ENTRY            40186   20150109                             41724018600000001 
SUBENT        40186001   20150109                             41724018600100001 
BIB                 17         58                                 4018600100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFEI)                                              4018600100003 
REFERENCE  (J,SNP,13,129,1971) Eng.transl.of YF,13,(2),233,1971   4018600100004 
           (J,YF,13,(2),233,1971)                                 4018600100005 
             Data, some graphs and schemes of levels are given    4018600100006 
           (J,YF,13,(1),3,1971) Graph of gamma spectra for        4018600100007 
           thermal and 2 keV incident neutrons.                   4018600100008 
           (J,SNP,13,1,1971) Engl.translation of YF,13,(1),3,1971 4018600100009 
AUTHOR     (D.L.Broder,A.F.Gamalii,B.V.Zemtsev,B.V.Nesterov,      4018600100010 
           L.P.Kham'yanov)                                        4018600100011 
TITLE      Gamma radiation the capture of thermal neutrons        4018600100012 
           by Cr isotopes                                         4018600100013 
FACILITY   (REAC,4RUSFEI) Reactor                                 4018600100014 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)     Horizontal channel of the reactor           4018600100015 
METHOD     Direct detection of gammas                             4018600100016 
DETECTOR   (GELI) The coaxial germanium-lithium detector with the 4018600100017 
           sensible volume 12 cm**3 .                             4018600100018 
           The resolution of the spectrometer was 15 keV at 10 MeV4018600100019 
           and 4  keV at 0.5 MeV                                  4018600100020 
PART-DET   (G)        Gammas                                      4018600100021 
ANALYSIS              Area  analysis                              4018600100022 
MONITOR    For checking of the system's linearity, 20 lines of    4018600100023 
           Co-56 with energies from 733.77 keV to 3548.11 keV and 4018600100024 
           26 gamma-lines of Ga-66 from 833.6keV to 4805.3keV were4018600100025 
           used.The relative efficiency of the detector was       4018600100026 
           determined by means of standard sources Zn-65, Co-56,  4018600100027 
           Na-22, Mn-56,Co-60 and Ga-66.                          4018600100028 
           Absolute normalization of gamma line intensities was   4018600100029 
           made by Cr-53 8884 keV gamma-line yield, using data    4018600100030 
            from G.A.Bartholomew et al. Canad.J.Phys,44,2111,1964,4018600100031 
           A.N.Rudak et al. J.YE,1,235,1965 and A.V.Rudak et al.  4018600100032 
           J,YF,5,504,1967                                        4018600100033 
           (24-CR-53(N,G)24-CR-54,,SPC)                           4018600100034 
MONIT-REF  (,G.A.Bartholomew+,J,CJP,44,2111,1966)                 4018600100035 
           (,A.N.Rudak+,J,YF,1,235,1965)                          4018600100036 
           (,A.N.Rudak+,J,YF,5,504,1967)                          4018600100037 
CORRECTION Correction for background and for change of dead time  4018600100038 
           of the analyzer was taken into account                 4018600100039 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR) The energy errors were +-5 keV. They were      4018600100040 
           conditioned by the differential non-linearity of the   4018600100041 
           analyzer                                               4018600100042 
ADD-RES     Schemes of Cr-51,-53,-55 levels are given on Fig.2.   4018600100043 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II of YF,13,(2),233,1971                 4018600100044 
HISTORY    (19731123C)  Compiled at the centre                    4018600100045 
           (19750210U)  Corrections  in subentry  001 and 004 made4018600100046 
           (20010307A) Updated to new date formats. Institute     4018600100047 
                       updated.                                   4018600100048 
           (20150109A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4018600100049 
            Ref. on Engl.transl. of YF added. Author's name       4018600100050 
            corrected (L.P.KHAM JANOV -> L.P.Kham'yanov). DATA    4018600100051 
            units were changed in Subents 2-4 (GAM/100N -> PC/INC)4018600100052 
           (20151105A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information  4018600100053 
           was updated in TITLE,STATUS,MONITOR,SAMPLE.            4018600100054 
           Data units were corrected : PC/INC -> PC/REAC according4018600100055 
           to explanation in the article- "yield per 100 neutron  4018600100056 
           captures".                                             4018600100057 
           E-NRM and MONIT, ADD-RES were added.                   4018600100058 
           Ref. YF,13,(1),3,1971 and it's Engl.translation were   4018600100059 
           added.                                                 4018600100060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 4018600100061 
COMMON               4          3                                 4018600100062 
EN-DUMMY   E-ERR      E-NRM      MONIT                            4018600100063 
EV         KEV        KEV        PC/REAC                          4018600100064 
 2.5300E-02   5.       884.       44.                             4018600100065 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4018600100066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 4018600199999 
SUBENT        40186002   20150109                             41724018600200001 
BIB                  3         10                                 4018600200002 
REACTION   (24-CR-53(N,G)24-CR-54,,SPC)                           4018600200003 
            Capture gamma spectrum                                4018600200004 
SAMPLE     (24-CR-53,ENR=0.928) Metallic powder.                  4018600200005 
              Cr-50      Cr-52      Cr-53      Cr-54              4018600200006 
           Isotopic composition:                                  4018600200007 
              0.2%        6.2%       92.8%      0.8%              4018600200008 
           Contribution to capture :                              4018600200009 
              0.2%        0.26%      99.54%     0.%               4018600200010 
HISTORY    (20010307A) Lines with blank data fields deleted.      4018600200011 
                       Flag deleted.                              4018600200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4018600200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4018600200014 
DATA                 2         19                                 4018600200015 
E          DATA                                                   4018600200016 
KEV        PC/REAC                                                4018600200017 
 8.3500E+02 7.3000E+01                                            4018600200018 
 1.0050E+03 1.0000E+00                                            4018600200019 
 1.1000E+03 1.9000E+00                                            4018600200020 
 1.7830E+03 8.4000E+00                                            4018600200021 
 2.2390E+03 7.8000E+00                                            4018600200022 
 2.6030E+03 1.0000E+00                                            4018600200023 
 3.7200E+03 3.3000E+00                                            4018600200024 
 4.8460E+03 1.2000E+00                                            4018600200025 
 4.8730E+03 5.0000E-01                                            4018600200026 
 5.7060E+03 9.0000E-01                                            4018600200027 
 5.8600E+03 1.0000E+00                                            4018600200028 
 5.9970E+03 3.4000E+00                                            4018600200029 
 6.2870E+03 1.3000E+00                                            4018600200030 
 6.3220E+03 1.0000E+00                                            4018600200031 
 6.6420E+03 7.1000E+00                                            4018600200032 
 6.8860E+03 1.6000E+00                                            4018600200033 
 7.1010E+03 5.9000E+00                                            4018600200034 
 8.8840E+03 4.4000E+01                                            4018600200035 
 9.7170E+03 2.2000E+01                                            4018600200036 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 4018600200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 4018600299999 
SUBENT        40186003   20150109                             41724018600300001 
BIB                  3         10                                 4018600300002 
REACTION   (24-CR-52(N,G)24-CR-53,,SPC)                           4018600300003 
            Capture gamma spectrum                                4018600300004 
SAMPLE     (24-CR-52,ENR=0.995) Metallic powder.                  4018600300005 
              Cr-50      Cr-52      Cr-53      Cr-54              4018600300006 
           Isotopic composition:                                  4018600300007 
              0.1%       99.5%       0.3%        0.1%             4018600300008 
           Contribution to capture :                              4018600300009 
              2.15%      92.0%       5.60%       0.35%            4018600300010 
HISTORY    (20010307A) Lines with blank data fields deleted.      4018600300011 
                       Flag deleted.                              4018600300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4018600300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4018600300014 
DATA                 2         13                                 4018600300015 
E          DATA                                                   4018600300016 
KEV        PC/REAC                                                4018600300017 
 5.5900E+02 1.3000E+01                                            4018600300018 
 8.0400E+02 4.0000E+00                                            4018600300019 
 1.2610E+03 2.4000E+00                                            4018600300020 
 1.3530E+03 7.5000E+00                                            4018600300021 
 1.5490E+03 5.0000E-01                                            4018600300022 
 2.1630E+03 6.5000E+00                                            4018600300023 
 3.3000E+03 1.6000E+01                                            4018600300024 
 3.6730E+03 4.1000E+00                                            4018600300025 
 4.2440E+03 5.5000E+00                                            4018600300026 
 4.3060E+03 5.5000E+00                                            4018600300027 
 5.5950E+03 2.1000E+01                                            4018600300028 
 7.3560E+03 1.3000E+01                                            4018600300029 
 7.9310E+03 5.0000E+01                                            4018600300030 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 4018600300031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 4018600399999 
SUBENT        40186004   20150109                             41724018600400001 
BIB                  3         10                                 4018600400002 
REACTION   (24-CR-50(N,G)24-CR-51,,SPC)                           4018600400003 
            Capture spectrum                                      4018600400004 
SAMPLE     (24-CR-50,ENR=0.877) Chromium compound Cr2O3.          4018600400005 
              Cr-50      Cr-52      Cr-53      Cr-54              4018600400006 
            Isotopic composition:                                 4018600400007 
              87.7%       11.1%      0.9%       0.3%              4018600400008 
           Contribution to capture :                              4018600400009 
              98.8%       0.53%      1.05%      0.05%             4018600400010 
HISTORY    (20010307A) Lines with blank data fields deleted.      4018600400011 
                       Flag deleted.                              4018600400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 4018600400013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4018600400014 
DATA                 2         17                                 4018600400015 
E          DATA                                                   4018600400016 
KEV        PC/REAC                                                4018600400017 
 4.1700E+02 2.2000E+01                                            4018600400018 
 7.5000E+02 4.9000E+01                                            4018600400019 
 7.7800E+02 1.2000E+00                                            4018600400020 
 8.7600E+02 1.7000E+00                                            4018600400021 
 1.8990E+03 4.9000E+00                                            4018600400022 
 3.5930E+03 4.9000E+00                                            4018600400023 
 4.0390E+03 9.0000E-01                                            4018600400024 
 4.2810E+03 1.8000E+00                                            4018600400025 
 4.4860E+03 6.0000E-01                                            4018600400026 
 4.6320E+03 1.5000E+00                                            4018600400027 
 5.2190E+03 3.1000E+00                                            4018600400028 
 5.4860E+03 4.1000E+00                                            4018600400029 
 6.1300E+03 7.5000E+00                                            4018600400030 
 6.3650E+03 3.7000E+00                                            4018600400031 
 7.3660E+03 1.3000E+01                                            4018600400032 
 8.5050E+03 2.8000E+01                                            4018600400033 
 8.5320E+03 3.2000E+01                                            4018600400034 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 4018600400035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4018600499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4018699999999