ENTRY 40226 20230703 42134022600000001 SUBENT 40226001 20230703 42134022600100001 BIB 12 33 4022600100002 TITLE Cross sections for (n,p) and (n,alpha) reactions 4022600100003 with 14.8-MeV neutrons 4022600100004 AUTHOR (V.N.Levkovskii,G.P.Vinitskaya,G.E.Kovel'skaya, 4022600100005 V.M.Stepanov) 4022600100006 REFERENCE (J,SNP,10,25,1970) Eng.transl.of YF,10,44,1969 4022600100007 (J,YF,10,44,1969) Issue 1. Data are given 4022600100008 INSTITUTE (4KASKAZ) 4022600100009 FACILITY (NGEN,4KASKAZ) Neutron generator 4022600100010 REL-REF (I,40009001,G.P.Vinitskaya+,J,YF,6,240,1967) Issue 2. 4022600100011 Principle used in determining cross sections, the 4022600100012 technique used in irradiating targets and standards, 4022600100013 and the method used to measure beta activities have 4022600100014 been described in this ref. 4022600100015 (N,40223001,V.Levkovskii+,J,SNP,8,4,1969) 4022600100016 The same title and first author, different set of 4022600100017 isotopes under study. 4022600100018 METHOD (ACTIV) 4022600100019 MONITOR See information in Subents. 4022600100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not explained. 4022600100021 STATUS (TABLE,,V.N.Levkovskii+,J,SNP,10,25,1970) From Table 4022600100022 COMMENT Half-lives were measured by authors . 4022600100023 HISTORY (19741216C) Compiled at the centre 4022600100024 (19870311U) SF4 corrected in several subentries, 4022600100025 ISO-QUANT into REACTION converted, energy in San 027 4022600100026 corrected 4022600100027 (20010311U) Date corrected 4022600100028 (20150206A) SD: Ref. on Engl.transl. of YF added. 4022600100029 SAMPLE was added to Sub. 2 - 35, 4022600100030 HALF-LIFE -> DECAY-DATA in Subents 3-35. REL-REF added4022600100031 (20151207A) M.M. Article was checked, BIB information 4022600100032 was updated in AUTHOR,TITLE,METHOD,MONITOR,ANALYSIS, 4022600100033 DECAY-DATA,COMMENT. 4022600100034 (20230703U) Minor correction in Subent 001 4022600100035 ENDBIB 33 0 4022600100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4022600199999 SUBENT 40226002 20151207 41734022600200001 BIB 5 6 4022600200002 REACTION (22-TI-46(N,P)21-SC-46,,SIG) 4022600200003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-G,84.D) 4022600200004 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600200005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600200006 radiochemically. 4022600200007 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022600200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022600200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600200010 DATA 3 1 4022600200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600200012 MEV MB MB 4022600200013 14.8 230. 50. 4022600200014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022600299999 SUBENT 40226003 20151207 41734022600300001 BIB 6 12 4022600300002 REACTION (22-TI-47(N,P)21-SC-47,,SIG) 4022600300003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-47,3.5D,DG,160.,0.73) 4022600300004 (21-SC-48,1.83D,DG,178.,0.053) 4022600300005 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600300006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600300007 radiochemically. 4022600300008 DETECTOR (GELI) 4022600300009 ANALYSIS The yield ratio of reactions Ti47(n,p)Sc47 and 4022600300010 Ti48(n,p)Sc48 was obtained by analyzing complete yield 4022600300011 curve of Sc fraction, and from the intensities ratio 4022600300012 between 178-keV line of Sc-48 and 160-keV line of Sc-474022600300013 measured by gamma-spectrometer with Ge(Li) detector. 4022600300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4022600300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600300016 DATA 3 1 4022600300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600300018 MEV MB MB 4022600300019 14.8 170. 40. 4022600300020 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4022600399999 SUBENT 40226004 20151207 41734022600400001 BIB 6 12 4022600400002 REACTION (22-TI-48(N,P)21-SC-48,,SIG) 4022600400003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,1.83D,DG,178.,0.053) 4022600400004 (21-SC-47,3.5D,DG,160.,0.73) 4022600400005 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600400006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600400007 radiochemically. 4022600400008 DETECTOR (GELI) 4022600400009 ANALYSIS The yield ratio of reactions Ti47(n,p)Sc47 and 4022600400010 Ti48(n,p)Sc48 was obtained by analyzing complete yield 4022600400011 curve of Sc fraction, and from the intensities ratio 4022600400012 between 178-keV line of Sc-48 and 160-keV line of Sc-474022600400013 measured by gamma-spectrometer with Ge(Li) detector. 4022600400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4022600400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600400016 DATA 3 1 4022600400017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600400018 MEV MB MB 4022600400019 14.8 63. 6. 4022600400020 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4022600499999 SUBENT 40226005 20151207 41734022600500001 BIB 4 5 4022600500002 REACTION (22-TI-49(N,P)21-SC-49,,SIG) 4022600500003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-49,59.MIN) 4022600500004 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600500005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600500006 radiochemically. 4022600500007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022600500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600500009 DATA 3 1 4022600500010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600500011 MEV MB MB 4022600500012 14.8 35. 5. 4022600500013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022600599999 SUBENT 40226006 20151207 41734022600600001 BIB 3 3 4022600600002 REACTION (22-TI-50(N,P)21-SC-50-G,M+,SIG) 4022600600003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-50-G,1.7MIN) 4022600600004 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600600005 ENDBIB 3 0 4022600600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600600007 DATA 3 1 4022600600008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600600009 MEV MB MB 4022600600010 14.8 22. 7. 4022600600011 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600600012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 4022600699999 SUBENT 40226007 20151207 41734022600700001 BIB 4 5 4022600700002 REACTION (22-TI-48(N,A)20-CA-45,,SIG) 4022600700003 DECAY-DATA (20-CA-45,165.D) 4022600700004 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600700005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600700006 radiochemically. 4022600700007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022600700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600700009 DATA 3 1 4022600700010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600700011 MEV MB MB 4022600700012 14.8 23. 6. 4022600700013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022600799999 SUBENT 40226008 20151207 41734022600800001 BIB 4 5 4022600800002 REACTION (22-TI-50(N,A)20-CA-47,,SIG) 4022600800003 DECAY-DATA (20-CA-47,4.7D) 4022600800004 SAMPLE 0.5-20 g titanium 4022600800005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022600800006 radiochemically. 4022600800007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022600800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600800009 DATA 3 1 4022600800010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600800011 MEV MB MB 4022600800012 14.8 10. 2. 4022600800013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600800014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022600899999 SUBENT 40226009 20151207 41734022600900001 BIB 3 3 4022600900002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,P)22-TI-51,,SIG) 4022600900003 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.8MIN) 4022600900004 SAMPLE 1-2 g vanadium 4022600900005 ENDBIB 3 0 4022600900006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022600900007 DATA 3 1 4022600900008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022600900009 MEV MB MB 4022600900010 14.8 38. 8. 4022600900011 ENDDATA 3 0 4022600900012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 4022600999999 SUBENT 40226010 20151207 41734022601000001 BIB 4 5 4022601000002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,A)21-SC-48,,SIG) 4022601000003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,1.83D) 4022601000004 SAMPLE 1-2 g vanadium 4022601000005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601000006 radiochemically. 4022601000007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022601000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601000009 DATA 3 1 4022601000010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601000011 MEV MB MB 4022601000012 14.8 16. 3. 4022601000013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601000014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022601099999 SUBENT 40226011 20151207 41734022601100001 BIB 7 10 4022601100002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 4022601100003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,72.D,AR,411.) 4022601100004 SAMPLE 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601100005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601100006 radiochemically. 4022601100007 MONITOR Copper foil served as standard. 4022601100008 ANALYSIS Cross section for Ni-58(n,p)Co58g was determined using4022601100009 the intensities ratio for annihilation radiation from 4022601100010 Co-58 and copper foil. 4022601100011 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022601100012 ENDBIB 10 0 4022601100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601100014 DATA 3 1 4022601100015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601100016 MEV MB MB 4022601100017 14.8 210. 40. 4022601100018 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4022601199999 SUBENT 40226012 20151207 41734022601200001 BIB 5 9 4022601200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58-M,,SIG) 4022601200003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-M,9.2HR) Half-life period was measured by 4022601200004 authors 4022601200005 (27-CO-58-G,72.D,DG,810.) 4022601200006 SAMPLE 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601200007 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601200008 radiochemically. 4022601200009 ANALYSIS Ratio of initial activities of Co-58M and Co-58G was 4022601200010 obtained from curve of 810-keV. 4022601200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4022601200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601200013 DATA 3 1 4022601200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601200015 MEV MB MB 4022601200016 14.8 170. 40. 4022601200017 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4022601299999 SUBENT 40226013 20151207 41734022601300001 BIB 5 11 4022601300002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,P)27-CO-60,,SIG) 4022601300003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.3YR,DG,1170.,,DG,1330.) 4022601300004 (27-CO-58-G,72.D,DG,810.) 4022601300005 SAMPLE 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601300006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601300007 radiochemically. 4022601300008 ANALYSIS Cross section for Ni-60(n,p)Co-60 was determined from 4022601300009 intensity ratios between 810-keV line of Co-58 and 4022601300010 1170 and 1339-keV lines of Co-60, in the Co sample 4022601300011 stored for 1 and 1.5 years following its separation 4022601300012 from Ni target. 4022601300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4022601300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601300015 DATA 3 1 4022601300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601300017 MEV MB MB 4022601300018 14.8 130. 40. 4022601300019 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4022601399999 SUBENT 40226014 20151207 41734022601400001 BIB 4 6 4022601400002 REACTION (28-NI-61(N,P)27-CO-61,,SIG) 4022601400003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,98.MIN) 4022601400004 SAMPLE Enriched in Ni-61 . 4022601400005 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601400006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601400007 radiochemically. 4022601400008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022601400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601400010 DATA 3 1 4022601400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601400012 MEV MB MB 4022601400013 14.8 98. 10. 4022601400014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022601499999 SUBENT 40226015 20151207 41734022601500001 BIB 5 7 4022601500002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,P)27-CO-62-M,,SIG) 4022601500003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-62-M,14.MIN) 4022601500004 SAMPLE Enriched in Ni-62. 4022601500005 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601500006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601500007 radiochemically. 4022601500008 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. -G -> -M in REACTION and DECAY-DATA 4022601500009 ENDBIB 7 0 4022601500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601500011 DATA 3 1 4022601500012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601500013 MEV MB MB 4022601500014 14.8 21. 3. 4022601500015 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4022601599999 SUBENT 40226016 20151207 41734022601600001 BIB 5 7 4022601600002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,P)27-CO-62-G,,SIG) 4022601600003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-62-G,1.5MIN) Half-life period was measured by4022601600004 authors 4022601600005 SAMPLE 1-20 g of natural nickel, 50-100 mg 62NiO and 61NiO 4022601600006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601600007 radiochemically. 4022601600008 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. -M -> -G in REACTION and DECAY-DATA 4022601600009 ENDBIB 7 0 4022601600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601600011 DATA 3 1 4022601600012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601600013 MEV MB MB 4022601600014 14.8 23. 4. 4022601600015 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4022601699999 SUBENT 40226017 20151207 41734022601700001 BIB 6 11 4022601700002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,P)39-Y-90,,SIG) 4022601700003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-G,2.66D) 4022601700004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g ZrOCl2 x 8H2O 4022601700005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601700006 radiochemically. 4022601700007 ANALYSIS The ratio of the initial activities of Y-90m and Y-90g4022601700008 was determined by comparing the initial intensities of 4022601700009 220-keV gamma line of Y-90m and the initial beta 4022601700010 activity of Y-90g in Y samples separated chemically 4022601700011 from Zr and Nb targets. 4022601700012 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022601700013 ENDBIB 11 0 4022601700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601700015 DATA 3 1 4022601700016 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601700017 MEV MB MB 4022601700018 14.8 34. 4. 4022601700019 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4022601799999 SUBENT 40226018 20151207 41734022601800001 BIB 5 10 4022601800002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,P)39-Y-90-M,,SIG) 4022601800003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.25HR) Measured by authors 4022601800004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g ZrOCl2 x 8H2O 4022601800005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601800006 radiochemically. 4022601800007 ANALYSIS The ratio of the initial activities of Y-90m and Y-90g4022601800008 was determined by comparing the initial intensities of 4022601800009 220-keV gamma line of Y-90m and the initial beta 4022601800010 activity of Y-90g in Y samples separated chemically 4022601800011 from Zr and Nb targets. 4022601800012 ENDBIB 10 0 4022601800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601800014 DATA 3 1 4022601800015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601800016 MEV MB MB 4022601800017 14.8 9. 2. 4022601800018 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601800019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4022601899999 SUBENT 40226019 20151207 41734022601900001 BIB 5 6 4022601900002 REACTION (40-ZR-91(N,P)39-Y-91,,SIG) 4022601900003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-91-G,59.D) 4022601900004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g ZrOCl2 x 8H2O 4022601900005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022601900006 radiochemically. 4022601900007 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022601900008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022601900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022601900010 DATA 3 1 4022601900011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022601900012 MEV MB MB 4022601900013 14.8 34. 7. 4022601900014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022601900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022601999999 SUBENT 40226020 20151207 41734022602000001 BIB 5 7 4022602000002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(N,P)39-Y-92,,SIG) 4022602000003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-92,3.5HR) 4022602000004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g ZrOCl2 x 8H2O 4022602000005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602000006 radiochemically. 4022602000007 CORRECTION For internal conversion electrons of Y-90m to measured 4022602000008 beta activity of Y-92. 4022602000009 ENDBIB 7 0 4022602000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602000011 DATA 3 1 4022602000012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602000013 MEV MB MB 4022602000014 14.8 20. 3. 4022602000015 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4022602099999 SUBENT 40226021 20151207 41734022602100001 BIB 4 5 4022602100002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,P)39-Y-94,,SIG) 4022602100003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-94,20.MIN) 4022602100004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g ZrOCl2 x 8H2O 4022602100005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602100006 radiochemically. 4022602100007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022602100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602100009 DATA 3 1 4022602100010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602100011 MEV MB MB 4022602100012 14.8 9. 2. 4022602100013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022602199999 SUBENT 40226022 20151207 41734022602200001 BIB 4 5 4022602200002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(N,A)38-SR-89,,SIG) 4022602200003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-89,51.D) 4022602200004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g of ZrOCl(2) x 8 H(2)O 4022602200005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602200006 radiochemically. 4022602200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022602200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602200009 DATA 3 1 4022602200010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602200011 MEV MB MB 4022602200012 14.8 9. 2. 4022602200013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022602299999 SUBENT 40226023 20151207 41734022602300001 BIB 4 5 4022602300002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,A)38-SR-91,,SIG) 4022602300003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-91,9.7HR) 4022602300004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g of ZrOCl(2) x 8 H(2)O 4022602300005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602300006 radiochemically. 4022602300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022602300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602300009 DATA 3 1 4022602300010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602300011 MEV MB MB 4022602300012 14.8 5.2 0.7 4022602300013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022602399999 SUBENT 40226024 20151207 41734022602400001 BIB 4 5 4022602400002 REACTION (40-ZR-96(N,A)38-SR-93,,SIG) 4022602400003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-93,7.5MIN) 4022602400004 SAMPLE 0.5-40 g of ZrOCl(2) x 8 H(2)O 4022602400005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602400006 radiochemically. 4022602400007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022602400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602400009 DATA 3 1 4022602400010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602400011 MEV MB MB 4022602400012 14.8 2.6 0.8 4022602400013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022602499999 SUBENT 40226025 20151207 41734022602500001 BIB 7 9 4022602500002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,A)39-Y-90,,SIG) 4022602500003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-G,2.66D,B-) 4022602500004 SAMPLE 1 g of metallic niobium 4022602500005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602500006 radiochemically. 4022602500007 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillation beta spectrometer. 4022602500008 ANALYSIS The ratio of the initial activities of Y-90m and Y-90g4022602500009 was obtained from the part ( > 1 MeV) of beta spectrum.4022602500010 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022602500011 ENDBIB 9 0 4022602500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602500013 DATA 3 1 4022602500014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602500015 MEV MB MB 4022602500016 14.8 3.3 0.5 4022602500017 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602500018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4022602599999 SUBENT 40226026 20151207 41734022602600001 BIB 6 8 4022602600002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,A)39-Y-90-M,,SIG) 4022602600003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.25HR) Measured by authors 4022602600004 SAMPLE 1 g of metallic niobium 4022602600005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602600006 radiochemically. 4022602600007 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillation beta spectrometer. 4022602600008 ANALYSIS The ratio of the initial activities of Y-90m and Y-90g4022602600009 was obtained from the part ( > 1 MeV) of beta spectrum.4022602600010 ENDBIB 8 0 4022602600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602600012 DATA 3 1 4022602600013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602600014 MEV MB MB 4022602600015 14.8 2.8 0.5 4022602600016 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4022602699999 SUBENT 40226027 20151207 41734022602700001 BIB 6 10 4022602700002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,P)46-PD-109,,SIG) 4022602700003 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-109-G,13.6HR) 4022602700004 SAMPLE 1-2 g silver nitrate 4022602700005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602700006 radiochemically. 4022602700007 CORRECTION For contribution in the measured activity by internal 4022602700008 conversion electrons from the decays of daughter nuclei4022602700009 Ag-109m (HL=40 sec, E=88 keV,alpha=10) and 4022602700010 In-115m (Hl=4.5hr, E=335 keV,alpha=0.82). 4022602700011 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. "-G" was deleted from SF4 4022602700012 ENDBIB 10 0 4022602700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602700014 DATA 3 1 4022602700015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602700016 MEV MB MB 4022602700017 14.8 17. 2. 4022602700018 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602700019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 4022602799999 SUBENT 40226028 20151207 41734022602800001 BIB 4 5 4022602800002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,A)47-AG-112,,SIG) 4022602800003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-112,3.2HR) 4022602800004 SAMPLE 1-20 g of metallic indium 4022602800005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602800006 radiochemically. 4022602800007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022602800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602800009 DATA 3 1 4022602800010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602800011 MEV MB MB 4022602800012 14.8 2.4 0.3 4022602800013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602800014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022602899999 SUBENT 40226029 20151207 41734022602900001 BIB 5 9 4022602900002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,P)48-CD-115-G,,SIG) 4022602900003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-G,2.3D) 4022602900004 SAMPLE 1-20 g of metallic indium 4022602900005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022602900006 radiochemically. 4022602900007 CORRECTION For contribution in the measured activity by internal 4022602900008 conversion electrons from the decays of daughter nuclei4022602900009 Ag-109m (HL=40 sec, E=88 keV,alpha=10) and 4022602900010 In-115m (Hl=4.5hr, E=335 keV,alpha=0.82). 4022602900011 ENDBIB 9 0 4022602900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022602900013 DATA 3 1 4022602900014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022602900015 MEV MB MB 4022602900016 14.8 4.8 1.0 4022602900017 ENDDATA 3 0 4022602900018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4022602999999 SUBENT 40226030 20151207 41734022603000001 BIB 4 6 4022603000002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,P)48-CD-115-M,,SIG) 4022603000003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-M,43.D) Half-life period was measured by 4022603000004 authors 4022603000005 SAMPLE 1-20 g of metallic indium 4022603000006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603000007 radiochemically. 4022603000008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022603000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603000010 DATA 3 1 4022603000011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603000012 MEV MB MB 4022603000013 14.8 7.7 1.2 4022603000014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603000015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022603099999 SUBENT 40226031 20151207 41734022603100001 BIB 4 5 4022603100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(N,A)48-CD-115-G,,SIG) 4022603100003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-G,2.3D) 4022603100004 SAMPLE 5-20 g of metallic tin 4022603100005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603100006 radiochemically. 4022603100007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022603100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603100009 DATA 3 1 4022603100010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603100011 MEV MB MB 4022603100012 14.8 1.1 0.1 4022603100013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022603199999 SUBENT 40226032 20151207 41734022603200001 BIB 5 9 4022603200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(N,A)48-CD-115-M,,SIG) 4022603200003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-M,43.D) 4022603200004 SAMPLE 5-20 g of metallic tin 4022603200005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603200006 radiochemically. 4022603200007 CORRECTION For contribution in the measured activity by internal 4022603200008 conversion electrons from the decays of daughter nuclei4022603200009 Ag-109m (HL=40 sec, E=88 keV,alpha=10) and 4022603200010 In-115m (Hl=4.5hr, E=335 keV,alpha=0.82). 4022603200011 ENDBIB 9 0 4022603200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603200013 DATA 3 1 4022603200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603200015 MEV MB MB 4022603200016 14.8 .3 .1 4022603200017 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4022603299999 SUBENT 40226033 20151207 41734022603300001 BIB 4 5 4022603300002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,P)52-TE-127-G,,SIG) 4022603300003 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-127-G,9.4HR) 4022603300004 SAMPLE 1-20 g of NaI x 2 H(2)O 4022603300005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603300006 radiochemically. 4022603300007 ENDBIB 5 0 4022603300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603300009 DATA 3 1 4022603300010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603300011 MEV MB MB 4022603300012 14.8 3.8 0.4 4022603300013 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4022603399999 SUBENT 40226034 20151207 41734022603400001 BIB 4 6 4022603400002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,P)52-TE-127-M,,SIG) 4022603400003 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-127-M,105.D) Half-life period was measured 4022603400004 by the authors 4022603400005 SAMPLE 1-20 g of NaI x 2 H(2)O 4022603400006 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603400007 radiochemically. 4022603400008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022603400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603400010 DATA 3 1 4022603400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603400012 MEV MB MB 4022603400013 14.8 5.3 1. 4022603400014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022603499999 SUBENT 40226035 20151207 41734022603500001 BIB 5 6 4022603500002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,A)51-SB-124-G,M+,SIG) 4022603500003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-124-G,60.D) 4022603500004 SAMPLE 1-20 g of NaI x 2 H(2)O 4022603500005 METHOD (CHSEP) Reaction products were separated 4022603500006 radiochemically. 4022603500007 HISTORY (20151207A) M.M. M+ was added in SF5. 4022603500008 ENDBIB 6 0 4022603500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4022603500010 DATA 3 1 4022603500011 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4022603500012 MEV MB MB 4022603500013 14.8 1.8 0.4 4022603500014 ENDDATA 3 0 4022603500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4022603599999 ENDENTRY 35 0 4022699999999