ENTRY 40359 20250128 422140359000 1 SUBENT 40359001 20250128 422140359001 1 BIB 13 40 40359001 2 TITLE Angular distribution of inelastically scattered 40359001 3 neutrons on carbon 40359001 4 AUTHOR (O.A.Sal'nikov,V.B.Anufrienko,B.V.Devkin, 40359001 5 G.V.Kotel'nikova,G.N.Lovchikova, 40359001 6 A.M.Trufanov,N.I.Fetisov) 40359001 7 REFERENCE ((R,YK-23,10,1976)= 40359001 8 (R,INDC(CCP)-106,10,1976)) In Russian 40359001 9 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 40359001 10 REL-REF (M,40066001,N.S.Biryukov+,R,FEI-272,1971) 40359001 11 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) 40359001 12 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuteron-tritium, deuteron beam energy 250. keV, 40359001 13 pulse duration 5 nsec, frequency 2 MHz. 40359001 14 SAMPLE Hollow cylinder with height 60.0 mm and external 40359001 15 and internal diameters 50.0 and 15.0 mm. 40359001 16 C-12 content is 98.89 percent 40359001 17 (6-C-12,NAT=0.9889) 40359001 18 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight with flight path 2.0 m . 40359001 19 Channel width 2.62 nsec, channels number 256. 40359001 20 Differential non-linearity < 0.4 % . 40359001 21 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillation detector, 40359001 22 neutron registration threshold 0.1 MeV, 40359001 23 total spectrometer resolution 7 nsec. 40359001 24 MONITOR No information. 40359001 25 COMMENT .Of authors: " Contribution of reaction C-12(N,n'+3A) 40359001 26 (Q=-7.34 MeV) can be estimated in analysis of spectra 40359001 27 and angular distributions of scattered neutrons in 40359001 28 this energy range." 40359001 29 . Of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 2020-05-08: 40359001 30 uncertain if neutrons emitted from the processes other 40359001 31 than inelastic scattering (e.g. three-body break-up 40359001 32 12C(N,n+a)8Be) are excluded. 40359001 33 HISTORY (19771209C) Compiled at the centre 40359001 34 (20200318U) Ref. INDC(CCP)-106,10,1976 was added. 40359001 35 Upper -> lower case correction. 40359001 36 BIB information was updated. 40359001 37 (20200515U) Minor correction in Subent 003 40359001 38 (20200720A) Subent 002 was corrected. 40359001 39 (20250128U) Free text in COMMENT of Subent 003 was 40359001 40 corrected. STATUS was updated for new rules. 40359001 41 ERR-ANALYS was moved from Subent 001 to 002. 40359001 42 ENDBIB 40 0 40359001 43 COMMON 1 3 40359001 44 EN 40359001 45 MEV 40359001 46 14.4 40359001 47 ENDCOMMON 3 0 40359001 48 ENDSUBENT 47 0 4035900199999 SUBENT 40359002 20250128 422140359002 1 BIB 5 18 40359002 2 REACTION (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA,,MSC) 40359002 3 Any reaction emitting a neutron slower than (n,n3) 40359002 4 neutron is included. 40359002 5 ANALYSIS Average value of three measurements of 40359002 6 non-elastically scattering neutrons. 40359002 7 Elastic and inelastic (4.43 MeV) peaks were separated 40359002 8 with uncertainty < 2.%. 40359002 9 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-square error for 3 measurement 40359002 10 . Errors of normalization coefficient: 40359002 11 (ERR-S,3.,5.) Statistical error. 40359002 12 (ERR-1,,2.) Error due to elastic and inelastic peaks 40359002 13 separation. 40359002 14 (ERR-2,3.,5.) Error of data used in analysis 40359002 15 STATUS (TABLE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,R,INDC(CCP)-106,10,1976) Table 240359002 16 HISTORY (20200218) (N,X) -> (N,INL) 40359002 17 E-LVL-MIN was inserted according to a comment of 40359002 18 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 40359002 19 (20200720A) MSC code was added in SF8 40359002 20 ENDBIB 18 0 40359002 21 COMMON 1 3 40359002 22 E-LVL-MIN 40359002 23 MEV 40359002 24 9.63 40359002 25 ENDCOMMON 3 0 40359002 26 DATA 3 5 40359002 27 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 40359002 28 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 40359002 29 30. 16.60 2.18 40359002 30 60. 22.76 0.69 40359002 31 90. 17.17 0.76 40359002 32 120. 14.29 0.79 40359002 33 150. 15.35 1.0 40359002 34 ENDDATA 7 0 40359002 35 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4035900299999 SUBENT 40359003 20250128 422140359003 1 BIB 5 19 40359003 2 REACTION (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,SIG,,MSC) 40359003 3 Contribution of any reaction emitting a neutron slower40359003 4 than (n,n3) neutron is included . 40359003 5 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 40359003 6 COMMENT Of authors. 40359003 7 Measured angular distribution was fitted by Legendre 40359003 8 polynomials in the form: 40359003 9 SIG(COS(angle))= 40359003 10 (1/(4*PI))*(a0+a1*P1(COS(angle))+a2*P2(COS(angle))). 40359003 11 Coefficient a0 is emission total cross-section, what is40359003 12 cross-section of all reactions with excited level 40359003 13 energy > 9.63 MeV. 40359003 14 STATUS (TABLE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,R,INDC(CCP)-106,10,1976) 40359003 15 Text page 12 of INDC(CCP)-106,10,1976 40359003 16 (DEP,40359002) Measured angular distribution. 40359003 17 HISTORY (20200218C) Subent was added according to a comment of 40359003 18 S.Simakov(KIT) and N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 40359003 19 (20200515A) MSC was added in SF8 according to a comment40359003 20 of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 40359003 21 ENDBIB 19 0 40359003 22 NOCOMMON 0 0 40359003 23 DATA 2 1 40359003 24 E-LVL-MIN DATA 40359003 25 MEV MB 40359003 26 9.63 231. 40359003 27 ENDDATA 3 0 40359003 28 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4035900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4035999999999