ENTRY            40070   20240723                             42184007000000001 
SUBENT        40070001   20240723                             42184007000100001 
BIB                 15        104                                 4007000100002 
TITLE      Parameters of neutron resonances for U-233,U-235,Pu-2394007000100003 
AUTHOR     (Yu.V.Ryabov, So-Don-Sik, N.Chikov, N.Janeva)          4007000100004 
REFERENCE  (R,JINR-P3-4992,1970) Main reference.                  4007000100005 
           (J,SNP,13,255,1971) Engl.translation of:               4007000100006 
           (J,YF,13,255,1971) Data of Subents 025-027, 030-031    4007000100007 
            Issue 3.                                              4007000100008 
           (J,AE,19,43,1965) Issue 1. Earlier publication of      4007000100009 
            SUB.002 data. Fist author of article - Van Shi-Di.    4007000100010 
           (J,SJA,19,907,1965) Engl.trans.of AE,19,43,1965        4007000100011 
           (C,65SALZBURG,1,287,1965)                              4007000100012 
           (R,JINR-P-1761,1964) First author Van Shi-Di .         4007000100013 
            (At later measurement the background was improved)    4007000100014 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              4007000100015 
MONITOR    No information                                         4007000100016 
INC-SOURCE (REAC) JINR pulsed fast reactor was used               4007000100017 
           as neutron source                                      4007000100018 
FACILITY   (REAC,4ZZZDUB)  JINR pulsed fast reactor               4007000100019 
METHOD     (TOF,TRN) Data were obtained by time of flight method  4007000100020 
           with time resolution of 40 - 55 ns/m. Flight path      4007000100021 
           was equal to 1010. m. Transmission method was used in  4007000100022 
           total cross section measurements.                      4007000100023 
             Self-indication method was used in measurements      4007000100024 
             of total cross sections and that of fission          4007000100025 
             and radiative capture.                               4007000100026 
PART-DET   (G) Gamma-particles in fission and radiative capture   4007000100027 
                measurements                                      4007000100028 
           (N) Neutrons in transmission measurements              4007000100029 
DETECTOR   (STANK) In case of transmission measurements liquid    4007000100030 
            boron scintillation detector was used. Detailed       4007000100031 
            description see the Soviet journal 'Pribory           4007000100032 
            i Tekhnika Eksperimenta' ,v.4,p.63,1965 .             4007000100033 
            Registration efficiency 40% for En=100 eV.            4007000100034 
            Measurements by self-indication method were carried   4007000100035 
            out using large cadmium-loaded liquid scintillation   4007000100036 
            detector, Nucl.Electronics,1,p.27,IAEA,Vienna (1962). 4007000100037 
            Volume 500 liter, geometry closed to 4PI.             4007000100038 
            Registration efficiencies of fission and radiative    4007000100039 
           capture were ~65-30 % and ~30-15 %, respectively.      4007000100040 
ANALYSIS   (AREA) Area analysis with correction on the resonance  4007000100041 
            wings.   Sample in self-indication measurements       4007000100042 
            was placed in centre of scintillation tank            4007000100043 
            in geometry similar to 4pi                            4007000100044 
CORRECTION For time-dependent background. Time-independent back-  4007000100045 
           ground. Room activity. Cosmic radiation.               4007000100046 
           Natural gamma activity of the sample and room neutron  4007000100047 
           scattering. Background from U-238 and U-234            4007000100048 
           contaminations in the plates.                          4007000100049 
           In order to decrease contribution from potential       4007000100050 
           scattering obtained from runs with identical lead and  4007000100051 
           U-238 samples a cylindrical Li-F6 powder filter was    4007000100052 
           placed between sensitive detector volume and sample    4007000100053 
INC-SPECT   EN-RES-ERR is explained as facility resolution        4007000100054 
COVARIANCE   Correlations of level parameters were defined by     4007000100055 
           method described in D.J.Hudson,Statistics,Geneva,1964  4007000100056 
           using measured data.                                   4007000100057 
           Correlation coefficients r(a,b) between values a and b:4007000100058 
            (text,page 17 of JINR-P3-4992,1970,                   4007000100059 
            text page 257 of Soviet J.of Nucl.Physics,13,255,1971)4007000100060 
            U-235:                                                4007000100061 
           r(2*g*GAMMAn0 , GAMMAf)= -0.04 +- 0.18                 4007000100062 
           r(2*g*GAMMAn0 , GAMMAcap)= 0.40 +- 0.34                4007000100063 
           r(GAMMAf , GAMMAcap)= 0.11 +- 0.26                     4007000100064 
            Pu-239:                                               4007000100065 
           r(GAMMAn0 , GAMMAf)= 0.30 +- 0.29                      4007000100066 
           r(GAMMAn0 , GAMMAcap)= -0.09 +- 0.51                   4007000100067 
           r(GAMMAf , GAMMA0cap)= 0.03 +- 0.61                    4007000100068 
            (XY,3,N,Correlated coefficients)                      4007000100069 
               N Parameter                                        4007000100070 
               1 2*g*GAMMAn0                                      4007000100071 
               2 GAMMAf                                           4007000100072 
               3 GAMMAcap                                         4007000100073 
            (Z,6,NO-DIM,COR:U-235)                                4007000100074 
             1.                                                   4007000100075 
            -0.04  1.                                             4007000100076 
             0.4   0.11  1.                                       4007000100077 
            (Z,6,NO-DIM,COR:Pu-239)                               4007000100078 
             1.                                                   4007000100079 
             0.3   1.                                             4007000100080 
            -0.09  0.03  1.                                       4007000100081 
HISTORY    (19700814C) Compiled at the CJD                        4007000100082 
           (19870615A) Several reaction codes (n,f) to (n,abs)    4007000100083 
           changed, one author name corrected(So-Don-Sik),        4007000100084 
           obsolete keywords changed, ISO-QUANT into reaction     4007000100085 
           converted                                              4007000100086 
           (20070721A) 2nd Reference was added.                   4007000100087 
                       SUB.002 was corrected.  M.M.               4007000100088 
           (20141109U) SD: Minor corrections in all Subents. Ref. 4007000100089 
           on English transl. of AE was added. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR  4007000100090 
           (20150212U) M.M. Articles were checked, BIB information4007000100091 
           was updated. Subents 032-038 were added.               4007000100092 
           Refs. Yad.Fiz.,v.13,is.3,p.255,1971;                   4007000100093 
           Soviet J.of Nucl.Physics,13,255,1971 were added.       4007000100094 
           (20171222A) M.M. Refs. Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,           4007000100095 
           Rep.JINR-P-1761 were added.                            4007000100096 
           BIB information was updated in Subents 002-010.        4007000100097 
           Subent 039 was added.                                  4007000100098 
           (20190225U) Correlation matrix were added in coded form4007000100099 
           (20211117A) Subent 036 REACTIONs were corrected.       4007000100100 
           Minor correction of free text in STATUS.               4007000100101 
           Subents .012 - .013 were merged in .012,               4007000100102 
           Subents .015 - .017 were merged in .015.               4007000100103 
           (20240723A) Subent 039 was corrected.                  4007000100104 
            STATUS was updated according to new rules in all data 4007000100105 
            Subents.                                              4007000100106 
ENDBIB             104          0                                 4007000100107 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000100108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 4007000199999 
SUBENT        40070002   20240723                             42184007000200001 
BIB                  6         23                                 4007000200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,WID,,S0)                               4007000200003 
SAMPLE      Metal samples were in form of metallic plate and      4007000200004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250. cm2 in square  4007000200005 
            enriched up to 90.% in U-235.                         4007000200006 
FLAG       (1.) Data presented in Table of                        4007000200007 
           At.Energy,v.19,is.1,p.43,1965 but absent in            4007000200008 
           rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                 4007000200009 
           (2.) Data, absent in At.Energy,v.19,is.1,p.43,1965 but 4007000200010 
           presented in rep. JINR-P3-4992,1970.                   4007000200011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000200012 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000200013 
            In At.Energy,v.19,is.1,p.43,1965 it's mentioned that  4007000200014 
            statistical uncertainty 0.6 - 3.0 % .                 4007000200015 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000200016 
            Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 (2nd column);        4007000200017 
           Table of At.Energy,v.19,is.1,p.43,1965.                4007000200018 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(3rd col)4007000200019 
             =Table of rep.JINR-P-1761,1964                       4007000200020 
           (DEP,40271001) - There are two additional resonances at4007000200021 
           70.62 and 72.49 eV energy in Table of                  4007000200022 
           At.Energy,v.19,is.1,p.43,1965.                         4007000200023 
HISTORY    (20070821A) Two data points from Table of AE,19,43,19654007000200024 
                       were added.  M.M.                          4007000200025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 4007000200026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000200027 
DATA                 6         76                                 4007000200028 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX  FLAG       4007000200029 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV       B*EV       NO-DIM     4007000200030 
 2.026     0.004        1.47      0.05                            4007000200031 
 2.84      0.02         1.15      0.03                            4007000200032 
 3.136     0.006        7.9       0.6                             4007000200033 
 3.584     0.006       10.3       0.5                             4007000200034 
 4.81      0.01         2.6       0.2                             4007000200035 
 5.45                   2.1       0.3                             4007000200036 
 5.82                   1.6       0.5                             4007000200037 
 6.20      0.01         4.        1.                              4007000200038 
 6.40      0.01        11.5       0.4                             4007000200039 
 7.095     0.015        9.1       0.4                             4007000200040 
 8.77      0.02       106.        4.                              4007000200041 
 9.30      0.03        13.1       0.5                             4007000200042 
 9.73      0.08         4.3       1.0                             4007000200043 
10.20      0.03         4.6       0.6                             4007000200044 
10.65      0.06                             2.           2.       4007000200045 
11.05                                       1.           2.       4007000200046 
11.66      0.04        10.3       0.3                             4007000200047 
12.39      0.04        47.        2.                              4007000200048 
12.82      0.04         3.1       0.4                             4007000200049 
13.28      0.05         3.0       0.5                             4007000200050 
13.67      0.10         3.7       1.5                             4007000200051 
13.98      0.05        30.        7.                              4007000200052 
14.50      0.06         7.3       1.9                             4007000200053 
15.42      0.05        10.4       0.4                             4007000200054 
16.08      0.05         9.6       0.3                             4007000200055 
16.66      0.06        13.7       0.6                             4007000200056 
16.9       0.1                               1.          2.       4007000200057 
18.05      0.06        17.3       0.7                             4007000200058 
18.6       0.1                               3.          2.       4007000200059 
19.30      0.05       112.        4.                              4007000200060 
20.10      0.08         3.5       1.3                             4007000200061 
20.62      0.06         5.8       0.8                             4007000200062 
21.13      0.05        33.        1.                              4007000200063 
22.99      0.06        13.0       0.3                             4007000200064 
23.43      0.15         4.5       0.9                             4007000200065 
23.68      0.07        30.        7.                              4007000200066 
24.25      0.07         7.5       3.0                             4007000200067 
24.41      0.15         3.9       1.5                             4007000200068 
25.16      0.16         7.4       2.5                             4007000200069 
25.56      0.10        11.        4.                              4007000200070 
25.84      0.15         3.0       1.5                             4007000200071 
26.55      0.07        15.        3.                              4007000200072 
27.16      0.07         3.9       1.6                             4007000200073 
27.86      0.07        18.        2.                              4007000200074 
28.45      0.09         4.6       1.0                             4007000200075 
28.85      0.09         2.0       0.7                             4007000200076 
29.69      0.09         3.0       0.6                             4007000200077 
30.55      0.20         4.1       0.9                             4007000200078 
30.86      0.10         6.8       1.5                             4007000200079 
32.10      0.09        38.        5.                              4007000200080 
33.58      0.09        26.        5.                              4007000200081 
34.45      0.14        32.        5.                              4007000200082 
34.9       0.2         13.        4.                              4007000200083 
35.27      0.10       107.       20.                              4007000200084 
38.40      0.11        13.        4.                              4007000200085 
39.47      0.11        39.        6.                              4007000200086 
39.9       0.2          8.        3.                   2.         4007000200087 
40.50      0.15        12.        4.                   2.         4007000200088 
41.3       0.2          7.        3.                   2.         4007000200089 
41.5       0.2          4.0       1.5                  2.         4007000200090 
41.8       0.2         17.        5.                   2.         4007000200091 
42.2       0.3          4.0       1.7                  2.         4007000200092 
42.7       0.3          2.0       0.8                  2.         4007000200093 
43.4       0.2          6.        2.                   2.         4007000200094 
43.9       0.2          9.        3.                   2.         4007000200095 
44.6       0.2         12.        5.                   2.         4007000200096 
45.0       0.3          6.0       2.5                  2.         4007000200097 
45.8       0.2          5.        2.                   2.         4007000200098 
47.06      0.14        23.        5.                              4007000200099 
48.00      0.15        10.        3.                   2.         4007000200100 
48.3       0.2         12.        5.                   2.         4007000200101 
48.6       0.2          6.0       2.5                  2.         4007000200102 
49.3       0.3          7.        2.                   2.         4007000200103 
50.2       0.3          4.0       1.5                  2.         4007000200104 
70.62      0.26       66.0                             1.         4007000200105 
72.49      0.28       34.0                             1.         4007000200106 
ENDDATA             78          0                                 4007000200107 
ENDSUBENT          106          0                                 4007000299999 
SUBENT        40070003   20240723                             42184007000300001 
BIB                  4         12                                 4007000300002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,G),,WID,,S0)                               4007000300003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000300004 
            oxide -protoxide on Al foil,250 cm**2                 4007000300005 
            enriched up to 90%.                                   4007000300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000300007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000300008 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000300009 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000300010 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000300011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000300012 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 (3rd column). 4007000300013 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(4th col)4007000300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4007000300015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000300016 
DATA                 5         74                                 4007000300017 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007000300018 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV       B*EV                  4007000300019 
 2.026     0.004       4.1        0.6                             4007000300020 
 2.84      0.02        0.35       0.14                            4007000300021 
 3.136     0.006       2.6        0.4                             4007000300022 
 3.584     0.006       6.4        0.7                             4007000300023 
 4.81      0.01       16.8        0.9                             4007000300024 
 5.45                  4.0        1.3                             4007000300025 
 5.82                  1.0        0.7                             4007000300026 
 6.20      0.01        2.2        0.8                             4007000300027 
 6.40      0.01       53.         5.                              4007000300028 
 7.095     0.015      13.         1.                              4007000300029 
 8.77      0.02       58.         5.                              4007000300030 
 9.30      0.03        6.8        0.9                             4007000300031 
 9.73      0.08        2.         1.                              4007000300032 
10.20      0.03        4.0        0.8                             4007000300033 
10.65      0.06                              1.                   4007000300034 
11.05                                        2.                   4007000300035 
11.66      0.04       63.         5.                              4007000300036 
12.39      0.04       85.         5.                              4007000300037 
12.82      0.04        1.9        0.6                             4007000300038 
13.28      0.05        2.6        0.8                             4007000300039 
13.67      0.10        1.5        0.8                             4007000300040 
13.98      0.05        7.         3.                              4007000300041 
14.50      0.06        8.7        2.7                             4007000300042 
15.42      0.05       12.         1.                              4007000300043 
16.08      0.05       20.         2.                              4007000300044 
16.66      0.06        9.         1.                              4007000300045 
16.9       0.1                               3.                   4007000300046 
18.05      0.06        9.         2.                              4007000300047 
18.6       0.1                               2.                   4007000300048 
19.30      0.05       90.        10.                              4007000300049 
20.10      0.08        2.5        1.4                             4007000300050 
20.62      0.06       10.4        2.2                             4007000300051 
21.13      0.05       53.        10.                              4007000300052 
22.99      0.06       16.         3.                              4007000300053 
23.43      0.15       26.         8.                              4007000300054 
23.68      0.07       19.         5.                              4007000300055 
24.25      0.07       10.         5.                              4007000300056 
24.41      0.15        3.9        1.9                             4007000300057 
25.16      0.16        4.1        1.8                             4007000300058 
25.56      0.10       20.         9.                              4007000300059 
25.84      0.15        2.4        1.5                             4007000300060 
26.55      0.07        6.2        2.0                             4007000300061 
27.16      0.07        4.6        2.1                             4007000300062 
27.86      0.07        8.         2.                              4007000300063 
28.45      0.09        3.2        1.2                             4007000300064 
28.85      0.09        2.7        1.3                             4007000300065 
29.69      0.09        5.3        1.4                             4007000300066 
30.55      0.20        5.4        2.0                             4007000300067 
30.86      0.10        8.6        3.4                             4007000300068 
32.10      0.09       42.         6.                              4007000300069 
33.58      0.09       41.         6.                              4007000300070 
34.45      0.14       48.        12.                              4007000300071 
34.9       0.2        21.         9.                              4007000300072 
35.27      0.10       58.        17.                              4007000300073 
38.40      0.11        9.         4.                              4007000300074 
39.47      0.11       47.        11.0                             4007000300075 
39.9       0.2         5.0        2.5                             4007000300076 
40.50      0.15        5.         3.                              4007000300077 
41.3       0.2         9.         4.                              4007000300078 
41.5       0.2         3.0        1.7                             4007000300079 
41.8       0.2        22.         8.                              4007000300080 
42.2       0.3         3.0        1.7                             4007000300081 
42.7       0.3         2.8        1.4                             4007000300082 
43.4       0.2         6.6        2.5                             4007000300083 
43.9       0.2         7.         3.                              4007000300084 
44.6       0.2         4.         2.                              4007000300085 
45.0       0.3         2.2        1.5                             4007000300086 
45.8       0.2         8.5        4.2                             4007000300087 
47.06      0.14       27.         7.                              4007000300088 
48.00      0.15       16.         6.                              4007000300089 
48.3       0.2        10.         6.                              4007000300090 
48.6       0.2         3.0        1.7                             4007000300091 
49.3       0.3        13.         5.                              4007000300092 
50.2       0.3         6.         3.                              4007000300093 
ENDDATA             76          0                                 4007000300094 
ENDSUBENT           93          0                                 4007000399999 
SUBENT        40070004   20240723                             42184007000400001 
BIB                  6         19                                 4007000400002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,TOT),,WID,,S0)                             4007000400003 
SAMPLE     Samples were in form of metallic plate and             4007000400004 
           oxide-protoxide on Al foil, 250 cm**2                  4007000400005 
           enriched up to 90%.                                    4007000400006 
ANALYSIS    Determined from transmission.                         4007000400007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. In some cases data are questionable -     4007000400008 
            SIG0*GAMMAtot (Subent 004) is some less than          4007000400009 
            SIG0(GAMMAfis+GAMMAcapture) (Subent 005),             4007000400010 
            taking into account the limits of errors,             4007000400011 
            for resonances 4.81, 6.40, 14.50, 15.42 eV.           4007000400012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000400013 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000400014 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000400015 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000400016 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000400017 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000400018 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 (4th column)  4007000400019 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(6th col)4007000400020 
            - different values .                                  4007000400021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 4007000400022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000400023 
DATA                 4         31                                 4007000400024 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007000400025 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV                             4007000400026 
    2.026      0.004      4.94       0.49                         4007000400027 
    3.136      0.006     12.27       0.54                         4007000400028 
    3.584      0.006     19.01       0.65                         4007000400029 
    4.81       0.01      16.7        0.7                          4007000400030 
    5.45                  4.8        0.9                          4007000400031 
    6.20       0.01       6.3        1.2                          4007000400032 
    6.40       0.01      47.1        3.3                          4007000400033 
    7.095      0.015     20.5        0.7                          4007000400034 
    8.77       0.02     182.         5.3                          4007000400035 
    9.30       0.03      18.3        0.8                          4007000400036 
   10.20       0.03       8.4        0.8                          4007000400037 
   11.66       0.04      67.6        2.7                          4007000400038 
   12.39       0.04     124.9        3.7                          4007000400039 
   12.82       0.04       3.8        0.6                          4007000400040 
   13.28       0.05       5.3        0.6                          4007000400041 
   14.50       0.06       9.7        1.3                          4007000400042 
   15.42       0.05      19.9        0.8                          4007000400043 
   16.08       0.05      28.1        1.1                          4007000400044 
   16.66       0.06      21.7        0.8                          4007000400045 
   18.05       0.06      27.2        1.6                          4007000400046 
   19.30       0.05     223.0        7.8                          4007000400047 
   21.13       0.05      87.2        5.5                          4007000400048 
   22.99       0.06      24.2        1.8                          4007000400049 
   23.68       0.07      50.7        9.3                          4007000400050 
   24.25       0.07      17.9        3.0                          4007000400051 
   25.56       0.10      31.9        9.5                          4007000400052 
   26.55       0.07      21.8        3.7                          4007000400053 
   27.86       0.07      26.6        3.1                          4007000400054 
   32.10       0.09      74.1        6.5                          4007000400055 
   33.58       0.09      72.0        7.7                          4007000400056 
   39.47       0.11      91.6       11.9                          4007000400057 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 4007000400058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 4007000499999 
SUBENT        40070005   20240723                             42184007000500001 
BIB                  6         21                                 4007000500002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,ABS),,WID,,S0)                             4007000500003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000500004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2           4007000500005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007000500006 
ANALYSIS    Determined as SIG0*(GAMMAfission+GAMMAcapture)        4007000500007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. In some cases data are questionable -     4007000500008 
            SIG0*GAMMAtot (Subent 004) is some less than          4007000500009 
            SIG0(GAMMAfis+GAMMAcapture) (Subent 005),             4007000500010 
            taking into account the limits of errors,             4007000500011 
            for resonances 4.81, 6.40, 14.50, 15.42 eV.           4007000500012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000500013 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000500014 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000500015 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000500016 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000500017 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000500018 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 (5th column)  4007000500019 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(5th col)4007000500020 
             - almost the same data                               4007000500021 
           (DEP,40070002) SIG0*GAMMAfission                       4007000500022 
           (DEP,40070003) SIG0*GAMMAcapture                       4007000500023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 4007000500024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000500025 
DATA                 5         76                                 4007000500026 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007000500027 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV       B*EV                  4007000500028 
    2.026      0.004      5.57       0.60                         4007000500029 
    2.84       0.02       1.5        0.3                          4007000500030 
    3.136      0.006     10.5        0.8                          4007000500031 
    3.584      0.006     16.7        0.9                          4007000500032 
    4.81       0.01      19.4        0.9                          4007000500033 
    5.45                  6.1        1.4                          4007000500034 
    5.82                  2.6        0.9                          4007000500035 
    6.20       0.01       6.2        1.3                          4007000500036 
    6.40       0.01      65.         6.                           4007000500037 
    7.095      0.015     22.1        1.0                          4007000500038 
    8.77       0.02     164.         6.0                          4007000500039 
    9.30       0.03      20.         1.0                          4007000500040 
    9.73       0.08       6.3        1.4                          4007000500041 
   10.20       0.03       8.6        1.0                          4007000500042 
   10.65       0.06                          3.                   4007000500043 
   11.05                                     3.                   4007000500044 
   11.66       0.04      73.         5.                           4007000500045 
   12.39       0.04     132.         5.                           4007000500046 
   12.82       0.04       5.0        0.8                          4007000500047 
   13.28       0.05       5.6        0.9                          4007000500048 
   13.67       0.10       5.2        2.1                          4007000500049 
   13.98       0.05      37.         8.                           4007000500050 
   14.50       0.06      16.         3.                           4007000500051 
   15.42       0.05      22.         1.                           4007000500052 
   16.08       0.05      29.6        2.0                          4007000500053 
   16.66       0.06      22.7        1.2                          4007000500054 
   16.9        0.1                           4.                   4007000500055 
   18.05       0.06      26.3        2.1                          4007000500056 
   18.6        0.1                           5.                   4007000500057 
   19.30       0.05     202.        11.                           4007000500058 
   20.10       0.08       6.0        1.9                          4007000500059 
   20.62       0.06      16.2        2.3                          4007000500060 
   21.13       0.05      86.        10.                           4007000500061 
   21.8        0.1                           1.                   4007000500062 
   22.4        0.1                           1.                   4007000500063 
   22.99       0.06      29.         3.                           4007000500064 
   23.43       0.15      30.5        8.1                          4007000500065 
   23.68       0.07      49.         9.                           4007000500066 
   24.25       0.07      17.5        5.8                          4007000500067 
   24.41       0.15       7.8        2.4                          4007000500068 
   25.16       0.16      11.5        3.1                          4007000500069 
   25.56       0.10      31.        10.                           4007000500070 
   25.84       0.15       5.4        2.1                          4007000500071 
   26.55       0.07      21.2        3.6                          4007000500072 
   27.16       0.07       8.5        2.6                          4007000500073 
   27.86       0.07      26.         3.                           4007000500074 
   28.45       0.09       7.8        1.5                          4007000500075 
   28.85       0.09       4.7        1.5                          4007000500076 
   29.69       0.09       8.3        1.5                          4007000500077 
   30.55       0.20       9.5        2.2                          4007000500078 
   30.88       0.10      16.4        3.7                          4007000500079 
   32.10       0.09      80.0        8.                           4007000500080 
   33.58       0.09      67.         8.                           4007000500081 
   34.45       0.14      80.        13.                           4007000500082 
   34.9        0.2       34.        10.                           4007000500083 
   35.27       0.10     165.        26.                           4007000500084 
   38.40       0.11      22.         6.                           4007000500085 
   39.47       0.11      86.        13.                           4007000500086 
   39.9        0.2       13.         4.                           4007000500087 
   40.50       0.15      17.         5.                           4007000500088 
   41.3        0.2       16.         5.                           4007000500089 
   41.5        0.2        7.0        2.3                          4007000500090 
   41.8        0.2       39.        10.                           4007000500091 
   42.2        0.3        7.0        2.4                          4007000500092 
   42.7        0.3        4.8        1.6                          4007000500093 
   43.4        0.2       12.6        3.3                          4007000500094 
   43.9        0.2       16.         4.                           4007000500095 
   44.6        0.2       16.         6.                           4007000500096 
   45.0        0.3        8.2        3.0                          4007000500097 
   45.8        0.2       13.5        4.5                          4007000500098 
   47.06       0.14      50.         8.                           4007000500099 
   48.00       0.15      26.         7.                           4007000500100 
   48.3        0.2       22.         8.                           4007000500101 
   48.6        0.2        9.         3.                           4007000500102 
   49.3        0.3       20.         6.                           4007000500103 
   50.2        0.3       10.         3.                           4007000500104 
ENDDATA             78          0                                 4007000500105 
ENDSUBENT          104          0                                 4007000599999 
SUBENT        40070006   20240723                             42184007000600001 
BIB                  4         13                                 4007000600002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                              4007000600003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000600004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2           4007000600005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007000600006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000600007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000600008 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000600009 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000600010 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000600011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000600012 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 (6th column)  4007000600013 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(7th col)4007000600014 
            - different values .                                  4007000600015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4007000600016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000600017 
DATA                 5         78                                 4007000600018 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007000600019 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV              4007000600020 
    1.135      0.010      0.0154     0.0011                       4007000600021 
    2.026      0.004      0.0077     0.0008                       4007000600022 
    2.290      0.010      0.0032     0.0005                       4007000600023 
    2.84       0.02       0.0033     0.0007                       4007000600024 
    3.136      0.006      0.0296     0.0013                       4007000600025 
    3.584      0.006      0.052      0.0018                       4007000600026 
    4.81       0.01       0.0616     0.0026                       4007000600027 
    5.45                  0.023      0.003                        4007000600028 
    5.82                  0.012      0.004                        4007000600029 
    6.20       0.01       0.0298     0.0055                       4007000600030 
    6.40       0.01       0.232      0.016                        4007000600031 
    7.095      0.015      0.1116     0.0036                       4007000600032 
    8.77       0.02       1.228      0.036                        4007000600033 
    9.30       0.03       0.131      0.006                        4007000600034 
    9.73       0.08       0.047      0.015                        4007000600035 
   10.20       0.03       0.066      0.006                        4007000600036 
   10.65       0.06                          0.025                4007000600037 
   11.05                                     0.026                4007000600038 
   11.68       0.04       0.606      0.024                        4007000600039 
   12.39       0.04       1.190      0.035                        4007000600040 
   12.82       0.04       0.037      0.006                        4007000600041 
   13.28       0.05       0.054      0.006                        4007000600042 
   13.67       0.10       0.055      0.023                        4007000600043 
   13.98       0.05       0.40       0.09                         4007000600044 
   14.50       0.06       0.108      0.014                        4007000600045 
   15.42       0.05       0.236      0.010                        4007000600046 
   16.08       0.05       0.348      0.014                        4007000600047 
   16.66       0.06       0.278      0.013                        4007000600048 
   16.9        0.1                           0.05                 4007000600049 
   18.05       0.06       0.378      0.022                        4007000600050 
   18.6        0.1                           0.07                 4007000600051 
   19.30       0.05       3.310      0.116                        4007000600052 
   20.10       0.08       0.09       0.03                         4007000600053 
   20.62       0.06       0.25       0.04                         4007000600054 
   21.13       0.05       1.418      0.090                        4007000600055 
   21.8        0.1                           0.02                 4007000600056 
   22.4        0.1                           0.02                 4007000600057 
   22.99       0.06       0.428      0.031                        4007000600058 
   23.43       0.15       0.55       0.14                         4007000600059 
   23.68       0.07       0.924      0.169                        4007000600060 
   24.25       0.07       0.334      0.056                        4007000600061 
   24.41       0.15       0.14       0.04                         4007000600062 
   25.16       0.16       0.22       0.06                         4007000600063 
   25.56       0.10       0.628      0.188                        4007000600064 
   25.84       0.15       0.11       0.04                         4007000600065 
   26.55       0.07       0.446      0.076                        4007000600066 
   27.16       0.07       0.18       0.06                         4007000600067 
   27.86       0.07       0.570      0.066                        4007000600068 
   28.45       0.09       0.17       0.03                         4007000600069 
   28.85       0.09       0.10       0.03                         4007000600070 
   29.69       0.09       0.19       0.03                         4007000600071 
   30.55       0.20       0.22       0.05                         4007000600072 
   30.86       0.10       0.40       0.09                         4007000600073 
   32.10       0.09       1.83       0.16                         4007000600074 
   33.58       0.09       1.86       0.20                         4007000600075 
   34.45       0.14       2.12       0.34                         4007000600076 
   34.9        0.2        0.9        0.3                          4007000600077 
   35.27       0.10       4.76       0.54                         4007000600078 
   38.40       0.11       0.66       0.18                         4007000600079 
   39.47       0.11       2.78       0.36                         4007000600080 
   39.9        0.2        0.40       0.12                         4007000600081 
   40.50       0.15       0.53       0.16                         4007000600082 
   41.3        0.2        0.51       0.16                         4007000600083 
   41.5        0.2        0.22       0.07                         4007000600084 
   41.8        0.2        1.3        0.3                          4007000600085 
   42.2        0.3        0.23       0.08                         4007000600086 
   42.7        0.3        0.15       0.05                         4007000600087 
   43.4        0.2        0.42       0.11                         4007000600088 
   43.9        0.2        0.54       0.13                         4007000600089 
   44.6        0.2        0.55       0.21                         4007000600090 
   45.0        0.3        0.30       0.11                         4007000600091 
   45.8        0.2        0.48       0.16                         4007000600092 
   47.06       0.14       1.8        0.3                          4007000600093 
   48.00       0.15       1.0        0.3                          4007000600094 
   48.3        0.2        0.8        0.3                          4007000600095 
   48.6        0.2        0.3        0.1                          4007000600096 
   49.3        0.3        0.8        0.2                          4007000600097 
   50.2        0.3        0.4        0.1                          4007000600098 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007000600099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 4007000699999 
SUBENT        40070007   20240723                             42184007000700001 
BIB                  4         13                                 4007000700002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,TOT),,WID)                                 4007000700003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000700004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2           4007000700005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007000700006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000700007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000700008 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000700009 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000700010 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000700011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000700012 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 on page 23 ,  4007000700013 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(9th col)4007000700014 
            - different data.                                     4007000700015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4007000700016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000700017 
DATA                 5         78                                 4007000700018 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007000700019 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV              4007000700020 
    0.290      0.010    135.         8.                           4007000700021 
    1.135      0.010    157.        11.                           4007000700022 
    2.026      0.004     57.        14.                           4007000700023 
    2.84       0.02     186.        48.                           4007000700024 
    3.136      0.006    129.        17.                           4007000700025 
    3.584      0.006     80.         7.                           4007000700026 
    4.81       0.01      29.8        6.5                          4007000700027 
    5.45                 70.        20.                           4007000700028 
    5.82                110.        35.                           4007000700029 
    6.20       0.01     132.        24.                           4007000700030 
    6.40       0.01      63.        11.                           4007000700031 
    8.77       0.02     118.        10.                           4007000700032 
    9.095      0.015     53.         4.                           4007000700033 
    9.30       0.03     172.        56.                           4007000700034 
    9.73       0.08     137.        60.                           4007000700035 
   10.20       0.03      88.        13.                           4007000700036 
   10.65       0.06                         129.                  4007000700037 
   11.05                                     65.                  4007000700038 
   11.66       0.04      66.         7.                           4007000700039 
   12.39       0.04      66.         6.                           4007000700040 
   12.82       0.04      85.        23.                           4007000700041 
   13.28       0.05     122.        24.                           4007000700042 
   13.67       0.10     145.        41.                           4007000700043 
   13.98       0.05     230.        98.                           4007000700044 
   14.50       0.06      62.        10.                           4007000700045 
   15.42       0.05      99.        17.                           4007000700046 
   16.08       0.05      44.        10.                           4007000700047 
   16.66       0.06      93.        19.                           4007000700048 
   16.9        0.1                           57.                  4007000700049 
   18.05       0.06     141.        23.                           4007000700050 
   18.6        0.1                          115.                  4007000700051 
   19.30       0.05     104.         6.                           4007000700052 
   20.10       0.08     104.        29.                           4007000700053 
   20.62       0.06      67.         6.                           4007000700054 
   21.13       0.05      82.        16.                           4007000700055 
   21.8        0.1                          186.                  4007000700056 
   22.4        0.1                          186.                  4007000700057 
   22.99       0.06      77.        18.                           4007000700058 
   23.43       0.15      50.         3.                           4007000700059 
   23.68       0.07     111.        32.                           4007000700060 
   24.25       0.07      91.        28.                           4007000700061 
   24.41       0.15      86.        15.                           4007000700062 
   25.16       0.16     121.        25.                           4007000700063 
   25.56       0.10      74.        38.                           4007000700064 
   25.84       0.15      97.        23.                           4007000700065 
   26.55       0.07     129.        48.                           4007000700066 
   27.16       0.07      79.        11.                           4007000700067 
   27.86       0.07      96.        22.                           4007000700068 
   28.45       0.09     104.        20.                           4007000700069 
   28.85       0.09      74.        13.                           4007000700070 
   29.69       0.09      67.         6.                           4007000700071 
   30.55       0.20      76.        12.                           4007000700072 
   30.86       0.10      74.        10.                           4007000700073 
   32.10       0.09     120.        12.                           4007000700074 
   33.58       0.09      58.         7.                           4007000700075 
   34.45       0.14      72.         7.                           4007000700076 
   34.9        0.2       70.        10.                           4007000700077 
   35.27       0.10     183.        36.                           4007000700078 
   38.40       0.11     104.        20.                           4007000700079 
   39.47       0.11      98.        11.                           4007000700080 
   39.9        0.2      115.        27.                           4007000700081 
   40.50       0.15     151.        46.                           4007000700082 
   41.3        0.2       76.        10.                           4007000700083 
   41.5        0.2      108.        29.                           4007000700084 
   41.8        0.2       76.         9.                           4007000700085 
   42.2        0.3      100.        26.                           4007000700086 
   42.7        0.3       74.        11.                           4007000700087 
   43.4        0.2       72.         9.                           4007000700088 
   43.9        0.2       79.        11.                           4007000700089 
   44.6        0.2      123.        41.                           4007000700090 
   45.0        0.3      151.        59.                           4007000700091 
   45.8        0.2       68.         9.                           4007000700092 
   47.06       0.14      79.         9.                           4007000700093 
   48.00       0.15      70.         8.                           4007000700094 
   48.3        0.2       97.        23.                           4007000700095 
   48.6        0.2      129.        38.                           4007000700096 
   49.3        0.3       67.         7.                           4007000700097 
   50.2        0.3       70.         8.                           4007000700098 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007000700099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 4007000799999 
SUBENT        40070008   20240723                             42184007000800001 
BIB                  4         13                                 4007000800002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,WID)                                   4007000800003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000800004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2           4007000800005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007000800006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000800007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000800008 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000800009 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000800010 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000800011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000800012 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 on page 23,   4007000800013 
            Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965        4007000800014 
            (10th column) - different data.                       4007000800015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4007000800016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000800017 
DATA                 5         78                                 4007000800018 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007000800019 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV              4007000800020 
 0.290        0.010    100.         8.                            4007000800021 
 1.135        0.010    115.        10.                            4007000800022 
 2.026        0.004     15.         5.                            4007000800023 
 2.84         0.02     143.        48.                            4007000800024 
 3.136        0.006     97.        18.                            4007000800025 
 3.584        0.006     49.         7.                            4007000800026 
 4.81         0.01       3.9        1.0                           4007000800027 
 5.45                   24.         7.                            4007000800028 
 5.82                   67.        34.                            4007000800029 
 6.20         0.01      85.        24.                            4007000800030 
 6.40         0.01      11.         3.                            4007000800031 
 8.77         0.015     22.         4.                            4007000800032 
 9.095        0.02      76.        10.                            4007000800033 
 9.30         0.03     115.        44.                            4007000800034 
 9.73         0.08      94.        60.                            4007000800035 
10.20         0.03      47.        14.                            4007000800036 
10.65         0.06                          86.                   4007000800037 
11.05                                       22.                   4007000800038 
11.66         0.04       9.         1.                            4007000800039 
12.39         0.04      24.         4.                            4007000800040 
12.82         0.04      52.        19.                            4007000800041 
13.28         0.05      65.        20.                            4007000800042 
13.67         0.10     102.        41.                            4007000800043 
13.98         0.05     187.        98.                            4007000800044 
14.50         0.06      28.         7.                            4007000800045 
15.42         0.05      47.        10.                            4007000800046 
16.08         0.05      14.         4.                            4007000800047 
16.66         0.06      55.        15.                            4007000800048 
16.9          0.1                            14.                  4007000800049 
18.05         0.06      94.        21.                            4007000800050 
18.6          0.1                            72.                  4007000800051 
19.30         0.05      58.         7.                            4007000800052 
20.10         0.08      61.        29.                            4007000800053 
20.62         0.06      24.         5.                            4007000800054 
21.13         0.05      32.        10.                            4007000800055 
21.8          0.1                           143.                  4007000800056 
22.4          0.1                           143.                  4007000800057 
22.99         0.06      35.        11.                            4007000800058 
23.43         0.15       7.         2.                            4007000800059 
23.68         0.07      68.        24.                            4007000800060 
24.25         0.07      39.        20.                            4007000800061 
24.41         0.15      43.        15.                            4007000800062 
25.16         0.16      78.        24.                            4007000800063 
25.56         0.10      26.        18.                            4007000800064 
25.84         0.15      54.        22.                            4007000800065 
26.55         0.07      92.        41.                            4007000800066 
27.16         0.07      36.        10.                            4007000800067 
27.86         0.07      66.        20.                            4007000800068 
28.45         0.09      61.        20.                            4007000800069 
28.85         0.09      31.        12.                            4007000800070 
29.69         0.09      24.         5.                            4007000800071 
30.55         0.20      33.        12.                            4007000800072 
30.86         0.10      31.        10.                            4007000800073 
32.10         0.09      57.        10.                            4007000800074 
33.58         0.09      22.         5.                            4007000800075 
34.45         0.14      29.         7.                            4007000800076 
34.9          0.2       27.         9.                            4007000800077 
35.27         0.10     119.        31.                            4007000800078 
38.40         0.11      61.        20.                            4007000800079 
39.47         0.11      45.         9.                            4007000800080 
39.9          0.2       72.        27.                            4007000800081 
40.50         0.15     108.        45.                            4007000800082 
41.3          0.2       33.        10.                            4007000800083 
41.5          0.2       65.        28.                            4007000800084 
41.8          0.2       33.         9.                            4007000800085 
42.2          0.3       57.        25.                            4007000800086 
42.7          0.3       31.        10.                            4007000800087 
43.4          0.2       29.         9.                            4007000800088 
43.9          0.2       36.        11.                            4007000800089 
44.6          0.2       80.        41.                            4007000800090 
45.0          0.3      108.        59.                            4007000800091 
45.8          0.2       25.         8.                            4007000800092 
47.06         0.14      36.         8.                            4007000800093 
48.00         0.15      27.         8.                            4007000800094 
48.3          0.2       54.        23.                            4007000800095 
48.6          0.2       86.        38.                            4007000800096 
49.3          0.3       24.         6.                            4007000800097 
50.2          0.3       27.         8.                            4007000800098 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007000800099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 4007000899999 
SUBENT        40070009   20240723                             42184007000900001 
BIB                  4         13                                 4007000900002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,G),,WID)                                   4007000900003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007000900004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil,250 cm**2            4007000900005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007000900006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007000900007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007000900008 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007000900009 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007000900010 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007000900011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007000900012 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 on page 23    4007000900013 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965         4007000900014 
            (11th col) - different data                           4007000900015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4007000900016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007000900017 
DATA                 4         78                                 4007000900018 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007000900019 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007000900020 
     0.290     0.010     35.         3.                           4007000900021 
     1.135     0.010     42.         5.                           4007000900022 
     2.026     0.004     42.         5.                           4007000900023 
     2.84      0.02      43.         2.                           4007000900024 
     3.136     0.006     32.        10.                           4007000900025 
     3.584     0.006     31.         6.                           4007000900026 
     4.81      0.01      25.9        3.6                          4007000900027 
     5.45                46.        16.                           4007000900028 
     5.82                43.         2.                           4007000900029 
     6.20      0.01      47.        17.                           4007000900030 
     6.40      0.01      52.        10.                           4007000900031 
     7.095     0.015     31.         6.                           4007000900032 
     8.77      0.02      42.         7.                           4007000900033 
     9.30      0.03      57.        20.                           4007000900034 
     9.73      0.08      43.         2.                           4007000900035 
    10.20      0.03      41.         9.                           4007000900036 
    10.65      0.06      43.         2.                           4007000900037 
    11.05                43.         2.                           4007000900038 
    11.66      0.04      57.         7.                           4007000900039 
    12.39      0.04      42.         5.                           4007000900040 
    12.82      0.04      33.        14.                           4007000900041 
    13.28      0.05      57.        19.                           4007000900042 
    13.67      0.10      43.         2.                           4007000900043 
    13.98      0.05      43.         2.                           4007000900044 
    14.50      0.06      34.         8.                           4007000900045 
    15.42      0.05      52.        11.                           4007000900046 
    16.08      0.05      30.         8.                           4007000900047 
    16.66      0.06      38.        11.                           4007000900048 
    16.9       0.1       43.         2.                           4007000900049 
    18.05      0.06      47.        14.                           4007000900050 
    18.06      0.1       43.         2.                           4007000900051 
    19.30      0.05      46.         6.                           4007000900052 
    20.10      0.08      43.         2.                           4007000900053 
    20.62      0.06      43.         2.                           4007000900054 
    21.13      0.05      50.         9.                           4007000900055 
    21.8       0.1       43.         2.                           4007000900056 
    22.4       0.1       43.         2.                           4007000900057 
    22.99      0.06      42.        13.                           4007000900058 
    23.43      0.15      43.         2.                           4007000900059 
    23.69      0.07      43.        17.                           4007000900060 
    24.25      0.07      52.        24.                           4007000900061 
    24.41      0.15      43.         2.                           4007000900062 
    25.16      0.16      43.         2.                           4007000900063 
    25.56      0.10      48.        29.                           4007000900064 
    25.84      0.15      43.         2.                           4007000900065 
    26.55      0.07      37.        20.                           4007000900066 
    27.16      0.07      43.         2.                           4007000900067 
    27.86      0.07      30.        12.                           4007000900068 
    28.45      0.08      43.         2.                           4007000900069 
    28.85      0.09      43.         2.                           4007000900070 
    29.69      0.09      43.         2.                           4007000900071 
    30.55      0.20      43.         2.                           4007000900072 
    30.86      0.10      43.         2.                           4007000900073 
    32.10      0.09      63.        10.                           4007000900074 
    33.58      0.09      36.         7.                           4007000900075 
    34.45      0.14      43.         2.                           4007000900076 
    34.9       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900077 
    35.27      0.10      64.        20.                           4007000900078 
    38.40      0.11      43.         2.                           4007000900079 
    39.47      0.11      53.        10.                           4007000900080 
    39.9       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900081 
    40.50      0.15      43.         2.                           4007000900082 
    41.3       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900083 
    41.5       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900084 
    41.8       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900085 
    42.2       0.3       43.         2.                           4007000900086 
    42.7       0.3       43.         2.                           4007000900087 
    43.4       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900088 
    43.9       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900089 
    44.6       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900090 
    45.0       0.3       43.         2.                           4007000900091 
    45.8       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900092 
    47.06      0.14      43.         2.                           4007000900093 
    48.00      0.15      43.         2.                           4007000900094 
    48.3       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900095 
    48.6       0.2       43.         2.                           4007000900096 
    49.3       0.3       43.         2.                           4007000900097 
    50.2       0.3       43.         2.                           4007000900098 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007000900099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 4007000999999 
SUBENT        40070010   20240723                             42184007001000001 
BIB                  4         14                                 4007001000002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,ABS),,ALF,,RES,DERIV)                      4007001000003 
ANALYSIS    Derived from defined fission and n,gamma resonance    4007001000004 
            parameters.                                           4007001000005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001000006 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001000007 
           .In Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965 it's mentioned:4007001000008 
            Possible systematic uncertainty of cross-section      4007001000009 
            calibration by thermal cross-sections ~5%.            4007001000010 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001000011 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970 on page 23    4007001000012 
           Table 1 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965(2nd col)4007001000013 
            - almost the same values.                             4007001000014 
           (DEP,40070008)  Fission widths.                        4007001000015 
           (DEP,40070009)  Capture widths.                        4007001000016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4007001000017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007001000018 
DATA                 5         78                                 4007001000019 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007001000020 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4007001000021 
    0.290      0.010      0.35                                    4007001000022 
    1.135      0.010      0.37                                    4007001000023 
    2.026      0.004      2.8        0.3                          4007001000024 
    2.84       0.02       0.3        0.1                          4007001000025 
    3.136      0.006      0.33       0.08                         4007001000026 
    3.584      0.006      0.62       0.09                         4007001000027 
    4.81       0.01       6.5        0.9                          4007001000028 
    5.45                  1.9        0.4                          4007001000029 
    5.82                  0.64       0.30                         4007001000030 
    6.20       0.01       0.55       0.15                         4007001000031 
    6.40       0.01       4.6        0.6                          4007001000032 
    7.095      0.015      1.4        0.2                          4007001000033 
    8.77       0.02       0.55       0.07                         4007001000034 
    9.30       0.03       0.50       0.09                         4007001000035 
    9.73       0.08       0.46       0.27                         4007001000036 
   10.20       0.03       0.87       0.13                         4007001000037 
   10.65       0.06                          0.5                  4007001000038 
   11.05                                     2.                   4007001000039 
   11.66       0.04       6.20       0.67                         4007001000040 
   12.39       0.04       1.80       0.2                          4007001000041 
   12.82       0.04       0.63       0.16                         4007001000042 
   13.28       0.05       0.87       0.22                         4007001000043 
   13.67       0.10       0.42       0.15                         4007001000044 
   13.98       0.05       0.23       0.11                         4007001000045 
   14.50       0.06       1.2        0.2                          4007001000046 
   15.42       0.05       1.1        0.1                          4007001000047 
   16.08       0.05       2.1        0.2                          4007001000048 
   16.66       0.06       0.7        0.1                          4007001000049 
   16.9        0.1                           3.                   4007001000050 
   18.05       0.06       0.5        0.1                          4007001000051 
   18.6        0.1                           0.6                  4007001000052 
   19.30       0.05       0.8        0.1                          4007001000053 
   20.10       0.06       1.8        0.3                          4007001000054 
   20.62       0.06       1.8        0.3                          4007001000055 
    21.13      0.05       1.6        0.3                          4007001000056 
   21.8        0.1                           0.3                  4007001000057 
   22.4        0.1                           0.3                  4007001000058 
   22.99       0.06       1.2        0.2                          4007001000059 
   23.43       0.15       5.8        1.4                          4007001000060 
   23.68       0.07       0.63       0.11                         4007001000061 
   24.25       0.07       1.33       0.45                         4007001000062 
   24.41       0.15       1.0        0.3                          4007001000063 
   25.16       0.16       0.55       0.15                         4007001000064 
   25.56       0.10       1.8        0.5                          4007001000065 
   25.84       0.15       0.8        0.3                          4007001000066 
   26.55       0.07       0.4        0.1                          4007001000067 
   27.16       0.07       1.2        0.3                          4007001000068 
   27.86       0.07       0.45       0.10                         4007001000069 
   28.45       0.09       0.7        0.2                          4007001000070 
   28.85       0.09       1.4        0.5                          4007001000071 
   29.69       0.09       1.8        0.3                          4007001000072 
   30.55       0.20       1.3        0.4                          4007001000073 
   30.86       0.10       1.4        0.4                          4007001000074 
   32.10       0.09       1.10       0.15                         4007001000075 
   33.58       0.09       1.6        0.3                          4007001000076 
   34.45       0.14       1.5        0.3                          4007001000077 
   34.9        0.2        1.6        0.5                          4007001000078 
   35.27       0.10       0.54       0.10                         4007001000079 
   38.40       0.11       0.7        0.2                          4007001000080 
   39.47       0.11       1.2        0.2                          4007001000081 
   39.9        0.2        0.6        0.2                          4007001000082 
   40.50       0.15       0.40       0.15                         4007001000083 
   41.3        0.2        1.32       0.35                         4007001000084 
   41.5        0.2        0.66       0.26                         4007001000085 
   41.8        0.2        1.3        0.3                          4007001000086 
   42.2        0.3        0.75       0.30                         4007001000087 
   42.7        0.3        1.4        0.4                          4007001000088 
   43.4        0.2        1.5        0.4                          4007001000089 
   43.9        0.2        1.2        0.3                          4007001000090 
   44.6        0.2        0.54       0.25                         4007001000091 
   45.0        0.3        0.4        0.2                          4007001000092 
   45.8        0.2        1.7        0.5                          4007001000093 
   47.06       0.14       1.2        0.2                          4007001000094 
   48.00       0.15       1.6        0.4                          4007001000095 
   48.3        0.2        0.8        0.3                          4007001000096 
   48.6        0.2        0.5        0.2                          4007001000097 
   49.3        0.3        1.8        0.4                          4007001000098 
   50.2        0.3        1.6        0.4                          4007001000099 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007001000100 
ENDSUBENT           99          0                                 4007001099999 
SUBENT        40070011   20240723                             42184007001100001 
BIB                  5          9                                 4007001100002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,ABS),,ETA,,RES)                            4007001100003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007001100004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2           4007001100005 
            enriched up to 90%                                    4007001100006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001100007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001100008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001100009 
                   Table 3 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007001100010 
HISTORY    (20141109A) SD: NO-DIM -> PRT/REAC.                    4007001100011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 4007001100012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007001100013 
DATA                 5         78                                 4007001100014 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-APRX             4007001100015 
EV         EV         PRT/REAC   PRT/REAC   PRT/REAC              4007001100016 
    0.290      0.010      1.81                                    4007001100017 
    1.135      0.010      1.78                                    4007001100018 
    2.026      0.004      0.64       0.05                         4007001100019 
    2.84       0.02       1.88       0.15                         4007001100020 
    3.136      0.006      1.84       0.11                         4007001100021 
    3.584      0.006      1.51       0.08                         4007001100022 
    4.81       0.01       0.33       0.04                         4007001100023 
    5.45                  0.84       0.12                         4007001100024 
    5.82                  1.49       0.27                         4007001100025 
    6.20       0.01       2.57       0.15                         4007001100026 
    6.40       0.01       0.44       0.05                         4007001100027 
    7.095      0.015      1.02       0.09                         4007001100028 
    8.77       0.02       1.57       0.07                         4007001100029 
    9.30       0.03       1.63       0.10                         4007001100030 
    9.73       0.08       1.67       0.31                         4007001100031 
   10.20       0.03       1.31       0.09                         4007001100032 
   10.65       0.06                          1.63                 4007001100033 
   11.05                                     0.81                 4007001100034 
   11.66       0.04       0.34       0.03                         4007001100035 
   12.39       0.04       0.87       0.06                         4007001100036 
   12.82       0.04       1.50       0.15                         4007001100037 
   13.28       0.05       1.31       0.15                         4007001100038 
   13.67       0.10       1.72       0.11                         4007001100039 
   13.98       0.05       1.98       0.18                         4007001100040 
   14.50       0.06       1.11       0.10                         4007001100041 
   15.42       0.05       1.16       0.06                         4007001100042 
   16.08       0.05       0.79       0.05                         4007001100043 
   16.66       0.06       1.44       0.09                         4007001100044 
   16.9        0.1                           0.61                 4007001100045 
   18.05       0.06       1.63       0.11                         4007001100046 
   18.6        0.1                           1.53                 4007001100047 
   19.30       0.05       1.36       0.08                         4007001100048 
   20.10       0.08       1.44       0.62                         4007001100049 
   20.62       0.06       0.87       0.09                         4007001100050 
   21.13       0.05       0.94       0.11                         4007001100051 
   21.8        0.1        1.88                                    4007001100052 
   22.4        0.1        1.88                                    4007001100053 
   22.99       0.06       1.11       0.10                         4007001100054 
   23.43       0.15       0.36       0.07                         4007001100055 
   23.68       0.07       1.497      0.274                        4007001100056 
   24.25       0.07       1.05       0.20                         4007001100057 
   24.41       0.15       1.22       0.18                         4007001100058 
   25.16       0.16       1.57       0.15                         4007001100059 
   25.56       0.10       0.87       0.16                         4007001100060 
   25.84       0.15       1.36       0.23                         4007001100061 
   26.55       0.07       1.74       0.12                         4007001100062 
   27.16       0.07       1.11       0.15                         4007001100063 
   27.86       0.07       1.68       0.12                         4007001100064 
   28.45       0.09       1.44       0.17                         4007001100065 
   28.85       0.09       1.02       0.21                         4007001100066 
   29.69       0.09       0.87       0.09                         4007001100067 
   30.55       0.20       1.06       0.18                         4007001100068 
   30.86       0.10       1.02       0.17                         4007001100069 
   32.10       0.09       1.16       0.083                        4007001100070 
   33.58       0.09       0.94       0.11                         4007001100071 
   34.45       0.14       0.98       0.12                         4007001100072 
   34.9        0.2        0.94       0.18                         4007001100073 
   35.27       0.10       1.59       0.10                         4007001100074 
   38.40       0.11       1.44       0.41                         4007001100075 
   39.47       0.11       1.11       0.18                         4007001100076 
   39.9        0.2        1.53       0.19                         4007001100077 
   40.50       0.15       1.74       0.19                         4007001100078 
   41.3        0.2        1.05       0.16                         4007001100079 
   41.5        0.2        1.47       0.23                         4007001100080 
   41.8        0.2        1.06       0.14                         4007001100081 
   42.2        0.3        1.39       0.24                         4007001100082 
   42.7        0.3        1.02       0.17                         4007001100083 
   43.4        0.2        0.98       0.16                         4007001100084 
   43.9        0.2        1.11       0.15                         4007001100085 
   44.6        0.2        1.58       0.26                         4007001100086 
   45.0        0.3        1.74       0.25                         4007001100087 
   45.8        0.2        0.90       0.17                         4007001100088 
   47.06       0.14       1.11       0.10                         4007001100089 
   48.00       0.15       1.53       0.24                         4007001100090 
   48.3        0.2        1.36       0.24                         4007001100091 
   48.6        0.2        1.63       0.22                         4007001100092 
   49.3        0.3        0.87       0.12                         4007001100093 
   50.2        0.3        0.94       0.15                         4007001100094 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 4007001100095 
ENDSUBENT           94          0                                 4007001199999 
SUBENT        40070012   20240723                             42184007001200001 
BIB                  4         11                                 4007001200002 
REACTION  1(92-U-238(N,TOT),,WID)                                 4007001200003 
          2(92-U-238(N,EL),,WID)                                  4007001200004 
          3(92-U-238(N,G),,WID)                                   4007001200005 
SAMPLE     Samples were in form of U-235 metallic plate with      4007001200006 
           U-238 and 92-U-234 admixtures and oxide-protoxide      4007001200007 
           on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2 enriched up to 90.% U-235  4007001200008 
           and with U-238 and 92-U-234 admixtures                 4007001200009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001200010 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001200011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001200012 
                   Table 2 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007001200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 4007001200014 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007001200015 
EN-RES                                                            4007001200016 
EV                                                                4007001200017 
    6.68                                                          4007001200018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007001200019 
DATA                 6          1                                 4007001200020 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA-ERR  34007001200021 
   27.5        2.3        1.49       0.03      26.0        2.3    4007001200023 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007001200024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 4007001299999 
NOSUBENT      40070013   20240723                             42184007001300001 
NOSUBENT      40070014   20240723                             42184007001400001 
SUBENT        40070015   20240723                             42184007001500001 
BIB                  4         11                                 4007001500002 
REACTION  1(92-U-234(N,TOT),,WID)                                 4007001500003 
          2(92-U-234(N,EL),,WID)                                  4007001500004 
          3(92-U-234(N,G),,WID)                                   4007001500005 
SAMPLE     Samples were in form of U-235 metallic plate with      4007001500006 
           U-238 and 92-U-234 admixtures and oxide-protoxide      4007001500007 
           on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2 enriched up to 90.% U-235  4007001500008 
           and with U-238 and 92-U-234 admixtures                 4007001500009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001500010 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001500011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001500012 
                   Table 2 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007001500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 4007001500014 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007001500015 
EN-RES                                                            4007001500016 
EV                                                                4007001500017 
    5.19                                                          4007001500018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007001500019 
DATA                 6          1                                 4007001500020 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA-ERR  34007001500021 
   29.4        4.7        3.88       0.35      25.5        4.7    4007001500023 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007001500024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 4007001599999 
NOSUBENT      40070016   20240723                             42184007001600001 
NOSUBENT      40070017   20240723                             42184007001700001 
SUBENT        40070018   20240723                             42184007001800001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4007001800002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,TOT),,WID)                                4007001800003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007001800004 
            for Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from            4007001800005 
            2.85 x 10**(-4) to 2.70 x 10**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007001800006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001800007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001800008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001800009 
                   Table 4 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007001800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4007001800011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007001800012 
DATA                 4         29                                 4007001800013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007001800014 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007001800015 
    0.296               102.        11.                           4007001800016 
    7.83       0.01      87.         6.                           4007001800017 
   10.97       0.02     189.        19.                           4007001800018 
   11.91       0.02      68.         7.                           4007001800019 
   14.36       0.02     101.         8.                           4007001800020 
   14.75       0.03      81.         8.                           4007001800021 
   15.47       0.06     761.        52.                           4007001800022 
   17.69       0.03      92.         7.                           4007001800023 
   22.33       0.04     120.        10.                           4007001800024 
   23.9        0.1       67.        12.                           4007001800025 
   26.31       0.06      81.         9.                           4007001800026 
   27.3                  41.        10.                           4007001800027 
   32.4        0.1      141.        15.                           4007001800028 
   35.6                  52.        11.                           4007001800029 
   41.68       0.12      78.        13.                           4007001800030 
   44.60       0.12      52.         8.                           4007001800031 
   47.92       0.15     273.        39.                           4007001800032 
   50.18       0.16      77.         8.                           4007001800033 
   52.8        0.2       63.         9.                           4007001800034 
   55.9        0.4       67.        10.                           4007001800035 
   57.8        0.2      467.       116.                           4007001800036 
   58.6        0.4      760.       222.                           4007001800037 
   59.6        0.2      187.        20.                           4007001800038 
   61.7        0.2      210.        39.                           4007001800039 
   63.4        0.2      156.        21.                           4007001800040 
   66.2        0.2      136.        18.                           4007001800041 
   75.6        0.3      154.        19.                           4007001800042 
   82.7        0.3      124.        36.                           4007001800043 
   85.7        0.4      881.       249.                           4007001800044 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 4007001800045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 4007001899999 
SUBENT        40070019   20240723                             42184007001900001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4007001900002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                             4007001900003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007001900004 
            for Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from            4007001900005 
            2.85 x 10**(-4) to 2.70 x 10**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007001900006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007001900007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007001900008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007001900009 
                   Table 4 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007001900010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4007001900011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007001900012 
DATA                 4         32                                 4007001900013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007001900014 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007001900015 
    0.296                 0.108      0.004                        4007001900016 
    7.83       0.01       1.23       0.03                         4007001900017 
   10.97       0.02       2.69       0.12                         4007001900018 
   11.5                   0.41                                    4007001900019 
   11.91       0.02       1.43       0.08                         4007001900020 
   14.36       0.02       0.88       0.05                         4007001900021 
   14.75       0.03       2.44       0.10                         4007001900022 
   15.47       0.06       0.87       0.06                         4007001900023 
   17.69       0.03       2.58       0.04                         4007001900024 
   22.33       0.04       3.14       0.06                         4007001900025 
   23.9        0.1        0.12       0.02                         4007001900026 
   26.31       0.06       2.25       0.11                         4007001900027 
   27.3                   0.14       0.10                         4007001900028 
   32.4        0.1        0.42       0.02                         4007001900029 
   35.6                   0.48       0.08                         4007001900030 
   41.68       0.12       5.93       0.33                         4007001900031 
   44.60       0.12       7.63       0.29                         4007001900032 
   47.92       0.15       3.01       0.17                         4007001900033 
   49.6                   1.3                                     4007001900034 
   50.18       0.16       4.35       0.25                         4007001900035 
   52.8        0.2       12.4        0.4                          4007001900036 
   55.9        0.4        2.43       0.21                         4007001900037 
   57.8        0.2        9.37       0.41                         4007001900038 
   58.6        0.4        3.91       0.48                         4007001900039 
   59.6        0.2       12.8        1.4                          4007001900040 
   61.7        0.2        1.46       0.31                         4007001900041 
   63.4        0.2        8.4        0.6                          4007001900042 
   66.2        0.2       18.36       0.87                         4007001900043 
   69.9                   2.9                                     4007001900044 
   75.6        0.3       36.6        1.8                          4007001900045 
   82.7        0.3        6.8        0.9                          4007001900046 
   85.7        0.4       38.7        5.4                          4007001900047 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4007001900048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4007001999999 
SUBENT        40070020   20240723                             42184007002000001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4007002000002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F),,WID)                                  4007002000003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007002000004 
            for Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from            4007002000005 
            2.85 x 10**(-4) to 2.70 x 10**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007002000006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007002000007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007002000008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002000009 
                   Table 4 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007002000010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4007002000011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007002000012 
DATA                 4         32                                 4007002000013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007002000014 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007002000015 
    0.296                62.         2.                           4007002000016 
    7.83       0.01      46.         4.                           4007002000017 
   10.97       0.02     147.        23.                           4007002000018 
   11.5                 110.                                      4007002000019 
   11.91       0.02      28.         5.                           4007002000020 
   14.36       0.02      60.        10.                           4007002000021 
   14.75       0.03      35.         6.                           4007002000022 
   15.47       0.06     723.       110.                           4007002000023 
   17.69       0.03      47.         6.                           4007002000024 
   22.33       0.04      68.         9.                           4007002000025 
   23.9        0.1       25.        10.                           4007002000026 
   26.31       0.06      47.         8.                           4007002000027 
   27.3                  13.         8.                           4007002000028 
   32.4        0.1       96.        18.                           4007002000029 
   35.6                   7.         3.                           4007002000030 
   41.68       0.12      16.         4.                           4007002000031 
   44.60       0.12       8.         2.                           4007002000032 
   47.92       0.15     243.        51.                           4007002000033 
   49.6                 460.                                      4007002000034 
   50.18       0.16      29.         5.                           4007002000035 
   52.8        0.2       10.         3.                           4007002000036 
   55.9        0.4       29.         6.                           4007002000037 
   57.8        0.2      402.       123.                           4007002000038 
   58.6        0.4      714.       254.                           4007002000039 
   59.6        0.2      135.        20.                           4007002000040 
   61.7        0.2      160.        40.                           4007002000041 
   63.4        0.2      108.        21.                           4007002000042 
   66.2        0.2       84.        17.                           4007002000043 
   69.9                  40.                                      4007002000044 
   75.6        0.3       82.        18.                           4007002000045 
   82.7        0.3       72.        30.                           4007002000046 
   85.7        0.4      802.       288.                           4007002000047 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4007002000048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4007002099999 
SUBENT        40070021   20240723                             42184007002100001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4007002100002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,G),,WID)                                  4007002100003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007002100004 
            for Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from            4007002100005 
            2.85 x 10**(-4) to 2.70 x 10**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007002100006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007002100007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007002100008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002100009 
                   Table 4 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007002100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4007002100011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007002100012 
DATA                 4         32                                 4007002100013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007002100014 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007002100015 
    0.296                40.        10.                           4007002100016 
    7.83       0.01      39.8        4.0                          4007002100017 
   10.97       0.02      39.3        6.0                          4007002100018 
   11.5                  41.                                      4007002100019 
   11.91       0.02      38.6        7.0                          4007002100020 
   14.36       0.02      40.1        7.0                          4007002100021 
   14.75       0.03      43.6        7.0                          4007002100022 
   15.47       0.06      37.1        6.                           4007002100023 
   17.69       0.03      43.4        6.                           4007002100024 
   22.33       0.04      48.4        7.                           4007002100025 
   23.9        0.1       42.0       17.                           4007002100026 
   26.31       0.06      31.8        6.                           4007002100027 
   27.3                  27.9       12.                           4007002100028 
   32.4        0.1       44.7        9.                           4007002100029 
   35.6                  44.5       11.                           4007002100030 
   41.68       0.12      56.1       10.5                          4007002100031 
   44.60       0.12      36.4       12.                           4007002100032 
   47.92       0.15      26.7        6.                           4007002100033 
   49.6                  41.                                      4007002100034 
   50.18       0.16      43.7        7.                           4007002100035 
   52.8        0.2       40.6        7.                           4007002100036 
   55.9        0.4       35.6        8.                           4007002100037 
   57.8        0.2       55.6       17.                           4007002100038 
   58.6        0.4       42.1       15.                           4007002100039 
   59.6        0.2       39.2        6.                           4007002100040 
   61.7        0.2       48.5       12.                           4007002100041 
   63.4        0.2       39.6        8.                           4007002100042 
   66.2        0.2       33.7        7.                           4007002100043 
   69.9                  41.                                      4007002100044 
   75.6        0.3       35.4        8.                           4007002100045 
   82.7        0.3       45.2       19.                           4007002100046 
   85.7        0.4       40.3       15.                           4007002100047 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4007002100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4007002199999 
SUBENT        40070022   20240723                             42184007002200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4007002200002 
REACTION   ((94-PU-239(N,F),,WID)/(94-PU-239(N,TOT),,WID))        4007002200003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007002200004 
            for Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from            4007002200005 
            2.85 x 10**(-4) to 2.70 x 10**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007002200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007002200007 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007002200008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002200009 
                   Table 4 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007002200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4007002200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007002200012 
DATA                 4         32                                 4007002200013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007002200014 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4007002200015 
    0.296                 0.61       0.01                         4007002200016 
    7.83       0.01       0.526      0.015                        4007002200017 
   10.97       0.02       0.776      0.042                        4007002200018 
   11.5                   0.73                                    4007002200019 
   11.91       0.02       0.41       0.03                         4007002200020 
   14.36       0.02       0.59       0.05                         4007002200021 
   14.75       0.03       0.43       0.03                         4007002200022 
   15.47       0.06       0.95       0.08                         4007002200023 
   17.69       0.03       0.50       0.03                         4007002200024 
   22.33       0.04       0.57       0.03                         4007002200025 
   23.9        0.1        0.37       0.08                         4007002200026 
   26.31       0.06       0.58       0.04                         4007002200027 
   27.3                   0.32       0.14                         4007002200028 
   32.4        0.1        0.68       0.06                         4007002200029 
   35.6                   0.13       0.03                         4007002200030 
   41.68       0.12       0.200      0.015                        4007002200031 
   44.60       0.12       0.162      0.015                        4007002200032 
   47.92       0.15       0.89       0.06                         4007002200033 
   49.6                   0.91                                    4007002200034 
   50.18       0.16       0.38       0.03                         4007002200035 
   52.8        0.2        0.16       0.02                         4007002200036 
   55.9        0.4        0.43       0.03                         4007002200037 
   57.8        0.2        0.86       0.05                         4007002200038 
   58.6        0.4        0.94       0.06                         4007002200039 
   59.6        0.2        0.72       0.03                         4007002200040 
   61.7        0.2        0.76       0.05                         4007002200041 
   63.4        0.2        0.69       0.04                         4007002200042 
   66.2        0.2        0.62       0.04                         4007002200043 
   69.9                   0.48                                    4007002200044 
   75.6        0.3        0.53       0.05                         4007002200045 
   82.7        0.3        0.58       0.07                         4007002200046 
   85.7        0.4        0.91       0.07                         4007002200047 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 4007002200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4007002299999 
SUBENT        40070023   20240723                             42184007002300001 
BIB                  5          9                                 4007002300002 
REACTION   (92-U-233(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                              4007002300003 
SAMPLE     Oxide-protoxide samples of 92-U-233 with thicknesses   4007002300004 
           from 2.5 x 10**(-4) to 9.7x 10**(-4) nuclei/barn       4007002300005 
COMMENT    Only transmission measurements were carried out        4007002300006 
           for U-233                                              4007002300007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007002300008 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007002300009 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002300010 
                   Table 5 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007002300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 4007002300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007002300013 
DATA                 4         13                                 4007002300014 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007002300015 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007002300016 
    1.79       0.01       0.35       0.04                         4007002300017 
    2.32       0.02       0.17       0.04                         4007002300018 
    3.68       0.02       0.13       0.02                         4007002300019 
    4.82       0.03       0.25       0.07                         4007002300020 
    6.85       0.04       0.61       0.12                         4007002300021 
   10.50       0.06       1.5        0.3                          4007002300022 
   12.85       0.08       1.3        0.4                          4007002300023 
   13.9        0.1        0.33       0.07                         4007002300024 
   15.5        0.1        0.84       0.34                         4007002300025 
   16.6        0.2        1.16       0.25                         4007002300026 
   18.2        0.2        0.26       0.09                         4007002300027 
   19.         0.2        1.6        0.3                          4007002300028 
   20.6        0.2        1.3        0.2                          4007002300029 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 4007002300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 4007002399999 
SUBENT        40070024   20240723                             42184007002400001 
BIB                  5          9                                 4007002400002 
REACTION   (92-U-233(N,TOT),,WID)                                 4007002400003 
SAMPLE     Oxide-protoxide samples of 92-U-233 with thicknesses   4007002400004 
           from 2.5 x 10**(-4) to 9.7x 10**(-4) nuclei/barn       4007002400005 
COMMENT    Only transmission measurements were carried out        4007002400006 
           for U-233                                              4007002400007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in     4007002400008 
            rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.                                4007002400009 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002400010 
                   Table 5 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970               4007002400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 4007002400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007002400013 
DATA                 4         13                                 4007002400014 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         4007002400015 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         4007002400016 
    1.79       0.01     330.        50.                           4007002400017 
    2.32       0.02      60.        20.                           4007002400018 
    3.68       0.02     220.        40.                           4007002400019 
    4.82       0.03     600.       280.                           4007002400020 
    6.85       0.04     170.        60.                           4007002400021 
   10.50       0.06     270.        90.                           4007002400022 
   12.85       0.08     340.       120.                           4007002400023 
   13.9        0.1      380.       130.                           4007002400024 
   15.5        0.1      200.        60.                           4007002400025 
   16.6        0.2      650.       130.                           4007002400026 
   18.2        0.2      200.        50.                           4007002400027 
   19.0        0.2      300.       130.                           4007002400028 
   20.6        0.2      450.       110.                           4007002400029 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 4007002400030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 4007002499999 
SUBENT        40070025   20240723                             42184007002500001 
BIB                  6         12                                 4007002500002 
REACTION   (92-U-233(N,EL),,STF)                                  4007002500003 
SAMPLE     Oxide-protoxide samples of 92-U-233 with thicknesses   4007002500004 
           from 2.5 x 10**(-4) to 9.7x 10**(-4) nuclei/barn       4007002500005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are mainly explained by the number   4007002500006 
           statistics of observed levels                          4007002500007 
REL-REF    (M,,D.D.Slavinskas+,J,NP,85,641,1966) Determination of 4007002500008 
           strength function by method stated in                  4007002500009 
           J.Nucl.Phys.,v.85,numb.3,page 641,1966                 4007002500010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text, page 12 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970.        4007002500011 
            Text, page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007002500012 
HISTORY    (20141109U) SD: COMMENT -> REL-REF.                    4007002500013 
           (20211117A) MOMENTUM L was added.                      4007002500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4007002500015 
COMMON               3          3                                 4007002500016 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L                                  4007002500017 
EV         EV         NO-DIM                                      4007002500018 
    1.        21.      0.                                         4007002500019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007002500020 
DATA                 3          1                                 4007002500021 
DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR                                   4007002500022 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4007002500023 
   0.000139   0.000090   0.000039                                 4007002500024 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007002500025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 4007002599999 
SUBENT        40070026   20240723                             42184007002600001 
BIB                  6         14                                 4007002600002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,EL),,STF)                                  4007002600003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007002600004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2,          4007002600005 
            enriched up to 90% on U-235                           4007002600006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are mainly explained by the number   4007002600007 
           statistics of observed levels                          4007002600008 
REL-REF    (M,,D.D.Slavinskas+,J,NP,85,641,1966) Determination of 4007002600009 
           strength function by method stated in                  4007002600010 
           J.Nucl.Phys.,85,numb.3,page 641,1966                   4007002600011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002600012 
                   Text, page 12 of REP.JINR-P3-4992,1970.        4007002600013 
            Text, page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007002600014 
HISTORY    (20141109U) SD: COMMENT -> REL-REF.                    4007002600015 
           (20211117A) MOMENTUM L was added.                      4007002600016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4007002600017 
COMMON               3          3                                 4007002600018 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L                                  4007002600019 
EV         EV         NO-DIM                                      4007002600020 
    0.29      50.2     0.                                         4007002600021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007002600022 
DATA                 3          1                                 4007002600023 
DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR                                   4007002600024 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4007002600025 
   0.000129   0.000054   0.000029                                 4007002600026 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007002600027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 4007002699999 
SUBENT        40070027   20240723                             42184007002700001 
BIB                  6         14                                 4007002700002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,EL),,STF)                                 4007002700003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007002700004 
           for 94-Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from          4007002700005 
           2.85 x 10.**(-4) to 2.70x 10.**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007002700006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are mainly explained by the number   4007002700007 
           statistics of observed levels                          4007002700008 
REL-REF    (M,,D.D.Slavinskas+,J,NP,85,641,1966) Determination of 4007002700009 
           strength function by method stated in                  4007002700010 
           J.Nucl.Phys.,85,numb.3,page 641,1966                   4007002700011 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002700012 
                   Text, page 12 of JINR-P3-4992,1970.            4007002700013 
            Text, page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007002700014 
HISTORY    (20141109U) SD: COMMENT -> REL-REF.                    4007002700015 
           (20211117A) MOMENTUM L was added.                      4007002700016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4007002700017 
COMMON               3          3                                 4007002700018 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L                                  4007002700019 
EV         EV         NO-DIM                                      4007002700020 
    0.296     85.7     0.                                         4007002700021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007002700022 
DATA                 3          1                                 4007002700023 
DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR                                   4007002700024 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4007002700025 
   0.000143   0.000068   0.000034                                 4007002700026 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007002700027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 4007002799999 
SUBENT        40070028   20240723                             42184007002800001 
BIB                  5         10                                 4007002800002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,0),,D)                                     4007002800003 
SAMPLE      Samples were in form of metallic plate and            4007002800004 
            oxide-protoxide on aluminum foil, 250 cm**2,          4007002800005 
           enriched up to 90.% on U-235.                          4007002800006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error was calculated for Wigner's distance  4007002800007 
           distribution between levels and depends mainly on      4007002800008 
           number of considered levels.                           4007002800009 
COMMENT    Density was determined without separation on spin.     4007002800010 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002800011 
                   Text, page 12 of JINR-P3-4992,1970.            4007002800012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4007002800013 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007002800014 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX                                             4007002800015 
EV         EV                                                     4007002800016 
    0.290     50.2                                                4007002800017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007002800018 
DATA                 2          1                                 4007002800019 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4007002800020 
EV         EV                                                     4007002800021 
    0.63       0.05                                               4007002800022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007002800023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4007002899999 
SUBENT        40070029   20240723                             42184007002900001 
BIB                  5         10                                 4007002900002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,0),,D)                                    4007002900003 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-239,ENR=0.975) Metallic sample with enrichment  4007002900004 
           for 94-Pu-239 97.5% and with thicknesses from          4007002900005 
           2.85 x 10.**(-4) to 2.70x 10.**(-3) nuclei/barn        4007002900006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error was calculated for Wigner's distance  4007002900007 
           distribution between levels and depends mainly on      4007002900008 
           number of considered levels.                           4007002900009 
COMMENT    Density was determined without separation on spin      4007002900010 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007002900011 
                   Text, page 12 of JINR-P3-4992,1970.            4007002900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4007002900013 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007002900014 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX                                             4007002900015 
EV         EV                                                     4007002900016 
    0.296     85.7                                                4007002900017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007002900018 
DATA                 2          1                                 4007002900019 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4007002900020 
EV         EV                                                     4007002900021 
    2.68       0.25                                               4007002900022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007002900023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4007002999999 
SUBENT        40070030   20240723                             42184007003000001 
BIB                  4          7                                 4007003000002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,G),,WID,,AV)                              4007003000003 
ANALYSIS    Averaged gamma-widths were determined on 29 resolved  4007003000004 
            energy levels                                         4007003000005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)    No description                           4007003000006 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003000007 
                   Text, page 13 of JINR-P3-4992,1970.            4007003000008 
            Text, page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007003000009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4007003000010 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007003000011 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX                                             4007003000012 
EV         EV                                                     4007003000013 
    0.296     85.7                                                4007003000014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003000015 
DATA                 2          1                                 4007003000016 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4007003000017 
MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                                               4007003000018 
   41.         2.                                                 4007003000019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007003000020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 4007003099999 
SUBENT        40070031   20240723                             42184007003100001 
BIB                  4          7                                 4007003100002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,G),,WID,,AV)                               4007003100003 
ANALYSIS    Averaged gamma-widths were determined on 34 resolved  4007003100004 
           energy levels                                          4007003100005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)    No description                           4007003100006 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003100007 
                   Text, page 13 of JINR-P3-4992,1970.            4007003100008 
            Text, page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007003100009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4007003100010 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007003100011 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX                                             4007003100012 
EV         EV                                                     4007003100013 
    0.290     39.47                                               4007003100014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003100015 
DATA                 2          1                                 4007003100016 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4007003100017 
MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                                               4007003100018 
   43.         2.                                                 4007003100019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4007003100020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 4007003199999 
SUBENT        40070032   20240723                             42184007003200001 
BIB                  4         11                                 4007003200002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,EL),,WID,,AV)                              4007003200003 
          2(92-U-235(N,F),,WID,,AV)                               4007003200004 
          3(92-U-235(N,G),,WID,,AV)                               4007003200005 
            averaged widths for two spins:                        4007003200006 
          4(92-U-235(N,0),,J)                                     4007003200007 
          5(92-U-235(N,0),,PTY)                                   4007003200008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)    No description                           4007003200009 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003200010 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003200011 
            Text, page 257 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,1971.     4007003200012 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 4007003200014 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007003200015 
EN-RES-MAX                                                        4007003200016 
EV                                                                4007003200017 
   150.                                                           4007003200018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003200019 
DATA                 8          2                                 4007003200020 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA-ERR  34007003200021 
DATA      4DATA      5                                            4007003200022 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 4007003200024 
0.102      0.023      87.        20.        42.        2.         4007003200025 
3.         -1.                                                    4007003200026 
0.115      0.025      26.        6.         43.        2.         4007003200027 
4.         -1.                                                    4007003200028 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 4007003200029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 4007003299999 
SUBENT        40070033   20240723                             42184007003300001 
BIB                  4         10                                 4007003300002 
REACTION  1(94-PU-239(N,EL),,WID,,AV)                             4007003300003 
          2(94-PU-239(N,F),,WID,,AV)                              4007003300004 
          3(94-PU-239(N,G),,WID,,AV)                              4007003300005 
            averaged widths for two spins:                        4007003300006 
          4(94-PU-239(N,0),,J)                                    4007003300007 
          5(94-PU-239(N,0),,PTY)                                  4007003300008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)    Not specified.                           4007003300009 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003300010 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003300011 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4007003300013 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007003300014 
EN-RES-MAX                                                        4007003300015 
EV                                                                4007003300016 
   150.                                                           4007003300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003300018 
DATA                 8          2                                 4007003300019 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA-ERR  34007003300020 
DATA      4DATA      5                                            4007003300021 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 4007003300023 
0.51       0.21       290.       100.       45.        3.         4007003300024 
0.         +1.                                                    4007003300025 
0.49       0.15       45.        15.        43.        2.         4007003300026 
1.         -1.                                                    4007003300027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 4007003300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 4007003399999 
SUBENT        40070034   20240723                             42184007003400001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4007003400002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,0),,D)                                     4007003400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified.                              4007003400004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003400005 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003400006 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4007003400008 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007003400009 
EN-RES-MAX                                                        4007003400010 
EV                                                                4007003400011 
   150.                                                           4007003400012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003400013 
DATA                 4          2                                 4007003400014 
DATA       DATA-ERR   SPIN J     PARITY                           4007003400015 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4007003400016 
1.26       0.10       3.         -1.                              4007003400017 
1.26       0.10       4.         -1.                              4007003400018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4007003400019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4007003499999 
SUBENT        40070035   20240723                             42184007003500001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4007003500002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,0),,D)                                    4007003500003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified.                              4007003500004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003500005 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003500006 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4007003500008 
COMMON               1          3                                 4007003500009 
EN-RES-MAX                                                        4007003500010 
EV                                                                4007003500011 
   150.                                                           4007003500012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003500013 
DATA                 4          2                                 4007003500014 
DATA       DATA-ERR   SPIN J     PARITY                           4007003500015 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4007003500016 
8.26       1.14       0.         +1.                              4007003500017 
3.78       0.44       1.         +1.                              4007003500018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4007003500019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4007003599999 
SUBENT        40070036   20240723                             42184007003600001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4007003600002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,EL),,STF)                                  4007003600003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified.                              4007003600004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003600005 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003600006 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4007003600008 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007003600009 
EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L                                             4007003600010 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 4007003600011 
   150.     0.                                                    4007003600012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003600013 
DATA                 5          2                                 4007003600014 
DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR  SPIN J     PARITY                4007003600015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4007003600016 
    0.71E-4    0.32E-4    0.17E-4    3.         -1.               4007003600017 
    0.81E-4    0.36E-4    0.19E-4    4.         -1.               4007003600018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4007003600019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4007003699999 
SUBENT        40070037   20240723                             42184007003700001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4007003700002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,EL),,STF)                                 4007003700003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified.                              4007003700004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,R,JINR-P3-4992,1970)              4007003700005 
                    Table 6 of rep.JINR-P3-4992,1970              4007003700006 
HISTORY    (20141109C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4007003700008 
COMMON               2          3                                 4007003700009 
EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L                                             4007003700010 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 4007003700011 
   150.     0.                                                    4007003700012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4007003700013 
DATA                 5          2                                 4007003700014 
DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR  SPIN J     PARITY                4007003700015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4007003700016 
    0.60E-4    0.44E-4    0.18E-4    0.         +1.               4007003700017 
    1.22E-4    0.71E-4    0.31E-4    1.         +1.               4007003700018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4007003700019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4007003799999 
SUBENT        40070038   20240723                             42184007003800001 
BIB                  4          6                                 4007003800002 
REACTION  1(94-PU-239(N,0),,J)                                    4007003800003 
          2(94-PU-239(N,0),,PTY)                                  4007003800004 
FLAG       (1.) Spin determination is not unique.                 4007003800005 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Yu.V.Ryabov+,J,SNP,13,255,1971)                4007003800006 
                   Text page 256 of Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.13,p.255,19714007003800007 
HISTORY    (20211117A) SF3: G -> 0                                4007003800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 4007003800009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007003800010 
DATA                 4          7                                 4007003800011 
EN-RES     DATA      1DATA      2FLAG                             4007003800012 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4007003800013 
41.68      0.         +1.        1.                               4007003800014 
44.6       1.         +1.        1.                               4007003800015 
50.18      1.         +1.        1.                               4007003800016 
52.8       1.         +1.                                         4007003800017 
63.4       1.         +1.                                         4007003800018 
66.2       1.         +1.                                         4007003800019 
75.6       1.         +1.                                         4007003800020 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4007003800021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 4007003899999 
SUBENT        40070039   20240723                             42184007003900001 
BIB                  7         28                                 4007003900002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,AV)                               4007003900003 
          2(92-U-235(N,G)92-U-236,,SIG,,AV)                       4007003900004 
          3(92-U-235(N,ABS),,ALF,,AV)                             4007003900005 
           Average over energy internal                           4007003900006 
SAMPLE      Samples thickness:                                    4007003900007 
           - measurement of fission and rad.capture CS -          4007003900008 
             8.*10**-5, 4.*10**-4, 1.*10**-3, 2.*10**-3 nucl/b;   4007003900009 
           - self-indication measurement -                        4007003900010 
             2.*10**-3, 4.*10**-4, 2.*10**-3 nucl/b;              4007003900011 
           - transmission measurement -                           4007003900012 
             2.*10**-3, 2.*10**-2 nucl/b .                        4007003900013 
MONITOR   3(92-U-235(N,ABS),,ALF) 0.376+-0.036 at En=30 keV.      4007003900014 
CORRECTION   Contribution of U-238 rad.capture was taken into     4007003900015 
           account by means of additional measurement .           4007003900016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained              4007003900017 
                   Normalization error for fission and rad.capture4007003900018 
           cross sections ~ 5% in the case of normalization by    4007003900019 
           thermal U-235 cross-section ( 582.+-6. b) and          4007003900020 
           ALF =0.176+-0.002 at thermal energy .                  4007003900021 
                     Systematic error in rad.capture CS ~15.% in  4007003900022 
           energy range around 30 keV due to ALF normalization at 4007003900023 
           30 keV .                                               4007003900024 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Van Shi-Di+,C,65SALZBURG,1,287,1965)           4007003900025 
           Table 2 of Conf.Proc.65SALZBURG,v.1,p.287,1965         4007003900026 
           (COREL,40024002) ALF averaged at different energy      4007003900027 
           intervals.                                             4007003900028 
HISTORY    (20171222C) M.M. Subent was added.                     4007003900029 
           (20240723A) EN-MIN/MAX units were corrected EV -> KEV. 4007003900030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 4007003900031 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4007003900032 
DATA                 8         32                                 4007003900033 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  24007003900034 
DATA      3DATA-ERR  3                                            4007003900035 
KEV        KEV        B          B          B          B          4007003900036 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 4007003900037 
  0.1         0.2     20.60       0.10       19.1       0.5       4007003900038 
 0.91       0.02                                                  4007003900039 
  0.2         0.3     19.80       0.10       12.1       0.4       4007003900040 
 0.61       0.02                                                  4007003900041 
  0.3         0.4     12.7        0.14        6.1       0.3       4007003900042 
 0.48       0.02                                                  4007003900043 
  0.4         0.5     13.8        0.14        5.1       0.3       4007003900044 
 0.37       0.02                                                  4007003900045 
  0.5         0.6     14.8        0.15        3.6       0.2       4007003900046 
 0.24       0.01                                                  4007003900047 
  0.6         0.7     11.3        0.14        4.86      0.3       4007003900048 
 0.43       0.03                                                  4007003900049 
  0.7         0.8     10.7        0.14        4.2       0.2       4007003900050 
 0.39       0.02                                                  4007003900051 
  0.8         0.9      8.45       0.12        4.1       0.3       4007003900052 
 0.48       0.03                                                  4007003900053 
  0.9         1.0      8.00       0.12        3.28      0.3       4007003900054 
 0.41       0.04                                                  4007003900055 
  1.0         1.1      8.37       0.14        1.42      0.2       4007003900056 
 0.17       0.02                                                  4007003900057 
  1.1         1.2      9.69       0.18        2.9       0.3       4007003900058 
 0.30       0.03                                                  4007003900059 
  1.2         1.3      7.99       0.16        1.52      0.2       4007003900060 
 0.19       0.02                                                  4007003900061 
  1.3         1.4      8.43       0.16        2.45      0.3       4007003900062 
 0.29       0.03                                                  4007003900063 
  1.4         1.5      7.13       0.15        2.92      0.3       4007003900064 
 0.41       0.04                                                  4007003900065 
  1.5         1.6      6.59       0.14        3.62      0.4       4007003900066 
 0.55       0.05                                                  4007003900067 
  1.6         1.7      7.09       0.15        3.26      0.3       4007003900068 
 0.46       0.05                                                  4007003900069 
  1.7         1.8      7.07       0.15        3.25      0.3       4007003900070 
 0.46       0.05                                                  4007003900071 
  1.8         1.9      6.41       0.13        3.40      0.3       4007003900072 
 0.53       0.05                                                  4007003900073 
  1.9         2.0      6.70       0.14        3.69      0.4       4007003900074 
 0.55       0.05                                                  4007003900075 
  2.0         3.0      5.56       0.10        2.2       0.2       4007003900076 
 0.40       0.03                                                  4007003900077 
  3.0         4.0      4.88       0.10        2.9       0.2       4007003900078 
 0.59       0.04                                                  4007003900079 
  4.0         5.0      4.47       0.08        1.8       0.2       4007003900080 
 0.40       0.03                                                  4007003900081 
  5.0         6.0      3.97       0.08        1.2       0.1       4007003900082 
 0.31       0.03                                                  4007003900083 
  6.0         7.0      3.49       0.07        1.2       0.1       4007003900084 
 0.35       0.03                                                  4007003900085 
  7.0         8.0      3.40       0.09        0.9       0.1       4007003900086 
 0.26       0.03                                                  4007003900087 
  8.0         9.0      3.23       0.10        1.03      0.1       4007003900088 
 0.32       0.03                                                  4007003900089 
  9.0        10.0      3.37       0.11        1.1       0.1       4007003900090 
 0.32       0.03                                                  4007003900091 
 10.0        12.5      3.23       0.11        1.20      0.1       4007003900092 
 0.42       0.04                                                  4007003900093 
 12.5        15.0      3.36       0.11        0.74      0.1       4007003900094 
 0.22       0.02                                                  4007003900095 
 15.0        20.0      3.23       0.10        1.2       0.11      4007003900096 
 0.37       0.04                                                  4007003900097 
 20.0        25.0      3.39       0.11        1.18      0.1       4007003900098 
 0.36       0.04                                                  4007003900099 
 25.0        30.0      2.94       0.12        1.09      0.1       4007003900100 
 0.37       0.04                                                  4007003900101 
ENDDATA             68          0                                 4007003900102 
ENDSUBENT          101          0                                 4007003999999 
ENDENTRY            39          0                                 4007099999999