ENTRY            40166   20150109                             41724016600000001 
SUBENT        40166001   20150109                             41724016600100001 
BIB                 13         37                                 4016600100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4016600100003 
REFERENCE  (J,SNP,16,372,1973) Eng.trans.of YF,16,(4),664,1972    4016600100004 
           (J,YF,16,(4),664,197204) Only  graph  is given         4016600100005 
           (R,YFI-14,7,197203)     Table of data is given         4016600100006 
AUTHOR     (P.E.Vorotnikov,B.M.Gokhberg,S.M.Dubrovina,            4016600100007 
           G.A.Otroshchenko,V.A.Shigin)                           4016600100008 
TITLE      Angular distributions of fragments in neutron-induced  4016600100009 
           fission of Cf-249                                      4016600100010 
FACILITY   (VDG,4RUSKUR)      Van de Graaff                       4016600100011 
SAMPLE     The total amount of Cf-249 was 3.5 mu-g.               4016600100012 
           Layer of 6 mm diameter, located at 8mm distance from   4016600100013 
           neutron source at 45 deg angle relative to incident    4016600100014 
           neutron direction.                                     4016600100015 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7)    Proton-lithium-7 reaction                   4016600100016 
           (P-T)      proton-tritium reaction                     4016600100017 
           (D-D)      deuteron-deuterium reaction                 4016600100018 
DETECTOR   (GLASD)    Glass detectors.                            4016600100019 
           Glass disks of 20mm diameter, placed at 0,30,60,90deg  4016600100020 
           angles relative to incident neutron beam. The distance 4016600100021 
           Cf layer centre - glass disk center was 50 mm.         4016600100022 
CORRECTION  Background of spon.fissions ~ 0.5 % of total counts   4016600100023 
           did not affect results.                                4016600100024 
ANALYSIS   Angular anisotropy is found from                       4016600100025 
                      the least-squares fit to measurements       4016600100026 
                      at various angles according to the formula  4016600100027 
                      W(phi)=(1+a*cos(phi)**2)*W(90.deg),         4016600100028 
                      where phi is the angle between the neutron  4016600100029 
                      direction and the fragment direction        4016600100030 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Errors are not specified , probably        4016600100031 
           statistical only.                                      4016600100032 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from YFI-14,7,1972                        4016600100033 
HISTORY    (19731111C)                                            4016600100034 
           (20150109A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4016600100035 
           (20151025A) M.M. Articles were checked, BIB information4016600100036 
           was updated in SAMPLE,DETECTOR,CORRECTION .            4016600100037 
           Data were corrected as they are given in YFI-14,7 Table4016600100038 
           ERR-S -> DATA-ERR.                                     4016600100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 4016600100040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4016600100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 4016600199999 
SUBENT        40166002   20150109                             41724016600200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 4016600200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-249(N,F),,DA,FF,COS/RSD)                        4016600200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 4016600200004 
COMMON               2          3                                 4016600200005 
NUMBER     EN-RSL-HW                                              4016600200006 
NO-DIM     KEV                                                    4016600200007 
 2.          50.                                                  4016600200008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4016600200009 
DATA                 3          9                                 4016600200010 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4016600200011 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4016600200012 
 0.16        -1.00E-02    2.0E-02                                 4016600200013 
 0.45         2.20E-02    2.0E-02                                 4016600200014 
 0.66         2.80E-02    2.0E-02                                 4016600200015 
 0.87        -5.00E-03    2.0E-02                                 4016600200016 
 1.07         6.70E-02    2.5E-02                                 4016600200017 
 1.28         2.00E-02    2.5E-02                                 4016600200018 
 1.48         9.80E-02    2.5E-02                                 4016600200019 
 1.68         9.00E-02    2.5E-02                                 4016600200020 
 5.00         4.50E-02    2.0E-02                                 4016600200021 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 4016600200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 4016600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4016699999999