ENTRY            40046   20190520                             41824004600000001 
SUBENT        40046001   20190520                             41824004600100001 
BIB                 12         27                                 4004600100002 
INSTITUTE  (4UKRIJD)                                              4004600100003 
REFERENCE  (J,AE,18,452,1965) Issue 5                             4004600100004 
           (J,SJA,18,585,1965) Eng.Transl.of AE,18,452,1965       4004600100005 
           (J,JNE/AB,20,479,1966) Eng.Transl.of AE,18,452,1965    4004600100006 
AUTHOR     (V.P.Vertebnyi,I.P.Dzyub,A.N.Maistrenko,M.V.Pasechnik) 4004600100007 
            I.P.Dzyub=I.P.Dziuba                                  4004600100008 
TITLE      Coherent effects during the interaction of slow        4004600100009 
           neutrons with liquids.                                 4004600100010 
FACILITY   (REAC,4UKRIJD)     Thermal reactor  WWR-M              4004600100011 
           (CHOPS,4UKRIJD)    Slow chopper                        4004600100012 
             Beryllium filter of 9 cm diameter and 25 cm thickness4004600100013 
METHOD     (TOF)      Time of flight                              4004600100014 
DETECTOR   (BF3)      Battery of 10 boron counters                4004600100015 
ANALYSIS              Data were obtained by subtraction sigma     4004600100016 
                      (n,p) from total cross-section              4004600100017 
CORRECTION Data were corrected for air flux attenuation           4004600100018 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Are mainly statistical                      4004600100019 
STATUS     (TABLE) .Data received from authors.                   4004600100020 
HISTORY    (19700817C)                                            4004600100021 
           (20000421A) Corrected at CJD                           4004600100022 
           (20000421U) Last checking has been done.               4004600100023 
           (20060828A) Data head EN was changed into WVE-LN       4004600100024 
                          according to Memo CP-M/16. M.M.         4004600100025 
           (20141109U) SD: Ref. on Engl.transl. of AE added.      4004600100026 
           (20141210U) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information  4004600100027 
           was updated in TITLE .                                 4004600100028 
           (20190520U) Ref.J,JNE/AB,20,479,1966 was added .       4004600100029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 4004600100030 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4004600100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 4004600199999 
SUBENT        40046002   20060828                             41394004600200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 4004600200002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(N,THS)7-N-14,COH,SIG)                          4004600200003 
SAMPLE     Liquid Nitrogen Samples. Temperature at Boiling Point  4004600200004 
            77 Kelnin Degrees. 7.4, 10., 29. mm Thickness.        4004600200005 
STATUS      Data are presented on Fig.4                           4004600200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 4004600200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4004600200008 
DATA                 3         32                                 4004600200009 
WVE-LN     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4004600200010 
ANGSTROM   B          B                                           4004600200011 
        3.5  1.284E+01    2.4E-01                                 4004600200012 
        3.7  1.274E+01    2.4E-01                                 4004600200013 
        3.9  1.288E+01    2.4E-01                                 4004600200014 
       4.15  1.338E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200015 
        4.3  1.256E+01     3.E-01                                 4004600200016 
        4.3  1.339E+01     3.E-01                                 4004600200017 
        4.6  1.279E+01    3.5E-01                                 4004600200018 
        4.7  1.409E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200019 
        4.7  1.369E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200020 
        4.9  1.379E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200021 
       5.05  1.369E+01     4.E-01                                 4004600200022 
        5.2  1.302E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200023 
       5.35  1.454E+01    3.8E-01                                 4004600200024 
        5.5  1.416E+01    3.5E-01                                 4004600200025 
        5.6  1.435E+01    3.5E-01                                 4004600200026 
        5.7  1.539E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200027 
         6.  1.301E+01     3.E-01                                 4004600200028 
       6.25  1.075E+01     3.E-01                                 4004600200029 
        6.4  1.173E+01     3.E-01                                 4004600200030 
        6.7  1.029E+01    2.5E-01                                 4004600200031 
        6.8  1.109E+01     5.E-01                                 4004600200032 
       7.05       8.94        2.3                                 4004600200033 
       7.15       9.14     4.E-01                                 4004600200034 
       7.33       8.39     4.E-01                                 4004600200035 
       7.45       8.95     9.E-01                                 4004600200036 
       7.65       7.04     3.E-01                                 4004600200037 
       8.03       7.74     6.E-01                                 4004600200038 
       8.12       7.98     6.E-01                                 4004600200039 
       8.16       5.58     5.E-01                                 4004600200040 
        8.8        6.6     6.E-01                                 4004600200041 
       9.34       3.62     8.E-01                                 4004600200042 
  1.125E+01       3.36        2.3                                 4004600200043 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4004600200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 4004600299999 
SUBENT        40046003   20060828                             41394004600300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 4004600300002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(N,THS)8-O-16,COH,SIG)                          4004600300003 
SAMPLE     Liquid Sample 29 mm Thick, Temperature at Boiling Point4004600300004 
            29 mm Thickness.                                      4004600300005 
STATUS      Data are presented on Fig.5 of Reference.             4004600300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 4004600300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4004600300008 
DATA                 3         12                                 4004600300009 
WVE-LN     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4004600300010 
ANGSTROM   B          B                                           4004600300011 
       4.05       4.96     9.E-02                                 4004600300012 
       4.77       5.04     9.E-02                                 4004600300013 
       5.46       5.27     3.E-02                                 4004600300014 
        5.8       4.48     5.E-02                                 4004600300015 
       6.18       4.34     6.E-02                                 4004600300016 
       6.26       3.88     4.E-02                                 4004600300017 
       7.29       3.37     8.E-02                                 4004600300018 
       8.86       2.26    2.6E-01                                 4004600300019 
  1.038E+01       2.47    5.2E-01                                 4004600300020 
  1.099E+01        3.5    5.6E-01                                 4004600300021 
  1.199E+01       1.53     8.E-01                                 4004600300022 
  1.272E+01        4.5        1.6                                 4004600300023 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 4004600300024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 4004600399999 
SUBENT        40046004   20060828                             41394004600400001 
BIB                  3          5                                 4004600400002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(N,THS)7-N-14,COH,SIG)                          4004600400003 
SAMPLE     Gaseous Nitrogen in Two Cylindrical Containers, 50 Cm  4004600400004 
           Long and 60 mm in Diameter-First at Pressure of 8.5    4004600400005 
           Atmospheres, Second at 0.1 mm Hg.                      4004600400006 
STATUS      Data are presented on Fig.4                           4004600400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4004600400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4004600400009 
DATA                 3          8                                 4004600400010 
WVE-LN     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4004600400011 
ANGSTROM   B          B                                           4004600400012 
        3.6  1.507E+01    2.9E-01                                 4004600400013 
         4.  1.522E+01    2.7E-01                                 4004600400014 
        4.2  1.579E+01    2.4E-01                                 4004600400015 
       4.72  1.684E+01    2.8E-01                                 4004600400016 
         6.  2.019E+01    5.6E-01                                 4004600400017 
        6.7  1.994E+01    7.6E-01                                 4004600400018 
       7.39  2.183E+01       1.16                                 4004600400019 
       7.95  2.223E+01        1.3                                 4004600400020 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 4004600400021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 4004600499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4004699999999