 cm from the source. 3316500100016 
PART-DET   (G,FF)                                                 3316500100017 
METHOD     (TOF,COINC) Time-of-flight between prompt gamma-rays   3316500100018 
           and fission fragments.                                 3316500100019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 of C,2016KOLKAT,61,314,2016              3316500100020 
COMMENT    By Compiler: Due to overlapping of data in the gamma   3316500100021 
           energy less than 20 MeV, may be digitization quality   3316500100022 
           are not good.                                          3316500100023 
HISTORY    (20221007C) VT+LV                                      3316500100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 3316500100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3316500100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 3316500199999 
SUBENT        33165002   20221007                             32093316500200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 3316500200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE)                         3316500200003 
METHOD     Gamma detection threshold energy at 1 MeV              3316500200004 
STATUS     (COREL,33165003) measurement with threshold at 2 MeV   3316500200005 
           (COREL,33165004) measurement with threshold at 5 MeV   3316500200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 3316500200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3316500200008 
DATA                 2         49                                 3316500200009 
E          DATA                                                   3316500200010 
MEV        PT/FIS/MEV                                             3316500200011 
         2.  1.650E-01                                            3316500200012 
         3.  7.595E-02                                            3316500200013 
         4.  3.164E-02                                            3316500200014 
         5.  1.318E-02                                            3316500200015 
         6.  5.092E-03                                            3316500200016 
         7.  2.069E-03                                            3316500200017 
         8.  7.995E-04                                            3316500200018 
         9.  3.248E-04                                            3316500200019 
        10.  1.320E-04                                            3316500200020 
        11.  5.228E-05                                            3316500200021 
        12.  2.289E-05                                            3316500200022 
        13.  9.776E-06                                            3316500200023 
        14.  4.614E-06                                            3316500200024 
        15.  1.424E-06                                            3316500200025 
        16.  6.721E-07                                            3316500200026 
        17.  2.471E-07                                            3316500200027 
        18.  9.790E-08                                            3316500200028 
        20.  1.915E-07                                            3316500200029 
        21.  1.911E-07                                            3316500200030 
        22.  1.486E-07                                            3316500200031 
        23.  4.823E-08                                            3316500200032 
        24.  9.688E-08                                            3316500200033 
        25.  9.672E-08                                            3316500200034 
        28.  1.936E-07                                            3316500200035 
        29.  1.933E-07                                            3316500200036 
        30.  2.416E-07                                            3316500200037 
        31.  9.813E-08                                            3316500200038 
        32.  4.844E-07                                            3316500200039 
        33.  1.422E-07                                            3316500200040 
        34.  2.340E-07                                            3316500200041 
        35.  1.418E-07                                            3316500200042 
        36.  2.391E-07                                            3316500200043 
        37.  1.906E-07                                            3316500200044 
        38.  3.296E-07                                            3316500200045 
        39.  3.822E-07                                            3316500200046 
        40.  4.323E-07                                            3316500200047 
        41.  5.270E-07                                            3316500200048 
        42.  6.111E-07                                            3316500200049 
        43.  5.660E-07                                            3316500200050 
        44.  2.299E-07                                            3316500200051 
        45.  3.256E-07                                            3316500200052 
        46.  5.225E-07                                            3316500200053 
        47.  1.423E-07                                            3316500200054 
        48.  1.870E-07                                            3316500200055 
        49.  4.610E-08                                            3316500200056 
        50.  9.261E-08                                            3316500200057 
        51.  1.379E-07                                            3316500200058 
        53.  1.374E-07                                            3316500200059 
        56.  4.555E-08                                            3316500200060 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 3316500200061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 3316500299999 
SUBENT        33165003   20221010                             32093316500300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 3316500300002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE)                         3316500300003 
METHOD     Gamma detection threshold energy at 2 MeV              3316500300004 
STATUS     (COREL,33165002) measurement with threshold at 1 MeV   3316500300005 
           (COREL,33165004) measurement with threshold at 5 MeV   3316500300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 3316500300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3316500300008 
DATA                 2         50                                 3316500300009 
E          DATA                                                   3316500300010 
MEV        PD/FIS/MEV                                             3316500300011 
         2.  1.135E-01                                            3316500300012 
         3.  5.771E-02                                            3316500300013 
         4.  2.465E-02                                            3316500300014 
         5.  9.766E-03                                            3316500300015 
         6.  3.870E-03                                            3316500300016 
         7.  1.533E-03                                            3316500300017 
         8.  5.925E-04                                            3316500300018 
         9.  2.407E-04                                            3316500300019 
        10.  1.028E-04                                            3316500300020 
        11.  3.973E-05                                            3316500300021 
        12.  1.697E-05                                            3316500300022 
        13.  7.245E-06                                            3316500300023 
        14.  3.874E-06                                            3316500300024 
        15.  1.289E-06                                            3316500300025 
        16.  5.107E-07                                            3316500300026 
        17.  4.388E-07                                            3316500300027 
        18.  1.874E-07                                            3316500300028 
        19.  1.224E-07                                            3316500300029 
        20.  6.070E-08                                            3316500300030 
        21.  3.963E-08                                            3316500300031 
        22.  6.050E-08                                            3316500300032 
        23.  8.149E-08                                            3316500300033 
        24.  4.043E-08                                            3316500300034 
        25.  4.036E-08                                            3316500300035 
        26.  8.107E-08                                            3316500300036 
        27.  1.999E-08                                            3316500300037 
        28.  3.916E-08                                            3316500300038 
        29.  1.992E-08                                            3316500300039 
        30.  4.000E-08                                            3316500300040 
        32.  1.981E-08                                            3316500300041 
        33.  3.980E-08                                            3316500300042 
        34.  3.973E-08                                            3316500300043 
        35.  1.971E-08                                            3316500300044 
        36.  1.380E-07                                            3316500300045 
        37.  5.894E-08                                            3316500300046 
        38.  1.961E-08                                            3316500300047 
        39.  3.939E-08                                            3316500300048 
        41.  5.853E-08                                            3316500300049 
        42.  5.843E-08                                            3316500300050 
        43.  5.833E-08                                            3316500300051 
        44.  1.940E-08                                            3316500300052 
        45.  5.812E-08                                            3316500300053 
        46.  7.637E-08                                            3316500300054 
        47.  3.788E-08                                            3316500300055 
        48.  7.610E-08                                            3316500300056 
        49.  1.924E-08                                            3316500300057 
        50.  3.864E-08                                            3316500300058 
        51.  1.870E-08                                            3316500300059 
        52.  1.914E-08                                            3316500300060 
        53.  3.749E-08                                            3316500300061 
ENDDATA             52          0                                 3316500300062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 3316500399999 
SUBENT        33165004   20221010                             32093316500400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 3316500400002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE)                         3316500400003 
METHOD     Gamma detection threshold energy at 5 MeV              3316500400004 
STATUS     (COREL,33165002) measurement with threshold at 1 MeV   3316500400005 
           (COREL,33165003) measurement with threshold at 2 MeV   3316500400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 3316500400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3316500400008 
DATA                 2         26                                 3316500400009 
E          DATA                                                   3316500400010 
MEV        PD/FIS/MEV                                             3316500400011 
         6.  4.170E-03                                            3316500400012 
         7.  2.018E-03                                            3316500400013 
         8.  8.197E-04                                            3316500400014 
         9.  3.330E-04                                            3316500400015 
        10.  1.387E-04                                            3316500400016 
        11.  5.924E-05                                            3316500400017 
        12.  2.530E-05                                            3316500400018 
        13.  1.028E-05                                            3316500400019 
        14.  4.731E-06                                            3316500400020 
        15.  2.177E-06                                            3316500400021 
        16.  9.070E-07                                            3316500400022 
        17.  4.280E-07                                            3316500400023 
        18.  1.874E-07                                            3316500400024 
        19.  2.475E-08                                            3316500400025 
        21.  3.677E-08                                            3316500400026 
        22.  1.254E-08                                            3316500400027 
        23.  1.221E-08                                            3316500400028 
        30.  1.237E-08                                            3316500400029 
        38.  1.220E-08                                            3316500400030 
        39.  2.451E-08                                            3316500400031 
        40.  1.216E-08                                            3316500400032 
        41.  2.382E-08                                            3316500400033 
        44.  1.177E-08                                            3316500400034 
        45.  1.176E-08                                            3316500400035 
        46.  2.361E-08                                            3316500400036 
        47.  1.201E-08                                            3316500400037 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 3316500400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 3316500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 3316599999999