ENTRY 40130 20241224 422140130000 1 SUBENT 40130001 20241224 422140130001 1 BIB 9 22 40130001 2 TITLE Value of nu-bar from energy balance in U233 and Pu239 40130001 3 fission 40130001 4 AUTHOR (N.P.Kolosov,B.D.Kuz'minov,A.I.Sergachev,V.M.Surin) 40130001 5 REFERENCE (J,SJA,32,92,1972) Eng.trans.of AE,32,83,1972 40130001 6 (J,AE,32,83,1972) Issue 1. 40130001 7 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 40130001 8 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Van de Graaff EG-1, EG-2.5. 40130001 9 REL-REF (M,40144001,N.I.Akimov+,J,YF,13,(3),484,1971) - 40130001 10 Description of method of measuring mass and kinetic 40130001 11 energy distributions of the fragments. 40130001 12 INC-SPECT Energy resolution was equal +-50 keV 40130001 13 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Errors given statistical only 40130001 14 HISTORY (19730202C) Compiled at the centre 40130001 15 (20150109A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.40130001 16 Ref. on Engl.transl. of AE added. BIB updated. 40130001 17 METHOD deleted - info moved to REL-REF;FACILITY added40130001 18 (20151020A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information 40130001 19 was updated in AUTHOR,TITLE,MONITOR. 40130001 20 FF -> LF+HF in SF7. COMMENT, EN-RSL were added. 40130001 21 (20240828U) Data format was corrected : 40130001 22 floating point -> fixed point. 40130001 23 (20241224A) Subent 003 was corrected. 40130001 24 ENDBIB 22 0 40130001 25 COMMON 1 3 40130001 26 EN-RSL-HW 40130001 27 KEV 40130001 28 50. 40130001 29 ENDCOMMON 3 0 40130001 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4013000199999 SUBENT 40130002 20240828 42184013000200001 BIB 5 9 4013000200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 4013000200003 MONITOR No information. 4013000200004 COMMENT Of compiler. In 40144 ( mentioned as article describing4013000200005 method) AKE at thermal energy was used as standard. 4013000200006 Here in the author's data AKE =177.7 MeV is given 4013000200007 without uncertainty - it's probably used as standard. 4013000200008 STATUS (TABLE) Received from author 4013000200009 .Data are presented on Fig.1c of J,SJA,32,92,1972 4013000200010 HISTORY (20240828A) Code PRE was added. 4013000200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4013000200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4013000200013 DATA 4 17 4013000200014 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-S 4013000200015 MEV MEV MEV MEV 4013000200016 .253E-07 177.70 4013000200017 0.08 177.67 0.08 4013000200018 0.16 0.03 177.79 0.10 4013000200019 0.28 0.03 177.79 0.10 4013000200020 0.40 0.03 177.65 0.10 4013000200021 0.50 0.03 177.62 0.10 4013000200022 0.60 0.03 177.63 0.10 4013000200023 0.72 0.03 177.44 0.10 4013000200024 0.82 0.03 177.46 0.10 4013000200025 0.91 0.06 177.48 0.10 4013000200026 1.01 0.06 177.40 0.10 4013000200027 1.11 0.05 177.46 0.10 4013000200028 1.21 0.06 177.27 0.10 4013000200029 1.31 0.08 177.23 0.10 4013000200030 1.41 0.06 177.28 0.10 4013000200031 1.51 0.06 177.28 0.10 4013000200032 1.61 0.06 177.29 0.10 4013000200033 ENDDATA 19 0 4013000200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4013000299999 SUBENT 40130003 20241224 422140130003 1 BIB 6 16 40130003 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 40130003 3 MONITOR No information. 40130003 4 FLAG (1.)This data point value was 173.39 MeV at initial 40130003 5 compilation ( data from author). Corrected as 40130003 6 172.39 MeV taking into account a comment of W.N.Fritsch40130003 7 "DATA=173.39 MeV at 0.29 MeV is too large" and data 40130003 8 presented on Fig.1(d). 40130003 9 COMMENT Of compiler. In 40144 ( mentioned as article describing40130003 10 method) AKE at thermal energy was used as standard. 40130003 11 Here in the author's data AKE =172.05 MeV is given 40130003 12 without uncertainty - it's probably used as standard. 40130003 13 STATUS (TABLE) Received from author 40130003 14 .Data are presented on Fig.1d of J,SJA,32,92,1972 40130003 15 HISTORY (20240828A) FLAG was added. Code PRE was added. 40130003 16 (20241224A) Correction mentioned in FLAG line was done.40130003 17 FLAG units : MEV -> NO-DIM 40130003 18 ENDBIB 16 0 40130003 19 NOCOMMON 0 0 40130003 20 DATA 5 16 40130003 21 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-S FLAG 40130003 22 MEV MEV MEV MEV NO-DIM 40130003 23 .253E-07 172.05 40130003 24 0.07 172.02 0.10 40130003 25 0.22 0.03 172.25 0.10 40130003 26 0.24 0.03 172.25 0.10 40130003 27 0.29 0.03 172.39 0.10 1. 40130003 28 0.40 0.03 172.46 0.10 40130003 29 0.52 0.03 172.35 0.10 40130003 30 0.63 0.03 172.42 0.10 40130003 31 0.78 0.04 172.29 0.10 40130003 32 0.95 0.04 172.28 0.10 40130003 33 1.04 0.04 172.36 0.10 40130003 34 1.13 0.04 172.33 0.10 40130003 35 1.24 0.04 172.26 0.10 40130003 36 1.35 0.04 172.48 0.10 40130003 37 1.45 0.04 172.38 0.10 40130003 38 1.56 0.04 172.33 0.10 40130003 39 ENDDATA 18 0 40130003 40 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4013000399999 SUBENT 40130004 20240828 42184013000400001 BIB 4 9 4013000400002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),,NU) 4013000400003 MONITOR (94-PU-239(N,F),,NU) 4013000400004 at thermal energy 4013000400005 STATUS (TABLE) Received from author 4013000400006 (DEP,40130002) Dependent data. Nu-values were obtained 4013000400007 from energetic balance. Analysis of fission data 4013000400008 from subent 40130002 were used 4013000400009 .Data are presented on Fig.1a of J,SJA,32,92,1972 4013000400010 HISTORY (20150109A) SD: DATA units changed (NO-DIM -> PRT/FIS) 4013000400011 ENDBIB 9 0 4013000400012 COMMON 2 3 4013000400013 EN-NRM MONIT 4013000400014 EV NO-DIM 4013000400015 2.5300E-02 2.8738 4013000400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4013000400017 DATA 4 17 4013000400018 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-S 4013000400019 MEV MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4013000400020 .253E-07 177.70 4013000400021 0.08 177.67 0.08 4013000400022 0.16 0.03 177.79 0.10 4013000400023 0.28 0.03 177.79 0.10 4013000400024 0.40 0.03 177.65 0.10 4013000400025 0.50 0.03 177.62 0.10 4013000400026 0.60 0.03 177.63 0.10 4013000400027 0.72 0.03 177.44 0.10 4013000400028 0.82 0.03 177.46 0.10 4013000400029 0.91 0.06 177.48 0.10 4013000400030 1.01 0.06 177.40 0.10 4013000400031 1.11 0.05 177.46 0.10 4013000400032 1.21 0.06 177.27 0.10 4013000400033 1.31 0.08 177.23 0.10 4013000400034 1.41 0.06 177.28 0.10 4013000400035 1.51 0.06 177.28 0.10 4013000400036 1.61 0.06 177.29 0.10 4013000400037 ENDDATA 19 0 4013000400038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 4013000499999 SUBENT 40130005 20240828 42184013000500001 BIB 4 9 4013000500002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),,NU) 4013000500003 MONITOR (92-U-233(N,F),,NU) 4013000500004 at thermal energy 4013000500005 STATUS (TABLE) Received from author 4013000500006 (DEP,40130003) Dependent data. Nu-values were obtained 4013000500007 from energetic balance. Analysis of fission 4013000500008 data from subent 40130003 were used 4013000500009 .On Fig.1b of J,SJA,32,92,1972 -only 2 points are given4013000500010 HISTORY (20150109A) SD: DATA units changed (NO-DIM -> PRT/FIS) 4013000500011 ENDBIB 9 0 4013000500012 COMMON 2 3 4013000500013 EN-NRM MONIT 4013000500014 EV NO-DIM 4013000500015 2.5300E-02 2.48 4013000500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4013000500017 DATA 4 15 4013000500018 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-S 4013000500019 MEV MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4013000500020 0.07 2.4996 0.015 4013000500021 0.22 0.03 2.4837 0.015 4013000500022 0.24 0.03 2.4778 0.015 4013000500023 0.29 0.03 2.4794 0.015 4013000500024 0.40 0.03 2.4861 0.015 4013000500025 0.52 0.03 2.5111 0.015 4013000500026 0.63 0.03 2.5123 0.015 4013000500027 0.78 0.04 2.5414 0.015 4013000500028 0.95 0.04 2.5596 0.015 4013000500029 1.04 0.04 2.5629 0.015 4013000500030 1.13 0.04 2.5765 0.015 4013000500031 1.24 0.04 2.5985 0.015 4013000500032 1.35 0.04 2.5870 0.015 4013000500033 1.45 0.04 2.6093 0.015 4013000500034 1.56 0.04 2.6256 0.020 4013000500035 ENDDATA 17 0 4013000500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4013000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4013099999999