ENTRY            40005   20141114                             41674000500000001 
SUBENT        40005001   20141114                             41674000500100001 
BIB                 12         67                                 4000500100002 
TITLE      Radiation capture of fast neutrons by nuclei of Sn-122,4000500100003 
            Sn-124 and Sb-121,Sb-123 .                            4000500100004 
AUTHOR     (V.A.Tolstikov,V.P.Koroleva,V.E.Kolesov,A.G.Dovbenko,  4000500100005 
           Yu.N.Shubin)                                           4000500100006 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFEI)                                              4000500100007 
REFERENCE  (J,SJA,24,709,1968) Eng.trans.of AE,24,576,1968        4000500100008 
           (J,AE,24,(6),576,1968) Graphs only for neutrons energy 4000500100009 
                                    above 0.2 MeV                 4000500100010 
           (J,EAF,24,(6),111,196806) French translation of        4000500100011 
                             Atomnaja Energija,24,(6),576,1968    4000500100012 
           (J,AE,27,406,196911) graphs only for neutrons energy   4000500100013 
                        up to 0.3 MeV,for isotopes Sb-121,Sn-124  4000500100014 
           (J,SJA,27,1185,196911) English translation of Atomnaja 4000500100015 
                           Energija,27,406,1969                   4000500100016 
           (J,EAF,27,41,196911) French translation of Atomnaja    4000500100017 
                              Energija,27,406,1969                4000500100018 
           ((R,YFI-6,5,1968)=(R,INDC(CCP)-3R,5,1968))             4000500100019 
           Short abstract with graphs for Sb-121                  4000500100020 
                        in energy range from 0.01 MeV up 3.0 MeV  4000500100021 
           ((R,INDC(CCP)-3,5,196902)=(R,INDC-260E,5,196902))      4000500100022 
           Engl. translation of YFI-6,5                           4000500100023 
           (C,68DUBNA,ACC-68/5,196806) identical with YFI-6,5,19684000500100024 
           ((R,YFI-6,11,1968)=(R,INDC(CCP)-3R,5,1968))            4000500100025 
           identical with Atomnaja Energija,                      4000500100026 
                           27,406,1969. Data tables are given.    4000500100027 
           ((R,INDC(CCP)-3,11,196902)=(R,INDC-260E,11,196902))    4000500100028 
           Engl. translation of YFI-6,11                          4000500100029 
FACILITY   (VDG,4RUSFEI) 2.5 MeV and 5.0 MeV Van de Graaff        4000500100030 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Proton-lithium-7 in neutron energy range from  4000500100031 
                  0.009 MeV up to 0.3 MeV                         4000500100032 
           (P-T) Proton-tritium in energy range of neutrons from  4000500100033 
                  0.3 MeV to 3.0 MeV                              4000500100034 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Activation method                              4000500100035 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Two end-type beta counters in geometry near 4pi4000500100036 
            to measure induced BETA-activity.                     4000500100037 
           (FISCH) Fission chamber for registration of U-235      4000500100038 
                   fission events, used as neutron flux monitor   4000500100039 
           (LONGC) Long counter for background measurements,      4000500100040 
                  neutron flux monitoring and etc.                4000500100041 
CORRECTION  Corrections were introduced                           4000500100042 
            * on background of neutrons scattered from material of4000500100043 
              target underlayer and target holder,                4000500100044 
            * on background of neutrons scattered in measur. room,4000500100045 
            * on background of neutrons from foreign reactions,   4000500100046 
            * on neutron flux attenuation with distance from      4000500100047 
              target,                                             4000500100048 
            * on 92-U-238 fission,                                4000500100049 
            * on deviation of U-235 fission cross-section energy  4000500100050 
             dependence from 1/V law in thermal neutrons energy   4000500100051 
             range.                                               4000500100052 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from authors                     4000500100053 
           (APRVD)  Data revised by V.P.Koroleva taking into      4000500100054 
                 account new values of the standards (1968)       4000500100055 
REL-REF    (O,40004000,A.G.Dovbenko,J,AE,23,(2),151,1967)         4000500100056 
           Data for Rb-87,Ir-193.                                 4000500100057 
HISTORY    (19700708C) Data compiled at the centre                4000500100058 
           (19811119A) new error-codes are introduced             4000500100059 
           (19840117U) ISO-QUANT code converted to REACTION one   4000500100060 
           (19870420U) Reaction  codes for SF4 in Subents 002,    4000500100061 
              003, 005 corrected. One author's name modified      4000500100062 
           (19970910A)  + corrected CJD/BNL     + +               4000500100063 
           (20141114U) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4000500100064 
            Ref. on Engl. transl. of AE added. MONIT-REF added to 4000500100065 
            Subents 2-5.                                          4000500100066 
           (20141222A) M.M. Articles were checked, BIB information4000500100067 
           was updated in STATUS,TITLE, MONIT-REF.                4000500100068 
           Refs. of INDC reports were added.                      4000500100069 
ENDBIB              67          0                                 4000500100070 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4000500100071 
ENDSUBENT           70          0                                 4000500199999 
SUBENT        40005002   20141114                             41674000500200001 
BIB                  7         25                                 4000500200002 
REACTION   (50-SN-122(N,G)50-SN-123-M,,SIG)                       4000500200003 
SAMPLE      Oxide SnO with thickness 0.165 g/cm**2                4000500200004 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                           4000500200005 
           ((MONIT2)50-SN-122(N,G)50-SN-123,,SIG)                 4000500200006 
          3(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)for absolute normalization of cross4000500200007 
            section in energy range from 0.3 MeV up to 3.5 MeV    4000500200008 
            For absolute normalization of cross-section below 0.3 4000500200009 
            MeV the data of this Subentry above 0.3 MeV were used 4000500200010 
MONIT-REF  (,M.D.Goldberg+,R,BNL-325,1966) BNL-325,second ed.     4000500200011 
           Suppl.No.2, v.2A,1966 for MONIT1 and MONIT2            4000500200012 
          3(,W.G.Davey,J,NSE,26,149,1966) Last monitor reaction   4000500200013 
DECAY-DATA (50-SN-123-M,40.MIN,B)                                 4000500200014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)     Includes error in energy dependence of     4000500200015 
            measured cross-section,namely statistical errors,     4000500200016 
            errors of corrections,errors in U-235 fission cross-  4000500200017 
            section                                               4000500200018 
           (ERR-T)  includes all errors of experiment             4000500200019 
           (+EN-ERR) Unsymetric energy error.                     4000500200020 
           (-EN-ERR) Unsymetric energy error.                     4000500200021 
           Both unsymetric energy errors are explained by         4000500200022 
           scattering of proton energy, final target thickness,   4000500200023 
           finite angular dimensions of irradiated sample and     4000500200024 
           chamber.                                               4000500200025 
HISTORY    (19970910A)   ERR-ANALYS moved from Subent 001         4000500200026 
                       MONIT1 and MONIT2 defined in BIB-section   4000500200027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 4000500200028 
COMMON               5          3                                 4000500200029 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR            4000500200030 
EV         B          B          B          B                     4000500200031 
    0.0253   577.1        0.9        0.18       0.05              4000500200032 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4000500200033 
DATA                 6         22                                 4000500200034 
EN         +EN-ERR    -EN-ERR    DATA       ERR-1      ERR-T      4000500200035 
KEV        KEV        KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4000500200036 
  200.        52.        58.         4.07       6.5       28.6    4000500200037 
  240.        52.        58.         3.67       6.6       28.6    4000500200038 
  338.        37.        37.         3.96       9.4       29.4    4000500200039 
  394.        60.        60.         3.54       5.4       28.4    4000500200040 
  430.        54.        70.         3.19       6.8       28.7    4000500200041 
  515.        60.        73.         3.10       5.2       28.4    4000500200042 
  612.        56.        56.         3.80       5.7       28.5    4000500200043 
  690.        70.        80.         3.68       6.4       28.6    4000500200044 
  720.        54.        54.         4.07       5.5       28.4    4000500200045 
  780.        72.        86.         4.11       7.1       28.9    4000500200046 
  824.        53.        53.         4.12       5.3       28.4    4000500200047 
  925.        52.        52.         4.38       5.8       28.5    4000500200048 
 1034.        51.        51.         4.20      12.1       30.6    4000500200049 
 1335.        51.        51.         3.57       5.5       28.4    4000500200050 
 1520.        95.       125.         4.67       9.1       29.2    4000500200051 
 1690.       100.       136.         4.72      11.2       30.0    4000500200052 
 1857.       100.       140.         5.05       9.4       29.4    4000500200053 
 2120.        70.        70.         5.11       8.5       29.1    4000500200054 
 2323.        69.        69.         4.69      10.0       28.6    4000500200055 
 2520.       140.       173.         3.54      10.3       29.6    4000500200056 
 2723.        69.        69.         3.74       6.8       28.7    4000500200057 
 3128.        65.        65.         2.82       7.1       28.8    4000500200058 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 4000500200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 4000500299999 
SUBENT        40005003   20141114                             41674000500300001 
BIB                  7         23                                 4000500300002 
REACTION   (50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125-M,,SIG)                       4000500300003 
SAMPLE      Oxide natural SnO with thickness 0.165g/cm**2         4000500300004 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) at thermal energy         4000500300005 
           ((MONIT2)50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125,,SIG)at thermal energy4000500300006 
          3(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)for absolute normalization of cross4000500300007 
            section in energy range from 0.3 MeV up to 3.5 MeV    4000500300008 
            For absolute normalization of cross-section below 0.3 4000500300009 
            MeV the data of this subentry were used               4000500300010 
MONIT-REF  (,M.D.Goldberg+,R,BNL-325,1966) BNL-325,second ed.,    4000500300011 
           Suppl.No.2, v.2A,1966 for MONIT1 and MONIT2            4000500300012 
          3(,W.G.Davey,J,NSE,26,149,1966) Last monitor reaction   4000500300013 
DECAY-DATA (50-SN-125-M,9.7MIN,B)                                 4000500300014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)     Includes error in energy dependence of     4000500300015 
            measured cross-section,namely statistical errors,     4000500300016 
            errors of corrections,errors in U-235 fission cross-  4000500300017 
            section                                               4000500300018 
           (ERR-T)  includes all errors of experiment             4000500300019 
           (+EN-ERR)    energy errors are explained by scattering 4000500300020 
           (-EN-ERR)    of proton energy, final target thickness, 4000500300021 
                        finite angular dimensions of irradiated   4000500300022 
                        sample and chamber                        4000500300023 
HISTORY    (19970910A)   ERR-ANALYS moved from Subent 001         4000500300024 
                       MONIT1 and MONIT2 defined in BIB-section   4000500300025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 4000500300026 
COMMON               5          3                                 4000500300027 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR            4000500300028 
EV         B          B          B          B                     4000500300029 
    0.0253   577.1        0.9        0.14       0.03              4000500300030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4000500300031 
DATA                 6         24                                 4000500300032 
EN         +EN-ERR    -EN-ERR    DATA       ERR-1      ERR-T      4000500300033 
KEV        KEV        KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4000500300034 
    9.         5.         5.        28.5        7.8       22.9    4000500300035 
   20.         6.4        6.4       18.1        7.8       22.9    4000500300036 
   51.         9.         9.        10.2        6.7       22.6    4000500300037 
  103.        13.        13.         6.81       9.0       23.4    4000500300038 
  155.        17.         17.        5.40       7.6       22.8    4000500300039 
  200.        28.         28.        5.77       7.1       22.7    4000500300040 
  250.        30.         30.        5.06       8.4       23.1    4000500300041 
  338.        30.         30.        4.73       5.2       22.1    4000500300042 
  394.        60.         60.        4.90       7.1       22.7    4000500300043 
  433.        54.         70.        4.32      10.6       24.0    4000500300044 
  515.        60.         73.        4.03       6.4       22.3    4000500300045 
  612.        56.         56.        3.34       5.8       22.2    4000500300046 
  720.        54.         54.        3.30       9.4       23.5    4000500300047 
  824.        53.         53.        4.07       5.8       22.2    4000500300048 
  930.        52.         52.        4.40       9.4       23.5    4000500300049 
 1034.        51.         51.        4.50       5.1       22.1    4000500300050 
 1335.        51.         51.        3.11       9.4       23.5    4000500300051 
 1520.        95.        125.        3.22      17.7       27.9    4000500300052 
 1690.       100.        136.        3.13      14.8       26.2    4000500300053 
 1917.        73.         73.        2.97      11.8       24.6    4000500300054 
 2120.        71.         71.        3.61      11.5       24.5    4000500300055 
 2320.        69.         69.        3.36      12.5       25.0    4000500300056 
 2723.        66.         66.        3.18      10.6       24.0    4000500300057 
 3130.        65.         65.        3.04      10.8       24.1    4000500300058 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 4000500300059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 4000500399999 
SUBENT        40005004   20141114                             41674000500400001 
BIB                  7         24                                 4000500400002 
REACTION   (51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,SIG)                         4000500400003 
SAMPLE      Natural metallic sample with thickness 0.380 g/cm**2  4000500400004 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) at thermal energy         4000500400005 
           ((MONIT2)51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,SIG)at thermal energy4000500400006 
          3(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                                   4000500400007 
            for absolute normalization of cross                   4000500400008 
            section in energy range from 0.3 MeV up to 3.5 MeV .  4000500400009 
            For absolute normalization of cross section below 0.3 4000500400010 
            MeV the data of this subentry above 0.3 MeV used      4000500400011 
MONIT-REF  (,M.D.Goldberg+,R,BNL-325,1966) BNL-325,second ed,.    4000500400012 
           Suppl.No.2, v.2A,1966 for MONIT1 and MONIT2            4000500400013 
          3(,W.G.Davey,J,NSE,26,149,1966) Last monitor reaction   4000500400014 
DECAY-DATA (51-SB-122-G,2.8D,B)                                   4000500400015 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)    Includes error in energy dependence of      4000500400016 
            measured cross-section,namely statistical errors,     4000500400017 
            errors of corrections,errors in U-235 fission cross-  4000500400018 
            section                                               4000500400019 
           (ERR-T)  includes all errors of experiment             4000500400020 
           (+EN-ERR)    energy errors are explained by scattering 4000500400021 
           (-EN-ERR)    of proton energy, final target thickness, 4000500400022 
                        finite angular dimensions of irradiated   4000500400023 
                        sample and chamber                        4000500400024 
HISTORY    (19970910A)   ERR-ANALYS moved from Subent 001         4000500400025 
                       MONIT1 and MONIT2 defined in bib-section   4000500400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 4000500400027 
COMMON               5          3                                 4000500400028 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR            4000500400029 
EV         B          B          B          B                     4000500400030 
    0.0253   577.1        0.9        6.5        0.8               4000500400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4000500400032 
DATA                 6         28                                 4000500400033 
EN         +EN-ERR    -EN-ERR    DATA       ERR-1      ERR-T      4000500400034 
KEV        KEV        KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4000500400035 
   11.         3.6        3.6     1418.         7.8       15.3    4000500400036 
   24.         4.8        4.8     1096.         7.2       15.1    4000500400037 
   50.         5.8        5.8      685.         7.3       15.1    4000500400038 
  102.         8.         8.       310.         7.8       15.3    4000500400039 
  152.        10.        10.       227.         8.0       15.5    4000500400040 
  200.        12.        12.       221.         8.2       15.6    4000500400041 
  242.        54.        60.       208.         5.5       14.3    4000500400042 
  338.        37.        37.       199.         5.5       14.3    4000500400043 
  394.        60.        60.       161.         6.3       14.6    4000500400044 
  433.        55.        68.       155.         5.6       14.3    4000500400045 
  515.        62.        75.       156.         5.1       14.2    4000500400046 
  612.        56.        56.       141.         5.0       14.2    4000500400047 
  690.        70.        80.       143.         5.1       14.2    4000500400048 
  720.        54.        54.       131.         5.9       14.5    4000500400049 
  780.        72.        86.       146.         5.5       14.3    4000500400050 
  824.        53.        53.       137.         5.8       14.4    4000500400051 
  930.        52.        52.       142.         5.8       14.4    4000500400052 
 1034.        51.        51.       129.         5.1       14.2    4000500400053 
 1335.        50.        50.       112.         5.2       14.2    4000500400054 
 1523.        95.       125.        97.3        5.6       14.4    4000500400055 
 1690.       100.       136.        84.3        5.6       14.4    4000500400056 
 1860.       110.       138.        79.5        5.6       14.4    4000500400057 
 1917.        73.        73.        74.8        5.3       14.3    4000500400058 
 2120.        70.        70.        73.7        5.3       14.3    4000500400059 
 2186.       118.       148.        72.8        5.8       14.4    4000500400060 
 2323.        69.        69.        63.8        6.2       14.6    4000500400061 
 2723.        66.        66.        48.9        5.3       14.2    4000500400062 
 3130.        65.        65.        37.2        5.5       14.3    4000500400063 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 4000500400064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 4000500499999 
SUBENT        40005005   20141114                             41674000500500001 
BIB                  7         27                                 4000500500002 
REACTION   (51-SB-123(N,G)51-SB-124,,SIG)                         4000500500003 
SAMPLE      Metallic sample from natural mixture of               4000500500004 
            isotopes with thickness 0.380 g/cm**2                 4000500500005 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) at thermal energy         4000500500006 
           ((MONIT2)51-SB-123(N,G)51-SB-124,,SIG) see D.Hughes,   4000500500007 
            R.Schwartz, Neutron Cross-sections,NY.1958.           4000500500008 
          3(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)For absolute normalization of cross4000500500009 
            section in energy range from 0.3 MeV up to 3.5 MeV.   4000500500010 
            For absolute normalization of cross-section below 0.3 4000500500011 
            MeV the data of this subentry above 0.3 MeV used      4000500500012 
MONIT-REF  ((MONIT1),M.D.Goldberg+,R,BNL-325,1966) BNL-325,second 4000500500013 
                    edition,Suppl.No.2, v.2A,1966                 4000500500014 
          3(,W.G.Davey,J,NSE,26,149,1966) for absolute            4000500500015 
           normalization of cr.sect. in energy range from 0.3 MeV 4000500500016 
           up to 3.5 MeV                                          4000500500017 
DECAY-DATA (51-SB-124-G,60.2D,B)                                  4000500500018 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)     Includes error in energy dependence of     4000500500019 
            measured cross-section,namely statistical errors,     4000500500020 
            errors of corrections,errors in U-235 fission cross-  4000500500021 
            section                                               4000500500022 
           (ERR-T)  includes all errors of experiment             4000500500023 
           (+EN-ERR)    energy errors are explained by scattering 4000500500024 
           (-EN-ERR)    of proton energy, final target thickness, 4000500500025 
                        finite angular dimensions of irradiated   4000500500026 
                        sample and chamber                        4000500500027 
HISTORY    (19970910A)  ERR-ANALYS moved from Subent 001          4000500500028 
                       MONIT1 and MONIT2 defined in BIB-section   4000500500029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 4000500500030 
COMMON               5          3                                 4000500500031 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR            4000500500032 
EV         B          B          B          B                     4000500500033 
    0.0253   577.1        0.9        2.5        0.5               4000500500034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4000500500035 
DATA                 6         18                                 4000500500036 
EN         +EN-ERR    -EN-ERR    DATA       ERR-1      ERR-T      4000500500037 
KEV        KEV        KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4000500500038 
  200.        52.        58.       127.         6.2       23.3    4000500500039 
  242.        54.        60.       107.         6.2       23.3    4000500500040 
  394.        60.        60.       105.         6.1       23.2    4000500500041 
  515.        62.        75.       102.        10.6       25.0    4000500500042 
  612.        56.        56.        91.         7.5       23.7    4000500500043 
  690.        70.        80.       100.        14.4       27.7    4000500500044 
  720.        54.        54.       109.         9.4       24.3    4000500500045 
  780.        72.        86.       111.         9.9       24.6    4000500500046 
  824.        53.        53.       106.         6.1       23.1    4000500500047 
  930.        52.        52.       100.         6.4       23.3    4000500500048 
 1034.        51.        51.       102.        11.2       25.2    4000500500049 
 1335.        50.        50.        85.        16.9       28.1    4000500500050 
 1520.        95.       125.        87.        14.7       27.8    4000500500051 
 1690.       100.       136.        77.        12.5       25.7    4000500500052 
 1917.        73.        73.        72.        19.6       30.0    4000500500053 
 2120.        70.        70.        63.        15.0       27.5    4000500500054 
 2320.        69.        69.        59.        24.5       33.2    4000500500055 
 2723.        66.        66.        28.2       16.8       28.0    4000500500056 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 4000500500057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 4000500599999 
SUBENT        40005006   20141114                             41674000500600001 
BIB                  5         12                                 4000500600002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(N,G),,SIG)                                    4000500600003 
STATUS     (DEP,40005004)  Sb-121(N,G) c-s                        4000500600004 
           (DEP,40005005)  Sb-123(N,G) c-s                        4000500600005 
ANALYSIS     C-S was defined from Subents 40005004 and 40005005   4000500600006 
            in assumption that sigma(natur.mixt.)=                4000500600007 
             =0.572*Sigma(51-Sb-121)+0.428*sigma(51-Sb-123)       4000500600008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Includes all errors of experiment             4000500600009 
           (+EN-ERR)    energy errors are explained by scattering 4000500600010 
           (-EN-ERR)    of proton energy, final target thickness, 4000500600011 
                        finite angular dimensions of irradiated   4000500600012 
                        sample and chamber                        4000500600013 
HISTORY    (19970910A)   ERR-ANALYS moved from Subent 001         4000500600014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4000500600015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4000500600016 
DATA                 5         18                                 4000500600017 
EN         +EN-ERR    -EN-ERR    DATA       ERR-T                 4000500600018 
KEV        KEV        KEV        MB         PER-CENT              4000500600019 
  200.        52.        58.       190.         6.8               4000500600020 
  242.        54.        60.       164.         6.7               4000500600021 
  394.        60.        60.       137.         8.7               4000500600022 
  515.        62.        75.       133.         9.8               4000500600023 
  612.        56.        56.       119.        10.                4000500600024 
  690.        70.        80.       125.        10.4               4000500600025 
  720.        54.        54.       122.        10.6               4000500600026 
  780.        72.        86.       131.         9.2               4000500600027 
  824.        53.        53.       124.        10.                4000500600028 
  930.        52.        52.       124.        10.                4000500600029 
 1034.        51.        51.       118.        11.                4000500600030 
 1335.        50.        50.       100.        14.                4000500600031 
 1520.        95.       125.        93.        15.                4000500600032 
 1690.       100.       136.        81.        16.                4000500600033 
 1820.        73.        73.        74.        20.3               4000500600034 
 2120.        70.        70.        69.        20.3               4000500600035 
 2320.        70.        70.        62.        25.8               4000500600036 
 2723.        66.        66.        40.        32.5               4000500600037 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 4000500600038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 4000500699999 
SUBENT        40005007   20141114                             41674000500700001 
BIB                  6          7                                 4000500700002 
REACTION   (50-SN-122(N,G)50-SN-123-M/T,,SIG/RAT)                 4000500700003 
DECAY-DATA (50-SN-123-M,40.MIN)                                   4000500700004 
ANALYSIS    Hauser-Feshbach for calculation of total capture      4000500700005 
            cross-section. Also the data from Subent 40005002     4000500700006 
STATUS     (DEP,40005002)                                         4000500700007 
ERR-ANALYS .Errors not given                                      4000500700008 
HISTORY    (19970910U)  STATUS and ERR-ANALYS keywords added      4000500700009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4000500700010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4000500700011 
DATA                 2         17                                 4000500700012 
EN         DATA                                                   4000500700013 
KEV        NO-DIM                                                 4000500700014 
  200.       0.79                                                 4000500700015 
  242.       0.80                                                 4000500700016 
  338.       0.79                                                 4000500700017 
  394.       0.81                                                 4000500700018 
  433.       0.83                                                 4000500700019 
  515.       0.85                                                 4000500700020 
  612.       0.83                                                 4000500700021 
  690.       0.90                                                 4000500700022 
  720.       0.83                                                 4000500700023 
  780.       0.84                                                 4000500700024 
  824.       0.85                                                 4000500700025 
  930.       0.85                                                 4000500700026 
 1034.       0.87                                                 4000500700027 
 1335.       0.70                                                 4000500700028 
 1523.       0.75                                                 4000500700029 
 1690.       0.76                                                 4000500700030 
 1860.       0.75                                                 4000500700031 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 4000500700032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 4000500799999 
SUBENT        40005008   20141114                             41674000500800001 
BIB                  6          7                                 4000500800002 
REACTION   (50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125-M/T,,SIG/RAT)                 4000500800003 
DECAY-DATA (50-SN-125-M,9.7MIN)                                   4000500800004 
ANALYSIS   Hauser-Feshbach calculation of total capture           4000500800005 
           cross-section. Also the data from Subent 40005003 used 4000500800006 
STATUS     (DEP,40005003)                                         4000500800007 
ERR-ANALYS .Errors not given                                      4000500800008 
HISTORY    (19970910U)  STATUS and ERR-ANALYS keywords added      4000500800009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4000500800010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4000500800011 
DATA                 2         20                                 4000500800012 
EN         DATA                                                   4000500800013 
KEV        NO-DIM                                                 4000500800014 
    9.       .54                                                  4000500800015 
   20.       .43                                                  4000500800016 
   50.       .49                                                  4000500800017 
  103.       .55                                                  4000500800018 
  155.       .60                                                  4000500800019 
  200.       .54                                                  4000500800020 
  250.       .59                                                  4000500800021 
  340.       .63                                                  4000500800022 
  390.       .63                                                  4000500800023 
  430.       .68                                                  4000500800024 
  510.       .71                                                  4000500800025 
  610.       .78                                                  4000500800026 
  725.       .79                                                  4000500800027 
  810.       .77                                                  4000500800028 
  930.       .77                                                  4000500800029 
 1025.       .78                                                  4000500800030 
 1325.       .79                                                  4000500800031 
 1525.       .74                                                  4000500800032 
 1700.       .75                                                  4000500800033 
 1925.       .78                                                  4000500800034 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 4000500800035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4000500899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 4000599999999