ENTRY            40190   20150625                             41694019000000001 
SUBENT        40190001   20150625                             41694019000100001 
BIB                 10         43                                 4019000100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4019000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,SJA,30,452,1971) Eng.transl.of AE,30,369,1971       4019000100004 
           (J,AE,30,(4),369,1971) Data  given                     4019000100005 
AUTHOR     (N.I.Ivanova,A.N.Kobzev,N.G.Krylov,A.A.Lbov,           4019000100006 
           N.P.Martynov,A.E.Trikanov,A.I.Shelamkov)               4019000100007 
TITLE      Cross section of the Am-241(n,gamma)Am-242 reaction    4019000100008 
           for a neutron spectrum similar to the fission spectrum 4019000100009 
INC-SPECT  Neutron spectrum was close to fission spectrum and     4019000100010 
           had following energy distribution                      4019000100011 
              energy (MeV)       per-cent                         4019000100012 
               0 - 0.1            3.8                             4019000100013 
               0.1-0.4            19.3                            4019000100014 
               0.4-0.9            26.9                            4019000100015 
               0.9-1.4            15.0                            4019000100016 
               1.4-3.0            23.8                            4019000100017 
               above 3.0          11.2                            4019000100018 
SAMPLE     ~ 1 mg of Am-241 chloride, alpha-activity ~7.2E+2      4019000100019 
           decay/min, gamma-activity ~2.7E+3 quanta/min.          4019000100020 
           In quartz cassettes, placed in Cd sheets of 0.5 mm     4019000100021 
           thickness.                                             4019000100022 
           With each Cd sheet Au-197 foil of ~2mg - for neutron   4019000100023 
           flux control.                                          4019000100024 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scintillation plastic detector 53 x 1 mm in size4019000100025 
           and an FEU-11B photomultiplier was used to measure     4019000100026 
           beta-activity.                                         4019000100027 
           Different registration thresholds, corresponding to    4019000100028 
           beta energy ~150-300 keV.                              4019000100029 
           Calibration by Sr-90 (E-beta 0.54 MeV), Tl( 0.765 MeV),4019000100030 
           Au-198( 0.963 MeV).                                    4019000100031 
           Efficiency for Am-242 was 13.7 and 11 % depending from 4019000100032 
           threshold value.                                       4019000100033 
PART-DET   (B-)  Decay beta                                       4019000100034 
CORRECTION For background.                                        4019000100035 
           For decay at activation.                               4019000100036 
           For decay scheme.                                      4019000100037 
HISTORY    (19740117C)  Compiled at the centre                    4019000100038 
           (19750210U)  the number of subentry 40190002 corrected 4019000100039 
           (20150109A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.4019000100040 
             Ref. on Engl.transl. of AE added. REACTION code moved4019000100041 
             to Subent 2. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. ERR-ANALYS updated.  4019000100042 
           (20150625A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information  4019000100043 
           was updated. SPA -> FIS. STATUS was added.             4019000100044 
           Subents 003,004 ( primarily measured data) were added. 4019000100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 4019000100046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4019000100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 4019000199999 
SUBENT        40190002   20150625                             41694019000200001 
BIB                  5         15                                 4019000200002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000200003 
           Average of six measurements.                           4019000200004 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.01HR)                                  4019000200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error is given, it consists of          4019000200006 
           (ERR-1,2.,4.) Uncertainty in activity measurement(2-4%)4019000200007 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in half-life Am-242  (2%)          4019000200008 
           (ERR-3) Error of neutron flux determination (7%)       4019000200009 
           (ERR-4) Error of number of atoms in sample   (4%)      4019000200010 
           (ERR-5) Error of detector efficiency  (3%)             4019000200011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of J,AE,30,(4),369,1971                  4019000200012 
           (DEP,40190003) In Subent 003 - primarily measured data 4019000200013 
           for each of 6 samples.                                 4019000200014 
HISTORY    (20150109A) SD: REACTION code added from Sub.1.        4019000200015 
            DECAY-DATA was added.                                 4019000200016 
           (20150625A) M.M. -G wa added in SF4.                   4019000200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 4019000200018 
COMMON               4          3                                 4019000200019 
ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5                            4019000200020 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         4019000200021 
   2.          7.        4.         3.                            4019000200022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4019000200023 
DATA                 3          1                                 4019000200024 
EN-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       4019000200025 
MEV        MB         MB                                          4019000200026 
 1.         240.       30.                                        4019000200027 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4019000200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 4019000299999 
SUBENT        40190003   20150109                             41694019000300001 
BIB                 10         41                                 4019000300002 
REACTION  1(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300003 
          2(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300004 
          3(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300005 
          4(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300006 
          5(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300007 
          6(95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,FIS)                  4019000300008 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.01HR,B,667.,,B,625.)                   4019000300009 
           40.% of 667 keV, 60.% of 625 keV.                      4019000300010 
           Beta decay - 83.6 %, electron capture (16.4+-0.3)%.    4019000300011 
SAMPLE    1 Am-241 atoms 2.32E+18                                 4019000300012 
          2              1.23E+18                                 4019000300013 
          3              2.06E+18                                 4019000300014 
          4              4.9E+17                                  4019000300015 
          5              1.89E+18                                 4019000300016 
          6              1.22E+17                                 4019000300017 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) Number of Am-241 atoms was defined by           4019000300018 
           alpha-activity measurement in integral ionization      4019000300019 
           chamber.                                               4019000300020 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Beta activity measurement during 4-5 HL of     4019000300021 
           Am-242.                                                4019000300022 
           (CHSEP) Am was separated chemically and purified from  4019000300023 
           fission products during 20 hr.                         4019000300024 
ANALYSIS    CS were calculated to 6 samples as:                   4019000300025 
             (A*HL)/(N*Q*0.693) , where                           4019000300026 
           A  - absolute Am-242 activity at the end of activation 4019000300027 
           taking into account registration efficiency and        4019000300028 
           corrections;                                           4019000300029 
           HL - Am-242 half-life;                                 4019000300030 
           N - Am-241 atoms on sample;                            4019000300031 
           Q - neutron flux.                                      4019000300032 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Integral flux, neutron/cm2 , measured by fis.  4019000300033 
           chambers.                                              4019000300034 
           (MISC2) Am-242 absolute activity, decay/min .          4019000300035 
ERR-ANALYS          Total error consists of                       4019000300036 
           (ERR-1,2.,4.) Uncertainty in activity measurement(2-4%)4019000300037 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in half-life Am-242  (2%)          4019000300038 
           (ERR-3) Error of neutron flux determination (7%)       4019000300039 
           (ERR-4) Error of number of atoms in sample   (4%)      4019000300040 
           (ERR-5) Error of detector efficiency  (3%)             4019000300041 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of J,AE,30,(4),369,1971                  4019000300042 
HISTORY    (20150625C) M.M.                                       4019000300043 
ENDBIB              41          0                                 4019000300044 
COMMON               5          3                                 4019000300045 
EN-DUMMY   ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5                 4019000300046 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              4019000300047 
 1.           2.          7.        4.         3.                 4019000300048 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4019000300049 
DATA                18          1                                 4019000300050 
DATA      1MISC1     1MISC2     1DATA      2MISC1     2MISC2     24019000300051 
DATA      3MISC1     3MISC2     3DATA      4MISC1     4MISC2     44019000300052 
DATA      5MISC1     5MISC2     5DATA      6MISC1     6MISC2     64019000300053 
MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   4019000300054 
MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   4019000300055 
MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   MB         SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   4019000300056 
  228.        1.96E+15     7.4E+5  232.        1.96E+15     4.0E+54019000300057 
  233.        1.97E+15     6.8E+5  273.        1.97E+15     1.9E+54019000300058 
  235.         2.0E+15     6.4E+5  248.         2.0E+15     1.5E+54019000300059 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4019000300060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 4019000399999 
SUBENT        40190004   20150625                             41694019000400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4019000400002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,FIS)                    4019000400003 
METHOD     Au-197 capture c-s was measured by plastic scintillator4019000400004 
           for checking possible systematic errors in measurement 4019000400005 
           method. Obtained value of C-S agrees with value 150mb  4019000400006 
           from I.V.Gordeev+,Yaderno-fizicheskie konstanty,M.,    4019000400007 
           Atomizdat,p.316, 1963 year.                            4019000400008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text, page 372 of J,AE,30,(4),369,1971         4019000400009 
HISTORY    (20150625C) M.M.                                       4019000400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4019000400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4019000400012 
DATA                 3          1                                 4019000400013 
EN-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       4019000400014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          4019000400015 
 1.         140.       15.                                        4019000400016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4019000400017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 4019000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4019099999999