ENTRY 40142 20231218 42164014200000001 SUBENT 40142001 20231218 42164014200100001 BIB 14 47 4014200100002 TITLE Total neutron cross sections of vanadium-50 in neutron 4014200100003 energy range 0.01-1 eV 4014200100004 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebny,M.F.Vlasov,N.L.Gnidak,R.A.Zatserkovsky, 4014200100005 A.I.Ignatenko,A.L.Kirilyuk,E.A.Pavlenko,N.A.Trofimova, 4014200100006 A.F.Fedorova) 4014200100007 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4014200100008 REFERENCE (R,INDC(CCP)-32,23,1973) Engl.translation of YFI-13,19.4014200100009 (R,YFI-13,19,1972) 4014200100010 FACILITY (CHOPS,4UKRIJD) Slow chopper 4014200100011 (REAC,4UKRIJD) WWR-M reactor 4014200100012 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Thermal reactor WWR-M 4014200100013 SAMPLE .V(2)O(5) sample of enrichment on vanadium-50 22.7 %, 4014200100014 thickness 0.022 atom/b. 4014200100015 .Natural V(2)O(5). 4014200100016 .Natural metallic V. 4014200100017 METHOD (TOF) Time resolution 3.5 microsec/m 4014200100018 DETECTOR No information available 4014200100019 PART-DET (N) 4014200100020 ERR-ANALYS . Maximal systematic error 1 b due to oxygen cross 4014200100021 section dependence from neutron energy ( oxygen 4014200100022 cross section was taken constant 4.2 b) 4014200100023 . Total cross section measurements made with two 4014200100024 samples, metallic V and V(2)O(5) of natural V, 4014200100025 measurement results diverge in limits of few percent. 4014200100026 A reason of deviation is not clear, probably due to 4014200100027 scattering on microcrystals of V(2)O(5). 4014200100028 This deviation can lead to systematical error not 4014200100029 higher than 10 %. 4014200100030 CORRECTION .For oxygen contribution the oxygen total cross section4014200100031 was taken equal to oxygen bound-atom scattering cross 4014200100032 section 4.2 b in considered energy range. 4014200100033 . For V-51 presence using experimental result obtained 4014200100034 by natural V(2)O(5) sample. 4014200100035 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by authors 4014200100036 HISTORY (19730405C) Compiled at the centre 4014200100037 (19740220U) Some corrections in BIB-section made 4014200100038 (19880921U) Several keywords changed,ISO-QUANT into 4014200100039 reaction converted, two author names (Kirilyuk, 4014200100040 Zatserkovskiy) corrected 4014200100041 (20210319A) M.M. Subent 003 was corrected. 4014200100042 Ref.INDC(CCP)-34,23,1973 was added. 4014200100043 Upper -> lower case correction. 4014200100044 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4014200100045 BIB information was updated. 4014200100046 ERR-ANALYS was added in data Subents. 4014200100047 (20231218U) INDC(CCP)-34 -> INDC(CCP)-32. 4014200100048 STATUS was corrected for new rules of coding. 4014200100049 ENDBIB 47 0 4014200100050 COMMON 1 3 4014200100051 EN-RSL 4014200100052 MICROSEC/M 4014200100053 3.5 4014200100054 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4014200100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 4014200199999 SUBENT 40142002 20231218 42164014200200001 BIB 6 11 4014200200002 REACTION (23-V-50(N,EL)23-V-50,,SIG,,AV) 4014200200003 MONITOR (23-V-0(N,EL)23-V-0,,SIG,,AV) 4014200200004 COMMENT Measurement made in 4PI-geometry relative to natural 4014200200005 vanadium scattering cross-section which taken 4.8 b. 4014200200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4014200200007 article. 4014200200008 STATUS (TABLE,,V.P.Vertebny+,R,INDC(CCP)-33,23,1973) 4014200200009 Text on page 24. 4014200200010 = Text of YFI-13,19,1972. 4014200200011 HISTORY (19740220A) Some corrections made 4014200200012 (20210219A) SCT -> EL in REACTION and MONITOR 4014200200013 ENDBIB 11 0 4014200200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4014200200015 DATA 5 1 4014200200016 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 4014200200017 EV EV B B B 4014200200018 0.009 1. 7.1 0.3 4.8 4014200200019 ENDDATA 3 0 4014200200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4014200299999 SUBENT 40142003 20231218 42164014200300001 BIB 5 12 4014200300002 REACTION (23-V-50(N,ABS),,SIG,,,DERIV) 4014200300003 ANALYSIS ABS=TOT-SCT 4014200300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4014200300005 article. 4014200300006 STATUS (TABLE,,V.P.Vertebny+,R,INDC(CCP)-33,23,1973) 4014200300007 Text on page 24. 4014200300008 = Text of YFI-13,19,1972. 4014200300009 (DEP,40142002) Scattering cross section. 4014200300010 (DEP,40142004) Total cross section. 4014200300011 (COREL,40294016) Next measurement . 4014200300012 HISTORY (20231218A) Code DERIV was added in reaction according 4014200300013 to a comment from NDS,IAEA. 4014200300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4014200300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4014200300016 DATA 3 1 4014200300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4014200300018 EV B B 4014200300019 0.0253 41. 4. 4014200300020 ENDDATA 3 0 4014200300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4014200399999 SUBENT 40142004 20231218 42164014200400001 BIB 4 10 4014200400002 REACTION (23-V-50(N,TOT),,SIG) 4014200400003 ADD-RES In energy range 0.02-1 eV total cross section described4014200400004 by formula TOT=(7.1+-0.3)+(6.6+-0.5)/SQRT(E), 4014200400005 E is neutron energy (eV). 4014200400006 At energies less than 0.02 eV total cross section 4014200400007 slightly deviated from 1/V law. 4014200400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Tabulated error is statistical. 4014200400009 STATUS (TABLE,,V.P.Vertebny+,R,INDC(CCP)-33,23,1973) 4014200400010 Table on page 25. 4014200400011 = Table of YFI-13,19,1972. 4014200400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4014200400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4014200400014 DATA 3 38 4014200400015 EN DATA ERR-S 4014200400016 EV B B 4014200400017 0.009 94.2 2.5 4014200400018 0.01 85.8 2.5 4014200400019 0.011 81.4 1.5 4014200400020 0.012 75.8 1.5 4014200400021 0.013 68.7 1. 4014200400022 0.014 68.7 1. 4014200400023 0.015 63.3 1. 4014200400024 0.016 60.7 1. 4014200400025 0.017 57.4 1. 4014200400026 0.018 58.7 0.8 4014200400027 0.019 56.7 0.8 4014200400028 0.020 55.4 0.8 4014200400029 0.0253 48.3 0.5 4014200400030 0.030 45.3 0.5 4014200400031 0.035 41.4 0.5 4014200400032 0.040 40.5 0.5 4014200400033 0.045 39.3 0.4 4014200400034 0.050 37.1 0.4 4014200400035 0.055 35.9 0.4 4014200400036 0.060 33.7 0.4 4014200400037 0.065 33.1 0.4 4014200400038 0.070 32.0 0.4 4014200400039 0.075 31.6 0.4 4014200400040 0.080 30.6 0.5 4014200400041 0.085 30.0 0.5 4014200400042 0.090 29.5 0.5 4014200400043 0.1 27.5 0.5 4014200400044 0.15 23.3 0.5 4014200400045 0.20 18.4 0.7 4014200400046 0.25 18.0 0.8 4014200400047 0.30 16.0 1.0 4014200400048 0.40 17.0 1.0 4014200400049 0.50 15.0 1.0 4014200400050 0.60 12.0 1.0 4014200400051 0.70 12.0 1.0 4014200400052 0.80 12.0 1.0 4014200400053 0.90 12.0 1.0 4014200400054 1.0 12.0 1.0 4014200400055 ENDDATA 40 0 4014200400056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4014200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4014299999999