ENTRY 40083 20221014 42094008300000001 SUBENT 40083001 20221014 42094008300100001 BIB 6 35 4008300100002 TITLE Cross sections of the fast-neutron reactions (n,gamma) 4008300100003 and (n,2n) for Re isotopes 4008300100004 AUTHOR (A.A.Druzhinin,A.A.Lbov,L.P.Bilibin) 4008300100005 REFERENCE (J,SNP,5,13,1967) Engl.transl. of YF,5,18,1967 4008300100006 (J,YF,5,18,1967) Issue 1. 4008300100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4008300100008 METHOD (ACTIV) 4008300100009 Absolute activity of Re-186, Re-188, Au-198, Na-24 was4008300100010 defined by 4PI-counting method by proportional 4008300100011 methane-filled flow-type counter. 4008300100012 Absolute activity of Re-184, Re-184-M was defined from4008300100013 gammas of 895. and 904 keV registered by scintillation 4008300100014 gamma spectrometer with NaI(Tl) crystal of 900-keV 4008300100015 gamma registration efficiency (1.00+-0.05) % . 4008300100016 The identification of activities was done by HLs, 4008300100017 gamma-spectra, absorption curves in Al, beta spectra 4008300100018 from scin. beta spectrometer. 4008300100019 HISTORY (19780712C) 4008300100020 (19830724U) Corrections introduced 4008300100021 (19840723U) New corrections introduced 4008300100022 (19901207U) Corrections were made in Subents with 4008300100023 multiple reaction formalism and minor errors corrected 4008300100024 (19911025U) Data with multiple reaction formalism 4008300100025 formerly given in one Subent are now given in 4008300100026 various ones 4008300100027 (20010311U) Dates and BIB-information corrected 4008300100028 (20010726A) Corrected at CJD 4008300100029 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300100030 (20141115U) SD: Page of ref. of SNP corrected (3 -> 13)4008300100031 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR in all Subents. 4008300100032 (20150911U) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information 4008300100033 was updated in TITLE,INC-SPECT,ANALYSIS,MONITOR,METHOD,4008300100034 CORRECTION,SAMPLE,FLAG,STATUS,DECAY-DATA,REL-REF 4008300100035 (20221014A) ERR-ANALYS and DECAY-DATA were moved in 4008300100036 data Subents. 4008300100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4008300100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 4008300100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4008300199999 SUBENT 40083002 20221014 42094008300200001 BIB 15 25 4008300200002 REACTION (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300200003 INC-SPECT Two different spectra, both close to the spectrum of4008300200004 fission neutrons. Neutron flux ~10**14 n/cm2; 4008300200005 irradiation time 3-6 hr. 4008300200006 DETECTOR (PROPC) 4PI methane-filled flow-type counter for B- 4008300200007 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-186,,B-) 4008300200008 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,FST) 4008300200009 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,B-) 4008300200010 MONIT-REF (11450001,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,75,1781,1949) 4008300200011 INC-SOURCE .No information 4008300200012 SAMPLE (75-RE-185,ENR=0.808) Enriched, Re-185 content is 80.8%4008300200013 .Also natural sample . 4008300200014 CORRECTION .Correction for Re-187(n,2n) reaction 4008300200015 FLAG (1.) Average of two relative measurements with 4008300200016 - natural sample - 405+-45 mb, 4008300200017 - enriched sample - 410+-50 mb. 4008300200018 (2.) natural sample, relative method. 4008300200019 ANALYSIS EN-DUMMY means the energy of monoenergetic neutrons, 4008300200020 at which the CS of (n,gamma) reaction is equal to the 4008300200021 cross section obtained with neutron spectrum. 4008300200022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included4008300200023 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300200024 HISTORY (20010726A) Merged with Subent 003. 4008300200025 BIB-Information added 4008300200026 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300200027 ENDBIB 25 0 4008300200028 NOCOMMON 0 0 4008300200029 DATA 6 2 4008300200030 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR FLAG 4008300200031 MEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM 4008300200032 0.6 410. 50. 190. 19. 1. 4008300200033 0.8 360. 50. 140. 10. 2. 4008300200034 ENDDATA 4 0 4008300200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4008300299999 NOSUBENT 40083003 19980303 42094008300300001 SUBENT 40083004 20221014 42094008300400001 BIB 15 36 4008300400002 REACTION 1(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-M,,SIG,,AV) 4008300400003 2(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-M,,SIG) 4008300400004 3(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-M,,SIG) 4008300400005 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSKUR) Deuterium accelerator, 4008300400006 beam energy 150 keV. 4008300400007 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuterons of 150 keV. 4008300400008 INC-SPECT Neutron flux ~10**13 n/cm2 during irradiation of ~8hr.4008300400009 The effective flux was determined from induced beta 4008300400010 activity of Zr and Al samples. 4008300400011 SAMPLE (75-RE-185,ENR=0.808) Enriched, Re-185 content is 80.8%4008300400012 DETECTOR (NAICR) Gamma spectrometer with NaI(Tl) crystal of 4008300400013 40x40 mm. 4008300400014 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184-M,,DG,895.,0.50,DG,904.,0.50) 4008300400015 Value of 50% was used for Re-184m, taking into account4008300400016 the yield of 0-30% in the decay of metastable state of4008300400017 Re-184m directly to excited levels of W-184 from 4008300400018 REL-REF : 4008300400019 REL-REF (R,,B.Harmatz+,J,NP,56,1,1964) 4008300400020 MONITOR 2((MONIT)13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 4008300400021 For relative measurement. 4008300400022 3(92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) For neutron flux monitoring 4008300400023 DECAY-MON 2(11-NA-24,,B-) 4008300400024 ANALYSIS 1 Average of four measurements: 4008300400025 2 two by relative method - 250+-100 mb, 270 +- 90 mb; 4008300400026 3 two by absolute method - 270+-110 mb, 240 +-110 mb. 4008300400027 CORRECTION Correction for fluctuation of neutron flux was 4008300400028 determined by numerical integration and was < 0.8 %. 4008300400029 ERR-ANALYS1(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300400030 article. 4008300400031 2(DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included 4008300400032 3(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300400033 article. 4008300400034 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300400035 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added 4008300400036 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300400037 (20221014A) AV was added in REACTION 1. 4008300400038 ENDBIB 36 0 4008300400039 COMMON 1 3 4008300400040 EN 4008300400041 MEV 4008300400042 14.8 4008300400043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4008300400044 DATA 8 2 4008300400045 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MONIT 2MONIT-ERR 24008300400046 DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 4008300400047 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4008300400048 MB MB 4008300400049 260. 100. 250. 100. 117. 10. 4008300400050 270. 110. 4008300400051 270. 90. 117. 10. 4008300400052 240. 110. 4008300400053 ENDDATA 8 0 4008300400054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 4008300499999 SUBENT 40083005 20221014 42094008300500001 BIB 14 34 4008300500002 REACTION 1(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184,,SIG,,AV) 4008300500003 2(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184,,SIG) 4008300500004 3(75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184,,SIG) 4008300500005 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSKUR) Deuterium accelerator, 4008300500006 beam energy 150 keV. 4008300500007 DETECTOR (NAICR) Gamma spectrometer with NaI(Tl) crystal of 4008300500008 40x40 mm. 4008300500009 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184,,DG,895.,0.148,DG,904.,0.445) 4008300500010 From N.G.Gusev+, Radioactivnye izotopy kak 4008300500011 gamma-izluchenie ( Radioactive Isotopes as 4008300500012 gamma-emitters), Atomizdat, 1964. 4008300500013 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 4008300500014 INC-SPECT Neutron flux ~10**13 n/cm2 during irradiation of ~8hr.4008300500015 The effective flux was determined from induced beta 4008300500016 activity of Zr and Al samples. 4008300500017 SAMPLE (75-RE-185,ENR=0.808) Enriched, Re-185 content is 80.8%4008300500018 MONITOR 2((MONIT)13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 4008300500019 For relative measurement. 4008300500020 3(92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) For neutron flux monitoring 4008300500021 DECAY-MON 2(11-NA-24,,B-) 4008300500022 ANALYSIS 1 Average of four measurements: 4008300500023 2- two by relative method - 1430+-220 mb, 1450+-220 mb, 4008300500024 3- two by absolute method - 1520+-230 mb, 1300+-200 mb. 4008300500025 CORRECTION Correction for fluctuation of neutron flux was 4008300500026 determined by numerical integration and was < 0.8 %. 4008300500027 ERR-ANALYS1(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300500028 article. 4008300500029 2(DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included 4008300500030 3(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300500031 article. 4008300500032 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300500033 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added 4008300500034 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300500035 (20221014A) AV was added in REACTION 1. 4008300500036 ENDBIB 34 0 4008300500037 COMMON 1 3 4008300500038 EN 4008300500039 MEV 4008300500040 14.8 4008300500041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4008300500042 DATA 8 2 4008300500043 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MONIT 2MONIT-ERR 24008300500044 DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 4008300500045 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4008300500046 MB MB 4008300500047 1430. 220. 1430. 220. 117. 10. 4008300500048 1520. 230. 4008300500049 1450. 220. 117. 10. 4008300500050 1300. 200. 4008300500051 ENDDATA 8 0 4008300500052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4008300599999 SUBENT 40083006 20221014 42094008300600001 BIB 14 22 4008300600002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300600003 DETECTOR (PROPC) 4PI methane-filled flow-type counter for B- 4008300600004 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188,,B-) 4008300600005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300600006 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,B-) 4008300600007 MONIT-REF (11450001,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,75,1781,1949) 4008300600008 INC-SOURCE .No information 4008300600009 INC-SPECT Two different spectra, both close to the spectrum of4008300600010 fission neutrons. Neutron flux ~10**14 n/cm2; 4008300600011 irradiation time 3-6 hr. 4008300600012 SAMPLE (75-RE-187,ENR=0.975) Enriched, Re-187 content is 97.5%4008300600013 .Also natural sample. 4008300600014 FLAG (1.) Average of two measurements by relative method: 4008300600015 - with natural sample 280+-30 mb; 4008300600016 - with enriched sample 285+-30 mb. 4008300600017 ANALYSIS EN-DUMMY means the energy of monoenergetic neutrons, 4008300600018 at which the CS of (n,gamma) reaction is equal to the 4008300600019 cross section obtained with neutron spectrum. 4008300600020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included4008300600021 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300600022 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added; data corrected 4008300600023 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300600024 ENDBIB 22 0 4008300600025 NOCOMMON 0 0 4008300600026 DATA 6 2 4008300600027 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR FLAG 4008300600028 MEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM 4008300600029 0.6 280. 30. 190. 19. 1. 4008300600030 0.8 220. 10. 140. 10. 4008300600031 ENDDATA 4 0 4008300600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4008300699999 SUBENT 40083007 20221014 42094008300700001 BIB 11 18 4008300700002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,2N)75-RE-186,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300700003 DETECTOR (PROPC) 4PI methane-filled flow-type counter for B- 4008300700004 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-186,,B-) 4008300700005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300700006 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,B-) 4008300700007 INC-SPECT Similar to the fission spectrum 4008300700008 SAMPLE (75-RE-187,ENR=0.975) Enriched, Re-187 content is 97.5%4008300700009 ANALYSIS Measurement with enriched sample by relative method. 4008300700010 EN-DUMMY means the energy of monoenergetic neutrons, 4008300700011 at which the CS of (n,gamma) reaction is equal to the 4008300700012 cross section obtained with neutron spectrum. 4008300700013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included4008300700014 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300700015 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added 4008300700016 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300700017 (20221014A) Monitor was corrected: 4008300700018 13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG -> 4008300700019 79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA 4008300700020 ENDBIB 18 0 4008300700021 NOCOMMON 0 0 4008300700022 DATA 5 1 4008300700023 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 4008300700024 MEV MB MB MB MB 4008300700025 0.6 10. 6. 190. 19. 4008300700026 ENDDATA 3 0 4008300700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4008300799999 SUBENT 40083008 20221014 42094008300800001 BIB 14 32 4008300800002 REACTION 1(75-RE-187(N,2N)75-RE-186,,SIG,,AV) 4008300800003 2(75-RE-187(N,2N)75-RE-186,,SIG) 4008300800004 3(75-RE-187(N,2N)75-RE-186,,SIG) 4008300800005 SAMPLE (75-RE-187,ENR=0.975) Enriched, Re-187 content is 97.5%4008300800006 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSKUR) Deuterium accelerator, 4008300800007 beam energy 150 keV. 4008300800008 DETECTOR (PROPC) 4PI methane-filled flow-type counter for B- 4008300800009 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-186,,B-) 4008300800010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 4008300800011 INC-SPECT Neutron flux ~10**13 n/cm2 during irradiation of ~8hr.4008300800012 The effective flux was determined from induced beta 4008300800013 activity of Zr and Al samples. 4008300800014 MONITOR 2((MONIT)13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 4008300800015 For relative measurements. 4008300800016 3(92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) For neutron flux monitoring 4008300800017 DECAY-MON 2(11-NA-24,,B-) 4008300800018 ANALYSIS 1 Average of 6 measurements with enriched sample: 4008300800019 2- 3 by relative method - 1440+-140 mb, 1540+-140 mb, 4008300800020 1460+-130 mb; 4008300800021 3- 3 by absolute method - 1480+-150 mb, 1420+-130 mb, 4008300800022 1620+-170 mb. 4008300800023 CORRECTION Correction for fluctuation of neutron flux was 4008300800024 determined by numerical integration and was < 0.8 %. 4008300800025 ERR-ANALYS1(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300800026 article. 4008300800027 2(DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included 4008300800028 3(DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4008300800029 article. 4008300800030 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300800031 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added 4008300800032 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300800033 (20221014A) AV was added in REACTION 1. 4008300800034 ENDBIB 32 0 4008300800035 COMMON 1 3 4008300800036 EN 4008300800037 MEV 4008300800038 14.8 4008300800039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4008300800040 DATA 8 3 4008300800041 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MONIT 2MONIT-ERR 24008300800042 DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 4008300800043 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4008300800044 MB MB 4008300800045 1490. 160. 1440. 140. 117. 10.4008300800046 1480. 150. 4008300800047 1540. 140. 117. 10.4008300800048 1420. 130. 4008300800049 1460. 130. 117. 10.4008300800050 1620. 170. 4008300800051 ENDDATA 10 0 4008300800052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4008300899999 SUBENT 40083009 20221014 42094008300900001 BIB 14 31 4008300900002 REACTION (75-RE-0(N,G),,SIG,,SPA) 4008300900003 REL-REF (A,40691002,Yu.Ya.Stavisskii+,J,SJA,19,905,1965) 4008300900004 Calculated value 289 mb at Eeff=0.8 MeV - by using 4008300900005 the data of 40691. 4008300900006 325+-60 mb and 290+-60 mb at monoenergetic neutrons 4008300900007 of 0.6+-0.1 and 0.8+-0.1 MeV energy,respectively. 4008300900008 SAMPLE Natural rhenium 4008300900009 INC-SOURCE .No information 4008300900010 INC-SPECT Two different spectra, both close to the spectrum of4008300900011 fission neutrons. Neutron flux ~10**14 n/cm2; 4008300900012 irradiation time 3-6 hr. 4008300900013 DETECTOR (PROPC) 4PI methane-filled flow-type counter for B- 4008300900014 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 4008300900015 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,,B-) 4008300900016 MONIT-REF (11450001,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,75,1781,1949) 4008300900017 ANALYSIS .EN-DUMMY means the energy of monoenergetic neutrons, 4008300900018 at which the CS of (n,gamma) reaction is equal to the 4008300900019 cross section obtained with neutron spectrum. 4008300900020 . Formula and explanation ( how to derive cross-section4008300900021 for Re-nat) are not given in the article; cross-section4008300900022 is just mentioned as "measured by authors". 4008300900023 COMMENT Of N.Otsuka ( NDS, IAEA). 4008300900024 "The cross sections are equal to the sum of the 185Re 4008300900025 and 187Re neutron capture cross sections measured in 4008300900026 this work (40083.002 and 006) weighted by their 4008300900027 natural isotopic abundances." 4008300900028 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error of monitor cross-section was included4008300900029 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of J,SNP,5,13,1967 4008300900030 HISTORY (20010726U) BIB-information added 4008300900031 (20010726U) Last checking has been done. 4008300900032 (20150911A) M.M. MONIT-ERR for 0.8 MeV was corrected. 4008300900033 ENDBIB 31 0 4008300900034 NOCOMMON 0 0 4008300900035 DATA 5 2 4008300900036 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 4008300900037 MEV MB MB MB MB 4008300900038 0.6 330. 40. 190. 19. 4008300900039 0.8 270. 30. 140. 10. 4008300900040 ENDDATA 4 0 4008300900041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4008300999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 4008399999999