ENTRY            40175   20200914                             41894017500000001 
SUBENT        40175001   20200914                             41894017500100001 
BIB                 11         28                                 4017500100002 
TITLE       Cross-sections of the reactions Se-76(n,p),Se-77(n,d),4017500100003 
            Se-77(n,n+p) and Se-80(n,alpha) with 14.7 MeV neutrons4017500100004 
AUTHOR     (V.V.Ivanenko, K.A.Petrzhak, V.I.Potamanov)            4017500100005 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSRI)                                               4017500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,SNP,6,7,1968) Eng.trans.of YF,6,(1),11,1967         4017500100007 
           (J,YF,6,(1),11,196707)                                 4017500100008 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) For neutron beam.         4017500100009 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.9HR,B) Beta-activity was measured.        4017500100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  Activated samples were sealed by glue in      4017500100011 
            aluminum foil of 6 mg/cm**2 thickness.                4017500100012 
            Aluminum filter of about 220 mg/cm**2 to remove beta- 4017500100013 
            particles of energy < 0.7 MeV. Dependence of beta-    4017500100014 
            radiation attenuation by filter was measured in energy4017500100015 
            range 0.6 - 3.2 MeV.                                  4017500100016 
            Activation of samples of different isotopic abundance 4017500100017 
            allowed to define Se-76 (n,p) and (n,d)+(n,np)        4017500100018 
            reactions.                                            4017500100019 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)  Neutron flux is 1.0 x 10**10 neutrons/sec/4PI   4017500100020 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) 4PI counter                                    4017500100021 
STATUS     (SPSDD,40227001) Superseded by newer publication.      4017500100022 
HISTORY    (19780712C)                                            4017500100023 
           (19860630A)  This entry superseded  by the entry 40227 4017500100024 
           (20080410U) M.M. BIB information was added.            4017500100025 
            Free text was corrected to be "human-readable".       4017500100026 
            dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               4017500100027 
           (20150109A) SD: Ref. on Engl.transl. of YF added.      4017500100028 
           (20151103U) M.M. Correction in TITLE,STATUS.           4017500100029 
           (20200914A) Code SPSDD was added in .002-.004.         4017500100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 4017500100031 
COMMON               1          3                                 4017500100032 
EN                                                                4017500100033 
MEV                                                               4017500100034 
  14.7                                                            4017500100035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4017500100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 4017500199999 
SUBENT        40175002   20200914                             41894017500200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 4017500200002 
REACTION   (34-SE-76(N,P)33-AS-76,,SIG)                           4017500200003 
SAMPLE      Thin layer Se-74 content is  0.4 %                    4017500200004 
                       Se-76 content is 67.1 %                    4017500200005 
                       Se-77 content is  4.7 %                    4017500200006 
                       Se-78 content is 15.8 %                    4017500200007 
                       Se-80 content is  9.4 %                    4017500200008 
                       Se-82 content is  2.6 %                    4017500200009 
            Thickness is 1.  - 5.  milligram/cm**2                4017500200010 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,26.5HR,B-)                                   4017500200011 
STATUS     (SPSDD,40227003) Newer publication                     4017500200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4017500200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4017500200014 
DATA                 2          1                                 4017500200015 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4017500200016 
MB         MB                                                     4017500200017 
  68.        8.                                                   4017500200018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4017500200019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4017500299999 
SUBENT        40175003   20200914                             41894017500300001 
BIB                  5         12                                 4017500300002 
REACTION   (34-SE-77(N,X)33-AS-76,,SIG)                           4017500300003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,26.5HR,B-)                                   4017500300004 
SAMPLE      Thin layer,thickness 1.0 - 5.0 milligram/cm**2.       4017500300005 
            Se-74 content is 0.3 %                                4017500300006 
            Se-76 content is  5.3 %                               4017500300007 
            Se-77 content is 68.0 %                               4017500300008 
            Se-78 content is 15.6 %                               4017500300009 
            Se-80 content is  9.3 %                               4017500300010 
            Se-82 content is  1.5 %                               4017500300011 
STATUS     (SPSDD,40227005) Newer publication                     4017500300012 
HISTORY    (20200914A) Reaction was corrected :                   4017500300013 
             (N,D)+(N,N+P) -> (N,X) - see memo CP-D/999           4017500300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4017500300015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4017500300016 
DATA                 2          1                                 4017500300017 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4017500300018 
MB         MB                                                     4017500300019 
  12.1       1.6                                                  4017500300020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4017500300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 4017500399999 
SUBENT        40175004   20200914                             41894017500400001 
BIB                  4         10                                 4017500400002 
REACTION   (34-SE-80(N,A)32-GE-77,,SIG)                           4017500400003 
DECAY-DATA (32-GE-77-G,11.5HR,B-)                                 4017500400004 
SAMPLE      Thin layer,thickness 1.0 - 5.0 milligram/cm**2,       4017500400005 
            Se-74 content is  0.01 %                              4017500400006 
            Se-76 content is  3.5  %                              4017500400007 
            Se-77 content is  2.4  %                              4017500400008 
            Se-78 content is 74.2  %                              4017500400009 
            Se-80 content is 10.2  %                              4017500400010 
            Se-82 content is  9.7  %                              4017500400011 
STATUS     (SPSDD,40227007) Newer publication                     4017500400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4017500400013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4017500400014 
DATA                 2          1                                 4017500400015 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4017500400016 
MB         MB                                                     4017500400017 
  146.       22.                                                  4017500400018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4017500400019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 4017500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4017599999999