ENTRY 40299 20230309 42124029900000001 SUBENT 40299001 20230309 42124029900100001 BIB 12 39 4029900100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN) 4029900100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,248,249,1975) 4029900100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(75)90165-7 4029900100005 (R,LIJAF-121,1974) Data are given 4029900100006 REL-REF (N,,V.L.Alekseev+,C,72KIEV,1,95,1972) List of measured 4029900100007 gamma energies. 4029900100008 AUTHOR (V.L.Alexeev,B.A.Emelianov,L.P.Kabina,D.M.Kaminker, 4029900100009 Yu.L.Khasov,I.A.Kondurov,E.K.Leushkin,Yu.E.Loginov, 4029900100010 V.L.Rumjantsev,S.L.Sakharov,A.I.Smirnov,P.A.Sushkov) 4029900100011 TITLE Low-lying 134Cs excited states from the (n,gamma) 4029900100012 reaction 4029900100013 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSLIN) Reactor WWR-M 4029900100014 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4029900100015 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900100016 METHOD Direct detection of gammas. 4029900100017 E-RSL - resolution of the spectrometer. 4029900100018 CORRECTION Self-absorption of gamma-rays in target was taken into 4029900100019 account 4029900100020 ADD-RES (DECAY) HL of Cs-134-m 176.403 and 257.112 keV levels 4029900100021 were measured to be 49.7+-0.8 nsec, 12.3+-1.1 nsec, 4029900100022 respectively. 4029900100023 Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.part A,v.248,p.249,1975 - 4029900100024 gamma-gamma coincidence intensities. 4029900100025 Table 3 of Nucl.Phys.part A,v.248,p.249,1975 - 4029900100026 nanosecond isomerism in 134Cs. 4029900100027 Table 4 of Nucl.Phys.part A,v.248,p.249,1975 - 4029900100028 transitions with the lifetimes < 5 nsec. 4029900100029 Table 5 of Nucl.Phys.part A,v.248,p.249,1975 - 4029900100030 energies and intensities of the conversion electrons 4029900100031 in 134 Cs and transition multipolarities. 4029900100032 Fig. 7 of Nucl.Phys.part A,v.248,p.249,1975 - 4029900100033 Cs-134 decay scheme. 4029900100034 HISTORY (19750505C) Compiled at the centre 4029900100035 (20210831A) M.M. correction for current rules and 4029900100036 dictionaries. 4029900100037 Ref. J,NP/A,248,249,1975 was added as main. 4029900100038 (20230309A) Subents 004,005 were corrected. 4029900100039 Minor correction in all Subents. 4029900100040 "PART-DET (G)" was deleted. 4029900100041 ENDBIB 39 0 4029900100042 COMMON 1 3 4029900100043 EN 4029900100044 EV 4029900100045 2.5300E-02 4029900100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4029900100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 4029900199999 SUBENT 40299002 20230309 42124029900200001 BIB 7 20 4029900200002 REACTION (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC) 4029900200003 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900200004 beryllium. Cs133 mass 335 g. 4029900200005 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900200006 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900200007 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900200008 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900200009 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900200010 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900200011 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900200012 ANALYSIS Absolute intensities were obtained by taking into 4029900200013 account spectral sensitivity and by assuming the 4029900200014 intensity of the 127.5 keV transition to be 8.9+-1.1 4029900200015 transitions/100 captures. 4029900200016 STATUS (TABLE) 4029900200017 Table 1 of J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma (%). 4029900200018 Table 1 of R,LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-abs. 4029900200019 (DEP,40299003) Directly measured relative instrumental 4029900200020 intensities. 4029900200021 HISTORY (20210830A) GAM/100N -> PC/REAC 4029900200022 ENDBIB 20 0 4029900200023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4029900200024 DATA 3 160 4029900200025 E E-RSL DATA 4029900200026 KEV KEV PC/REAC 4029900200027 60.030 0.001 8.48 4029900200028 61.117 0.010 0.18 4029900200029 61.168 0.015 0.15 4029900200030 67.253 0.001 1.20 4029900200031 73.570 0.003 0.22 4029900200032 74.052 0.002 2.24 4029900200033 87.251 0.001 1.07 4029900200034 93.185 0.004 0.53 4029900200035 97.560 0.010 0.13 4029900200036 111.215 0.050 0.039 4029900200037 113.764 0.003 4.59 4029900200038 114.327 0.004 0.26 4029900200039 115.336 0.030 0.050 4029900200040 116.373 0.002 15.15 4029900200041 116.612 0.001 1.22 4029900200042 117.173 0.009 0.23 4029900200043 118.365 0.001 1.13 4029900200044 120.591 0.002 2.26 4029900200045 127.502 0.002 1.13 4029900200046 127.709 0.010 0.08 4029900200047 130.232 0.002 7.43 4029900200048 131.177 0.014 0.050 4029900200049 132.762 0.006 0.091 4029900200050 133.591 0.003 0.142 4029900200051 134.247 0.025 0.034 4029900200052 137.761 0.005 0.106 4029900200053 142.217 0.050 0.023 4029900200054 142.769 0.002 0.37 4029900200055 145.857 0.006 0.087 4029900200056 146.423 0.025 0.051 4029900200057 149.518 0.010 0.154 4029900200058 150.787 0.005 0.095 4029900200059 173.794 0.010 0.70 4029900200060 174.306 0.001 1.71 4029900200061 176.403 0.002 10.32 4029900200062 177.020 0.025 0.110 4029900200063 177.973 0.025 0.039 4029900200064 179.018 0.001 0.114 4029900200065 180.085 0.003 0.34 4029900200066 182.391 0.025 0.044 4029900200067 184.050 0.100 0.30 4029900200068 184.273 0.060 0.035 4029900200069 186.838 0.003 1.09 4029900200070 189.837 0.004 0.29 4029900200071 190.258 0.005 0.098 4029900200072 193.717 0.010 0.113 4029900200073 194.713 0.011 0.157 4029900200074 197.785 0.010 0.165 4029900200075 198.302 0.003 3.77 4029900200076 200.844 0.005 0.44 4029900200077 205.613 0.002 5.65 4029900200078 207.671 0.006 0.23 4029900200079 209.553 0.006 0.27 4029900200080 211.321 0.005 0.74 4029900200081 211.924 0.020 0.066 4029900200082 218.347 0.004 1.14 4029900200083 219.760 0.005 1.31 4029900200084 224.900 0.100 0.039 4029900200085 232.180 0.004 0.45 4029900200086 234.339 0.002 3.73 4029900200087 240.684 0.013 0.105 4029900200088 244.546 0.025 0.084 4029900200089 245.864 0.003 2.31 4029900200090 251.397 0.010 0.144 4029900200091 253.670 0.012 0.059 4029900200092 254.762 0.009 0.174 4029900200093 256.642 0.008 0.71 4029900200094 257.750 0.050 0.043 4029900200095 260.580 0.120 0.070 4029900200096 261.180 0.007 1.23 4029900200097 263.850 0.008 0.26 4029900200098 266.686 0.036 0.028 4029900200099 267.450 0.030 0.044 4029900200100 269.001 0.006 0.65 4029900200101 271.353 0.004 0.42 4029900200102 272.220 0.011 0.21 4029900200103 274.390 0.200 0.022 4029900200104 274.960 0.100 0.051 4029900200105 277.646 0.010 0.22 4029900200106 279.664 0.012 0.21 4029900200107 285.001 0.010 0.15 4029900200108 289.893 0.012 0.047 4029900200109 290.658 0.030 0.063 4029900200110 293.290 0.004 0.46 4029900200111 295.444 0.006 0.55 4029900200112 296.200 0.120 0.071 4029900200113 302.468 0.010 0.29 4029900200114 303.167 0.008 0.37 4029900200115 305.063 0.012 0.19 4029900200116 307.258 0.003 4.15 4029900200117 309.790 0.013 0.64 4029900200118 315.419 0.011 0.15 4029900200119 316.130 0.035 0.03 4029900200120 316.399 0.020 0.077 4029900200121 317.082 0.013 0.39 4029900200122 322.702 0.035 0.068 4029900200123 335.030 0.100 0.041 4029900200124 336.074 0.060 0.098 4029900200125 336.470 0.100 0.070 4029900200126 338.018 0.015 0.104 4029900200127 344.790 0.030 0.058 4029900200128 345.378 0.020 0.18 4029900200129 347.172 0.008 0.19 4029900200130 347.820 0.120 0.05 4029900200131 349.800 0.100 0.102 4029900200132 356.301 0.010 0.94 4029900200133 361.390 0.120 0.04 4029900200134 367.884 0.012 0.44 4029900200135 371.798 0.015 0.32 4029900200136 376.359 0.015 0.09 4029900200137 377.326 0.011 0.67 4029900200138 381.495 0.025 0.130 4029900200139 383.942 0.080 0.081 4029900200140 384.384 0.060 0.10 4029900200141 386.902 0.012 0.41 4029900200142 391.459 0.024 0.175 4029900200143 394.007 0.030 0.146 4029900200144 402.410 0.150 0.09 4029900200145 403.100 0.150 0.16 4029900200146 405.481 0.020 0.19 4029900200147 406.779 0.030 0.21 4029900200148 408.066 0.035 0.29 4029900200149 412.500 0.200 0.09 4029900200150 414.500 0.250 0.07 4029900200151 417.332 0.018 0.20 4029900200152 421.020 0.150 0.08 4029900200153 421.630 0.200 0.07 4029900200154 426.400 0.150 0.08 4029900200155 429.800 0.035 0.20 4029900200156 432.450 0.200 0.10 4029900200157 434.470 0.200 0.17 4029900200158 439.025 0.020 0.32 4029900200159 442.851 0.010 0.69 4029900200160 444.481 0.020 0.30 4029900200161 450.315 0.012 1.91 4029900200162 451.440 0.015 0.33 4029900200163 454.094 0.023 0.20 4029900200164 461.144 0.015 0.22 4029900200165 464.464 0.020 0.24 4029900200166 485.052 0.030 0.22 4029900200167 487.437 0.036 0.28 4029900200168 489.220 0.100 0.26 4029900200169 495.680 0.100 0.17 4029900200170 502.888 0.075 0.65 4029900200171 519.291 0.040 0.72 4029900200172 524.054 0.075 0.41 4029900200173 525.600 0.100 0.62 4029900200174 528.620 0.100 0.33 4029900200175 529.635 0.040 0.88 4029900200176 539.390 0.030 1.01 4029900200177 540.716 0.050 0.30 4029900200178 554.785 0.050 0.47 4029900200179 622.170 0.150 0.76 4029900200180 624.420 0.200 0.54 4029900200181 633.120 0.200 0.45 4029900200182 638.200 0.200 0.37 4029900200183 645.840 0.150 0.55 4029900200184 648.570 0.160 0.57 4029900200185 682.500 0.300 0.44 4029900200186 708.600 0.300 0.48 4029900200187 ENDDATA 162 0 4029900200188 ENDSUBENT 187 0 4029900299999 SUBENT 40299003 20230309 42124029900300001 BIB 8 20 4029900300002 REACTION ((55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)// 4029900300003 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)) 4029900300004 Instrumental relative intensities. 4029900300005 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900300006 beryllium. Cs133 mass 335 g. 4029900300007 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900300008 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900300009 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900300010 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900300011 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900300012 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900300013 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900300014 COMMENT Of authors. Doublet is possibly at energies 4029900300015 475.430+-0.120, 563.299+-0.025, 569.494+-0.050, 4029900300016 604.788+-0.150, 795.885+-0.030, 802.050+-0,250 keV. 4029900300017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4029900300018 STATUS (TABLE) 4029900300019 Table 1 of J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma-instr. 4029900300020 Table 1 of R,LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-instr. 4029900300021 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900300022 ENDBIB 20 0 4029900300023 COMMON 1 3 4029900300024 E-DN 4029900300025 KEV 4029900300026 116.373 4029900300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4029900300028 DATA 4 160 4029900300029 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA ERR-S 4029900300030 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4029900300031 60.030 0.001 9.05 E-02 0.33 E-02 4029900300032 61.117 0.010 0.19 E-02 0.04 E-02 4029900300033 61.168 0.015 0.16 E-02 0.05 E-02 4029900300034 67.253 0.001 1.89 E-02 0.36 E-02 4029900300035 73.570 0.003 0.46 E-02 0.04 E-02 4029900300036 74.052 0.002 4.80 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300037 87.251 0.001 3.65 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300038 93.185 0.004 2.14 E-02 0.11 E-02 4029900300039 97.560 0.010 0.58 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300040 111.215 0.050 0.24 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300041 113.764 0.003 29.0 E-02 0.6 E-02 4029900300042 114.327 0.004 1.67 E-02 0.09 E-02 4029900300043 115.336 0.030 0.33 E-02 0.11 E-02 4029900300044 116.373 0.002 100. E-02 4029900300045 116.612 0.001 8.07 E-02 0.09 E-02 4029900300046 117.173 0.009 1.55 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900300047 118.365 0.001 7.68 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300048 120.591 0.002 15.9 E-02 0.6 E-02 4029900300049 127.502 0.002 8.80 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300050 127.709 0.010 0.62 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300051 130.232 0.002 60.0 E-02 1.1 E-02 4029900300052 131.177 0.014 0.41 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300053 132.762 0.006 0.76 E-02 0.03 E-02 4029900300054 133.591 0.003 1.20 E-02 0.07 E-02 4029900300055 134.247 0.025 0.29 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300056 137.761 0.005 0.94 E-02 0.02 E-02 4029900300057 142.217 0.050 0.22 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300058 142.769 0.002 3.39 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300059 145.857 0.006 0.84 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300060 146.423 0.025 0.50 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300061 149.518 0.010 1.53 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300062 150.787 0.005 0.95 E-02 0.03 E-02 4029900300063 173.794 0.010 0.82 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300064 174.306 0.001 20.0 E-02 0.5 E-02 4029900300065 176.403 0.002 122.1 E-02 0.3 E-02 4029900300066 177.020 0.025 1.31 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300067 177.973 0.025 0.47 E-02 0.04 E-02 4029900300068 179.018 0.001 1.37 E-02 0.07 E-02 4029900300069 180.085 0.003 4.12 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300070 182.391 0.025 0.54 E-02 0.05 E-02 4029900300071 184.050 0.100 0.37 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300072 184.273 0.060 0.44 E-02 0.09 E-02 4029900300073 186.838 0.003 13.5 E-02 0.4 E-02 4029900300074 189.837 0.004 3.68 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300075 190.258 0.005 1.24 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300076 193.717 0.010 1.44 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300077 194.713 0.011 2.01 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300078 197.785 0.010 2.12 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300079 198.302 0.003 48.5 E-02 0.8 E-02 4029900300080 200.844 0.005 5.68 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300081 205.613 0.002 74.0 E-02 2.9 E-02 4029900300082 207.671 0.006 3.06 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300083 209.553 0.006 3.54 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300084 211.321 0.005 9.77 E-02 0.33 E-02 4029900300085 211.924 0.020 0.88 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300086 218.347 0.004 15.3 E-02 0.5 E-02 4029900300087 219.760 0.005 17.6 E-02 0.7 E-02 4029900300088 224.900 0.100 0.53 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300089 232.180 0.004 6.1 E-02 0.2 E-02 4029900300090 234.339 0.002 50.7 E-02 1.5 E-02 4029900300091 240.684 0.013 1.43 E-02 0.07 E-02 4029900300092 244.546 0.025 1.15 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300093 245.864 0.003 31.4 E-02 1.0 E-02 4029900300094 251.397 0.010 1.96 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300095 253.670 0.012 0.81 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300096 254.762 0.009 2.37 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300097 256.642 0.008 9.6 E-02 0.3 E-02 4029900300098 257.750 0.050 0.59 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300099 260.580 0.120 0.95 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300100 261.180 0.007 16.5 E-02 0.6 E-02 4029900300101 263.850 0.008 3.47 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300102 266.686 0.036 0.38 E-02 0.13 E-02 4029900300103 267.450 0.030 0.59 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300104 269.001 0.006 8.8 E-02 0.3 E-02 4029900300105 271.353 0.004 5.65 E-02 0.17 E-02 4029900300106 272.220 0.011 2.85 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300107 274.390 0.200 0.30 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300108 274.960 0.100 0.68 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300109 277.646 0.010 2.85 E-02 0.13 E-02 4029900300110 279.664 0.012 2.81 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300111 285.001 0.010 1.96 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300112 289.893 0.012 0.62 E-02 0.03 E-02 4029900300113 290.658 0.030 0.82 E-02 0.06 E-02 4029900300114 293.290 0.004 5.88 E-02 0.18 E-02 4029900300115 295.444 0.006 7.03 E-02 0.21 E-02 4029900300116 296.200 0.120 0.92 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300117 302.468 0.010 3.72 E-02 0.19 E-02 4029900300118 303.167 0.008 4.70 E-02 0.27 E-02 4029900300119 305.063 0.012 2.44 E-02 0.09 E-02 4029900300120 307.258 0.003 51.9 E-02 1.5 E-02 4029900300121 309.790 0.013 8.0 E-02 0.3 E-02 4029900300122 315.419 0.011 1.86 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300123 316.130 0.035 0.38 E-02 0.19 E-02 4029900300124 316.399 0.020 0.95 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300125 317.082 0.013 4.75 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300126 322.702 0.035 0.82 E-02 0.04 E-02 4029900300127 335.030 0.100 0.48 E-02 0.05 E-02 4029900300128 336.074 0.060 1.14 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300129 336.470 0.100 0.82 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300130 338.018 0.015 1.20 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300131 344.790 0.030 0.66 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300132 345.378 0.020 2.04 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300133 347.172 0.008 2.11 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300134 347.820 0.120 0.53 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300135 349.800 0.100 1.14 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300136 356.301 0.010 10.2 E-02 1.1 E-02 4029900300137 361.390 0.120 0.46 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300138 367.884 0.012 4.59 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300139 371.798 0.015 3.32 E-02 0.17 E-02 4029900300140 376.359 0.015 0.94 E-02 0.37 E-02 4029900300141 377.326 0.011 6.78 E-02 0.32 E-02 4029900300142 381.495 0.025 1.29 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300143 383.942 0.080 0.80 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300144 384.384 0.060 0.98 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300145 386.902 0.012 3.94 E-02 0.19 E-02 4029900300146 391.459 0.024 1.68 E-02 0.08 E-02 4029900300147 394.007 0.030 1.38 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300148 402.410 0.150 0.83 E-02 0.25 E-02 4029900300149 403.100 0.150 1.48 E-02 0.50 E-02 4029900300150 405.481 0.020 1.74 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300151 406.779 0.030 1.88 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300152 408.066 0.035 2.60 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900300153 412.500 0.200 0.77 E-02 0.38 E-02 4029900300154 414.500 0.250 0.63 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900300155 417.332 0.018 1.76 E-02 0.18 E-02 4029900300156 421.020 0.150 0.68 E-02 0.25 E-02 4029900300157 421.630 0.200 0.56 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300158 426.400 0.150 0.67 E-02 0.25 E-02 4029900300159 429.800 0.035 1.67 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300160 432.450 0.200 0.77 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300161 434.470 0.200 1.32 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300162 439.025 0.020 2.51 E-02 0.21 E-02 4029900300163 442.851 0.010 5.28 E-02 0.25 E-02 4029900300164 444.481 0.020 2.31 E-02 0.12 E-02 4029900300165 450.315 0.012 14.2 E-02 0.7 E-02 4029900300166 451.440 0.015 2.41 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900300167 454.094 0.023 1.44 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300168 461.144 0.015 1.54 E-02 0.10 E-02 4029900300169 464.464 0.020 1.67 E-02 0.09 E-02 4029900300170 485.052 0.030 1.37 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300171 487.437 0.036 1.78 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300172 489.220 0.100 1.63 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300173 495.680 0.100 1.01 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300174 502.888 0.075 3.76 E-02 0.38 E-02 4029900300175 519.291 0.040 3.89 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900300176 524.054 0.075 2.17 E-02 0.38 E-02 4029900300177 525.600 0.100 3.21 E-02 0.27 E-02 4029900300178 528.620 0.100 1.68 E-02 0.22 E-02 4029900300179 529.635 0.040 4.50 E-02 0.42 E-02 4029900300180 539.390 0.030 4.91 E-02 0.36 E-02 4029900300181 540.716 0.050 1.47 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900300182 554.785 0.050 2.13 E-02 0.26 E-02 4029900300183 622.170 0.150 2.38 E-02 0.50 E-02 4029900300184 624.420 0.200 1.69 E-02 0.50 E-02 4029900300185 633.120 0.200 1.35 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300186 638.200 0.200 1.06 E-02 0.15 E-02 4029900300187 645.840 0.150 1.53 E-02 0.24 E-02 4029900300188 648.570 0.160 1.56 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900300189 682.500 0.300 1.00 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900300190 708.600 0.300 0.95 E-02 0.46 E-02 4029900300191 ENDDATA 162 0 4029900300192 ENDSUBENT 191 0 4029900399999 SUBENT 40299004 20230309 42124029900400001 BIB 8 34 4029900400002 REACTION ((55-CS-133(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC)// 4029900400003 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)) 4029900400004 Instrumental relative intensities. 4029900400005 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900400006 beryllium. Cs133 mass 335 g. 4029900400007 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900400008 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900400009 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900400010 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900400011 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900400012 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900400013 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900400014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4029900400015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 (footnote "d)" Ba134 ) of 4029900400016 J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma (%). 4029900400017 Table 1 (footnote "g" - possibly doublets) 4029900400018 of LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-abs . 4029900400019 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4029900400020 In Table 1 of R,LIJAF-121,1974 4029900400021 lines for 134Ba are (footnote "v)"): 4029900400022 475.430(120), 563.299(25), 569.494(50), 604.788(16), 4029900400023 795,885(30), 802.050(250) keV without intensities. 4029900400024 In NP/A,248,249,1975 these lines are marked with 4029900400025 "possibly doublets" ( footnote "e)"). 4029900400026 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900400027 (20230309A) Reaction for these gamma-lines was 4029900400028 corrected according to footnote of Table 1 in 4029900400029 R,LIJAF-121,1974 - "doublets": 4029900400030 ((55-CS-133(N,X)56-BA-134,,SPC)// 4029900400031 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)) 4029900400032 -> 4029900400033 ((55-CS-133(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC)// 4029900400034 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)); 4029900400035 see also COMMENT and STATUS. 4029900400036 ENDBIB 34 0 4029900400037 COMMON 1 3 4029900400038 E-DN 4029900400039 KEV 4029900400040 116.373 4029900400041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4029900400042 DATA 4 5 4029900400043 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA ERR-S 4029900400044 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4029900400045 365.934 0.020 3.26 E-02 0.16 E-02 4029900400046 458.888 0.060 1.41 E-02 0.14 E-02 4029900400047 547.400 0.250 0.90 E-02 0.30 E-02 4029900400048 558.360 0.250 1.19 E-02 0.20 E-02 4029900400049 663.280 0.250 0.92 E-02 0.21 E-02 4029900400050 ENDDATA 7 0 4029900400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 4029900499999 SUBENT 40299005 20230309 42124029900500001 BIB 7 27 4029900500002 REACTION (55-CS-133(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC) 4029900500003 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900500004 beryllium. Cs133 mass 335 g. 4029900500005 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900500006 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900500007 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900500008 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900500009 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900500010 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900500011 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900500012 ANALYSIS Absolute intensities were obtained by taking into 4029900500013 account spectral sensitivity and by assuming the 4029900500014 intensity of the Cs-134 127.5 keV transition to be 4029900500015 8.9+-1.1 transitions/100 captures. 4029900500016 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 (footnote "d)" ) of 4029900500017 J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma (%). 4029900500018 Table 1 of LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-abs. 4029900500019 "possibly doublets". 4029900500020 (DEP,40299004) Directly measured relative instrumental 4029900500021 intensities. 4029900500022 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900500023 (20230309A) Reaction for these gamma-lines was 4029900500024 corrected according to footnote of Table 1 in 4029900500025 R,LIJAF-121,1974 - "doublets": 4029900500026 (55-CS-133(N,X)56-BA-134,,SPC) -> 4029900500027 (55-CS-133(N,X)0-G-0,,SPC) ; 4029900500028 see also COMMENT and STATUS in Subent 004. 4029900500029 ENDBIB 27 0 4029900500030 NOCOMMON 0 0 4029900500031 DATA 3 5 4029900500032 E E-RSL DATA 4029900500033 KEV KEV PC/REAC 4029900500034 365.934 0.020 0.31 4029900500035 458.888 0.060 0.20 4029900500036 547.400 0.250 0.19 4029900500037 558.360 0.250 0.27 4029900500038 663.280 0.250 0.36 4029900500039 ENDDATA 7 0 4029900500040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4029900599999 SUBENT 40299006 20230309 42124029900600001 BIB 7 17 4029900600002 REACTION ((55-CS-133(N,INL)55-CS-133,,SPC)// 4029900600003 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)) 4029900600004 Instrumental relative intensities. 4029900600005 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900600006 beryllium. Cs133 mass 335 g. 4029900600007 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900600008 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900600009 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900600010 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900600011 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900600012 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900600013 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900600014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4029900600015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 ( footnote "a)") of 4029900600016 J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma (%). 4029900600017 Table 1 of LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-abs. 4029900600018 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900600019 ENDBIB 17 0 4029900600020 COMMON 1 3 4029900600021 E-DN 4029900600022 KEV 4029900600023 116.373 4029900600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4029900600025 DATA 4 5 4029900600026 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA ERR-S 4029900600027 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4029900600028 79.622 0.002 4.80E-02 0.12E-02 4029900600029 81.000 0.002 1.99E-02 0.10E-02 4029900600030 160.625 0.006 0.61E-02 0.05E-02 4029900600031 302.882 0.015 2.4 E-02 0.13E-02 4029900600032 356.060 0.100 4.6 E-02 1.4 E-02 4029900600033 ENDDATA 7 0 4029900600034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4029900699999 SUBENT 40299007 20230309 42124029900700001 BIB 8 22 4029900700002 REACTION ((55-CS-134(N,G)55-CS-135,,SPC)// 4029900700003 (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC)) 4029900700004 Instrumental relative intensities. 4029900700005 SAMPLE Granules of Cs(2)SO(4) in cylindrical container made of4029900700006 beryllium. Cs mass 335 g. 4029900700007 INC-SPECT ~10**13 n/(cm2*sec). 4029900700008 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) 4m bent crystal spectrometer. 1120 plane 4029900700009 of 70 x 60 x 3.6 mm quartz crystal. Energy resolution 4029900700010 dE/E = 1.0E-05 * E(keV)/n, dE - FWHM, n- reflection 4029900700011 order. Diffracted gammas were registered by a 40 mm 4029900700012 diameter by 40 mm long NaI(Tl) detector or by Ge(Li) 4029900700013 detector of 35 cm3 or 56 cm3 . 4029900700014 COMMENT Of authors. 4029900700015 The Cs-134 component intensity of 329.036 keV gamma 4029900700016 is equal to (0.20+-0.03)*10**-2. 4029900700017 MISC-COL (MISC1) Statistical uncertainty of DATA-MIN 4029900700018 (MISC2) Statistical uncertainty of DATA-MAX 4029900700019 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 (footnote "b)") of 4029900700020 J,NP/A,248,249,1975 - Igamma (%). 4029900700021 Table 1 of LIJAF-121,1974 - Igamma-abs. 4029900700022 (DEP,40299003) Directly measured relative intensities. 4029900700023 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900700024 ENDBIB 22 0 4029900700025 COMMON 1 3 4029900700026 E-DN 4029900700027 KEV 4029900700028 116.373 4029900700029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4029900700030 DATA 6 6 4029900700031 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA-MIN MISC1 DATA-MAX MISC2 4029900700032 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4029900700033 158.264 0.003 2.4 E-02 4.0 E-02 0.3 E-024029900700034 178.365 0.015 0.64E-02 0.91E-02 0.06E-024029900700035 212.553 0.020 0.23E-02 0.34E-02 0.03E-024029900700036 249.787 0.007 5.4 E-02 0.3 E-02 41.2 E-02 1.4 E-024029900700037 285.394 0.007 0.80E-02 0.04E-02 2.6 E-02 0.2 E-024029900700038 329.036 0.007 3.6 E-02 0.1 E-02 14.3 E-02 0.6 E-024029900700039 ENDDATA 8 0 4029900700040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4029900799999 SUBENT 40299008 20230309 42124029900800001 BIB 7 7 4029900800002 REACTION (55-CS-133(N,G)55-CS-134,,SPC) 4029900800003 SAMPLE 130 mg/cm2 CsNO(3). 4029900800004 INC-SPECT Flux 10**7 n/(cm2*sec) 4029900800005 DETECTOR (SILI) Small high-resolution Si(Li) detector. 4029900800006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 4029900800007 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 252 of J,NP/A,248,249,1975. 4029900800008 HISTORY (20210830C) M.M. 4029900800009 ENDBIB 7 0 4029900800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 4029900800011 DATA 4 3 4029900800012 E E-ERR DATA ERR-S 4029900800013 KEV KEV PC/REAC PC/REAC 4029900800014 17.29 0.03 0.5 0.1 4029900800015 21.24 0.15 0.20 0.05 4029900800016 38.65 0.05 0.5 0.1 4029900800017 ENDDATA 5 0 4029900800018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4029900899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 4029999999999