ENTRY 40220 20240617 42174022000000001 SUBENT 40220001 20240617 42174022000100001 BIB 17 39 4022000100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4022000100003 REFERENCE (J,JET,20,1084,1965) Engl.translation of ZET,47,1612 4022000100004 (J,ZET,47,1612,1964) Issue 5. 4022000100005 (J,NP,69,513,1965) Engl.translation of ZET,47,1612 4022000100006 (J,PL,10,109,1964) Subent 003 prelim. publication. 4022000100007 AUTHOR (V.K.Voitovetskii,I.L.Korsunskii,Yu.F.Pazhin) 4022000100008 TITLE The neutron-neutron s-state interaction 4022000100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuteron-tritium . Deuterated polyethylene film. 4022000100010 INC-SPECT Energy spread less 1 %. 4022000100011 SAMPLE Polyethylene film saturated with deuterium. 4022000100012 Film thickness 4.3 mg/cm**2. 4022000100013 METHOD Scintillation spectrometer with complete separation of 4022000100014 deuterons and protons. Energy resolution 5.5 %(HWHM). 4022000100015 (EDE,COINC) 4022000100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) Solid scintillator telescope. 4022000100017 Four CsI(Tl) crystals. 4022000100018 Stability of spectrometer amplification was 0.2 %. 4022000100019 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA) 4022000100020 Data were defined supposing diff.elas. CS of (N-D)- 4022000100021 scattering according to J.D.Seagrave, Phys. Rev., 97, 4022000100022 757, 1955 4022000100023 MONIT-REF (,J.D.Seagrave,J,PR,97,757,1955) 4022000100024 PART-DET (P) 4022000100025 COMMENT Experimental data were analyzed with the purpose of 4022000100026 determining the neutron-neutron scattering length 4022000100027 STATUS Taken from graph 4022000100028 CORRECTION Correction was introduced for dead time of the 4022000100029 electronic scheme. 4022000100030 Background measured without sample was subtracted - 4022000100031 less 5-10% of main effect. 4022000100032 Correction for counting loses - about 5%. 4022000100033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,3.,5.) Statistical error is 3-5 %. 4022000100034 (MONIT-ERR) Monitor accuracy. 4022000100035 HISTORY (19740610T) Converted from DASTAR-00446 4022000100036 (20130920A) M.M. Two references of Engl.translations 4022000100037 were added. Upper -> lower case correction. 4022000100038 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4022000100039 BIB and COMMON information was added. 4022000100040 (20240627A) Subent 003 was added. 4022000100041 ENDBIB 39 0 4022000100042 COMMON 1 3 4022000100043 EN 4022000100044 MEV 4022000100045 13.9 4022000100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022000100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 4022000199999 SUBENT 40220002 20240617 42174022000200001 BIB 6 15 4022000200002 REACTION (1-H-2(N,2N)1-H-1,,DA/DE,P) 4022000200003 EN-SEC (E,P) Proton energy. 4022000200004 Mean angle of proton emission with respect to the 4022000200005 neutron flux direction was 4.5 degrees. 4022000200006 Channel width for energy analysis was 90 keV. 4022000200007 COMMENT Reaction is 1-H(N,2N P) Proton spectrum was measured 4022000200008 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of EN 4022000200009 (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA 4022000200010 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized. 4022000200011 Quantization error (one pixel) for EN - 0.0652 MeV, 4022000200012 for DATA 0.0181 mb/sr/MeV . 4022000200013 Digitizing errors of Sarov's digitizer. 4022000200014 STATUS (CURVE,,V.K.Voitovetskii+,J,NP,69,513,1965) 4022000200015 Data were digitized from Fig.4. 4022000200016 HISTORY (20130920A) M.M. DE -> DA/DE in REACTION SF6. 4022000200017 ENDBIB 15 0 4022000200018 COMMON 4 3 4022000200019 ANG MONIT-ERR EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4022000200020 ADEG PER-CENT MEV MB/SR/MEV 4022000200021 0. 2. 0.00462 0.0225 4022000200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022000200023 DATA 3 55 4022000200024 E DATA DATA-ERR 4022000200025 MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 4022000200026 7.4381 6.4882 0.3445 4022000200027 7.5264 6.8863 0.3808 4022000200028 7.6192 6.4321 0.3446 4022000200029 7.7018 6.1774 0.3626 4022000200030 7.7952 6.5210 0.3808 4022000200031 7.8825 5.6680 0.3626 4022000200032 7.9760 6.1023 0.3808 4022000200033 8.0589 6.1559 0.3626 4022000200034 8.1516 5.6110 0.3445 4022000200035 8.2396 5.6464 0.3445 4022000200036 8.3278 5.9176 0.3264 4022000200037 8.4152 5.2277 0.3263 4022000200038 8.5088 5.7707 0.3626 4022000200039 8.5969 5.8606 0.3626 4022000200040 8.6850 6.0410 0.3626 4022000200041 8.7728 5.8770 0.3082 4022000200042 8.8659 5.7854 0.3445 4022000200043 8.9538 5.6395 0.3626 4022000200044 9.0422 6.1826 0.3445 4022000200045 9.1300 5.9461 0.3626 4022000200046 9.2180 5.9452 0.3626 4022000200047 9.3058 5.7631 0.3263 4022000200048 9.3989 5.6896 0.3808 4022000200049 9.4876 6.5410 0.3445 4022000200050 9.5759 6.9753 0.3626 4022000200051 9.6692 7.2101 0.3626 4022000200052 9.7470 7.3726 0.3626 4022000200053 9.8394 6.4288 0.3445 4022000200054 9.9229 7.2984 0.3989 4022000200055 10.017 7.9139 0.3808 4022000200056 10.110 7.8949 0.4171 4022000200057 10.193 8.5287 0.3808 4022000200058 10.281 8.9993 0.4170 4022000200059 10.375 9.3792 0.3989 4022000200060 10.464 10.611 0.4352 4022000200061 10.552 11.100 0.4533 4022000200062 10.641 11.698 0.4714 4022000200063 10.729 12.640 0.4895 4022000200064 10.823 13.436 0.4896 4022000200065 10.907 15.466 0.4714 4022000200066 11.001 15.937 0.5439 4022000200067 11.089 16.444 0.5258 4022000200068 11.176 14.485 0.5077 4022000200069 11.268 13.867 0.4896 4022000200070 11.355 12.235 0.4714 4022000200071 11.446 9.0062 0.3989 4022000200072 11.537 6.6844 0.3264 4022000200073 11.623 4.6347 0.2901 4022000200074 11.709 1.9503 0.2175 4022000200075 11.797 1.4417 0.1995 4022000200076 11.889 0.29852 0.1995 4022000200077 11.977 0.53339 0.1995 4022000200078 12.071 0.62315 0.2176 4022000200079 12.158 0.35032 0.1632 4022000200080 12.251 0.05931 4022000200081 ENDDATA 57 0 4022000200082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 4022000299999 SUBENT 40220003 20240617 42174022000300001 BIB 5 9 4022000300002 REACTION (0-NN-1(N,THS)0-NN-1,COH,AMP,,,DERIV) 4022000300003 ANALYSIS Derived from measured spectra. 4022000300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4022000300005 article. 4022000300006 STATUS (TABLE,,V.K.Voitovetskii+,J,NP,69,513,1965) 4022000300007 Text page 528. 4022000300008 .Text page 112. of J,PL,10,109,1964) 4022000300009 HISTORY (20240617T) Subent was moved from 40759002. 4022000300010 Code DERIV was added. 4022000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 4022000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022000300013 DATA 3 1 4022000300014 DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR 4022000300015 FERMI FERMI FERMI 4022000300016 -23.6 2.0 1.6 4022000300017 ENDDATA 3 0 4022000300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4022000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4022099999999