ENTRY            40296   20170203                             41754029600000001 
SUBENT        40296001   20170203                             41754029600100001 
BIB                 10         56                                 4029600100002 
TITLE       Absolute measurement the of U-235 and U-238 fission   4029600100003 
           cross-sections in the Cf-252 fission neutron spectrum. 4029600100004 
AUTHOR     (V.M.Adamov,L.V.Drapchinskij,G.Yu.Kudryavtsev,         4029600100005 
           S.S.Kovalenko,K.A.Petrzhak,L.A.Pleskachevskij,         4029600100006 
           A.M.Sokolov)                                           4029600100007 
REFERENCE  (R,INDC(CCP)-180,1982) Final data.                     4029600100008 
            English translation of RI-52 :                        4029600100009 
           (R,RI-52,1976) Khlopin Radium Institute report.        4029600100010 
           (C,73KIEV,4,21,197305) Preliminary measurement data    4029600100011 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSRI)                                               4029600100012 
INC-SOURCE (CF252)    Spont.fiss.californium-252 .                4029600100013 
            Prepared by thermoscattering of Cf.                   4029600100014 
            Diameter of Cf foil 3.0+-0.2 mm.                      4029600100015 
SAMPLE      Prepared by high-frequency plasma spraying.  U(3)O(8).4029600100016 
           Non-uniformity less 1%.                                4029600100017 
           Weights were measured by alpha-activity in 2PI geometry4029600100018 
           in mesh ionization pulse chamber (U-238) and           4029600100019 
           semi-conductor detector in a small solid angle (U-235).4029600100020 
           Isotopic analysis was performed by alpha spectrometer. 4029600100021 
ANALYSIS    Fission cross-section is defined according to         4029600100022 
            the formula                                           4029600100023 
               SIGMAfis=(2PI*A*Nf*R**2)/(N0*P*NUCf*G*K*NCf)       4029600100024 
            here Nf- a number of fissions for uranium isotope,    4029600100025 
                 N0- Avogadro number,                             4029600100026 
                 R- radius of the active foil target,             4029600100027 
                 P- weight of the fissionable material in target, 4029600100028 
                NUCf- prompt neutron number for Cf-252 from       4029600100029 
                      Second IAEA Panel Meeting on Neutron        4029600100030 
                      Standard Reference Data, Vienna, 20-24 Nov. 4029600100031 
                      1972.                                       4029600100032 
                NCf- a number of fissions for Cf-252,             4029600100033 
                 G - geometry factor of experimental setup        4029600100034 
                 K - coefficient of correction for counting errors4029600100035 
                     in Cf-252 FF counting channel,               4029600100036 
                 A - atomic weight of U isotope.                  4029600100037 
REL-REF    (R,,,C,72VIENNA,,1972)                                 4029600100038 
           Second IAEA Panel Meeting on Neutron Standard Reference4029600100039 
           Data, Vienna, 20-24 Nov.1972, IIIC 3.                  4029600100040 
            Reference for NU of Cf-252.                           4029600100041 
CORRECTION For neutron scattering - 3% .                          4029600100042 
           For fission of impurities in target.                   4029600100043 
           For finite dimensions  of the source                   4029600100044 
HISTORY    (19750521C)                                            4029600100045 
           (19861021A) Data assigned as preliminary by the        4029600100046 
                     compiler's decision                          4029600100047 
           (20130206A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       4029600100048 
           Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.                4029600100049 
           Reference R,INDC(CCP)-180 was added.                   4029600100050 
           BIB information were updated.                          4029600100051 
           Preliminary data were replaced by final.               4029600100052 
           Detail ERR-ANALYS was added.                           4029600100053 
           KT -> KT-DUMMY; 1.42 -> 1.406 MeV ( as on page 10 of   4029600100054 
           R,INDC(CCP)-180,1982).                                 4029600100055 
           (20170203A) M.M. Subents 002,003 were deleted -        4029600100056 
            duplicative data of Subents 40547.004, .006,          4029600100057 
            respectively.                                         4029600100058 
ENDBIB              56          0                                 4029600100059 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4029600100060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 4029600199999 
NOSUBENT      40296002   20170203                             41754029600200001 
NOSUBENT      40296003   20170203                             41754029600300001 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4029699999999