ENTRY 40221 20221110 42104022100000001 SUBENT 40221001 20221110 42104022100100001 BIB 15 47 4022100100002 TITLE Elastic scattering of polarized neutrons by Be9, C12, 4022100100003 Co59, Ni62, Se80, Nb93, Cd114, In115, Sn118, I127, Pb 4022100100004 and Bi209 nuclei 4022100100005 AUTHOR (G.V.Gorlov,N.S.Lebedeva,V.M.Morozov) 4022100100006 REFERENCE (J,SPD,9,806,1965) Engl.translation of J,DOK,158,574 4022100100007 (J,DOK,158,574,1964) Issue 3. Figures only. 4022100100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4022100100009 REL-REF (R,,L.S.Rodberg,J,NP,15,72,1960) 4022100100010 METHOD Diff. elas. scat. cs was measured using cylindrical 4022100100011 geometry. Polarization due to scattering was measured 4022100100012 by right-left asymmetry measurement 4022100100013 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSKUR) Van de Graaff 4022100100014 DETECTOR (SCIN) 6 solid scintillators of stilbene crystals with 4022100100015 FEU-33 photomultiplier. 4022100100016 ANG-RSL is mean-square deviation from a nominal angle. 4022100100017 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Ed= 1200+-50 keV. Gas target. 4022100100018 SAMPLE Cylinders with diameter 20-25 mm, length 60 mm . 4022100100019 Higher diameter for pressed powder samples. 4022100100020 ANALYSIS Diff. elas. scat. cs was measured absolutely. 4022100100021 Polarization due to scattering was defined supposing 4022100100022 the d(d,n)- reaction neutron polarization equal -0.14 4022100100023 at an angle 37 degree (lab) according to L.S.Rodberg, 4022100100024 Nucl. Phys., 15,72(1960) 4022100100025 CORRECTION Diff. elas. scat. cs was corrected for flux absorption 4022100100026 and multiple scattering in sample (1-6%, max 20%). 4022100100027 Background was defined from measurement with and 4022100100028 without sample. 4022100100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative and absolute uncertainty of diff. 4022100100030 scat.cs is 1-6 percents and 5 percents correspondingly.4022100100031 Polarization power error is statistical error mainly. 4022100100032 STATUS (TABLE) Received from author 1967-06-07 4022100100033 HISTORY (19740525T) Converted from DASTAR-00370-00381 4022100100034 (19861117U) Reaction code in SAN 033 updated and 4022100100035 ISO-QUANT into REACTION converted 4022100100036 (19920324U) Data-units In SAN 004, 007, 010, 013, 016,4022100100037 022, 025, 028, 031, 035, 037 changed 4022100100038 and REFERENCE code corrected 4022100100039 (20130816A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4022100100040 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4022100100041 BIB information was updated. 4022100100042 Data of POL/DA were given by authors in per-cents, 4022100100043 multiplied by 0.01 by compiler to obtain units NO-DIM. 4022100100044 Code ANA was added in SF8 of REACTION in Subents 004, 4022100100045 007,010,013,016,019,022,025,028,031,034,037 according 4022100100046 to a comment of N.Otsuka(NDS,IAEA). 4022100100047 (20220713A) EN-ERR: 0.5 -> 0.05 MeV. 4022100100048 (20221110A) Subents 017, 018, 029, 030 were corrected. 4022100100049 ENDBIB 47 0 4022100100050 COMMON 3 3 4022100100051 EN EN-RSL-HW ANG-RSL 4022100100052 MEV MEV ADEG 4022100100053 4.00 0.05 4. 4022100100054 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022100100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 4022100199999 SUBENT 40221002 20130816 41614022100200001 BIB 3 5 4022100200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,EL)4-BE-9,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022100200003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022100200004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022100200005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022100200006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022100200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100200009 DATA 4 17 4022100200010 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022100200011 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022100200012 10. 55. 539.0 25.0 4022100200013 21. 20. 495.0 4.0 4022100200014 30. 50. 376.0 2.6 4022100200015 40. 35. 260.0 2.0 4022100200016 50. 25. 170.0 1.0 4022100200017 60. 20. 97.7 0.6 4022100200018 70. 15. 55.2 0.5 4022100200019 80. 10. 36.8 0.6 4022100200020 90. 5. 37.2 0.6 4022100200021 100. 0. 43.2 0.6 4022100200022 110. 0. 49.8 0.6 4022100200023 119. 55. 54.2 0.6 4022100200024 129. 50. 55.7 0.7 4022100200025 139. 40. 56.2 0.8 4022100200026 149. 35. 54.4 0.9 4022100200027 159. 15. 53.9 1.1 4022100200028 169. 45. 43.6 0.8 4022100200029 ENDDATA 19 0 4022100200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4022100299999 SUBENT 40221003 20130816 41614022100300001 BIB 3 4 4022100300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,EL)4-BE-9,,SIG) 4022100300003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022100300004 STATUS (DEP,40221002) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022100300005 of cross-sections from SUBENT 40221002 4022100300006 ENDBIB 4 0 4022100300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100300008 DATA 2 1 4022100300009 DATA DATA-ERR 4022100300010 B B 4022100300011 1.37 0.09 4022100300012 ENDDATA 3 0 4022100300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4022100399999 SUBENT 40221004 20130816 41614022100400001 BIB 4 5 4022100400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,EL)4-BE-9,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff. polarization 4022100400003 of elastically scattered neutrons 4022100400004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022100400005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022100400006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022100400008 COMMON 1 3 4022100400009 POL-BM 4022100400010 NO-DIM 4022100400011 0.14 4022100400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022100400013 DATA 4 16 4022100400014 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022100400015 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022100400016 10. 55. 8. E-02 9. E-02 4022100400017 21. 20. -6. E-02 6. E-02 4022100400018 30. 50. -9. E-02 5. E-02 4022100400019 40. 35. -31. E-02 4. E-02 4022100400020 50. 25. -40. E-02 4. E-02 4022100400021 60. 20. -43. E-02 4. E-02 4022100400022 70. 15. -38. E-02 7. E-02 4022100400023 80. 10. 24. E-02 8. E-02 4022100400024 90. 5. 47. E-02 11. E-02 4022100400025 100. 0. 67. E-02 10. E-02 4022100400026 110. 0. 50. E-02 9. E-02 4022100400027 119. 55. 37. E-02 8. E-02 4022100400028 129. 50. 32. E-02 8. E-02 4022100400029 139. 40. 35. E-02 10. E-02 4022100400030 149. 35. 45. E-02 10. E-02 4022100400031 159. 15. 0. E-02 14. E-02 4022100400032 ENDDATA 18 0 4022100400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4022100499999 SUBENT 40221005 20130816 41614022100500001 BIB 3 5 4022100500002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA) 4022100500003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022100500004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022100500005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022100500006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022100500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100500009 DATA 4 17 4022100500010 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022100500011 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022100500012 10. 55. 544.0 26.0 4022100500013 21. 20. 424.0 4.0 4022100500014 30. 50. 336.0 3.0 4022100500015 40. 35. 230.0 2.0 4022100500016 50. 25. 138.4 1.0 4022100500017 60. 20. 84.2 0.8 4022100500018 70. 15. 61.8 0.9 4022100500019 80. 10. 58.9 0.5 4022100500020 90. 5. 70.2 0.7 4022100500021 100. 0. 91.1 0.7 4022100500022 110. 0. 116.7 0.9 4022100500023 119. 55. 145.0 1.0 4022100500024 129. 50. 167.6 1.5 4022100500025 139. 40. 198.9 1.0 4022100500026 149. 35. 231.2 1.2 4022100500027 159. 15. 261.5 1.8 4022100500028 169. 45. 259.9 13.0 4022100500029 ENDDATA 19 0 4022100500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4022100599999 SUBENT 40221006 20130816 41614022100600001 BIB 3 4 4022100600002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,SIG) Elast. scat. cs. 4022100600003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022100600004 STATUS (DEP,40221005) Quantity was obtained by integrating of4022100600005 cross-sections from SUBENT 40221005 4022100600006 ENDBIB 4 0 4022100600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100600008 DATA 2 1 4022100600009 DATA DATA-ERR 4022100600010 B B 4022100600011 1.98 0.08 4022100600012 ENDDATA 3 0 4022100600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4022100699999 SUBENT 40221007 20130816 41614022100700001 BIB 4 5 4022100700002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff. polarization 4022100700003 of elast. scattered neutrons 4022100700004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022100700005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022100700006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022100700007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022100700008 COMMON 1 3 4022100700009 POL-BM 4022100700010 NO-DIM 4022100700011 0.14 4022100700012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022100700013 DATA 4 17 4022100700014 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022100700015 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022100700016 10. 55. -12. E-02 4. E-02 4022100700017 21. 20. 6. E-02 7. E-02 4022100700018 30. 50. -3. E-02 7. E-02 4022100700019 40. 35. -5. E-02 5. E-02 4022100700020 50. 25. 17. E-02 5. E-02 4022100700021 60. 20. 69. E-02 6. E-02 4022100700022 70. 15. 80. E-02 10. E-02 4022100700023 80. 10. 62. E-02 7. E-02 4022100700024 90. 5. -5. E-02 7. E-02 4022100700025 100. 0. -55. E-02 6. E-02 4022100700026 110. 0. -61. E-02 6. E-02 4022100700027 119. 55. -61. E-02 5. E-02 4022100700028 129. 50. -36. E-02 5. E-02 4022100700029 139. 40. -16. E-02 4. E-02 4022100700030 149. 35. -10. E-02 4. E-02 4022100700031 159. 15. 0. E-02 5. E-02 4022100700032 169. 45. 11. E-02 17. E-02 4022100700033 ENDDATA 19 0 4022100700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4022100799999 SUBENT 40221008 20130816 41614022100800001 BIB 3 5 4022100800002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,EL)27-CO-59,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs.4022100800003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022100800004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022100800005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022100800006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022100800007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022100800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100800009 DATA 4 17 4022100800010 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022100800011 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022100800012 10. 55. 1540. 70. 4022100800013 21. 20. 1179. 9. 4022100800014 30. 50. 761. 8. 4022100800015 40. 35. 419. 3. 4022100800016 50. 25. 184.4 1.2 4022100800017 60. 20. 68.0 0.9 4022100800018 70. 15. 31.7 0.8 4022100800019 80. 10. 42.0 0.9 4022100800020 90. 5. 66.3 1.1 4022100800021 100. 0. 79.6 1.1 4022100800022 110. 0. 73.7 1.0 4022100800023 119. 55. 57.7 1.1 4022100800024 129. 50. 42.3 1.0 4022100800025 139. 40. 28.7 1.0 4022100800026 149. 35. 20.5 1.0 4022100800027 159. 15. 26.7 1.7 4022100800028 169. 45. 26.3 10.0 4022100800029 ENDDATA 19 0 4022100800030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4022100899999 SUBENT 40221009 20130816 41614022100900001 BIB 3 4 4022100900002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,EL)27-CO-59,,SIG) 4022100900003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022100900004 STATUS (DEP,40221008) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022100900005 of cross-sections from SUBENT 40221008 4022100900006 ENDBIB 4 0 4022100900007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022100900008 DATA 2 1 4022100900009 DATA DATA-ERR 4022100900010 B B 4022100900011 2.20 0.15 4022100900012 ENDDATA 3 0 4022100900013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4022100999999 SUBENT 40221010 20130816 41614022101000001 BIB 4 5 4022101000002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,EL)27-CO-59,,POL/DA,,ANA)Diff. polarization4022101000003 of the elastically scattered neutrons 4022101000004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022101000005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022101000006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101000007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022101000008 COMMON 1 3 4022101000009 POL-BM 4022101000010 NO-DIM 4022101000011 0.14 4022101000012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022101000013 DATA 4 16 4022101000014 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101000015 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022101000016 10. 55. 3. E-02 9. E-02 4022101000017 21. 20. -9. E-02 6. E-02 4022101000018 30. 50. -13. E-02 7. E-02 4022101000019 40. 35. -18. E-02 4. E-02 4022101000020 50. 25. -30. E-02 5. E-02 4022101000021 60. 20. -50. E-02 9. E-02 4022101000022 70. 15. 40. E-02 17. E-02 4022101000023 80. 10. 89. E-02 13. E-02 4022101000024 90. 5. 53. E-02 11. E-02 4022101000025 100. 0. 46. E-02 10. E-02 4022101000026 110. 0. 33. E-02 10. E-02 4022101000027 119. 55. 13. E-02 10. E-02 4022101000028 129. 50. 0. E-02 13. E-02 4022101000029 139. 40. 9. E-02 25. E-02 4022101000030 149. 35. 67. E-02 34. E-02 4022101000031 159. 15. 100. E-02 50. E-02 4022101000032 ENDDATA 18 0 4022101000033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4022101099999 SUBENT 40221011 20130816 41614022101100001 BIB 5 8 4022101100002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,EL)28-NI-62,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs.4022101100003 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.86) Ni-62 enrichment is 86 percents. 4022101100004 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022101100005 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022101100006 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022101100007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101100008 HISTORY (20130816U) Enrichment value was changed 62 -> 86 % as 4022101100009 given in the article J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101100010 ENDBIB 8 0 4022101100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101100012 DATA 4 16 4022101100013 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101100014 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022101100015 10. 55. 1480. 70. 4022101100016 21. 20. 1019. 8. 4022101100017 30. 50. 723. 7. 4022101100018 40. 35. 405. 3. 4022101100019 50. 25. 167. 1.4 4022101100020 60. 20. 63.6 1.1 4022101100021 70. 15. 30.8 0.9 4022101100022 80. 10. 40.9 0.6 4022101100023 90. 5. 54.7 1.0 4022101100024 100. 0. 66.8 1.0 4022101100025 110. 0. 68.9 1.1 4022101100026 119. 55. 60.4 0.9 4022101100027 129. 50. 42.3 1.1 4022101100028 139. 40. 35.9 1.2 4022101100029 149. 35. 39.1 1.5 4022101100030 159. 15. 52.0 1.8 4022101100031 ENDDATA 18 0 4022101100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4022101199999 SUBENT 40221012 20130816 41614022101200001 BIB 5 7 4022101200002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,EL)28-NI-62,,SIG) Elas. scat. cs. 4022101200003 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.86) Ni-62 enrichment is 86 percents. 4022101200004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022101200005 STATUS (DEP,40221011) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022101200006 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221011 4022101200007 HISTORY (20130816U) Enrichment value was changed 62 -> 86 % as 4022101200008 given in the article J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101200009 ENDBIB 7 0 4022101200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101200011 DATA 2 1 4022101200012 DATA DATA-ERR 4022101200013 B B 4022101200014 2.05 0.14 4022101200015 ENDDATA 3 0 4022101200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4022101299999 SUBENT 40221013 20130816 41614022101300001 BIB 6 8 4022101300002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,EL)28-NI-62,,POL/DA,,ANA)Diff. polarization4022101300003 of elastically scattered neutrons . 4022101300004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022101300005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022101300006 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.86) Ni-62 enrichment is 86 percents. 4022101300007 HISTORY (20130816U) Enrichment value was changed 62 -> 86% as 4022101300008 given in the article J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101300009 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101300010 ENDBIB 8 0 4022101300011 COMMON 1 3 4022101300012 POL-BM 4022101300013 NO-DIM 4022101300014 0.14 4022101300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022101300016 DATA 4 16 4022101300017 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101300018 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022101300019 10. 55. 2. E-02 7. E-02 4022101300020 21. 20. -9. E-02 5. E-02 4022101300021 30. 50. -15. E-02 7. E-02 4022101300022 40. 35. -22. E-02 6. E-02 4022101300023 50. 25. -23. E-02 6. E-02 4022101300024 60. 20. -17. E-02 13. E-02 4022101300025 70. 15. 40. E-02 21. E-02 4022101300026 80. 10. 57. E-02 10. E-02 4022101300027 90. 05. 65. E-02 13. E-02 4022101300028 100. 0. 53. E-02 11. E-02 4022101300029 110. 0. 30. E-02 11. E-02 4022101300030 119. 55. -4. E-02 10. E-02 4022101300031 129. 50. -8. E-02 19. E-02 4022101300032 139. 40. 0. E-02 24. E-02 4022101300033 149. 35. 21. E-02 28. E-02 4022101300034 159. 15. 38. E-02 25. E-02 4022101300035 ENDDATA 18 0 4022101300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4022101399999 SUBENT 40221014 20130816 41614022101400001 BIB 4 6 4022101400002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,EL)34-SE-80,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022101400003 SAMPLE (34-SE-80,ENR=0.94) Se-80 enrichment is 94 percent 4022101400004 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022101400005 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022101400006 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022101400007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101400008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022101400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101400010 DATA 4 17 4022101400011 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101400012 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022101400013 10. 55. 1920. 60. 4022101400014 21. 20. 1370. 14. 4022101400015 30. 50. 730. 7. 4022101400016 40. 35. 291. 3. 4022101400017 50. 25. 70.8 1.4 4022101400018 60. 20. 46.1 1.3 4022101400019 70. 15. 84.4 1.4 4022101400020 80. 10. 103.2 1.2 4022101400021 90. 05. 100.9 1.3 4022101400022 100. 0. 79.3 1.3 4022101400023 110. 0. 49.7 1.3 4022101400024 119. 55. 30.8 1.0 4022101400025 129. 50. 26.1 1.4 4022101400026 139. 40. 35.6 1.7 4022101400027 149. 35. 53.0 2.0 4022101400028 159. 15. 82.2 3.7 4022101400029 169. 45. 141.0 10.0 4022101400030 ENDDATA 19 0 4022101400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4022101499999 SUBENT 40221015 20130816 41614022101500001 BIB 4 5 4022101500002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,EL)34-SE-80,,SIG) 4022101500003 SAMPLE (34-SE-80,ENR=0.94) Se-80 enrichment is 94 percent 4022101500004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022101500005 STATUS (DEP,40221014) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022101500006 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221014 4022101500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022101500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101500009 DATA 2 1 4022101500010 DATA DATA-ERR 4022101500011 B B 4022101500012 2.15 0.15 4022101500013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022101500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022101599999 SUBENT 40221016 20130816 41614022101600001 BIB 5 6 4022101600002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,EL)34-SE-80,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff.polarization4022101600003 of the elastically scattered neutrons . 4022101600004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022101600005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022101600006 SAMPLE (34-SE-80,ENR=0.94) Se-80 enrichment is 94 percent 4022101600007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022101600009 COMMON 1 3 4022101600010 POL-BM 4022101600011 NO-DIM 4022101600012 0.14 4022101600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022101600014 DATA 4 17 4022101600015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101600016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022101600017 10. 55. 8. E-02 10. E-02 4022101600018 21. 20. -6. E-02 7. E-02 4022101600019 30. 50. -24. E-02 7. E-02 4022101600020 40. 35. -29. E-02 6. E-02 4022101600021 50. 25. -37. E-02 14. E-02 4022101600022 60. 20. 31. E-02 15. E-02 4022101600023 70. 15. 51. E-02 12. E-02 4022101600024 80. 10. 33. E-02 8. E-02 4022101600025 90. 05. 5. E-02 9. E-02 4022101600026 100. 0. 3.E-02 12. E-02 4022101600027 110. 0. 12. E-02 19. E-02 4022101600028 119. 55. 12. E-02 28. E-02 4022101600029 129. 50. 0. E-02 37. E-02 4022101600030 139. 40. 54. E-02 34. E-02 4022101600031 149. 35. 52. E-02 27. E-02 4022101600032 159. 15. 63. E-02 32. E-02 4022101600033 169. 45. 10. E-02 45. E-02 4022101600034 ENDDATA 19 0 4022101600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4022101699999 SUBENT 40221017 20221110 42104022101700001 BIB 6 12 4022101700002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,EXL,DA) 4022101700003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022101700004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022101700005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022101700006 CRITIQUE Of S.Simakov. 4022101700007 Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 4022101700008 Ex ~1. MeV. First ex.level 0.0308 MeV . 4022101700009 See REL-REF, pages 135. 4022101700010 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 4022101700011 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101700012 HISTORY (20221110A) Correction according to a comment of 4022101700013 S.Simakov - see REL-REF - EXL was added in SF5. 4022101700014 ENDBIB 12 0 4022101700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101700016 DATA 4 17 4022101700017 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101700018 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022101700019 10. 55. 1650.0 80.0 4022101700020 21. 20. 1120.0 11.0 4022101700021 30. 50. 570.0 6.0 4022101700022 40. 35. 194.0 2.5 4022101700023 50. 25. 76.0 1.4 4022101700024 60. 20. 97.3 1.3 4022101700025 70. 15. 140.5 1.4 4022101700026 80. 10. 133.2 1.1 4022101700027 90. 5. 92.4 1.2 4022101700028 100. 0. 47.0 1.0 4022101700029 110. 0. 19.0 1.0 4022101700030 119. 55. 17.2 0.8 4022101700031 129. 50. 29.2 1.0 4022101700032 139. 40. 43.7 1.3 4022101700033 149. 35. 64.1 1.6 4022101700034 159. 15. 87.9 2.3 4022101700035 169. 45. 126.0 12.0 4022101700036 ENDDATA 19 0 4022101700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4022101799999 SUBENT 40221018 20221110 42104022101800001 BIB 6 11 4022101800002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,EXL,SIG) 4022101800003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022101800004 CRITIQUE Of S.Simakov. 4022101800005 Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 4022101800006 Ex ~1. MeV. First ex.level 0.0308 MeV . 4022101800007 See REL-REF, pages 135. 4022101800008 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 4022101800009 STATUS (DEP,40221017) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022101800010 of cross-sections from SUBENT 40221017 4022101800011 HISTORY (20221110A) Correction according to a comment of 4022101800012 S.Simakov - see REL-REF - EXL was added in SF5. 4022101800013 ENDBIB 11 0 4022101800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022101800015 DATA 2 1 4022101800016 DATA DATA-ERR 4022101800017 B B 4022101800018 2.05 0.14 4022101800019 ENDDATA 3 0 4022101800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4022101899999 SUBENT 40221019 20130816 41614022101900001 BIB 5 6 4022101900002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff.polarization4022101900003 of elast. scatt. neutrons. 4022101900004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022101900005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022101900006 HISTORY (20130816A) M.M. In reaction NB-95 -> Nb-93 . 4022101900007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022101900008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022101900009 COMMON 1 3 4022101900010 POL-BM 4022101900011 NO-DIM 4022101900012 0.14 4022101900013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022101900014 DATA 4 17 4022101900015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022101900016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022101900017 10. 55. 0. -02 10. E-02 4022101900018 21. 20. -7. -02 7. E-02 4022101900019 30. 50. -9. -02 7. E-02 4022101900020 40. 35. -14. -02 8. E-02 4022101900021 50. 25. 22. -02 13. E-02 4022101900022 60. 20. 44. -02 9. E-02 4022101900023 70. 15. 19. -02 7. E-02 4022101900024 80. 10. -2. -02 6. E-02 4022101900025 90. 05. -20. -02 9. E-02 4022101900026 100. 0. -9. -02 15. E-02 4022101900027 110. 0. 63. -02 36. E-02 4022101900028 119. 55. 13. -02 37. E-02 4022101900029 129. 50. 62. -02 22. E-02 4022101900030 139. 40. 57. -02 21. E-02 4022101900031 149. 35. 23. -02 16. E-02 4022101900032 159. 15. 75. -02 19. E-02 4022101900033 169. 45. 32. -02 65. E-02 4022101900034 ENDDATA 19 0 4022101900035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4022101999999 SUBENT 40221020 20130816 41614022102000001 BIB 4 6 4022102000002 REACTION (48-CD-114(N,EL)48-CD-114,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022102000003 SAMPLE (48-CD-114,ENR=0.94) Cd-114 enrichment is 94 percent 4022102000004 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022102000005 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022102000006 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022102000007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102000008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022102000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102000010 DATA 4 17 4022102000011 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102000012 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022102000013 10. 55. 1570. 70. 4022102000014 21. 20. 1057. 4. 4022102000015 30. 50. 573. 5. 4022102000016 40. 35. 253. 2. 4022102000017 50. 25. 130.5 1.2 4022102000018 60. 20. 121.1 1.1 4022102000019 70. 15. 122.6 1.0 4022102000020 80. 10. 89.2 1.0 4022102000021 90. 05. 46.6 0.8 4022102000022 100. 0. 21.3 0.6 4022102000023 110. 0. 27.2 0.8 4022102000024 119. 55. 51.0 0.8 4022102000025 129. 50. 62.9 0.9 4022102000026 139. 40. 56.1 1.0 4022102000027 149. 35. 42.3 1.2 4022102000028 159. 15. 40.2 1.6 4022102000029 169. 45. 41.4 7.0 4022102000030 ENDDATA 19 0 4022102000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4022102099999 SUBENT 40221021 20130816 41614022102100001 BIB 4 5 4022102100002 REACTION (48-CD-114(N,EL)48-CD-114,,SIG) Elas. scat. cs. 4022102100003 SAMPLE (48-CD-114,ENR=0.94) Cd-114 enrichment is 94 percent 4022102100004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022102100005 STATUS (DEP,40221020) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022102100006 of cross-sections from SUBENT 40221020 4022102100007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022102100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102100009 DATA 2 1 4022102100010 DATA DATA-ERR 4022102100011 B B 4022102100012 2.00 0.14 4022102100013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022102100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022102199999 SUBENT 40221022 20130816 41614022102200001 BIB 5 6 4022102200002 REACTION (48-CD-114(N,EL)48-CD-114,,POL/DA,,ANA) 4022102200003 Diff.polarization of the elastically scattered neutrons4022102200004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022102200005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022102200006 SAMPLE (48-CD-114,ENR=0.94) Cd-114 enrichment is 94 percent 4022102200007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022102200009 COMMON 1 3 4022102200010 POL-BM 4022102200011 NO-DIM 4022102200012 0.14 4022102200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022102200014 DATA 4 16 4022102200015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102200016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022102200017 10. 55. 0. E-02 7. E-02 4022102200018 21. 20. 3. E-02 3. E-02 4022102200019 30. 50. 4. E-02 6. E-02 4022102200020 40. 35. -3. E-02 6. E-02 4022102200021 50. 25. 12. E-02 6. E-02 4022102200022 60. 20. 25. E-02 6. E-02 4022102200023 70. 15. -5. E-02 5. E-02 4022102200024 80. 10. -29. E-02 6. E-02 4022102200025 90. 5. -19. E-02 12. E-02 4022102200026 100. 0. -20. E-02 22. E-02 4022102200027 110. 0. 53. E-02 22. E-02 4022102200028 119. 55. 32. E-02 14. E-02 4022102200029 129. 50. 2. E-02 10. E-02 4022102200030 139. 40. -43. E-02 12. E-02 4022102200031 149. 35. 0. E-02 19. E-02 4022102200032 159. 15. 28. E-02 28. E-02 4022102200033 ENDDATA 18 0 4022102200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4022102299999 SUBENT 40221023 20130816 41614022102300001 BIB 3 5 4022102300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,EL)49-IN-115,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022102300003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022102300004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022102300005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022102300006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022102300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102300009 DATA 4 17 4022102300010 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102300011 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022102300012 10. 55. 1640. 80. 4022102300013 21. 20. 972. 9. 4022102300014 30. 50. 521. 6. 4022102300015 40. 35. 218. 3. 4022102300016 50. 25. 114.6 1.4 4022102300017 60. 20. 113.6 1.5 4022102300018 70. 15. 112.7 1.0 4022102300019 80. 10. 69.8 1.0 4022102300020 90. 5. 33.2 1.0 4022102300021 100. 0. 14.4 0.9 4022102300022 110. 0. 24.6 1.0 4022102300023 119. 55. 47.1 1.0 4022102300024 129. 50. 57.0 1.2 4022102300025 139. 40. 50.3 1.4 4022102300026 149. 35. 34.1 1.4 4022102300027 159. 15. 31.8 2.5 4022102300028 169. 45. 44.0 6.0 4022102300029 ENDDATA 19 0 4022102300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4022102399999 SUBENT 40221024 20130816 41614022102400001 BIB 2 3 4022102400002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,EL)49-IN-115,,SIG) Elas. scat. cs. 4022102400003 STATUS (DEP,40221023) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022102400004 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221023 4022102400005 ENDBIB 3 0 4022102400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102400007 DATA 2 1 4022102400008 DATA DATA-ERR 4022102400009 B B 4022102400010 1.84 0.13 4022102400011 ENDDATA 3 0 4022102400012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 4022102499999 SUBENT 40221025 20130816 41614022102500001 BIB 5 6 4022102500002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,EL)49-IN-115,,POL/DA,,ANA) 4022102500003 Diff.polarization of the elastically scattered neutrons4022102500004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022102500005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022102500006 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022102500007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102500008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022102500009 COMMON 1 3 4022102500010 POL-BM 4022102500011 NO-DIM 4022102500012 0.14 4022102500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022102500014 DATA 4 16 4022102500015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102500016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022102500017 10. 55. -2. E-02 7. E-02 4022102500018 21. 20. 0. E-02 7. E-02 4022102500019 30. 50. -6. E-02 7. E-02 4022102500020 40. 35. -16. E-02 8. E-02 4022102500021 50. 25. 12. E-02 9. E-02 4022102500022 60. 20. 30. E-02 8. E-02 4022102500023 70. 15. 8. E-02 7. E-02 4022102500024 80. 10. -4. E-02 9. E-02 4022102500025 90. 5. -36. E-02 19. E-02 4022102500026 100. 0. 28. E-02 47. E-02 4022102500027 110. 0. 47. E-02 28. E-02 4022102500028 119. 55. 55. E-02 15. E-02 4022102500029 129. 50. 12. E-02 12. E-02 4022102500030 139. 40. -62. E-02 20. E-02 4022102500031 149. 35. -20. E-02 28. E-02 4022102500032 159. 15. 26. E-02 50. E-02 4022102500033 ENDDATA 18 0 4022102500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4022102599999 SUBENT 40221026 20130816 41614022102600001 BIB 4 6 4022102600002 REACTION (50-SN-118(N,EL)50-SN-118,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022102600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.73) Sn-118 enrichment is 73 percent 4022102600004 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022102600005 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022102600006 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022102600007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022102600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102600010 DATA 4 17 4022102600011 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102600012 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022102600013 10. 55. 1540. 70. 4022102600014 21. 20. 998. 9. 4022102600015 30. 50. 550. 5. 4022102600016 40. 35. 256.4 2.3 4022102600017 50. 25. 129.6 1.2 4022102600018 60. 20. 117.5 1.1 4022102600019 70. 15. 107.3 1.0 4022102600020 80. 10. 72.3 0.8 4022102600021 90. 5. 34.8 0.8 4022102600022 100. 0. 18.2 0.7 4022102600023 110. 0. 33.2 0.8 4022102600024 119. 55. 58.7 0.9 4022102600025 129. 50. 64.2 1.0 4022102600026 139. 40. 56.3 1.0 4022102600027 149. 35. 45.4 1.2 4022102600028 159. 15. 52.1 1.5 4022102600029 169. 45. 57.0 6.0 4022102600030 ENDDATA 19 0 4022102600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4022102699999 SUBENT 40221027 20130816 41614022102700001 BIB 4 5 4022102700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(N,EL)50-SN-118,,SIG) Elas. scat. cs. 4022102700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.73) Sn-118 enrichment is 73 percent 4022102700004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022102700005 STATUS (DEP,40221026) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022102700006 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221026 4022102700007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022102700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102700009 DATA 2 1 4022102700010 DATA DATA-ERR 4022102700011 B B 4022102700012 1.94 0.14 4022102700013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022102700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022102799999 SUBENT 40221028 20130816 41614022102800001 BIB 5 6 4022102800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(N,EL)50-SN-118,,POL/DA,,ANA) 4022102800003 Diff. polarization of the elastically scatt. neutrons. 4022102800004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022102800005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022102800006 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.73) Sn-118 enrichment is 73 percent 4022102800007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102800008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022102800009 COMMON 1 3 4022102800010 POL-BM 4022102800011 NO-DIM 4022102800012 0.14 4022102800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022102800014 DATA 4 16 4022102800015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102800016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022102800017 10. 55. 5. E-02 8. E-02 4022102800018 21. 20. -2. E-02 6. E-02 4022102800019 30. 50. 3. E-02 7. E-02 4022102800020 40. 35. 7. E-02 6. E-02 4022102800021 50. 25. 10. E-02 7. E-02 4022102800022 60. 20. 19. E-02 6. E-02 4022102800023 70. 15. -2. E-02 7. E-02 4022102800024 80. 10. -17. E-02 7. E-02 4022102800025 90. 5. 16. E-02 16. E-02 4022102800026 100. 0. 20. E-02 26. E-02 4022102800027 110. 0. 58. E-02 18. E-02 4022102800028 119. 55. 39. E-02 9. E-02 4022102800029 129. 50. 1. E-02 9. E-02 4022102800030 139. 40. -48. E-02 13. E-02 4022102800031 149. 35. 10. E-02 17. E-02 4022102800032 159. 15. 7. E-02 22. E-02 4022102800033 ENDDATA 18 0 4022102800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4022102899999 SUBENT 40221029 20221110 42104022102900001 BIB 6 12 4022102900002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,EL)53-I-127,EXL,DA) 4022102900003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022102900004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022102900005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022102900006 CRITIQUE Of S.Simakov. 4022102900007 Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 4022102900008 Ex ~1. MeV. First ex.level 0.0576 MeV . 4022102900009 See REL-REF, pages 135. 4022102900010 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 4022102900011 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022102900012 HISTORY (20221110A) Correction according to a comment of 4022102900013 S.Simakov - see REL-REF - EXL was added in SF5. 4022102900014 ENDBIB 12 0 4022102900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022102900016 DATA 4 17 4022102900017 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022102900018 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022102900019 10. 55. 2160. 100. 4022102900020 21. 20. 1455. 15. 4022102900021 30. 50. 756. 8. 4022102900022 40. 35. 333. 3. 4022102900023 50. 25. 182. 2. 4022102900024 60. 20. 143. 1.7 4022102900025 70. 15. 117.8 1.5 4022102900026 80. 10. 66.5 1.0 4022102900027 90. 5. 33.1 1.2 4022102900028 100. 0.0 30.2 1.3 4022102900029 110. 0. 51.7 1.5 4022102900030 119. 55. 80.8 1.3 4022102900031 129. 50. 88.7 1.7 4022102900032 139. 40. 73.6 1.7 4022102900033 149. 35. 43.5 1.9 4022102900034 159. 15. 40.1 2.6 4022102900035 169. 45. 45.0 12.0 4022102900036 ENDDATA 19 0 4022102900037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4022102999999 SUBENT 40221030 20221110 42104022103000001 BIB 6 11 4022103000002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,EL)53-I-127,EXL,SIG) 4022103000003 CRITIQUE Of S.Simakov. 4022103000004 Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 4022103000005 Ex ~1. MeV. First ex.level 0.0576 MeV . 4022103000006 See REL-REF, pages 135. 4022103000007 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 4022103000008 STATUS (DEP,40221029) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022103000009 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221029 4022103000010 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022103000011 HISTORY (20221110A) Correction according to a comment of 4022103000012 S.Simakov - see REL-REF - EXL was added in SF5. 4022103000013 ENDBIB 11 0 4022103000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022103000015 DATA 2 1 4022103000016 DATA DATA-ERR 4022103000017 B B 4022103000018 2.57 0.18 4022103000019 ENDDATA 3 0 4022103000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4022103099999 SUBENT 40221031 20130816 41614022103100001 BIB 4 5 4022103100002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,EL)53-I-127,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff.polarization4022103100003 of the elastically scatt. neutrons 4022103100004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022103100005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022103100006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022103100007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022103100008 COMMON 1 3 4022103100009 POL-BM 4022103100010 NO-DIM 4022103100011 0.14 4022103100012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022103100013 DATA 4 16 4022103100014 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022103100015 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022103100016 10. 55. 4. E-02 10. E-02 4022103100017 21. 20. -12. E-02 7. E-02 4022103100018 30. 50. -13. E-02 7. E-02 4022103100019 40. 35. 4. E-02 6. E-02 4022103100020 50. 25. 12. E-02 8. E-02 4022103100021 60. 20. 9. E-02 7. E-02 4022103100022 70. 15. -4. E-02 10. E-02 4022103100023 80. 10. 14. E-02 10. E-02 4022103100024 90. 5. 39. E-02 27. E-02 4022103100025 100. 0. 63. E-02 31. E-02 4022103100026 110. 0. 61. E-02 20. E-02 4022103100027 119. 55. 35. E-02 10. E-02 4022103100028 129. 50. 10. E-02 9. E-02 4022103100029 139. 40. -8. E-02 16. E-02 4022103100030 149. 35. 28. E-02 31. E-02 4022103100031 159. 15. 23. E-02 54. E-02 4022103100032 ENDDATA 18 0 4022103100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4022103199999 SUBENT 40221032 20130816 41614022103200001 BIB 4 6 4022103200002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) Diff. elas. scat. cs. 4022103200003 SAMPLE Natural lead. 4022103200004 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022103200005 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022103200006 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022103200007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022103200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022103200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022103200010 DATA 4 17 4022103200011 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022103200012 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022103200013 10. 55. 5520. 260. 4022103200014 21. 20. 3410. 30. 4022103200015 30. 50. 1771. 14. 4022103200016 40. 35. 650. 5. 4022103200017 50. 25. 197. 2. 4022103200018 60. 20. 132. 2. 4022103200019 70. 15. 182. 2. 4022103200020 80. 10. 213. 2. 4022103200021 90. 5. 186.3 1.6 4022103200022 100. 0. 133.1 1.7 4022103200023 110. 0. 94.3 1.7 4022103200024 119. 55. 92.4 1.5 4022103200025 129. 50. 102.7 1.6 4022103200026 139. 40. 119.0 2.0 4022103200027 149. 35. 154.1 2.7 4022103200028 159. 15. 247.0 3.5 4022103200029 169. 45. 347.0 16.0 4022103200030 ENDDATA 19 0 4022103200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4022103299999 SUBENT 40221033 20130816 41614022103300001 BIB 4 5 4022103300002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,SIG) Elastic scattering cs 4022103300003 SAMPLE Natural lead. 4022103300004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022103300005 STATUS (DEP,40222032) Quantity was obtained by integrating of4022103300006 cross-sections from SUBENT 40221032 4022103300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022103300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022103300009 DATA 2 1 4022103300010 DATA DATA-ERR 4022103300011 B B 4022103300012 5.70 0.40 4022103300013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022103300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022103399999 SUBENT 40221034 20130816 41614022103400001 BIB 5 6 4022103400002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) Diff. polarization 4022103400003 of the elastically scatt. neutrons 4022103400004 SAMPLE Natural lead. 4022103400005 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022103400006 METHOD (LRASY) 4022103400007 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022103400008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022103400009 COMMON 1 3 4022103400010 POL-BM 4022103400011 NO-DIM 4022103400012 0.14 4022103400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022103400014 DATA 4 17 4022103400015 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022103400016 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022103400017 10. 55. 5. E-02 6. E-02 4022103400018 21. 20. 6. E-02 6. E-02 4022103400019 30. 50. -6. E-02 6. E-02 4022103400020 40. 35. -28. E-02 7. E-02 4022103400021 50. 25. -9. E-02 7. E-02 4022103400022 60. 20. 52. E-02 10. E-02 4022103400023 70. 15. 31. E-02 8. E-02 4022103400024 80. 10. 25. E-02 6. E-02 4022103400025 90. 5. 10. E-02 7. E-02 4022103400026 100. 0. 7. E-02 9. E-02 4022103400027 110. 0. 7. E-02 12. E-02 4022103400028 119. 55. 15. E-02 10. E-02 4022103400029 129. 50. 9. E-02 9. E-02 4022103400030 139. 40. 5. E-02 12. E-02 4022103400031 149. 35. 46. E-02 11. E-02 4022103400032 159. 15. 59. E-02 11. E-02 4022103400033 169. 45. 22. E-02 34. E-02 4022103400034 ENDDATA 19 0 4022103400035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4022103499999 SUBENT 40221035 20130816 41614022103500001 BIB 3 5 4022103500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) Diff. elas. cs. 4022103500003 ANALYSIS Dif. c-s of not-polarized neutrons el.scattering were 4022103500004 defined as 1/2 of sum of c-s at left right angles 4022103500005 relative to direction of incident neutrons. 4022103500006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.1 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022103500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022103500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022103500009 DATA 4 17 4022103500010 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022103500011 ADEG AMIN MB/SR MB/SR 4022103500012 10. 55. 6300. 300. 4022103500013 21. 20. 3630. 30. 4022103500014 30. 50. 1805. 16. 4022103500015 40. 35. 646. 6. 4022103500016 50. 25. 162.6 2.5 4022103500017 60. 20. 97.2 1.8 4022103500018 70. 15. 153.2 2.5 4022103500019 80. 10. 201.8 2.2 4022103500020 90. 5. 182.8 2.9 4022103500021 100. 0. 119.0 2.1 4022103500022 110. 0. 67.8 1.5 4022103500023 119. 55. 69.1 1.4 4022103500024 129. 50. 92.7 2.9 4022103500025 139. 40. 91.7 3.3 4022103500026 149. 35. 91.5 3.6 4022103500027 159. 15. 165.4 3.8 4022103500028 169. 45. 271.0 13.0 4022103500029 ENDDATA 19 0 4022103500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4022103599999 SUBENT 40221036 20130816 41614022103600001 BIB 3 4 4022103600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,SIG) Elas. scat. cs. 4022103600003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4022103600004 STATUS (DEP,40221035) Quantity was obtained by integrating 4022103600005 of the cross-sections from SUBENT 40221035 4022103600006 ENDBIB 4 0 4022103600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022103600008 DATA 2 1 4022103600009 DATA DATA-ERR 4022103600010 B B 4022103600011 5.7 0.4 4022103600012 ENDDATA 3 0 4022103600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4022103699999 SUBENT 40221037 20130816 41614022103700001 BIB 4 5 4022103700002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,POL/DA,,ANA) 4022103700003 Diff. polarization of the elast. scatt. neutrons 4022103700004 INC-SOURCE (POLNS) 4022103700005 METHOD (LRASY) 4022103700006 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.2 of J,DOK,158,(3),574,1964 4022103700007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022103700008 COMMON 1 3 4022103700009 POL-BM 4022103700010 NO-DIM 4022103700011 0.14 4022103700012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4022103700013 DATA 4 17 4022103700014 ANG ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4022103700015 ADEG AMIN NO-DIM NO-DIM 4022103700016 10. 55. -5. E-02 7. E-02 4022103700017 21. 20. -10. E-02 6. E-02 4022103700018 30. 50. -19. E-02 6. E-02 4022103700019 40. 35. -27. E-02 7. E-02 4022103700020 50. 25. -23. E-02 12. E-02 4022103700021 60. 20. 38. E-02 13. E-02 4022103700022 70. 15. 35. E-02 12. E-02 4022103700023 80. 10. 36. E-02 9. E-02 4022103700024 90. 5. 9. E-02 12. E-02 4022103700025 100. 0. 0. E-02 13. E-02 4022103700026 110. 0. 14. E-02 16. E-02 4022103700027 119. 55. 10. E-02 13. E-02 4022103700028 129. 50. 15. E-02 22. E-02 4022103700029 139. 40. -16. E-02 23. E-02 4022103700030 149. 35. 15. E-02 29. E-02 4022103700031 159. 15. -14. E-02 16. E-02 4022103700032 169. 45. 50. E-02 47. E-02 4022103700033 ENDDATA 19 0 4022103700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4022103799999 ENDENTRY 37 0 4022199999999