ENTRY 40054 20250117 422140054000 1 SUBENT 40054001 20250117 422140054001 1 BIB 14 37 40054001 2 TITLE Spectra of gamma rays from thermal-neutron capture by 40054001 3 78Se and 80Se 40054001 4 AUTHOR (I.F.Barchuk,D.A.Bazavov,G.V.Belykh,V.I.Golyshkin, 40054001 5 A.V.Murzin,A.F.Ogorodnik) 40054001 6 REFERENCE (J,BAS,34,1579,1971) Eng.trans.of IZV,34,(8),1775,1970 40054001 7 (J,IZV,34,1775,1970) Issue 8. 40054001 8 Numerical data, some spectra are given 40054001 9 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 40054001 10 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) Reactor WWR-M 40054001 11 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Horizontal channel of reactor WWR-M 40054001 12 Thermal neutron flux was 6.E+7 n/cm2/sec at the sample 40054001 13 site. 40054001 14 METHOD Direct detection of gamma-rays 40054001 15 DETECTOR (GELI) Germanium-lithium detector with sensible 40054001 16 volume about 1 cm**3 . 40054001 17 Energy resolution 6-15keV in the Egamma range 0.4-7MeV.40054001 18 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) Shape analysis 40054001 19 MONITOR Gamma-rays from Se-77 and Fe-56,Ti-48,S-42, 40054001 20 Si-28 (n,gamma) reaction 40054001 21 PART-DET (G) 40054001 22 COMMENT Of compiler. 40054001 23 Capture c-s for Se-78 - 0.41b and Se-80 - 0.6 b are 40054001 24 given in the article, but not mention, what reference 40054001 25 they are from. 40054001 26 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty of gamma-line positions Se-77 was 2-3 keV 40054001 27 HISTORY (19730907C) Compiled at the centre 40054001 28 (20141114A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.40054001 29 Corrections according last EXFOR rules and Dict. 40054001 30 Ref. on Engl. transl. of IZV added. Page of IZV 40054001 31 corrected (1776 -> 1775). Data units in 40054001 32 Subents 002-003 were changed (GAM/100N -> PC/INC). 40054001 33 (20150122A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information 40054001 34 was updated in TITLE, DETECTOR, INC-SOURCE, SAMPLE, 40054001 35 COMMENT. STATUS was added. 40054001 36 PC/INC -> PC/REAC ( gammas per 100 captures). 40054001 37 (20250117U) Sample coding was corrected. 40054001 38 SATATUS information was updated. 40054001 39 ENDBIB 37 0 40054001 40 NOCOMMON 0 0 40054001 41 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4005400199999 SUBENT 40054002 20250117 422140054002 1 BIB 3 6 40054002 2 REACTION (34-SE-78(N,G)34-SE-79,,SPC) 40054002 3 SAMPLE (34-SE-78,ENR=0.878) Se-78 87.8% enriched, weight 4g. 40054002 4 Se-76 and Se-77 content was less than 1.5%. 40054002 5 Also natural Se sample. 40054002 6 STATUS (TABLE,,I.F.Barchuk+,J,BAS,34,1579,1971) 40054002 7 Table of J,IZV,34,(8),1775,1970 40054002 8 ENDBIB 6 0 40054002 9 COMMON 1 3 40054002 10 EN-DUMMY 40054002 11 EV 40054002 12 2.5000E-02 40054002 13 ENDCOMMON 3 0 40054002 14 DATA 2 7 40054002 15 E DATA 40054002 16 MEV PC/REAC 40054002 17 5.223 2.1 40054002 18 5.372 1.1 40054002 19 5.816 2.0 40054002 20 5.875 5.5 40054002 21 6.435 2.4 40054002 22 6.462 0.8 40054002 23 6.865 10.2 40054002 24 ENDDATA 9 0 40054002 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4005400299999 SUBENT 40054003 20250117 422140054003 1 BIB 3 6 40054003 2 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,G)34-SE-81,,SPC) 40054003 3 SAMPLE (34-SE-80,ENR=0.957) Se-80 95.7% enriched, weight 4g. 40054003 4 Se-76 and Se-77 content was less than 0.5% 40054003 5 Also natural Se sample. 40054003 6 STATUS (TABLE,,I.F.Barchuk+,J,BAS,34,1579,1971) 40054003 7 Table of J,IZV,34,(8),1775,1970 40054003 8 ENDBIB 6 0 40054003 9 COMMON 1 3 40054003 10 EN 40054003 11 EV 40054003 12 2.5000E-02 40054003 13 ENDCOMMON 3 0 40054003 14 DATA 2 7 40054003 15 E DATA 40054003 16 MEV PC/REAC 40054003 17 0.470 25.2 40054003 18 0.612 11.7 40054003 19 0.663 12.9 40054003 20 4.375 2.1 40054003 21 4.455 1.7 40054003 22 4.980 8.4 40054003 23 6.229 21.1 40054003 24 ENDDATA 9 0 40054003 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4005400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4005499999999