ENTRY            40158   20220202                             42044015800000001 
SUBENT        40158001   20220202                             42044015800100001 
BIB                  9         45                                 4015800100002 
TITLE      Channel effects in the energy dependence of the number 4015800100003 
           of prompt neutrons and the kinetic energy of fragments 4015800100004 
           in the fission of U235 and U233 by neutrons            4015800100005 
AUTHOR     (Yu.A.Blyumkina,I.I.Bondarenko,V.F.Kuznetsov,          4015800100006 
           V.G.Nesterov,V.N.Okolovitch,G.N.Smirenkin,L.N.Usachev) 4015800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP,52,648,1964) Issue 4. Tables and graphs are given4015800100008 
           ,           data superseded,                           4015800100009 
           supersedes AE 15,is.1,p.64,1963 and ICD-1,p.259,1964   4015800100010 
           (J,AE,15,64,1963) Issue 1.   Graphs are given,         4015800100011 
           data superseded .                                      4015800100012 
           (J,SJA,15,725,1964)   English transl. AE               4015800100013 
           (J,EAF,15,196,1964)     France transl. AE              4015800100014 
           (R,ICD-1,259,1964)    Data superseded                  4015800100015 
           (R,ANL-TRANS-168,56,1967)  English transl. ICD-1       4015800100016 
           (R,INDSWG-64E,22,1964) English translation of ICD-1    4015800100017 
           (R,FEI-47,1966)       Same as part of ICD-3,51,        4015800100018 
                                 same data .                      4015800100019 
           (R,FEI-48,1966)       Same as part of ICD-3,51,        4015800100020 
                                 same data .                      4015800100021 
           (R,ICD-3,51,1966)     Corrected data and graphs are    4015800100022 
           given . First author V.F.Kusnetsov .                   4015800100023 
           (R,INDSWG-152E,51,1967) English transl. of ICD-3       4015800100024 
           (J,AE,22,401,1967) Issue 5. First author V.F.Kuznetsov.4015800100025 
           Subent 006 data Table and graphs.                      4015800100026 
           (J,SJA,22,500,1967)   English transl. AE 22,401        4015800100027 
           (R,YFI-4,19,1967) Similar text,same Table as AE 22,401.4015800100028 
                 First author V.F.Kuznetsov.                      4015800100029 
           (R,INDC-187E,26,1967)   English transl. of YFI-4,19    4015800100030 
           (R,YFI-4,18,1967) Similar text,same Table as AE 22,401.4015800100031 
                First author V.F.Kuznetsov.                       4015800100032 
           (R,INDC-187E,26,1967)   English transl. of YFI-4,18    4015800100033 
           (C,66PARIS,2,75,1966)                                  4015800100034 
            =STI/PUB/140                                          4015800100035 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFEI)                                              4015800100036 
FACILITY   (VDG,4RUSFEI)                                          4015800100037 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)                                                  4015800100038 
SAMPLE      Disks of 30 mm diameter, 3 mm thickness.              4015800100039 
STATUS     Data from publication                                  4015800100040 
HISTORY    (19730321C)                                            4015800100041 
           (19740220A) Subentries  40158001,004-007  corrected .  4015800100042 
           (19750210A) Corrections in Subentries 001 and 005 made.4015800100043 
           (20090422A) M.M. BIB information was added.            4015800100044 
            Free text was corrected to be human-readable.         4015800100045 
            Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               4015800100046 
           (20220202A) Update for current rules and dictionaries. 4015800100047 
ENDBIB              45          0                                 4015800100048 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4015800100049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 4015800199999 
SUBENT        40158002   20220202                             42044015800200001 
BIB                  8         32                                 4015800200002 
REACTION   ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU))         4015800200003 
                Relative to value at 0.39 MeV.                    4015800200004 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scintillation threshold stilbene crystal        4015800200005 
            detector .                                            4015800200006 
           (FISCH) Monitor fission chamber .                      4015800200007 
PART-DET   (N,FF)                                                 4015800200008 
CORRECTION  For anisotropy of fission fragments,                  4015800200009 
            For change of fission neutron spectrum with           4015800200010 
           excitation energy of fissile nucleus and               4015800200011 
            For multiplication of neutrons in the uranium disc.   4015800200012 
           Correction for deviation of the distribution of the    4015800200013 
           number of fission across the thickness of the disc     4015800200014 
           from the linear distribution was negligible small.     4015800200015 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Value of correction for deviation of the       4015800200016 
            distribution of the number of fission across thickness4015800200017 
            of the sample disc from the linear distribution .     4015800200018 
           (MISC2) Value of correction for angular anisotropy of  4015800200019 
            fission fragments and fission neutrons.               4015800200020 
            Defined analytically.                                 4015800200021 
           (MISC3) Value of correction for contribution from      4015800200022 
           secondary processes.                                   4015800200023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  The errors of measurements given are       4015800200024 
           mainly due to the spread of different runs of          4015800200025 
           measurements. Include the uncertainties of corrections.4015800200026 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from ICD-3,p.51,1966, Table 2 .           4015800200027 
            INDSWG-152E,51,1967 - English transl. of ICD-3        4015800200028 
HISTORY    (19730321T)  Previously DASTAR 00363                   4015800200029 
           (20090422A) Misprint in DATA value was corrected.      4015800200030 
           REACTION was corrected :  (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,REL) ->4015800200031 
            ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)).       4015800200032 
           EN-DN was added. EN -> EN-NM . ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM .   4015800200033 
           MISC1, MISC2, MISC3 were added.                        4015800200034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 4015800200035 
COMMON               1          3                                 4015800200036 
EN-DN                                                             4015800200037 
MEV                                                               4015800200038 
 0.39                                                             4015800200039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800200040 
DATA                 6          6                                 4015800200041 
EN-NM      DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC1      MISC2      MISC3      4015800200042 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     4015800200043 
 0.08       0.979      0.008       1.0014    0.9941     1.0007    4015800200044 
 0.310      0.997      0.006       1.0002    0.9994     0.9996    4015800200045 
 0.550      0.980      0.006       0.9998    1.0010     1.0003    4015800200046 
 0.670      0.992      0.007       0.9996    1.0026     1.0004    4015800200047 
 0.780      0.992      0.007       0.9996    1.0034     1.0004    4015800200048 
 0.990      1.005      0.009       0.9995    1.0034     1.0005    4015800200049 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 4015800200050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 4015800299999 
SUBENT        40158003   20220202                             42044015800300001 
BIB                  8         33                                 4015800300002 
REACTION   ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU))         4015800300003 
                Relative to value at 0.40 MeV                     4015800300004 
DETECTOR   (FISCH) Multi-grid thorium chamber,                    4015800300005 
           Monitor fission chamber                                4015800300006 
PART-DET   (N,FF)                                                 4015800300007 
CORRECTION Corrections For anisotropy of fission fragments,       4015800300008 
                       For change of fission neutron spectrum with4015800300009 
           excitation energy of fissile nucleus,                  4015800300010 
                       For multiplication of neutrons in the      4015800300011 
           uranium disk and                                       4015800300012 
                       For deviation of the distribution of the   4015800300013 
           number of fissions across the thickness of the disc    4015800300014 
           from the linear distribution were introduced .         4015800300015 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Value of correction for deviation of the       4015800300016 
            distribution of the number of fission across thickness4015800300017 
            of the sample disc from the linear distribution .     4015800300018 
           (MISC2) Value of correction for angular anisotropy of  4015800300019 
            fission fragments and fission neutrons.               4015800300020 
            Defined by calculation method .                       4015800300021 
           (MISC3) Value of correction for contribution from      4015800300022 
           secondary processes.                                   4015800300023 
           (MISC4) Value of correction for neutron registration   4015800300024 
            efficiency dependence across sample disk.             4015800300025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)     In data errors the corrections          4015800300026 
           introducing error was included.                        4015800300027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from ICD-3,p.51,1966, Table 3 .           4015800300028 
            INDSWG-152E,51,1967 - English transl. of ICD-3        4015800300029 
HISTORY    (19730321T)  Preliminary data from DASTAR 00919        4015800300030 
           (20090422A) REACTION was corrected :                   4015800300031 
            (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,REL) ->                         4015800300032 
            ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)).       4015800300033 
           EN-DN was added. EN -> EN-NM . ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM .   4015800300034 
           MISC1, MISC2, MISC3, MISC4 were added.                 4015800300035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 4015800300036 
COMMON               1          3                                 4015800300037 
EN-DN                                                             4015800300038 
MEV                                                               4015800300039 
 0.40                                                             4015800300040 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800300041 
DATA                 7          6                                 4015800300042 
EN-NM      DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC1      MISC2      MISC3      4015800300043 
MISC4                                                             4015800300044 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     4015800300045 
NO-DIM                                                            4015800300046 
 0.08       0.986      0.006       1.0014    0.9940     1.0007    4015800300047 
   1.0031                                                         4015800300048 
 0.20       1.013      0.007       1.0008    0.9973     0.9988    4015800300049 
   1.0005                                                         4015800300050 
 0.30       1.008      0.006       1.0002    0.9994     0.9996    4015800300051 
   1.0002                                                         4015800300052 
 0.50       0.998      0.005       0.9998    1.0006     1.0002    4015800300053 
   0.9998                                                         4015800300054 
 0.60       0.995      0.005       0.9997    1.0016     1.0004    4015800300055 
   0.9997                                                         4015800300056 
 0.70       0.994      0.005       0.9996    1.0030     1.0004    4015800300057 
   0.9997                                                         4015800300058 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 4015800300059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 4015800399999 
SUBENT        40158004   20220202                             42044015800400001 
BIB                  8         32                                 4015800400002 
REACTION   ((92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU))         4015800400003 
                 Relative to value at 0.4 MeV .                   4015800400004 
DETECTOR   (FISCH) Multi-grid thorium chamber,                    4015800400005 
           monitor fission chamber                                4015800400006 
PART-DET   (N,FF)                                                 4015800400007 
CORRECTION Corrections For anisotropy of fission fragments,       4015800400008 
                       For change of fission neutron spectrum with4015800400009 
           excitation energy of fission nucleus,                  4015800400010 
                       For multiplication of neutrons in the      4015800400011 
           uranium disc and                                       4015800400012 
                       For deviation of the distribution of the   4015800400013 
           number of fission across the thickness of the disc     4015800400014 
           from the linear distribution were introduced .         4015800400015 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Value of correction for deviation of the       4015800400016 
            distribution of the number of fission across thickness4015800400017 
            of the sample disc from the linear distribution .     4015800400018 
           (MISC2) Value of correction for angular anisotropy of  4015800400019 
            fission fragments and fission neutrons.               4015800400020 
            Defined by calculation method .                       4015800400021 
           (MISC3) Value of correction for contribution from      4015800400022 
           secondary processes.                                   4015800400023 
           (MISC4) Value of correction for neutron registration   4015800400024 
            efficiency dependence across sample disk.             4015800400025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors produced by corrections to the data  4015800400026 
            have been added .                                     4015800400027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from ICD-3,51,1966, Table 1.              4015800400028 
            INDSWG-152E,51,1967 - English transl. of ICD-3        4015800400029 
HISTORY    (20090422A) REACTION was corrected :                   4015800400030 
            (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,REL) ->                         4015800400031 
            ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)//(92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU)).       4015800400032 
           EN-DN was added. EN -> EN-NM . ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM .   4015800400033 
           MISC1, MISC2, MISC3, MISC4 were added.                 4015800400034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 4015800400035 
COMMON               1          3                                 4015800400036 
EN-DN                                                             4015800400037 
MEV                                                               4015800400038 
 0.40                                                             4015800400039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800400040 
DATA                 7          6                                 4015800400041 
EN-NM      DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC1      MISC2      MISC3      4015800400042 
MISC4                                                             4015800400043 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     4015800400044 
NO-DIM                                                            4015800400045 
 0.08       1.011      0.007       1.0022    0.9968     0.9989    4015800400046 
   1.0039                                                         4015800400047 
 0.20       1.002      0.008       1.0004    0.9980     1.0000    4015800400048 
   1.0003                                                         4015800400049 
 0.30       0.992      0.005       1.0003    0.9997     1.00007   4015800400050 
   1.0002                                                         4015800400051 
 0.50       1.004      0.005       0.9997    1.0005     0.9996    4015800400052 
   0.9998                                                         4015800400053 
 0.60       1.012      0.005       0.9994    1.0005     0.9996    4015800400054 
   0.9997                                                         4015800400055 
 0.70       1.022      0.006       0.9995    1.0004     0.9986    4015800400056 
   0.9996                                                         4015800400057 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 4015800400058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 4015800499999 
SUBENT        40158005   20220202                             42044015800500001 
BIB                  6         21                                 4015800500002 
REACTION   (92-U-233(N,F),,NU)                                    4015800500003 
MONITOR    (92-U-233(N,F),,NU)                                    4015800500004 
              At thermal energy.                                  4015800500005 
           Ratio of total NU-BAR at thermal energy to one at 0.40 4015800500006 
           MeV was determined by analysis of data on average      4015800500007 
           kinetic energy of fission fragments and was equal to   4015800500008 
           1.013+-0.010.                                          4015800500009 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,92-U-233(N,F),DL,NU)                            4015800500010 
           Average number of delayed neutrons was equal to 0.007. 4015800500011 
STATUS     (DEP,40158004) Dependent from 40158.004 data of ratio. 4015800500012 
           (TABLE) Data from ICD-3,p.51,196611, Table 4  .        4015800500013 
            INDSWG-152E,51,1967 - English transl. of ICD-3        4015800500014 
           (OUTDT)  Normalization out-of-date.                    4015800500015 
           Renormalization was done in                            4015800500016 
           At.Energy,v.34,is.6,p.491,1973.                        4015800500017 
           Data are given in Subent  40189004 .                   4015800500018 
           (SPSDD,40189004) Superseded by new data renormalized by4015800500019 
                            authors.                              4015800500020 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)     Uncertainty of NU-BAR at thermal energy 4015800500021 
           was not included in the final error.                   4015800500022 
HISTORY    (20220202S) NO-DIM -> PRT/FIS                          4015800500023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 4015800500024 
COMMON               3          3                                 4015800500025 
EN-NRM     MONIT      ASSUM                                       4015800500026 
EV         PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4015800500027 
 2.5300E-02 2.494      0.007                                      4015800500028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800500029 
DATA                 3          7                                 4015800500030 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4015800500031 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4015800500032 
    0.08       2.489      0.030                                   4015800500033 
    0.20       2.467      0.031                                   4015800500034 
    0.30       2.442      0.027                                   4015800500035 
    0.40       2.462      0.025                                   4015800500036 
    0.50       2.472      0.027                                   4015800500037 
    0.60       2.491      0.028                                   4015800500038 
    0.70       2.516      0.029                                   4015800500039 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4015800500040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 4015800599999 
SUBENT        40158006   20220202                             42044015800600001 
BIB                  7         23                                 4015800600002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,NU)                                    4015800600003 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F),,NU)                                    4015800600004 
               At thermal energy.                                 4015800600005 
           Measured ratio of total NU-BAR at thermal energy to one4015800600006 
           at 0.40 MeV was equal to 0.975+-0.007.                 4015800600007 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F),DL,NU)                            4015800600008 
           Average number of delayed neutrons was equal to 0.016. 4015800600009 
FLAG       (1.)       Measurements with scintillation threshold   4015800600010 
           stilbene crystal detector                              4015800600011 
           (2.)       Measurements with multi-grid thorium chamber4015800600012 
STATUS     (DEP,40158002) Measured ratio for Flag 1.              4015800600013 
           (DEP,40158003) Measured ratio for Flag 2.              4015800600014 
           (TABLE) Data from ICD-3,p.66,1966, Table 6 .           4015800600015 
            INDSWG-152E,51,1967 - English transl. of ICD-3.       4015800600016 
            Also Table of YFI-4,p.19,1967= INDC(CCP)*017 .        4015800600017 
            INDC-187E,26,1967- English transl. of YFI-4,18.       4015800600018 
            Table of At.Energy,v.22,is.5,p.401,1967               4015800600019 
HISTORY    (19730321T)  Preliminary data from DASTAR 00918,00919, 4015800600020 
           00363                                                  4015800600021 
           (20090422A) Data units were corrected:                 4015800600022 
            NO-DIM -> PRT/FIS .                                   4015800600023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)    Uncertainty of NU-BAR at thermal energy  4015800600024 
           was not included in the final error.                   4015800600025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 4015800600026 
COMMON               3          3                                 4015800600027 
EN-NRM     MONIT      ASSUM                                       4015800600028 
EV         PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     4015800600029 
 2.5300E-02 2.430      0.016                                      4015800600030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800600031 
DATA                 4         13                                 4015800600032 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             4015800600033 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    NO-DIM                           4015800600034 
 0.08       2.456      0.022        2.                            4015800600035 
 0.08       2.439      0.024        1.                            4015800600036 
 0.20       2.523      0.025        2.                            4015800600037 
 0.30       2.511      0.023        2.                            4015800600038 
 0.31       2.483      0.022        1.                            4015800600039 
 0.40       2.491      0.017        2.                            4015800600040 
 0.50       2.486      0.022        2.                            4015800600041 
 0.55       2.441      0.022        1.                            4015800600042 
 0.60       2.478      0.021        2.                            4015800600043 
 0.67       2.471      0.022        1.                            4015800600044 
 0.70       2.476      0.022        2.                            4015800600045 
 0.78       2.471      0.025        1.                            4015800600046 
 0.99       2.503      0.029        1.                            4015800600047 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 4015800600048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4015800699999 
SUBENT        40158007   20220202                             42044015800700001 
BIB                  7         25                                 4015800700002 
REACTION   ((92-U-235(N,F),PRE,AKE,FF)//                          4015800700003 
           (92-U-235(N,F),PRE,AKE,FF))                            4015800700004 
            Relative to average kinetic                           4015800700005 
           energy of fragments in fission by neutrons with        4015800700006 
           thermal energy .                                       4015800700007 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) Grid ionization chamber                         4015800700008 
REL-REF    (M,,V.N.Okolovich+,J,AE,12,461,1962) Issue 6.          4015800700009 
           Method of treatment of the relative average kinetic    4015800700010 
           energy measurements.                                   4015800700011 
CORRECTION Corrections For motion of the center-of-mass of the    4015800700012 
           fragments in the fission by fast neutrons,             4015800700013 
                      For different yields of prompt neutrons,    4015800700014 
                      For different losses of the fragment energy 4015800700015 
           in the layer because of the angular anisotropy and     4015800700016 
                      For ionization defect were introduced .     4015800700017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  The errors given were calculated from the  4015800700018 
           spread of data values taking into account the error due4015800700019 
           to the introduction of corrections.                    4015800700020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Nucl.Phys.,v.52,is.4,p.657,1964, Table 3.      4015800700021 
HISTORY    (20090422A) REACTION was corrected:                    4015800700022 
             (92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF,REL) ->                       4015800700023 
             ((92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF)//(92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF)) . 4015800700024 
             EN-DN was added . EN -> EN-NM . ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM .4015800700025 
           (20220202A) Code PRE was added in REACTIONs.           4015800700026 
           REL-REF was added.                                     4015800700027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 4015800700028 
COMMON               1          3                                 4015800700029 
EN-DN                                                             4015800700030 
EV                                                                4015800700031 
0.0253                                                            4015800700032 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800700033 
DATA                 4         11                                 4015800700034 
EN-NM      EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         4015800700035 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4015800700036 
 0.08                  0.9977     0.0019                          4015800700037 
 0.28       0.09       0.9967     0.0014                          4015800700038 
 0.35       0.09       0.9957     0.0018                          4015800700039 
 0.48       0.09       0.9995     0.0014                          4015800700040 
 0.68       0.09       1.0010     0.0019                          4015800700041 
 0.77       0.09       1.0020     0.0019                          4015800700042 
 0.87       0.09       1.0004     0.0016                          4015800700043 
 1.09       0.09       1.0003     0.0025                          4015800700044 
 1.45       0.10       1.0010     0.0015                          4015800700045 
 1.90       0.10       0.9998     0.0020                          4015800700046 
 2.46       0.11       1.0006     0.0022                          4015800700047 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 4015800700048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4015800799999 
SUBENT        40158008   20220202                             42044015800800001 
BIB                  7         25                                 4015800800002 
REACTION   ((92-U-233(N,F),PRE,AKE,FF)//                          4015800800003 
           (92-U-233(N,F),PRE,AKE,FF))                            4015800800004 
            Relative to average                                   4015800800005 
           kinetic energy of fragments in fission by neutrons     4015800800006 
           with thermal energy .                                  4015800800007 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) Grid ionization chamber                         4015800800008 
REL-REF    (M,,V.N.Okolovich+,J,AE,12,461,1962) Issue 6.          4015800800009 
           Method of treatment of the relative average kinetic    4015800800010 
           energy measurements.                                   4015800800011 
CORRECTION Corrections For motion of the center-of-mass of the    4015800800012 
           fragments in the fission by fast neutrons,             4015800800013 
                       For different yields of prompt neutrons,   4015800800014 
                       For different losses of the fragment energy4015800800015 
           in the layer because of the angular anisotropy and     4015800800016 
                       For ionization defect were introduced.     4015800800017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)     The errors given were calculated from   4015800800018 
           the spread of data values taking into account the error4015800800019 
           due to the introduction of corrections.                4015800800020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Nucl.Phys.,v.52,is.4,p.658,1964, Table 4 .     4015800800021 
HISTORY    (20090422A) REACTION was corrected:                    4015800800022 
             (92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF,REL) ->                       4015800800023 
             ((92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF)//(92-U-235(N,F),,AKE,FF)) . 4015800800024 
             EN-DN was added . EN -> EN-NM . ARB-UNITS -> NO-DIM .4015800800025 
           (20220202A) Code PRE was added in REACTIONs.           4015800800026 
           REL-REF was added. U-235 -> U-233 ( see title of Fig.6)4015800800027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 4015800800028 
COMMON               1          3                                 4015800800029 
EN-DN                                                             4015800800030 
EV                                                                4015800800031 
0.0253                                                            4015800800032 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4015800800033 
DATA                 4         13                                 4015800800034 
EN-NM      EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         4015800800035 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4015800800036 
 0.30       0.09       1.0050     0.0015                          4015800800037 
 0.40       0.09       1.0038     0.0015                          4015800800038 
 0.50       0.09       1.0041     0.0023                          4015800800039 
 0.60       0.09       1.0009     0.0010                          4015800800040 
 0.76       0.09       1.0000     0.0013                          4015800800041 
 0.95       0.09       1.0040     0.0021                          4015800800042 
 1.09       0.09       1.0033     0.0017                          4015800800043 
 1.28       0.09       1.0043     0.0015                          4015800800044 
 1.53       0.10       1.0041     0.0012                          4015800800045 
 1.71       0.10       1.0045     0.0013                          4015800800046 
 1.92       0.10       1.0060     0.0023                          4015800800047 
 2.16       0.11       1.0056     0.0022                          4015800800048 
 4.7        0.7        1.0018     0.0015                          4015800800049 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 4015800800050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 4015800899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 4015899999999