ENTRY            40397   20231113                             42164039700000001 
SUBENT        40397001   20231113                             42164039700100001 
BIB                 11         31                                 4039700100002 
TITLE       Neutron capture cross-section measurement in gallium  4039700100003 
AUTHOR     (A.A.Bergman,S.A.Romanov,A.E.Samsonov)                 4039700100004 
REFERENCE  ((C,71KIEV,1,149,1971)=                                4039700100005 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-456,(1),149,1971))                        4039700100006 
            Cross-section curves are given.                       4039700100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSLEB)                                              4039700100008 
METHOD     (SLODT) Slowing-down time in lead                      4039700100009 
INC-SOURCE  No information                                        4039700100010 
DETECTOR   (PROPC)                                                4039700100011 
MONITOR    (31-GA-0(N,G),,SIG)  Cross-section for                 4039700100012 
                                        thermal neutrons          4039700100013 
           (31-GA-0(N,0),,RI)                                     4039700100014 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI)                          4039700100015 
           (42-MO-0(N,0),,RI)                                     4039700100016 
           (47-AG-0(N,0),,RI)                                     4039700100017 
           (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,RI)                          4039700100018 
ANALYSIS    Normalization was done by low-lying resonances of     4039700100019 
            gallium, gold, molybdenum, tantalum and silver,       4039700100020 
            and also by thermal cross-section of gallium.         4039700100021 
            Uncertainties of the normalization coefficients       4039700100022 
            determination were 10 - 20 %.                         4039700100023 
            Weighted average coefficient was used for the         4039700100024 
            normalization.                                        4039700100025 
CORRECTION  Correction according to last measurement of neutron   4039700100026 
            fluence was introduced.                               4039700100027 
HISTORY    (19780627C) Compiled at the CJD                        4039700100028 
           (19840228U) Some minor errors are corrected            4039700100029 
           (19870518U) MONITOR records rearranged                 4039700100030 
           (20231113U) Upper -> lower case correction.            4039700100031 
            Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               4039700100032 
            Ref. INDC(CCP)-456 was added.                         4039700100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 4039700100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4039700100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4039700199999 
SUBENT        40397002   20231113                             42164039700200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4039700200002 
REACTION   (31-GA-0(N,G),,SIG,,SDT)                               4039700200003 
SAMPLE      Thin-wall cylinder, thickness 1.7E22 atoms/cm2        4039700200004 
STATUS     (CURVE,,A.A.Bergman,R,INDC(CCP)-456,(1),149,1971)      4039700200005 
            Fig. on page 150.                                     4039700200006 
            These data supersede preliminary data of Subent       4039700200007 
           40742.002 Flag=2. - additional correction was introduce4039700200008 
HISTORY    (20231113A) Code SDT was added in reaction according to4039700200009 
           a comment from NDS,IAEA.                               4039700200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4039700200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4039700200012 
DATA                 2         89                                 4039700200013 
EN         DATA                                                   4039700200014 
EV         B                                                      4039700200015 
    0.198    0.989                                                4039700200016 
    0.297    0.939                                                4039700200017 
    0.346    0.759                                                4039700200018 
    0.470    0.693                                                4039700200019 
    0.644    0.604                                                4039700200020 
    0.863    0.519                                                4039700200021 
    1.125    0.345                                                4039700200022 
    1.163    0.427                                                4039700200023 
    1.991    0.477                                                4039700200024 
    2.377    0.294                                                4039700200025 
    3.184    0.290                                                4039700200026 
    4.207    0.234                                                4039700200027 
    5.082    0.201                                                4039700200028 
    6.808    0.169                                                4039700200029 
    8.453    0.155                                                4039700200030 
   11.30     0.143                                                4039700200031 
   15.3      0.117                                                4039700200032 
   18.54     0.113                                                4039700200033 
   27.42     0.096                                                4039700200034 
   36.22     0.097                                                4039700200035 
   47.97     0.094                                                4039700200036 
   56.49     0.116                                                4039700200037 
   66.68     0.199                                                4039700200038 
   76.56     0.611                                                4039700200039 
   82.60     1.479                                                4039700200040 
   88.10     2.269                                                4039700200041 
   90.36     3.112                                                4039700200042 
   92.26     4.603                                                4039700200043 
   97.50     5.297                                                4039700200044 
  112.2      5.929                                                4039700200045 
  121.1      5.093                                                4039700200046 
  125.6      4.009                                                4039700200047 
  135.5      2.924                                                4039700200048 
  146.2      2.109                                                4039700200049 
  153.8      1.556                                                4039700200050 
  156.0      1.                                                   4039700200051 
  160.0      0.729                                                4039700200052 
  172.6      0.604                                                4039700200053 
  191.0      0.469                                                4039700200054 
  216.8      0.481                                                4039700200055 
  239.9      0.597                                                4039700200056 
  255.2      0.839                                                4039700200057 
  265.5      1.288                                                4039700200058 
  293.8      1.766                                                4039700200059 
  297.2      2.158                                                4039700200060 
  333.4      2.421                                                4039700200061 
  373.2      2.269                                                4039700200062 
  403.6      1.858                                                4039700200063 
  429.5      1.637                                                4039700200064 
  494.3      1.271                                                4039700200065 
  590.2      0.904                                                4039700200066 
  605.2      0.818                                                4039700200067 
  653.1      0.939                                                4039700200068 
  660.7      0.969                                                4039700200069 
  749.0      0.778                                                4039700200070 
  788.9      0.643                                                4039700200071 
  799.8      0.546                                                4039700200072 
  907.8      0.408                                                4039700200073 
  931.1      0.321                                                4039700200074 
 1125.       0.283                                                4039700200075 
 1230.       0.325                                                4039700200076 
 1361.       0.469                                                4039700200077 
 1567.       0.519                                                4039700200078 
 1710.       0.582                                                4039700200079 
 1919.       0.539                                                4039700200080 
 1991.       0.475                                                4039700200081 
 2178.       0.408                                                4039700200082 
 2410.       0.342                                                4039700200083 
 2805.       0.302                                                4039700200084 
 3221.       0.294                                                4039700200085 
 3707.       0.290                                                4039700200086 
 4477.       0.283                                                4039700200087 
 5152.       0.256                                                4039700200088 
 5848.       0.234                                                4039700200089 
 6152.       0.266                                                4039700200090 
 7079.       0.240                                                4039700200091 
 8035.       0.219                                                4039700200092 
10471.       0.194                                                4039700200093 
11169.       0.171                                                4039700200094 
13489.       0.161                                                4039700200095 
16106.       0.171                                                4039700200096 
18281.       0.161                                                4039700200097 
21577.       0.157                                                4039700200098 
24155.       0.136                                                4039700200099 
29648.       0.125                                                4039700200100 
34514.       0.116                                                4039700200101 
43351.       0.117                                                4039700200102 
55081.       0.104                                                4039700200103 
74645.       0.075                                                4039700200104 
ENDDATA             91          0                                 4039700200105 
ENDSUBENT          104          0                                 4039700299999 
SUBENT        40397003   20231113                             42164039700300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 4039700300002 
REACTION   (31-GA-0(N,G),,SIG,,SDT)                               4039700300003 
SAMPLE      Thin-wall cylinder, thickness 2.7E21 atoms/cm2        4039700300004 
STATUS     (CURVE,,A.A.Bergman,R,INDC(CCP)-456,(1),149,1971)      4039700300005 
            Fig. on page 150.                                     4039700300006 
            These data supersede preliminary data of Subent       4039700300007 
           40742.002 Flag=1. - additional correction was introduce4039700300008 
HISTORY    (20231113A) Code SDT was added in reaction according to4039700300009 
           a comment from NDS,IAEA.                               4039700300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 4039700300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4039700300012 
DATA                 2         27                                 4039700300013 
EN         DATA                                                   4039700300014 
EV         B                                                      4039700300015 
  355.       3.62                                                 4039700300016 
  404.       2.92                                                 4039700300017 
  452.       2.51                                                 4039700300018 
  475.       2.06                                                 4039700300019 
  507.       1.60                                                 4039700300020 
  553.       1.29                                                 4039700300021 
  621.       1.18                                                 4039700300022 
  705.       1.22                                                 4039700300023 
  760.       1.34                                                 4039700300024 
  780.       1.07                                                 4039700300025 
  800.        .951                                                4039700300026 
  841.        .721                                                4039700300027 
  918.        .533                                                4039700300028 
    1.18E+3   .347                                                4039700300029 
    1.23E+3   .388                                                4039700300030 
    1.45E+3   .553                                                4039700300031 
    1.52E+3   .643                                                4039700300032 
    1.69E+3   .703                                                4039700300033 
    1.84E+3   .627                                                4039700300034 
    2.04E+3   .553                                                4039700300035 
    2.32E+3   .457                                                4039700300036 
    2.50E+3   .388                                                4039700300037 
    2.77E+3   .383                                                4039700300038 
    3.18E+3   .378                                                4039700300039 
    3.66E+3   .369                                                4039700300040 
    4.48E+3   .338                                                4039700300041 
    5.15E+3   .302                                                4039700300042 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 4039700300043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 4039700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4039799999999