ENTRY 40152 20221130 42114015200000001 SUBENT 40152001 20221130 42114015200100001 BIB 14 45 4015200100002 TITLE Investigation of the total and inelastic cross 4015200100003 sections of the interaction of slow and ultracold 4015200100004 neutrons with tantalum and copper with the aid of 4015200100005 a gravitation neutron spectrometer 4015200100006 AUTHOR (A.V.Antonov,A.I.Isakov,I.V.Meshkov,A.D.Perekrestenko, 4015200100007 A.A.Tikhomirov) 4015200100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSLEB,4RUSMIF) 4015200100009 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSMIF) Neutron spectrometer installed at the 4015200100010 reactor IRT-2000 4015200100011 REFERENCE (J,SPL,,(11),10,1978) 4015200100012 Engl.translation of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978. 4015200100013 (J,KSF,,(11),13,1978) 4015200100014 REL-REF (I,,A.V.Antonov+,J,KSF,,(10),10,1977) 4015200100015 Gravitation neutron spectrometer. 4015200100016 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Integrated intensity 2.2E+4 n/min as measured. 4015200100017 MONITOR No information 4015200100018 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 6 m 4015200100019 (TRN) Transmission - for total cs. 4015200100020 CORRECTION Corrections are made on the refraction of neutron 4015200100021 waves in the sample 4015200100022 STATUS Data are taken from the reference 4015200100023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4015200100024 ADD-RES (TRCS) 4015200100025 1. CU-0(N,TOT) SIG data are given on 4015200100026 Fig.2 of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978 - for two temperatures 4015200100027 297 K and 80 K, as dependence from neutron velocity 4015200100028 4 - 85 m/sec, En from 8.2E-08 eV to 3.7E-05 eV, 4015200100029 energy resolution 16.%. 4015200100030 2. TA-181(N,TOT) SIG data are given on 4015200100031 Fig.2 of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978, at 297 K temperature as 4015200100032 dependence from neutron velocity 4 - 85 m/sec, 4015200100033 En from 8.2E-08 eV to 3.7E-05 eV, energy resolution 4015200100034 16.%. 4015200100035 Data corrected for refraction of the neutron wave in 4015200100036 the medium, for multiple reflection of the neutrons 4015200100037 from boundaries of the sample - 5% for 10 m/sec 4015200100038 neutrons. 4015200100039 HISTORY (19900312C) Compiled at the centre - CJD 4015200100040 (19900920U) Corrections are made 4015200100041 (20120320A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4015200100042 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4015200100043 BIB and COMMON information was updated. 4015200100044 (20221130A) Subents 005-006 were deleted - information 4015200100045 was moved in ADD-RES; dependence from velocity is not 4015200100046 relevant for compilation. 4015200100047 ENDBIB 45 0 4015200100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 4015200100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4015200199999 SUBENT 40152002 20221130 42114015200200001 BIB 5 9 4015200200002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,SIG) 4015200200003 SAMPLE Polycrystalline sample of 99.98 % of chemical purity,4015200200004 thickness is 3.6E-02 gram/cm2 +-3%. 4015200200005 At 297 K temperature. 4015200200006 ANALYSIS Cross section at v=2200 m/sec was derived from measured4015200200007 c-s at V= 4-85 m/sec using 1/V law. 4015200200008 REL-REF (A,,D.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1958) 4015200200009 Agree with capture cs 21+-1 b given in BNL-325. 4015200200010 STATUS (TABLE) Text of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978 . 4015200200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4015200200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4015200200013 DATA 3 1 4015200200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4015200200015 EV B B 4015200200016 2.53E-02 21.3 1.2 4015200200017 ENDDATA 3 0 4015200200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4015200299999 SUBENT 40152003 20221130 42114015200300001 BIB 5 8 4015200300002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,TOT),,SIG,,,DERIV) 4015200300003 SAMPLE Polycrystalline sample of chemical purity 99.99 % , 4015200300004 thickness is 6.7E-02 gram/cm2 +-3.% . 4015200300005 ANALYSIS Cross section at v=2200 m/sec was derived from measured4015200300006 c-s at V= 4-85 m/sec using 1/V law. 4015200300007 REL-REF (A,,D.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1958) 4015200300008 Agree with capture cs 3.77+-0.03 b given in BNL-325. 4015200300009 STATUS (TABLE) Text of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978 . 4015200300010 ENDBIB 8 0 4015200300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4015200300012 DATA 3 1 4015200300013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4015200300014 EV B B 4015200300015 2.53E-02 3.77 0.16 4015200300016 ENDDATA 3 0 4015200300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4015200399999 SUBENT 40152004 20221130 42114015200400001 BIB 6 10 4015200400002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,THS)29-CU-0,,SIG) 4015200400003 Neutron velocity 10 m/sec. 4015200400004 ANALYSIS Data were obtained on the basis of differences of 4015200400005 total cross-sections at different temperatures - 4015200400006 room and 80 K. 4015200400007 SAMPLE Polycrystalline sample of chemical purity 99.99 % , 4015200400008 thickness is 6.7E-02 gram/cm2 4015200400009 REL-REF (A,21017012,A.Steyerl+,J,ZP,250,166,1972) 4015200400010 STATUS (TABLE) Text of J,KSF,,(11),13,1978 . 4015200400011 HISTORY (20120320A) M.M. INL -> THS . 4015200400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4015200400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4015200400014 DATA 3 1 4015200400015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4015200400016 EV B B 4015200400017 5.23E-07 33. 30. 4015200400018 ENDDATA 3 0 4015200400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4015200499999 NOSUBENT 40152005 20221130 42114015200500001 NOSUBENT 40152006 20221130 42114015200600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 4015299999999