ENTRY 40344 20221017 42094034400000001 SUBENT 40344001 20221017 42094034400100001 BIB 14 51 4034400100002 TITLE Study of the 68ZN(n,gamma)69g,mZn reaction 4034400100003 AUTHOR (A.G.Dovbenko,G.G.Zaikin,A.V.Ignatyuk,I.A.Korzh, 4034400100004 N.T.Sklyar,V.A.Tolstikov) 4034400100005 REFERENCE (C,73KIEV,3,138,1973) In Russian. Data are given. 4034400100006 (P,YFI-17,38,1974) Short abstract . 4034400100007 (R,INDC(CCP)-048,39,1975) 4034400100008 English translation of YFI-17,p.38,1974. 4034400100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI,4UKRIFU) 4034400100010 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Electrostatic accelerator . 4034400100011 For fast and thermal (obtained by slowing-down in 4034400100012 plexiglass block of 17 cm thickness, Cd ratio 42 by 4034400100013 U-235) neutrons. 4034400100014 (REAC,4UKRIJD) WWR-M reactor thermal column. 4034400100015 INC-SPECT EN-ERR determined from targets thickness and geometry 4034400100016 of experiment 4034400100017 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Li-7(p,n) reaction in energy range 0.2-0.6 MeV 4034400100018 (P-T) T(p,n) reaction in energy range 0.6-2.5 MeV 4034400100019 (REAC,THCOL) Thermal column of WWR-M reactor for 4034400100020 isomeric ratio at thermal energy. 4034400100021 SAMPLE Disks made of oxide ZnO, thickness 236 - 347 mg/cm2. 4034400100022 Isotopic composition: 4034400100023 Zn-64 - 5.4 %, Zn-66 - 8.9 %, Zn-67 - 3 %, 4034400100024 Zn-68 - 81.5 %, Zn-70 1.2%. 4034400100025 MONITOR ((MONIT1)30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-G,,SIG) Partial(n,gamma)4034400100026 cross-section to ground state induced by the thermal 4034400100027 neutrons. 4034400100028 ((MONIT2)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) Fission cross section 4034400100029 induced by the thermal neutrons 4034400100030 MONIT-REF (,,R,BNL-325,1966) 4034400100031 2-nd edition, Suppl.N2, vol.II,III (1966). 4034400100032 For MONIT1 and MONIT2 for thermal neutrons. 4034400100033 (,W.G.Davey,J,NSE,26,149,1966) Issue 2. U-235 fission 4034400100034 cross-section for fast neutrons. 4034400100035 METHOD (ACTIV) 4034400100036 Zn cross-sections energy dependence shape was measured4034400100037 relative to U235 fission by fast neutrons. 4034400100038 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillation gamma-spectrometer. 4034400100039 (PROPC) End-type beta counters MST-17. 4034400100040 (FISCH) U-235 fission chamber for thermal and fast 4034400100041 neutron fluxes comparison. 4034400100042 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-square error of experiment. The errors 4034400100043 of standard cross section were taken into account. 4034400100044 HISTORY (19770203C) Compiled at the centre 4034400100045 (19871031U) Some keywords and ISO-QUANT into REACTION 4034400100046 changed 4034400100047 (19920325U) REACTION codes in SAN 002-004, two author 4034400100048 names corrected, DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed 4034400100049 (20220215A) Update for current rules and dictionaries. 4034400100050 Refs. INDC(CCP) reps. were added. 4034400100051 DECAY-DATA were added. 4034400100052 (20221017A) Subent 004 was corrected. 4034400100053 ENDBIB 51 0 4034400100054 COMMON 4 3 4034400100055 EN-NRM MONIT1 MONIT1-ERR MONIT2 4034400100056 EV B B B 4034400100057 2.501E-2 1.0 0.1 577.1 4034400100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4034400100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4034400199999 SUBENT 40344002 20220215 42044034400200001 BIB 3 3 4034400200002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-G,,SIG) 4034400200003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-G,58.5MIN) 4034400200004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Conf.Proc.73KIEV,v.3,p.138,1974 4034400200005 ENDBIB 3 0 4034400200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4034400200007 DATA 4 14 4034400200008 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4034400200009 KEV KEV MB MB 4034400200010 198. 22. 9.10 1.30 4034400200011 257. 25. 8.28 1.16 4034400200012 316. 24. 7.50 1.05 4034400200013 372. 25. 7.31 1.17 4034400200014 484. 24. 5.76 0.75 4034400200015 603. 22. 5.58 0.78 4034400200016 695. 70. 6.27 0.88 4034400200017 920. 53. 6.58 0.89 4034400200018 1130. 51. 4.24 0.55 4034400200019 1380. 58. 3.63 0.69 4034400200020 1610. 70. 3.39 0.43 4034400200021 1860. 73. 3.14 0.46 4034400200022 2110. 81. 3.40 0.44 4034400200023 2510. 83. 3.61 0.45 4034400200024 ENDDATA 16 0 4034400200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4034400299999 SUBENT 40344003 20220215 42044034400300001 BIB 3 3 4034400300002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 4034400300003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.9HR) 4034400300004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Conf.Proc.73KIEV,v.3,p.138,1974 4034400300005 ENDBIB 3 0 4034400300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 4034400300007 DATA 4 14 4034400300008 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4034400300009 KEV KEV MB MB 4034400300010 198. 22. 2.10 .40 4034400300011 257. 25. 1.96 .31 4034400300012 316. 24. 2.00 .36 4034400300013 372. 25. 2.16 .39 4034400300014 484. 24. 2.00 .30 4034400300015 603. 22. 2.53 .37 4034400300016 695. 70. 2.78 .43 4034400300017 920. 53. 2.61 .43 4034400300018 1130. 51. 2.44 .37 4034400300019 1380. 58. 1.78 .33 4034400300020 1610. 70. 2.11 .33 4034400300021 1860. 73. 2.45 .40 4034400300022 2110. 81. 2.27 .32 4034400300023 2510. 83. 2.28 .32 4034400300024 ENDDATA 16 0 4034400300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4034400399999 SUBENT 40344004 20221017 42094034400400001 BIB 5 13 4034400400002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M/T,,SIG/RAT) 4034400400003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-G,58.5MIN) 4034400400004 (30-ZN-69-M,13.9HR) 4034400400005 REL-REF (A,11450001,D.J.Hughes+,J,PR,75,1781,1949) 4034400400006 0.87 at thermal energy from L.Seren+,J,PR,72,888,1947 4034400400007 or from unreported work at Argonne Lab. 4034400400008 (A,31248001,S.K.Mangal+,J,NP,36,542,1962) 4034400400009 0.069+-0.017 at thermal energy 4034400400010 (A,22521001,W.Mannhart+,J,ZP,210,13,1968) 4034400400011 0.082+-0.004 at thermal energy 4034400400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Conf.Proc.73KIEV,v.3,p.138,1974 4034400400013 HISTORY (20221017A) Misprint was corrected 4034400400014 0.348 -> 0.384 at 1610 keV. 4034400400015 ENDBIB 13 0 4034400400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 4034400400017 DATA 4 15 4034400400018 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 4034400400019 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4034400400020 .000025 .073 .005 4034400400021 198. 22. .189 .026 4034400400022 257. 25. .192 .014 4034400400023 316. 24. .211 .029 4034400400024 372. 25. .228 .018 4034400400025 484. 24. .261 .018 4034400400026 603. 22. .312 .017 4034400400027 695. 70. .307 .021 4034400400028 920. 53. .287 .026 4034400400029 1130. 51. .365 .029 4034400400030 1380. 58. .341 .050 4034400400031 1610. 70. .384 .033 4034400400032 1860. 73. .439 .030 4034400400033 2110. 81. .400 .065 4034400400034 2510. 83. .387 .063 4034400400035 ENDDATA 17 0 4034400400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4034400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4034499999999