ENTRY 40393 20231113 42164039300000001 SUBENT 40393001 20231113 42164039300100001 BIB 9 20 4039300100002 TITLE Energy dependence determination of the total and 4039300100003 partial neutron cross-sections for isotopes 4039300100004 of hafnium-174, 180 4039300100005 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebnyy,N.D.Gnidak,A.I.Ignatenko,A.L.Kirilyuk, 4039300100006 E.A.Pavlenko,N.A.Trofimova,A.F.Fedorova) 4039300100007 REFERENCE (C,73KIEV,2,114,1973) Curve for energy dependence of 4039300100008 Hf-174 is given, Table of point 4039300100009 data for all isotopes of Hf 4039300100010 In INDC(CCP)-34 - only Agenda of this Conference. 4039300100011 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4039300100012 METHOD (TOF) 4039300100013 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) Reactor WWR-M 4039300100014 SAMPLE Oxide of Hf - Hf-02. Isotope content not given, 4039300100015 cross-section of impurity atoms is less than .01 barn 4039300100016 STATUS (SPSDD,40279001) In 40279 - publication at 1974 year. 4039300100017 HISTORY (19781114C) Compiled at the centre 4039300100018 (19861126D) Entry deleted on the reason of data 4039300100019 repetition in ENTRY 40279 4039300100020 (20231113U) Upper -> lower case correction. 4039300100021 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4039300100022 ENDBIB 20 0 4039300100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4039300100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4039300199999 NOSUBENT 40393002 20231113 42164039300200001 NOSUBENT 40393003 20231113 42164039300300001 NOSUBENT 40393004 20231113 42164039300400001 NOSUBENT 40393005 20231113 42164039300500001 NOSUBENT 40393006 20231113 42164039300600001 NOSUBENT 40393007 20231113 42164039300700001 NOSUBENT 40393008 20231113 42164039300800001 NOSUBENT 40393009 20231113 42164039300900001 NOSUBENT 40393010 20231113 42164039301000001 NOSUBENT 40393011 20231113 42164039301100001 NOSUBENT 40393012 20231113 42164039301200001 ENDENTRY 12 0 4039399999999