ENTRY            40178   20191120                             41854017800000001 
SUBENT        40178001   20191120                             41854017800100001 
BIB                 14         31                                 4017800100002 
INSTITUTE  (4UKRIJD)                                              4017800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,UFZ,15,2072,1970) Issue 12.                         4017800100004 
           Data,some spectra and the scheme of levels given.      4017800100005 
AUTHOR     (I.V.Barchuk,D.A.Bazavov,G.V.Belykh,V.I.Golyshkin,     4017800100006 
           A.V.Murzin,A.F.Ogorodnik)                              4017800100007 
TITLE      The investigation of a gamma-rays spectrum from the    4017800100008 
           radiation capture of thermal neutrons by nuclei of the 4017800100009 
           isotope Zn68                                           4017800100010 
FACILITY   (REAC,4UKRIJD)     Reactor WWR-M                       4017800100011 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 4017800100012 
METHOD     Direct detection of gamma-rays                         4017800100013 
DETECTOR   (GELI)     Germanium-lithium detector                  4017800100014 
           Efficiency of detector 0. 02-0.03 % .                  4017800100015 
ANALYSIS              Shape analysis                              4017800100016 
MONITOR    For the energy calibration gamma-rays from Fe-56 and   4017800100017 
           Si-28 samples used in the energy range 3.5-6.5 MeV and 4017800100018 
           gamma-lines of annihilation radiation and from the     4017800100019 
           background D-2 in the range 0.4-3.5 MEV                4017800100020 
CORRECTION The intensity of the high energy part of the background4017800100021 
           was more less than one under consideration,that is why 4017800100022 
           the background was not taken into account              4017800100023 
ERR-ANALYS Energy-error was 1-4 keV depending on energy and       4017800100024 
           intensity of gamma-line                                4017800100025 
ADD-RES    (DECAY) Decay scheme of Zn-69                          4017800100026 
HISTORY    (19731114C)  Compiled at the centre                    4017800100027 
           (20191120A) M.M. Year of ref.was corrected 7212 -> 19704017800100028 
           Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.                4017800100029 
           Upper -> lower case correction.                        4017800100030 
           Units were corrected in Subent 002 GAM/100N -> PC/REAC 4017800100031 
           "PART-DET (G)" was deleted according to a comment from 4017800100032 
           NDS,IAEA .                                             4017800100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 4017800100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4017800100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4017800199999 
SUBENT        40178002   20191120                             41854017800200001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4017800200002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69,,SPC)                           4017800200003 
SAMPLE     (30-ZN-68,ENR=0.923) Zn-68 92.3 percent enriched       4017800200004 
           The weight of the sample was 0.462 grams               4017800200005 
FLAG       (1.)       It's doublet                                4017800200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table in Ukr.Fiz.Zh.,v.15,is.12,p.2072,1970    4017800200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4017800200008 
COMMON               1          3                                 4017800200009 
EN                                                                4017800200010 
EV                                                                4017800200011 
 2.5000E-02                                                       4017800200012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4017800200013 
DATA                 3         25                                 4017800200014 
E          DATA       FLAG                                        4017800200015 
MEV        PC/REAC    NO-DIM                                      4017800200016 
 0.434      10.0                                                  4017800200017 
 0.532      5.4                                                   4017800200018 
 0.835      13.5                                                  4017800200019 
 1.008      16.2                                                  4017800200020 
 1.255      10.0                                                  4017800200021 
 1.547      5.8                                                   4017800200022 
 1.597      9.4                                                   4017800200023 
 2.307      3.0                                                   4017800200024 
 2.348      3.9                                                   4017800200025 
 2.555      1.1                                                   4017800200026 
 3.060      0.6        1.                                         4017800200027 
 3.093      1.8                                                   4017800200028 
 3.192      1.2                                                   4017800200029 
 3.328      2.2        1.                                         4017800200030 
 3.357      1.7                                                   4017800200031 
 3.458      0.7                                                   4017800200032 
 4.103      2.3                                                   4017800200033 
 4.135      9.3                                                   4017800200034 
 4.426      2.8                                                   4017800200035 
 4.653      2.7                                                   4017800200036 
 4.890      3.5                                                   4017800200037 
 5.230      2.6                                                   4017800200038 
 5.475      19.8                                                  4017800200039 
 5.647      3.2                                                   4017800200040 
 6.483      4.5        1.                                         4017800200041 
ENDDATA             27          0                                 4017800200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 4017800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4017899999999