ENTRY 40396 20231113 42164039600000001 SUBENT 40396001 20231113 42164039600100001 BIB 11 27 4039600100002 TITLE Neutron inelastic scattering with 14.36 MeV energy 4039600100003 on titanium and vanadium nuclei 4039600100004 AUTHOR (O.A.Sal'nikov,G.N.Lovchikova,N.I.Fetisov, 4039600100005 V.B.Anufrienko,G.V.Kotel'nikova,A.M.Trufanov, 4039600100006 B.V.Devkin) 4039600100007 REFERENCE (P,YK-10,18,1972) 4039600100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4039600100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuteron energy 250 keV. 4039600100010 SAMPLE Cylinders D=50 mm(external), D=15 mm(internal),h=60 mm,4039600100011 natural isotopic mixture. 4039600100012 Placed at 19.5 cm distance from neutron source. 4039600100013 METHOD (TOF) Path length is 2 m, resolution is ~3 nsec/m. 4039600100014 Measurement at four angles - 61, 91, 121, 151 deg. 4039600100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) Neutron registration threshold is 100.keV for 4039600100016 vanadium and 300.keV for titanium 4039600100017 MONITOR Energy spectra were normalized by measured neutron flux4039600100018 and by scattering on carbon. 4039600100019 CORRECTION Corrections on spectrometer dead time, on backgrounds,4039600100020 on multiple scattering and neutron attenuation in 4039600100021 sample were calculated by Monte-Carlo method. 4039600100022 HISTORY (19801005C) 4039600100023 (19840505U) Energy of incident neutrons introduced 4039600100024 (20231113A) Subents 004-007 were added - 4039600100025 DA/DE figs.1,2 for V, figs.3,4 for Ti ; 4039600100026 PAR,DA fig.5 for V, fig.6 for Ti. 4039600100027 Upper -> lower case correction. 4039600100028 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4039600100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4039600100030 COMMON 1 3 4039600100031 EN 4039600100032 MEV 4039600100033 14.36 4039600100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4039600100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4039600199999 SUBENT 40396002 20231113 42164039600200001 BIB 5 6 4039600200002 REACTION (22-TI-0(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,SIG) 4039600200003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4039600200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 4039600200005 STATUS (TABLE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Table 1 4039600200006 HISTORY (20231113A) Reaction was corrected: 4039600200007 sum of (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) -> (N,X)0-NN-1,EM,SIG 4039600200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4039600200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4039600200010 DATA 2 1 4039600200011 DATA ERR-S 4039600200012 B B 4039600200013 1.55 0.02 4039600200014 ENDDATA 3 0 4039600200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4039600299999 SUBENT 40396003 20231113 42164039600300001 BIB 5 6 4039600300002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,SIG) 4039600300003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 4039600300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 4039600300005 STATUS (TABLE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Table 1 4039600300006 HISTORY (20231113A) Reaction was corrected: 4039600300007 sum of (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) -> (N,X)0-NN-1,EM,SIG 4039600300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4039600300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4039600300010 DATA 2 1 4039600300011 DATA ERR-S 4039600300012 B B 4039600300013 2.08 0.06 4039600300014 ENDDATA 3 0 4039600300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4039600399999 SUBENT 40396004 20231113 42164039600400001 BIB 5 11 4039600400002 REACTION (22-TI-0(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,DA/DE) 4039600400003 ANALYSIS Measured spectrum is sum for neutron from reactions 4039600400004 (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) - comment of authors in the 4039600400005 article. Elastic neutrons were subtracted. 4039600400006 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel), maximal value for 4039600400007 Figs. 1,2 : 4039600400008 scale X - 0.015 MeV, scale Y - 0.14 mb/sr/MeV. 4039600400009 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4039600400010 article. 4039600400011 STATUS (CURVE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Figs. 3,4 4039600400012 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4039600400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4039600400014 COMMON 2 3 4039600400015 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4039600400016 MEV MB/SR/MEV 4039600400017 0.025 0.24 4039600400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4039600400019 DATA 4 192 4039600400020 ANG E DATA DATA-ERR 4039600400021 ADEG MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 4039600400022 61. 0.063 8.46 4039600400023 61. 0.117 11.32 4039600400024 61. 0.170 15.04 4039600400025 61. 0.195 19.03 4039600400026 61. 0.221 21.03 4039600400027 61. 0.246 25.03 4039600400028 61. 0.248 22.46 4039600400029 61. 0.299 28.18 4039600400030 61. 0.325 31.32 4039600400031 61. 0.350 35.60 4039600400032 61. 0.430 40.18 4039600400033 61. 0.454 45.32 5.71 4039600400034 61. 0.534 50.18 4039600400035 61. 0.644 54.18 4039600400036 61. 0.784 54.20 4.28 4039600400037 61. 0.956 51.07 4039600400038 61. 1.156 48.23 4039600400039 61. 1.269 47.10 4039600400040 61. 1.440 45.69 4.85 4039600400041 61. 1.526 43.98 4039600400042 61. 1.611 42.56 4039600400043 61. 1.697 41.43 4039600400044 61. 1.783 39.72 4.57 4039600400045 61. 1.897 38.31 4039600400046 61. 1.982 36.89 4039600400047 61. 2.068 35.47 4039600400048 61. 2.210 34.05 4039600400049 61. 2.352 32.64 3.71 4039600400050 61. 2.466 31.51 4039600400051 61. 2.636 29.81 4039600400052 61. 2.778 28.39 4039600400053 61. 2.948 27.27 4039600400054 61. 3.175 25.00 2.57 4039600400055 61. 3.430 23.60 4039600400056 61. 3.657 21.90 4039600400057 61. 3.912 19.64 4039600400058 61. 4.196 17.10 4039600400059 61. 4.536 14.85 2.00 4039600400060 61. 4.932 13.17 4039600400061 61. 5.356 10.92 4039600400062 61. 5.865 8.97 4039600400063 61. 6.401 7.59 4039600400064 61. 7.079 6.22 1.42 4039600400065 61. 7.897 4.29 4039600400066 61. 8.715 2.65 4039600400067 61. 9.786 2.46 4039600400068 61. 11.111 1.15 4039600400069 61. 12.520 0.13 4039600400070 61. 14.379 0.29 4039600400071 91. 0.065 12.62 4039600400072 91. 0.089 17.35 4039600400073 91. 0.137 28.46 4039600400074 91. 0.141 23.74 4039600400075 91. 0.188 36.24 4039600400076 91. 0.243 37.63 4039600400077 91. 0.268 41.24 4039600400078 91. 0.321 45.97 4039600400079 91. 0.376 48.19 4039600400080 91. 0.461 46.81 5.83 4039600400081 91. 0.547 45.43 4039600400082 91. 0.660 44.88 4039600400083 91. 0.774 43.50 3.89 4039600400084 91. 0.887 43.23 4039600400085 91. 1.112 42.97 4039600400086 91. 1.253 42.70 4039600400087 91. 1.367 41.88 4039600400088 91. 1.452 40.77 4.72 4039600400089 91. 1.510 38.84 4039600400090 91. 1.595 37.18 4039600400091 91. 1.681 36.35 4039600400092 91. 1.766 34.69 3.89 4039600400093 91. 1.824 33.30 4039600400094 91. 1.938 31.65 4039600400095 91. 2.079 30.55 4039600400096 91. 2.221 28.89 4039600400097 91. 2.363 27.79 3.33 4039600400098 91. 2.449 26.41 4039600400099 91. 2.563 24.75 4039600400100 91. 2.789 23.10 4039600400101 91. 2.931 21.72 4039600400102 91. 3.158 20.07 2.22 4039600400103 91. 3.385 18.15 4039600400104 91. 3.639 16.50 4039600400105 91. 3.894 14.57 4039600400106 91. 4.149 12.93 4039600400107 91. 4.517 11.29 1.94 4039600400108 91. 4.940 9.93 4039600400109 91. 5.364 8.29 4039600400110 91. 5.872 6.94 4039600400111 91. 6.436 5.60 4039600400112 91. 7.057 4.25 1.39 4039600400113 91. 7.903 3.48 4039600400114 91. 8.720 2.71 4039600400115 91. 9.791 1.96 4039600400116 91. 11.059 1.22 4039600400117 91. 12.609 0.78 4039600400118 91. 14.412 0.63 4039600400119 121. 0.064 7.49 4039600400120 121. 0.099 10.34 4039600400121 121. 0.164 14.05 4039600400122 121. 0.170 16.62 4039600400123 121. 0.202 18.33 4039600400124 121. 0.264 20.32 4039600400125 121. 0.269 22.61 4039600400126 121. 0.273 24.61 4039600400127 121. 0.338 27.75 4039600400128 121. 0.402 30.60 4039600400129 121. 0.508 39.73 4.87 4039600400130 121. 0.571 42.30 4039600400131 121. 0.692 44.56 4039600400132 121. 0.838 44.82 5.15 4039600400133 121. 0.953 44.23 4039600400134 121. 1.181 41.89 4039600400135 121. 1.294 40.44 4039600400136 121. 1.465 38.69 4.86 4039600400137 121. 1.576 36.09 4039600400138 121. 1.718 34.63 4039600400139 121. 1.802 33.18 3.15 4039600400140 121. 1.943 30.87 4039600400141 121. 2.084 28.83 4039600400142 121. 2.227 27.38 4039600400143 121. 2.370 26.20 2.57 4039600400144 121. 2.483 24.75 4039600400145 121. 2.597 23.58 4039600400146 121. 2.796 21.54 4039600400147 121. 2.940 20.65 4039600400148 121. 3.170 19.75 2.01 4039600400149 121. 3.427 17.12 4039600400150 121. 3.655 15.36 4039600400151 121. 3.943 13.59 4039600400152 121. 4.201 11.82 4039600400153 121. 4.575 10.03 1.72 4039600400154 121. 4.950 8.81 4039600400155 121. 5.412 7.28 4039600400156 121. 5.932 5.75 4039600400157 121. 6.454 5.08 4039600400158 121. 7.063 4.10 1.43 4039600400159 121. 7.904 3.07 4039600400160 121. 8.715 2.05 4039600400161 121. 9.761 1.84 4039600400162 121. 11.039 1.30 4039600400163 121. 12.492 1.02 4039600400164 121. 14.265 0.95 4039600400165 151. 0.109 11.23 4039600400166 151. 0.117 15.18 4039600400167 151. 0.188 21.10 4039600400168 151. 0.226 25.33 4039600400169 151. 0.230 27.30 4039600400170 151. 0.264 29.56 4039600400171 151. 0.300 33.22 4039600400172 151. 0.366 36.60 4039600400173 151. 0.372 39.70 4039600400174 151. 0.435 42.23 4039600400175 151. 0.471 45.33 4039600400176 151. 0.534 47.86 6.21 4039600400177 151. 0.625 49.54 4039600400178 151. 0.772 50.36 4039600400179 151. 0.858 49.78 4.52 4039600400180 151. 0.999 47.77 4039600400181 151. 1.168 44.91 4039600400182 151. 1.338 42.90 4039600400183 151. 1.423 42.04 4039600400184 151. 1.508 40.89 3.96 4039600400185 151. 1.648 38.32 4039600400186 151. 1.760 36.04 4039600400187 151. 1.843 34.33 3.68 4039600400188 151. 1.955 32.33 4039600400189 151. 2.039 30.34 4039600400190 151. 2.152 29.18 4039600400191 151. 2.295 27.74 4039600400192 151. 2.409 26.87 3.11 4039600400193 151. 2.523 25.44 4039600400194 151. 2.693 23.71 4039600400195 151. 2.835 21.99 4039600400196 151. 3.036 20.54 4039600400197 151. 3.235 18.52 2.26 4039600400198 151. 3.464 16.78 4039600400199 151. 3.722 15.32 4039600400200 151. 4.009 13.57 4039600400201 151. 4.239 12.11 4039600400202 151. 4.642 10.05 2.27 4039600400203 151. 5.046 8.84 4039600400204 151. 5.421 7.36 4039600400205 151. 5.942 6.12 4039600400206 151. 6.462 4.89 4039600400207 151. 7.127 3.07 1.69 4039600400208 151. 7.941 2.90 4039600400209 151. 8.840 1.88 4039600400210 151. 9.826 1.12 4039600400211 151. 11.104 0.59 4039600400212 151. 12.557 0.30 4039600400213 151. 14.330 0.23 4039600400214 ENDDATA 194 0 4039600400215 ENDSUBENT 214 0 4039600499999 SUBENT 40396005 20231113 42164039600500001 BIB 5 11 4039600500002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,DA/DE) 4039600500003 ANALYSIS Measured spectrum is sum for neutron from reactions 4039600500004 (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) - comment of authors in the 4039600500005 article. Elastic neutrons were subtrackted. 4039600500006 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel), maximal value for 4039600500007 Figs. 1,2 : 4039600500008 scale X - 0.013 MeV, scale Y - 0.14 mb/sr/MeV. 4039600500009 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4039600500010 article. 4039600500011 STATUS (CURVE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Figs. 1,2 4039600500012 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4039600500013 ENDBIB 11 0 4039600500014 COMMON 2 3 4039600500015 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4039600500016 MEV MB/SR/MEV 4039600500017 0.018 0.15 4039600500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4039600500019 DATA 4 174 4039600500020 ANG E DATA DATA-ERR 4039600500021 ADEG MEV MB/SR/MEV MB/SR/MEV 4039600500022 61. 0.103 7.51 4039600500023 61. 0.159 10.32 4039600500024 61. 0.193 14.67 4039600500025 61. 0.224 17.74 4039600500026 61. 0.230 21.58 4039600500027 61. 0.234 24.14 4039600500028 61. 0.253 19.52 4039600500029 61. 0.342 26.42 4039600500030 61. 0.347 29.49 4039600500031 61. 0.405 33.33 4039600500032 61. 0.438 37.67 4039600500033 61. 0.500 43.55 11.01 4039600500034 61. 0.649 55.56 4039600500035 61. 0.809 58.10 5.12 4039600500036 61. 0.930 53.72 4039600500037 61. 1.171 43.44 4039600500038 61. 1.415 34.69 2.30 4039600500039 61. 1.436 31.62 4039600500040 61. 1.639 29.28 4039600500041 61. 1.712 26.96 4039600500042 61. 1.890 25.14 4.35 4039600500043 61. 1.964 23.08 4039600500044 61. 2.064 21.02 4039600500045 61. 2.345 18.92 2.30 4039600500046 61. 2.678 17.33 4039600500047 61. 2.779 16.03 4039600500048 61. 2.959 15.24 4039600500049 61. 3.163 14.18 1.79 4039600500050 61. 3.395 13.37 4039600500051 61. 3.651 12.30 4039600500052 61. 3.959 10.97 4039600500053 61. 4.267 9.90 4039600500054 61. 4.550 9.08 1.79 4039600500055 61. 4.962 7.99 4039600500056 61. 5.373 6.90 4039600500057 61. 5.888 5.79 4039600500058 61. 6.481 4.67 4039600500059 61. 7.073 3.54 1.80 4039600500060 61. 7.899 2.89 4039600500061 61. 8.725 2.24 4039600500062 61. 9.783 1.56 4039600500063 61. 10.970 0.59 4039600500064 91. 0.081 9.33 4039600500065 91. 0.087 12.35 4039600500066 91. 0.121 16.62 4039600500067 91. 0.154 20.39 4039600500068 91. 0.184 22.64 4039600500069 91. 0.213 24.40 4039600500070 91. 0.244 26.91 4039600500071 91. 0.276 30.17 4039600500072 91. 0.310 34.44 4039600500073 91. 0.395 38.20 4039600500074 91. 0.431 43.48 12.07 4039600500075 91. 0.516 47.23 4039600500076 91. 0.591 45.96 4039600500077 91. 0.792 42.91 3.78 4039600500078 91. 0.888 39.37 4039600500079 91. 1.032 33.31 4039600500080 91. 1.359 28.97 4039600500081 91. 1.460 27.69 2.52 4039600500082 91. 1.508 25.67 4039600500083 91. 1.711 23.87 4039600500084 91. 1.862 21.58 2.78 4039600500085 91. 1.963 20.31 4039600500086 91. 2.036 18.28 4039600500087 91. 2.191 18.00 4039600500088 91. 2.317 16.72 1.51 4039600500089 91. 2.443 14.94 4039600500090 91. 2.623 14.40 4039600500091 91. 2.776 13.11 4039600500092 91. 2.954 11.82 4039600500093 91. 3.158 10.28 2.02 4039600500094 91. 3.415 9.98 4039600500095 91. 3.647 9.43 4039600500096 91. 3.981 8.36 4039600500097 91. 4.236 6.81 4039600500098 91. 4.544 5.49 1.76 4039600500099 91. 4.956 4.66 4039600500100 91. 5.368 4.34 4039600500101 91. 5.882 2.73 4039600500102 91. 6.450 2.38 4039600500103 91. 7.069 2.01 1.26 4039600500104 91. 7.920 1.10 4039600500105 91. 8.773 1.20 4039600500106 91. 9.806 0.50 4039600500107 91. 11.071 0.27 4039600500108 121. 0.087 12.54 4039600500109 121. 0.174 22.82 4039600500110 121. 0.177 15.50 4039600500111 121. 0.245 27.95 4039600500112 121. 0.252 30.12 4039600500113 121. 0.273 36.36 4039600500114 121. 0.288 32.82 4039600500115 121. 0.315 40.96 4039600500116 121. 0.358 45.83 4039600500117 121. 0.458 51.76 4039600500118 121. 0.526 56.08 10.86 4039600500119 121. 0.689 48.97 4039600500120 121. 0.860 44.02 4.07 4039600500121 121. 0.952 39.65 4039600500122 121. 1.148 34.16 4039600500123 121. 1.348 30.02 4039600500124 121. 1.474 27.53 3.27 4039600500125 121. 1.549 26.15 4039600500126 121. 1.650 24.22 4039600500127 121. 1.825 20.63 2.71 4039600500128 121. 1.954 19.23 4039600500129 121. 2.083 17.83 4039600500130 121. 2.237 15.88 4039600500131 121. 2.341 15.03 1.90 4039600500132 121. 2.446 14.45 4039600500133 121. 2.627 12.76 4039600500134 121. 2.812 11.88 4039600500135 121. 2.968 10.74 4039600500136 121. 3.153 9.86 1.63 4039600500137 121. 3.364 9.25 4039600500138 121. 3.654 7.79 4039600500139 121. 3.945 6.88 4039600500140 121. 4.209 5.97 4039600500141 121. 4.553 4.77 1.91 4039600500142 121. 4.819 4.41 4039600500143 121. 4.976 3.54 4039600500144 121. 5.405 3.66 4039600500145 121. 5.884 2.96 4039600500146 121. 6.470 2.48 1.08 4039600500147 121. 7.029 1.75 4039600500148 121. 7.911 1.45 4039600500149 121. 8.870 0.57 4039600500150 121. 9.779 0.53 4039600500151 151. 0.113 9.81 4039600500152 151. 0.157 14.95 4039600500153 151. 0.171 19.02 4039600500154 151. 0.238 23.07 4039600500155 151. 0.248 25.78 4039600500156 151. 0.283 28.20 4039600500157 151. 0.320 31.18 4039600500158 151. 0.346 38.76 4039600500159 151. 0.355 33.61 4039600500160 151. 0.414 43.08 4039600500161 151. 0.435 49.04 4039600500162 151. 0.501 52.82 10.04 4039600500163 151. 0.572 57.95 4039600500164 151. 0.672 55.74 4039600500165 151. 0.826 54.06 4.35 4039600500166 151. 0.919 49.96 4039600500167 151. 1.152 39.84 4039600500168 151. 1.293 34.36 4039600500169 151. 1.418 31.60 3.52 4039600500170 151. 1.485 27.78 4039600500171 151. 1.558 25.85 4039600500172 151. 1.685 23.91 4039600500173 151. 1.815 22.78 2.99 4039600500174 151. 1.889 20.85 4039600500175 151. 2.071 19.43 4039600500176 151. 2.251 17.47 4039600500177 151. 2.354 16.35 1.63 4039600500178 151. 2.511 15.21 4039600500179 151. 2.641 14.07 4039600500180 151. 2.798 13.20 4039600500181 151. 2.955 12.06 4039600500182 151. 3.140 11.46 1.36 4039600500183 151. 3.430 10.27 4039600500184 151. 3.641 9.38 4039600500185 151. 3.904 8.20 4039600500186 151. 4.195 7.28 4039600500187 151. 4.513 6.36 1.36 4039600500188 151. 4.964 5.38 4039600500189 151. 5.363 4.70 4039600500190 151. 5.892 3.15 4039600500191 151. 6.450 2.14 4039600500192 151. 7.064 1.92 1.08 4039600500193 151. 7.840 1.92 4039600500194 151. 8.719 1.07 4039600500195 151. 9.789 1.23 4039600500196 ENDDATA 176 0 4039600500197 ENDSUBENT 196 0 4039600599999 SUBENT 40396006 20231113 42164039600600001 BIB 6 13 4039600600002 REACTION (22-TI-0(N,X)0-NN-1,EM/PAR,DA) 4039600600003 ANALYSIS Measured spectrum is sum for neutron from reactions 4039600600004 (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) - comment of authors in the 4039600600005 article. Elastic neutrons were subtracted. 4039600600006 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel), maximal value : 4039600600007 scale X - 0.0030 , scale Y - 0.30 mb/sr. 4039600600008 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4039600600009 article. 4039600600010 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4039600600011 COS(angle) values were digitized from figures and 4039600600012 were replaced by angle values given in the article. 4039600600013 STATUS (CURVE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Fig. 6 4039600600014 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4039600600015 ENDBIB 13 0 4039600600016 COMMON 1 3 4039600600017 ERR-DIG 4039600600018 MB/SR 4039600600019 0.23 4039600600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4039600600021 DATA 5 20 4039600600022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4039600600023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4039600600024 0.0 3.0 61. 90.60 2.98 4039600600025 0.0 3.0 91. 76.30 2.98 4039600600026 0.0 3.0 121. 81.08 2.98 4039600600027 0.0 3.0 151. 86.33 3.58 4039600600028 3.0 4.2 61. 16.00 1.76 4039600600029 3.0 4.2 91. 11.89 1.76 4039600600030 3.0 4.2 121. 10.74 1.76 4039600600031 3.0 4.2 151. 11.60 1.48 4039600600032 4.2 5.4 61. 10.04 1.19 4039600600033 4.2 5.4 91. 6.58 0.6 4039600600034 4.2 5.4 121. 5.82 0.89 4039600600035 4.2 5.4 151. 6.24 0.74 4039600600036 5.4 6.4 61. 6.55 0.30 4039600600037 5.4 6.4 91. 3.98 0.36 4039600600038 5.4 6.4 121. 3.38 0.36 4039600600039 5.4 6.4 151. 3.55 0.47 4039600600040 6.4 14.4 61. 14.74 0.74 4039600600041 6.4 14.4 91. 8.34 0.89 4039600600042 6.4 14.4 121. 6.25 1.03 4039600600043 6.4 14.4 151. 6.06 1.04 4039600600044 ENDDATA 22 0 4039600600045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 4039600699999 SUBENT 40396007 20231113 42164039600700001 BIB 6 13 4039600700002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,X)0-NN-1,EM/PAR,DA) 4039600700003 ANALYSIS Measured spectrum is sum for neutron from reactions 4039600700004 (n,n')+(n,2n)+(n,pn) - comment of authors in the 4039600700005 article. Elastic neutrons were subtracted. 4039600700006 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel), maximal value : 4039600700007 scale X - 0.0032 scale Y - 0.32 mb/sr. 4039600700008 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4039600700009 article. Elastic neutrons were subtracted. 4039600700010 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4039600700011 COS(angle) values were digitized from figures and 4039600700012 were replaced by angle values given in the article. 4039600700013 STATUS (CURVE,,O.A.Sal'nikov+,P,YK-10,18,1972) Fig. 5 4039600700014 HISTORY (20231113C) Subent was added. 4039600700015 ENDBIB 13 0 4039600700016 COMMON 1 3 4039600700017 ERR-DIG 4039600700018 MB/SR 4039600700019 0.24 4039600700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4039600700021 DATA 5 20 4039600700022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA DATA-ERR 4039600700023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 4039600700024 0.0 3.0 61. 111.58 2.56 4039600700025 0.0 3.0 91. 103.08 2.56 4039600700026 0.0 3.0 121. 92.71 3.17 4039600700027 0.0 3.0 151. 101.29 1.93 4039600700028 3.0 4.2 61. 26.89 1.56 4039600700029 3.0 4.2 91. 21.39 0.94 4039600700030 3.0 4.2 121. 19.62 1.25 4039600700031 3.0 4.2 151. 20.68 0.94 4039600700032 4.2 5.4 61. 16.67 1.27 4039600700033 4.2 5.4 91. 12.00 1.11 4039600700034 4.2 5.4 121. 11.13 0.79 4039600700035 4.2 5.4 151. 10.9 1.27 4039600700036 5.4 6.4 61. 10.31 0.87 4039600700037 5.4 6.4 91. 7.08 0.94 4039600700038 5.4 6.4 121. 6.68 0.81 4039600700039 5.4 6.4 151. 6.59 0.81 4039600700040 6.4 14.3 61. 22.36 1.9 4039600700041 6.4 14.3 91. 13.75 1.92 4039600700042 6.4 14.3 121. 13.39 1.9 4039600700043 6.4 14.3 151. 12.1 1.27 4039600700044 ENDDATA 22 0 4039600700045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 4039600799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4039699999999