ENTRY 33201 20250120 32163320100000001 SUBENT 33201001 20250120 32163320100100001 BIB 12 32 3320100100002 TITLE Study of the surrogate ratio method by determination 3320100100003 of 56Fe(n,xp) cross sections 3320100100004 AUTHOR (A.Sharma, P.Dubey, U.Mishra, N.Dubey, J.Pandey, 3320100100005 R.Gandhi, A.Pal, A.Baishya, T.Santhosh, P.C.Rout, 3320100100006 B.K.Nayak, S.Santra, A.Chakraborty, A.Kumar) 3320100100007 INSTITUTE (3INDBHU,3INDNSD,3INDTRM) 3320100100008 (3INDIND) Homi Bhabha National Institute, 3320100100009 Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 3320100100010 (3INDIND) Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, 3320100100011 West Bengal 3320100100012 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,848,138381,2024) 3320100100013 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTAT) BARC-TIFR Pelletron Accelerator 3320100100014 SAMPLE The 55Mn and 51V targets of thickness ~500 +/-10 ug/cm23320100100015 and ~600 +/-13 ug/cm2 respectively. 3320100100016 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) Two silicon surface barrier 3320100100017 telescopes, T1 and T2, were positioned at 20 degree 3320100100018 and 30 degree relative to the beam direction to 3320100100019 detect particle-like fragments. The delta E and E 3320100100020 detectors in both telescopes had thicknesses of 100 um 3320100100021 and 2000 um, respectively. 3320100100022 (TELES,SISD,SISD) Two silicon strip telescopes (S1, S2)3320100100023 at 125 degree and 155 degree were used to detect 3320100100024 evaporated particles, with delta E detector of 3320100100025 thicknesses 57 um and 58 um, and E detector of 3320100100026 thicknesses 1550 um and 1556 um, respectively. 3320100100027 METHOD (EDE,COINC) 3320100100028 PART-DET (A) 3320100100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. 3320100100030 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by A.Sharma (2025-01-27) 3320100100031 (TABLE,,A.Sharma+,J,PL/B,848,138381,2024) Fig.6 3320100100032 HISTORY (20240708R) Data received from A.Sharma 3320100100033 (20250120C) VT 3320100100034 ENDBIB 32 0 3320100100035 COMMON 1 3 3320100100036 EN-ERR 3320100100037 MEV 3320100100038 0.5 3320100100039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3320100100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 3320100199999 SUBENT 33201002 20250120 32163320100200001 BIB 4 6 3320100200002 REACTION 1(26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG,,,DERIV) for T1 detector 3320100200003 2(26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG,,,DERIV) for T2 detector 3320100200004 MONITOR (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 3320100200005 MONIT-REF (,,3,JENDL-3.3,,2002) 3320100200006 ANALYSIS (SURGT) 55Mn(6Li,a)57Fe* as surrogate of 56Fe+n->57Fe* 3320100200007 and 51V(6Li,a)53Cr* as surrogate of 52Cr+n->53Cr* 3320100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 3320100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 3320100200010 DATA 5 5 3320100200011 EN DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 3320100200012 MEV MB MB MB MB 3320100200013 12.571 104.185 18.094 61.881 11.506 3320100200014 13.588 158.375 22.699 145.067 24.71 3320100200015 14.606 209.266 20.88 188.72 25.912 3320100200016 15.624 294.218 27.021 200.975 22.219 3320100200017 16.642 312.942 29.679 243.925 25.301 3320100200018 ENDDATA 7 0 3320100200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3320100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3320199999999